Everybody yolo queues tPvP
until there’s incentive to actually place high on the LB, I’ll always yolo Q over solo Q.
until there’s incentive to actually place high on the LB, I’ll always yolo Q over solo Q.
I’m in the same boat as my brother Lux Fortuna and the OP.
YOlO 4 Life
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.
So true
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.
So true
That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.
I’ve been top of the gw2 LB 10000000000000000 times, so that’s what you like to say to make yourself feel better about the truth. Sounds to me like you’re in denial, and can’t face the truth.
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.
So true
That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.
I’ve been top of the gw2 LB 10000000000000000 times, so that’s what you like to say to make yourself feel better about the truth. Sounds to me like you’re in denial, and can’t face the truth.
I agree with ghaleon, some people are still in denial………. I myself made to the top a lot of times, only to lose my spot due to 4v5 cos of a broken system that’s been here to plague us all. Sorry collero but if you want to say those things to make yourself feel better go ahead. But facts are facts.
yoloQ but but the wait time so long…..
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
yoloQ but but the wait time so long…..
that’s why we gotta bump this YOLO TRAIN to get our YOLO brothers aboard
Long Q’s? Mine are TONS faster than solo Q pops.
I realize that if you play during dead hours both will give you long Q’s but for me yQ’s pop faster than sQ’s.
I used to SoloQ but skyham and spirit watch drove me away from it, TeamQ is more fun.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.
So true
That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.
I’ve been top of the gw2 LB 10000000000000000 times, so that’s what you like to say to make yourself feel better about the truth. Sounds to me like you’re in denial, and can’t face the truth.
Top is 66 and 67 now?
Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.
So true
That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.
I’ve been top of the gw2 LB 10000000000000000 times, so that’s what you like to say to make yourself feel better about the truth. Sounds to me like you’re in denial, and can’t face the truth.
Top is 66 and 67 now?
I would’ve been higher, but I get a lot of 4/5. The system is flaw, And I play shatter mesmer in a bunker condi meta. Also i was higher than that, that website is bullkitten.
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.
So true
That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.
I’ve been top of the gw2 LB 10000000000000000 times, so that’s what you like to say to make yourself feel better about the truth. Sounds to me like you’re in denial, and can’t face the truth.
Top is 66 and 67 now?
As useful as that site is, it only started saving highest rank late January of this year. One sixty iq aka ghaleon has been on hiatus the past few months and only recently returned.
Yeah, here’s an example of how off it is (and the website even says the data for highest rank is off since it only started recording jan 28th 2014).
compared to: http://www.gw2score.com/PvP/player/Lux7169
It’s not like I was just r1 for an hour too, I’ve hit it several times the past few months but lots of these sites are bad at recording rank placements.
Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.
So true
That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.
I’ve been top of the gw2 LB 10000000000000000 times, so that’s what you like to say to make yourself feel better about the truth. Sounds to me like you’re in denial, and can’t face the truth.
Top is 66 and 67 now?I would’ve been higher, but I get a lot of 4/5. The system is flaw, And I play shatter mesmer in a bunker condi meta. Also i was higher than that, that website is bullkitten.
Ghaphen that system is flawed dude, and that’s not a reliable good source of info regarding a player skill level. 4/5 is a huge problem that needs to be fixed. Also Onesixty aka Danny The Cuban is one of the best players I bump into when I solo Q. And he was a top players back in GW1 top GvG’s in NA. And GvG in Gw1 took an insanely amount of skill and game knowledge/map awareness.
(edited by Sezz.3029)
gw2score.com there u can check for real
you guys are all fools. everybody stop playing solo q until they remove skyhammer. then go back to whatever you want to do. everybody rosa parks skyhammer.
you guys are all fools. everybody stop playing solo q until they remove skyhammer. then go back to whatever you want to do. everybody rosa parks skyhammer.
hahaa YOLO Q is where is at now
Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.
So true
That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.
This ^
People underrate how hard it is to actively be top of solo q and how much you have to own to get there.
The way to prove yourself individually is in solo q. The way to prove your team play is team q
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Also everybody knows that being on LB doesn’t mean anything about your individual skill level.
So true
That’s what bad players like to believe to make themselves feel better.
This ^
People underrate how hard it is to actively be top of solo q and how much you have to own to get there.
The way to prove yourself individually is in solo q. The way to prove your team play is team q
People underrated it, because they know how broken the LB are. And they know it’s not good source of info regarding a player skill, the system is flawed. I will use Lux as an example, he used to be #1, so why should Lux lose his standing on the LB, because he had too many 4v5’s, when he could’ve won those matches. And the players that won those matches got lucky he got a 4v5, and so now those players that were not as good went up in the top 100s. It’s not right at all.
(edited by Sezz.3029)
I just thought you should all know that WE ALL GET 4V5 MATCHES! Stop using that as an excuse. There is a reason why Henry (Lordrosicky) had 3 accounts in the Top 10 of EU SoloQ and that’s because he was the best Necro I have seen so far. He clearly understood where he should be and how long he should stay there for etc.
Stop using that as an excuse? lol I one time got 4 matches in a row 4v5……. It’s not an excuse, it’s the reality. You need to get off that “denial train”, and jump on my “YOLO Q TRAIN” I guaranteed you’ll be a happier person
(edited by Sezz.3029)
I will use Lux as an example, he used to be #1, so why should Lux lose his standing on the LB, because he had too many 4v5’s, when he could’ve won those matches.
or maybe, there are better players then him? i know, mind blown.
I just thought you should all know that WE ALL GET 4V5 MATCHES! Stop using that as an excuse. There is a reason why Henry (Lordrosicky) had 3 accounts in the Top 10 of EU SoloQ and that’s because he was the best Necro I have seen so far. He clearly understood where he should be and how long he should stay there for etc.
Stop using that as an excuse? lol I one time got 4 matches in a row 4v5……. It’s not an excuse, it’s the reality. You need to get off that “denial train”, and jump on my “YOLO Q TRAIN” I guaranteed you’ll be a happier person
What he meant is, statistically we all get Xv5, so you climbed some percentage of the leaderboard “on the shoulders” of unfair/thrown matches in your favor. Then you also fall down again when on the other end of the thrown match. In other words, that guy above you on the leaderboard is also getting hit by a Xv5 every 5-10 matches. It sucks and it is ridiculous but we all experience it, so REGULARLY being high in the leaderboards does still mean something.
Solution: invalidate 1/2/3/4 vs. 5 in regards to counting towards leaderboards/MMR. Or simply just dont allow a match like that to even start. When ArenaNet does this, it will be like christmas
I just thought you should all know that WE ALL GET 4V5 MATCHES! Stop using that as an excuse. There is a reason why Henry (Lordrosicky) had 3 accounts in the Top 10 of EU SoloQ and that’s because he was the best Necro I have seen so far. He clearly understood where he should be and how long he should stay there for etc.
Stop using that as an excuse? lol I one time got 4 matches in a row 4v5……. It’s not an excuse, it’s the reality. You need to get off that “denial train”, and jump on my “YOLO Q TRAIN” I guaranteed you’ll be a happier person
Do you not understand what he is saying? Obsidia has probably had 4 matches in a row with 4v5 too and yet he is at the top because he owns hard.
There are anomolies:
1, People at the top with under 30-50 games dont count (too small sample size)
2, You can fluctuate DOWN alot due to luck/not trying for small peroids – but good players will spend MORE time higher up
Obsidia has after 5k games in solo q. You are quoting 4 4vs 5s in a row (most 4v5 = you would lose anyway and someone rage quits). Even if these were all 4v5 where one guy didnt turn up (which they werent – probs some were rage quit) then this is 4/5000 * 100 of collero’s games. As in it is a statistical insignificance. As sample size increases then good players trend to the top over time.
I can say for myself, I am not good enough to get top 25 anymore. Not as an active player. Both necro isn’t strong enough and I am not good enough with it. Before, when I was better at the game, this wasnt the case and I felt every game I could carry whatever. So what does that show? It shows getting ranked in solo q takes skill.
Sure you should be sceptical, not everyone up there is good. But everybody good HAS been up there at some point. As they trend higher as time goes on. Currently, I look at the top 25 of solo queue and obviously taking out those with only a few games, I would say there are most of the top players in the game up there
So saying the leaderboards means nothing in solo queue is ridiculous. I think it means as much as anything can in this game. But you are entitled to your own opinion.
For me, I have experienced enough of human nature to know EVERYONE thinks they are the best. Well, I don’t care about that. If you think you are the best then PROVE IT. And not by winning some 1v1s or anything. But as a total package by getting ranked in solo q and dominating. Same if you want to be considered the best team. Then get ranked in team q and PROVE IT. Nothing else matters. And thats the truth
(edited by Rickster.8752)
It seems like the point of this topic is being missed. It’s not so much about the legitimacy of the leaderboards as much as it is about yolo Qing tQ is more efficient with rank gain and gold gain (assuming you are hot joining while you wait for a Q to pop) than solo Qing.
As an avid yolo Q’r I have had no problem maintaining nearly a 60% winrate. You only need a 25% winrate to consistently get more rank and gold than a 50% winrate in solo Q would yield.
Thus, unless you’re obsessed with appearing high on the sQ leaderboards constantly, it makes more sense to solo enter tQ—unless… you are obsessed about not blemishing your tQ rank… Or really like skyhammer
(edited by Lux.7169)
lol this is a joke. Some people ( like me) dont even play for the rewards. Our reward (seeing as I’ve never pve’d or wvw’d) only play for a good even match up.
Leaderboards are pointless. I’ve been 1 on solo q and top 10 team q on NA and on EU multiple times. Anyone saying it takes any form of skill is a lie. Exploiting temporary decay and x-fers are so easy. Then take in effect 4v5’s and it becomes luck /exploition to get anywhere. Then add in complete lack of competition and only 1-2 teams that play regularly how can you compare anyone based on lb…
Lol. LB should never of been released. They are pointless, useless, and broken.
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.
lol this is a joke. Some people ( like me) dont even play for the rewards. Our reward (seeing as I’ve never pve’d or wvw’d) only play for a good even match up.
Leaderboards are pointless. I’ve been 1 on solo q and top 10 team q on NA and on EU multiple times. Anyone saying it takes any form of skill is a lie. Exploiting temporary decay and x-fers are so easy. Then take in effect 4v5’s and it becomes luck /exploition to get anywhere. Then add in complete lack of competition and only 1-2 teams that play regularly how can you compare anyone based on lb…
Lol. LB should never of been released. They are pointless, useless, and broken.
I know right…. I play for fun just like you, and everybody that realized how broken those LB are stoped trying to get on them a long time ago. You can’t based a player skill on the current LB. Some people just don’t get it.
Yolo queue is fun until you hit the high 80% and then start running into a lot of premades.
I just thought you should all know that WE ALL GET 4V5 MATCHES! Stop using that as an excuse. There is a reason why Henry (Lordrosicky) had 3 accounts in the Top 10 of EU SoloQ and that’s because he was the best Necro I have seen so far. He clearly understood where he should be and how long he should stay there for etc.
I highly disagree with you, sir. The fact you’re getting tons of 4v5 is NOT making your LB very pleasant. It’s unfair, you can’t make a good win streak. Neither it’s showing your individual skill level, since you’re still playing as a team. Since both teams can be very different in level, it’s a matter of luck sometimes.
Ninov Ftw
love all this tool who think LB is the based for skill in this game specially glaphe evade thief who QQ in chat everytime hes in skyhammer map or paired with other thief and ele. then end up being carried the whole game coz all he can do is go evade on one of the point. everytime someone mention hes been on top 100 or top 50 he go link that stupid website lol not even accurate. i didnt get all my champ titles because im scared to lower my LB standing i play what class i enjoy. i dont care if i suck and losing while i play new class aslong as i enjoy it. people who cares about their LB standing ussually are the people who Ragequit ingame, talkkitten to others and the toxic of this community.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
love all this tool who think LB is the based for skill in this game specially glaphe evade thief who QQ in chat everytime hes in skyhammer map or paired with other thief and ele. then end up being carried the whole game coz all he can do is go evade on one of the point. everytime someone mention hes been on top 100 or top 50 he go link that stupid website lol not even accurate. i didnt get all my champ titles because im scared to lower my LB standing i play what class i enjoy. i dont care if i suck and losing while i play new class aslong as i enjoy it. people who cares about their LB standing ussually are the people who Ragequit ingame, talkkitten to others and the toxic of this community.
Is someone mad he’s bad?
You’ve got a great guild name there:
Everybody Yolo Queues [tPvP]
I’d join.
Is someone mad he’s bad?
He’s right about one thing. You sure QQ a lot in those matches. There was one match where you were complaining that whole time about this mesmer. You were on my team and we lost a close match. I can’t help but think we might have won if you hadn’t spent so much time typing and whining during that match.
Is someone mad he’s bad?
He’s right about one thing. You sure QQ a lot in those matches. There was one match where you were complaining that whole time about this mesmer. You were on my team and we lost a close match. I can’t help but think we might have won if you hadn’t spent so much time typing and whining during that match.
When do I complain about Mesmers besides when there’s 3 or more or in combination with Thieves on my team. Even then I only complain before the match starts and afterwards in the inevitable loss because a 3 Mesmer or Thief combination team can’t win against a competent team in solo queue. Mesmer is currently the worst class in the game since every role they fill is done by Thieves but better besides Portal play that never happens anymore.
The epeeen stroking is high in this thread.
“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.
(edited by Rubik.7192)
The kitten stroking is high in this thread.
Is there something wrong with stroking kittens?
The kitten stroking is high in this thread.
Is there something wrong with stroking kittens?
mfw censor
“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.
don’t stroke too much now, or this be the result.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream