Every pvp match (hotjoin)
This is going to sound sarcastic, but I promise you its not.
People still play 8v8? Why? The game is balanced for 5v5 in PvP…why would you ever play 8v8?
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
Still waiting for them to make hotjoins 5 v 5, and make the punishment more harsh for leaving and apply it to hotjoin. If they want 8 v 8 shouldn’t private-arenas be for madness like that?
Still waiting for them to make hotjoins 5 v 5, and make the punishment more harsh for leaving and apply it to hotjoin. If they want 8 v 8 shouldn’t private-arenas be for madness like that?
Wooow!! Slow down a bit ! Punishing ppl for leaving HotJoin ? So if my TPvP is starting I cant leave some public server ?!
But its not just 8v8. Any 5v5s i’ve ever played (and tourneys to a much lesser extent) is just like it.
Match starts
Everyone rushes to respective points
Dukes are had
One team eventually rolls the other
Losing hotjoin team scatters again to same points
Are rolled again
20% of them leave
Match is now rotation of people leaving and big team getting bigger.
And that is just every match in 8v8, 5v5, and tourneys.
and i personally like to bigger chaos of 8v8s . I don’t even mind the zerggy nature of the matches, more people mean bigger scale matches without it being 50v50. But this issue permeates all of pvp and really just needs to be dealt with
Still waiting for them to make hotjoins 5 v 5, and make the punishment more harsh for leaving and apply it to hotjoin. If they want 8 v 8 shouldn’t private-arenas be for madness like that?
Why the hell would you punish people for leaving HOT JOIN. It’s made so people can hop in, muck around then leave or kill time inbetween solo queues. There’s been so much whinging from this forum about hotjoin being unbalanced, even though it’s not competitive in any way and the reward difference between win/losses is only 75 glory.
“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.
any FPS game EVER has Pub servers that operate IDENTICALLY to hotjoin.
you can’t fight human nature. ppl want to play with their friends & ppl like to win.
the biggest problem is that there is no real sense of community like other FPS games.
in TF2, i had a huge list of custom pub servers where i knew i could find ppl that i enjoyed playing with/against, & these issues of team balance & win/loss disappear.
Custom Servers never succeeded b/c you can’t get gems from PvP, so pvp players cannot do something that is completely FREE & baseline in any other game.
the strongest sense of community in hotjoin is Server 001. sometimes you do get very good games in there when a bunch of good players are in. but often it suffers the same fate of being team stacked when it’s only half filled with regulars.
It is hotjoin….
To the OP – ONLY join 5v5 hotjoin matches. This will prepare you for yolo QQ and/or tpvp. Rank means nothing in this game since the Skyhammer fiasco. If you are worried about the armor skins – don’t. Just play the game and remember that you are in a hotjoin match – thus nothing matters.
Haiku FTW
(edited by Absinth.6917)
Still waiting for them to make hotjoins 5 v 5, and make the punishment more harsh for leaving and apply it to hotjoin. If they want 8 v 8 shouldn’t private-arenas be for madness like that?
Make a 5v5 only filter – that’s what I did, way back when they introduced it. I forgot 8v8 existed specifically because I haven’t seen it in months.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
Good guy persistent resistor staying on the blue. A lot of people tend to gravitate towards names that dominate in the match and after a few games, you’ll have a team of rank30+ against casuals. They need to randomize teams and not let you switch unless it’s auto-balance.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
This is going to sound sarcastic, but I promise you its not.
People still play 8v8? Why? The game is balanced for 5v5 in PvP…why would you ever play 8v8?
Easy answer is that games would typically end quicker, but not usually so quick as to be too fast for glory/rank gain. More people to kill = more opportunity for +5 team points, hence quicker 500 point gain. Since glory/rank gain amount has practically zero deviation based on individual player skill, someone could play 8v8’s to get through games quicker.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW