Everyone is pro, you are a noob

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


Ok, this is mostly a rant thread, but I would like to know if everyone here has the same attitude as the people I meet in spvp.

Disclaimer: I am a “noob” at spvp: that is, I don’t know anything about how to play the conquest game. The only thing I can do (and I am completely average at that) is 1v1ing, because that’s what I do in WvW and in duel servers (which is the only spvp gametype I actually do).

So, it’s been 7 days. Sick of all the queues of WvW, I started doing some sPvP recently, mostly hotjoin because I want to learn how to play before going in solo queue.
Being an active user in these forums I know already of the “meta” classes I can find – so I wanted to try one of those at first.
In order, I tried: S/D thief (I use D/P in WvW and S/P too before the nerf); then moved on to spirit ranger, and ended with a hybrid Phantasm mesmer of my creation, just because I wanted to try it.

Everytime I won a “duel” (that is, a fight without anyone else interfering) with another player, regardless of the class I was using, I was called a “noob”. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I mean, seriously, what the hell? Why do YOU (and I am referring to spvpers, I know most people in hotjoin barely know how to play) have to complain and call the guy who killed you a “noob” just because you lost a proper fight?
“Noob thief ", “noob mesmer”, “noob ranger”, “AI carried”, “evade spam”, “you only know how to run”, “omg rank 12 nooooooooooob”.

Why do everyone act like this?
Of course I don’t feel anything when I am being called a noob after winning a fight, and usually troll my opponent in mapchat just because. But I can’t ignore the fact that this thing happens EVERY TIME, and it’s annoying after a while.
Do people act like this even in solo queue? Is the spvp side of GW2 all like this? Do people call others “noobs” just because they are wearing the default equipment?

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


If you are having trouble being called a noob, perhaps the internet isn’t right for you.

But just so you know, s/d thief, phantasm mesmer, and spirit ranger are all rage inducing to try and fight 1v1 against.

Try playing a clerics pistol/pistol thief and you’ll never have the problem of getting smacktalked after winning a 1v1 again -trollface-


Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


If you are having trouble being called a noob, perhaps the internet isn’t right for you.

I’m not having any kind of problem – I like winning, and their QQs only please me. But so far I’ve met more complainers here than in any other game. And believe me when I say I have played a LOT of games competitively.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


The three builds you mentioned are all pretty easy to play and are all really good for duels.

I’m not excusing your opponents, though. Hotjoin heroes are kind of known for being like that. Try some solo arenas—they’re usually better.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i get “gf” which stands for “good fight” when i fight 1 vs 1 (unintended) in 8 vs 8 hotjoin maps.

my most recent experience was this.

my warrior was running around playing fighting with this thief . we fought for some time and when the thief popped a shadow refuge when he was almost about to be downed.

well i popped a combustion shot to a fire field in that area he popped a shadow refuge.

i can’t see him anywhere so i thought “ah never mind, just let him be.”

then i saw the red skull icon on the mini map indicating someone is downed nearby.

then i went to look for him. found him, he just barely managed to heal himself and rallied by himself then he ran away before i could put him down again.

i said in public chat (/say) “oh you!” and then after a while he whispered back “gf bud” which i interpret as “good fight, buddy” so i whispered back “cheers!” and yeah i had fun.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


The three builds you mentioned are all pretty easy to play and are all really good for duels.

I know some of them are easy to play. Heck, I had 0 hours played on my ranger (it is level 3 in PvE, I left him in LA after finishing the first story mission) and still did pretty good with a fotm build – although it’s really boring so I doubt I will play it again.

Still, I want to know more about this. I have fun in winning 1v1s – I would rather lose the match than losing a 1v1 so it is a no brainer that I have to pick a build oriented to deal with a single opponent. Unfortunately, not many builds are available to thieves or mesmers nowadays (tried shatter but it just doesn’t kill things as fast and as safely as phantams, and having only 1 condition removal on 15-20s cooldown is a pain).
So, am I doing something wrong here?
I build my toons around 1v1. I win them. Then get QQ. And when the match ends I’m even more a noob because of my low rank.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I build my toons around 1v1. I win them. Then get QQ. And when the match ends I’m even more a noob because of my low rank.

I didn’t mean it like you were doing something wrong, just trying to explain your situation. Unfortunately, it requires a community much, much better than hotjoin’s to not qq after losing duels to simple/popular specs. Solo arenas are a better community overall, but even there you’re likely to find some qq.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Samurai vs Cowboy

A samurai appears. He leaps and jumps around doing crafty aerobatic moves and lands infront of a Lv1 Cowboy. Startled and intimidated the cowboy flips out his gun and goes pew pew. Mr. Samurai falls down ever so slowly.

Samurai says to cowboy “Noob cowboy with guns. NO HONOR!”

The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


But just so you know, s/d thief, phantasm mesmer, and spirit ranger are all rage inducing to try and fight 1v1 against.

This is basically it. Try adding the warrior on your list, OP, and you’re good to go.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


But just so you know, s/d thief, phantasm mesmer, and spirit ranger are all rage inducing to try and fight 1v1 against.

This is basically it. Try adding the warrior on your list, OP, and you’re good to go.

So you are saying that if I win a 1v1 with, say, an Ele or a Guardian my enemies will acknowledge their loss (being it because of lack of skill or build countered) without QQing?

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


But just so you know, s/d thief, phantasm mesmer, and spirit ranger are all rage inducing to try and fight 1v1 against.

This is basically it. Try adding the warrior on your list, OP, and you’re good to go.

So you are saying that if I win a 1v1 with, say, an Ele or a Guardian my enemies will acknowledge their loss (being it because of lack of skill or build countered) without QQing?

Most of the time yea. If you beat someone 1v1 on ele you get respect haha


Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Sampo.9678


1v1’ing people in spvp can be pretty fun.
Usually with some compliments from both sides.

And yea.. some will call you noob for the lamest things..
But hey! You know better.. you just won so enjoy his tears.

“Be brave, little rabbit. Take a chance.”

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


But just so you know, s/d thief, phantasm mesmer, and spirit ranger are all rage inducing to try and fight 1v1 against.

This is basically it. Try adding the warrior on your list, OP, and you’re good to go.

So you are saying that if I win a 1v1 with, say, an Ele or a Guardian my enemies will acknowledge their loss (being it because of lack of skill or build countered) without QQing?

Most of the time, yeah.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: cafard.8953


That’s basically why wvw anonymity is one of the things Anet did right (though the report function breaks it up but…). Over there, you’re spared most of the childishness. No such luck in this format sadly.

Olaf Oakmane [KA]
Save the Bell Choir activity!

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Kolly.9872


Why even you care about some hotjoin scrubs? Everyone crying about hotjoin zergers “omg you’re only good at zerg me 5v1” or just spamming “noob” to everyone, he doesn’t need any reply. Keep playing and block\report him.
Everyone that feels pro while playing hotjoin simply makes me laugh.

Thief might not be as strong as last year
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


There are just people out there who has to say something no matter what situation. It’s pretty much a maturity issue. Here’s a sample of things you may here

- “noob”
- “ur so good” (sarcasm)
- “yeah evade more scrub”
- “LOLOL it took your whole team to kill me”
- “outplayed” (even if close fight)
- “why don’t you fight me like a real man and quit running”


Jumping over dead person’s body

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


It’s the same in WvW just they can’t message you, in SPvP they can.

So don’t take it to heart, I’ve been called a nub heaps in Solo Que. Your block list grows fast, but you will get to point where in Solo Que you won’t see it as much, you find better players tend to respect each other. I’ve found its the bad players who trash talk the most.

So if you lose a 1v1 or win and get call nub and everything else under the sun, there just kitten so I wouldn’t worry.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Don’t sweat the little things man.

Hot Join is filled with baddies that rage about all kinds of stuff. Most of the time they are just angry because they are frustrated about sucking at this game. If someone really goes out of their way to get under your skin, then you can make a little game out of it.

I had a guy cursing at me, getting real personal and being really over the top one time, so I put him on my friend list temporarily, farmed him until he left the server I was on, and then followed him as he jumped to 4-5 other servers trying to get away from me. I usually just ignore the rage, but unleashing the fury on a particularly irritating player from time to time can be cathartic. Do with this what you will.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Kolly.9872


Don’t sweat the little things man.

Hot Join is filled with baddies that rage about all kinds of stuff. Most of the time they are just angry because they are frustrated about sucking at this game. If someone really goes out of their way to get under your skin, then you can make a little game out of it.

I had a guy cursing at me, getting real personal and being really over the top one time, so I put him on my friend list temporarily, farmed him until he left the server I was on, and then followed him as he jumped to 4-5 other servers trying to get away from me. I usually just ignore the rage, but unleashing the fury on a particularly irritating player from time to time can be cathartic. Do with this what you will.

oh you’re so mean dude

Thief might not be as strong as last year
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiculus.5296


So don’t take it to heart, I’ve been called a nub heaps in Solo Que. Your block list grows fast, but you will get to point where in Solo Que you won’t see it as much, you find better players tend to respect each other. I’ve found its the bad players who trash talk the most.

So if you lose a 1v1 or win and get call nub and everything else under the sun, there just kitten so I wouldn’t worry.

This. In TPvP, I was picked up by a group after the win and we went on a winning streak. then, one group member left and we got a random pug from the queue. Pug tore me up with his ranting and raving about my play. Then one of our group members pointed out that we won all the matches before this guy joined. He didn’t say anything after that.

Some people get so frustrated at losing that they end up taking it out on all the anonymous other players on their pug team. Like it was mentioned before, these guys get blocked and the world moves on. It’s hard but you just can’t take it all personal.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Kagato.4061


If you are having trouble being called a noob, perhaps the internet isn’t right for you.

I’m not having any kind of problem – I like winning, and their QQs only please me. But so far I’ve met more complainers here than in any other game. And believe me when I say I have played a LOT of games competitively.

That is kind of odd. I run into one person who whines occasionally, but most of the time I just block them and move on.

I remember one time this mesmer actually whispered me and was cussing me out, and then when I blocked/reported them, they made an alt to CONTINUE to cuss me out. That is freaking dedication right there. Of course, he might have been provoked to do that because I danced on his corpse after I killed him, since he was being a jerk.

Some people just take this game way too seriously and need a chill pill.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Javonovich.5280


I can’t believe anyone is still trying phantasm builds in spvp. I’ve always thought that they died months ago. In spvp (and especially tpvp) I usually run some sort of condition build and trait for condition removal. I just don’t think phantasms cut it anymore.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I can’t believe anyone is still trying phantasm builds in spvp. I’ve always thought that they died months ago. In spvp (and especially tpvp) I usually run some sort of condition build and trait for condition removal. I just don’t think phantasms cut it anymore.

Phantasm is still a really strong 1v1 build. In team fights, it can do really well confusing your opponents and if placed well, it can actually do damage.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Serdoc.7261


Smack talkers are kinda fun to mess with IMO.
They talk smack, you hunt them down and kill them for the rest of the match without ever saying a word…

I’m not sure, can you, umm…. do that again? ROM – 2015

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Floryn.6307


Everytime I won a “duel” (that is, a fight without anyone else interfering) with another player, regardless of the class I was using, I was called a “noob”. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Basically this is similar to: “If I win is cuz I’m a PRO, if you win is because you play an OP class/build, thus you’re a noob.”

Band of BrothersMore than a guild, more than a team

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Javonovich.5280


I can’t believe anyone is still trying phantasm builds in spvp. I’ve always thought that they died months ago. In spvp (and especially tpvp) I usually run some sort of condition build and trait for condition removal. I just don’t think phantasms cut it anymore.

Phantasm is still a really strong 1v1 build. In team fights, it can do really well confusing your opponents and if placed well, it can actually do damage.

Really? What are people running now? I honestly haven’t seen a phantasm build in spvp/tpvp for a while. I’ve seen condition builds, shatter builds, and occasionally a boon share build, but not phantasm. I’ve always thought that was because phantasm is no longer viable in the meta.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I can’t believe anyone is still trying phantasm builds in spvp. I’ve always thought that they died months ago. In spvp (and especially tpvp) I usually run some sort of condition build and trait for condition removal. I just don’t think phantasms cut it anymore.

Phantasm is still a really strong 1v1 build. In team fights, it can do really well confusing your opponents and if placed well, it can actually do damage.

Really? What are people running now? I honestly haven’t seen a phantasm build in spvp/tpvp for a while. I’ve seen condition builds, shatter builds, and occasionally a boon share build, but not phantasm. I’ve always thought that was because phantasm is no longer viable in the meta.

Oh, sorry, I never meant it’s viable in the meta aka organized team tpvp. But you’ll see them time to time in soloq and hotjoin or 1v1 tournies.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


I can’t believe anyone is still trying phantasm builds in spvp. I’ve always thought that they died months ago. In spvp (and especially tpvp) I usually run some sort of condition build and trait for condition removal. I just don’t think phantasms cut it anymore.

They may not kill stuff as fast as other builds, but believe me when I say they work really well against most classes. Actually most people I face run a lot of condi removals which are completely useless against any pure Phantasm build, so that’s a bonus. They are really great against spirit rangers because you outrange them and the iZerker has nice AoE to kill the spirits.
I might suffer when fighting on point but they are still quite good overall. Granted, there are more viable builds in the current meta but for 1v1 purposes they are still quite nice :]

Anyway, thank you for your feedback guys. I just wanted to see if it was just me or if people always complain. Hotjoin is usually played by really bad players with useless builds, so no wonder people consider themselves good when killing people in HJ: actually, some people just get carried by their builds in HJ, because the people there don’t really know how to play. I’ve seen P/P burst thieves who spammed Pistol #3, S/S+GS warriors who 100b in the air, mesmers using Moa on my spirits…

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


I can’t believe anyone is still trying phantasm builds in spvp. I’ve always thought that they died months ago. In spvp (and especially tpvp) I usually run some sort of condition build and trait for condition removal. I just don’t think phantasms cut it anymore.

They may not kill stuff as fast as other builds, but believe me when I say they work really well against most classes. Actually most people I face run a lot of condi removals which are completely useless against any pure Phantasm build, so that’s a bonus. They are really great against spirit rangers because you outrange them and the iZerker has nice AoE to kill the spirits.
I might suffer when fighting on point but they are still quite good overall. Granted, there are more viable builds in the current meta but for 1v1 purposes they are still quite nice :]

Anyway, thank you for your feedback guys. I just wanted to see if it was just me or if people always complain. Hotjoin is usually played by really bad players with useless builds, so no wonder people consider themselves good when killing people in HJ: actually, some people just get carried by their builds in HJ, because the people there don’t really know how to play. I’ve seen P/P burst thieves who spammed Pistol #3, S/S+GS warriors who 100b in the air, mesmers using Moa on my spirits…

dont forget your mesmer build, your spirit ranger and s/d thief.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


there is only a way to fix that. consist in a simple sentence you must write in chat every time someone get agry with you.

“ahhh fresh tears”

enjoy your game.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


I can’t believe anyone is still trying phantasm builds in spvp. I’ve always thought that they died months ago. In spvp (and especially tpvp) I usually run some sort of condition build and trait for condition removal. I just don’t think phantasms cut it anymore.

They may not kill stuff as fast as other builds, but believe me when I say they work really well against most classes. Actually most people I face run a lot of condi removals which are completely useless against any pure Phantasm build, so that’s a bonus. They are really great against spirit rangers because you outrange them and the iZerker has nice AoE to kill the spirits.
I might suffer when fighting on point but they are still quite good overall. Granted, there are more viable builds in the current meta but for 1v1 purposes they are still quite nice :]

Anyway, thank you for your feedback guys. I just wanted to see if it was just me or if people always complain. Hotjoin is usually played by really bad players with useless builds, so no wonder people consider themselves good when killing people in HJ: actually, some people just get carried by their builds in HJ, because the people there don’t really know how to play. I’ve seen P/P burst thieves who spammed Pistol #3, S/S+GS warriors who 100b in the air, mesmers using Moa on my spirits…

dont forget your mesmer build, your spirit ranger and s/d thief.

I’m perfectly aware of that and I am perfectly aware that most 1v1 I win in HJ are decided the moment I engage my opponent because he is using a sub optimal build while I am using one of the best there are. However, the people I kill this way are NOT the people who complain – on the other hand, those who are using a “meta” build and get killed are those who QQ the most :]

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


I can’t believe anyone is still trying phantasm builds in spvp. I’ve always thought that they died months ago. In spvp (and especially tpvp) I usually run some sort of condition build and trait for condition removal. I just don’t think phantasms cut it anymore.

They may not kill stuff as fast as other builds, but believe me when I say they work really well against most classes. Actually most people I face run a lot of condi removals which are completely useless against any pure Phantasm build, so that’s a bonus. They are really great against spirit rangers because you outrange them and the iZerker has nice AoE to kill the spirits.
I might suffer when fighting on point but they are still quite good overall. Granted, there are more viable builds in the current meta but for 1v1 purposes they are still quite nice :]

Anyway, thank you for your feedback guys. I just wanted to see if it was just me or if people always complain. Hotjoin is usually played by really bad players with useless builds, so no wonder people consider themselves good when killing people in HJ: actually, some people just get carried by their builds in HJ, because the people there don’t really know how to play. I’ve seen P/P burst thieves who spammed Pistol #3, S/S+GS warriors who 100b in the air, mesmers using Moa on my spirits…

dont forget your mesmer build, your spirit ranger and s/d thief.

I’m perfectly aware of that and I am perfectly aware that most 1v1 I win in HJ are decided the moment I engage my opponent because he is using a sub optimal build while I am using one of the best there are. However, the people I kill this way are NOT the people who complain – on the other hand, those who are using a “meta” build and get killed are those who QQ the most :]

funny. u mentioned u wanted to learn.. so what exactly u are learning playing the broken builds atm? how often do u get caught in a unfavourable position where your build hasnt a resolution?

so my suggestion would be to play older and lesser effektive builds. the learning is much higher then getting carried by builds. so u dont need to wonder why u are called noob.

and i also think duelling doesnt mean run for your live until your heal is up again.. just my opinion.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


I can’t believe anyone is still trying phantasm builds in spvp. I’ve always thought that they died months ago. In spvp (and especially tpvp) I usually run some sort of condition build and trait for condition removal. I just don’t think phantasms cut it anymore.

They may not kill stuff as fast as other builds, but believe me when I say they work really well against most classes. Actually most people I face run a lot of condi removals which are completely useless against any pure Phantasm build, so that’s a bonus. They are really great against spirit rangers because you outrange them and the iZerker has nice AoE to kill the spirits.
I might suffer when fighting on point but they are still quite good overall. Granted, there are more viable builds in the current meta but for 1v1 purposes they are still quite nice :]

Anyway, thank you for your feedback guys. I just wanted to see if it was just me or if people always complain. Hotjoin is usually played by really bad players with useless builds, so no wonder people consider themselves good when killing people in HJ: actually, some people just get carried by their builds in HJ, because the people there don’t really know how to play. I’ve seen P/P burst thieves who spammed Pistol #3, S/S+GS warriors who 100b in the air, mesmers using Moa on my spirits…

dont forget your mesmer build, your spirit ranger and s/d thief.

I’m perfectly aware of that and I am perfectly aware that most 1v1 I win in HJ are decided the moment I engage my opponent because he is using a sub optimal build while I am using one of the best there are. However, the people I kill this way are NOT the people who complain – on the other hand, those who are using a “meta” build and get killed are those who QQ the most :]

funny. u mentioned u wanted to learn.. so what exactly u are learning playing the broken builds atm? how often do u get caught in a unfavourable position where your build hasnt a resolution?

so my suggestion would be to play older and lesser effektive builds. the learning is much higher then getting carried by builds. so u dont need to wonder why u are called noob.

and i also think duelling doesnt mean run for your live until your heal is up again.. just my opinion.

I run if I am outmanned, and that is likely the case in a 5v5 small map. I always accept defeat if I get outplayed.
I ran with S/P in HJ as a thief before the nerf, and still get called noob. Even my Phantasm Mesmer build is “entirely” developed by me, as I firmly believe not many people like to use 25 in Illusions, giving up the 20 points in Duelling when using Phantasms, this while using Soldier Jewel and Melandru Runes with Sigil of Purity. I firmly believe not many people run this build, and certainly it is not a FOTM build as I have still to meet someone using it.
As I said, I used spirit ranger for, like, 10 matches? Too boring. Used S/D for 20 matches at best, but I find more fun with my mesmer at the moment.

Yeah, I said I want to learn. So what? Should I use “useless” builds because then I would learn more? Even with my Phantasm Mesmer I still face a lot of troubles when I meet a condi engineer (those AoEs destroy my phantasms and they still unload so many conditions on me that my damage cannot keep up with theirs) or a Hammer/Longbow warrior, so it’s not like I wouldn’t learn anything from those encounters because I am using a good build.
I create my builds all by myself, I don’t let other people tell me what to use. I simply make a build, go in HJ, test it (hopefully with against opponents, not rifle warriors) and if it works and if it is fun, then I will keep it. The moment I get stomped everytime I meet a good opponent, then I will try to tweak it or “delete” it if I can’t find anything that works.

I do agree that winning fights with sub optimal builds requires more skill – that is a no brainer. But what’s the point of playing a sub optimal build IF I want to win? Why should I use a SB/SB cleric thief in sPvP and expect to reliably kill people for example? Surely it will require more skill, but I highly doubt that every good player out there started by using subpar specs.

(I continued the discussion because I want to hear your PoV about this, but if I see another troll-like attempt I won’t think twice about ending it).

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: dylan.5409


Hotjoin is kind of a strange beast. People get used to zerging and feel some sense of satisfaction and mastery when they win, even if they outnumber their opponents. Therefore, losing a 1v1 can be quite deflating; its the sudden realization that maybe im not as good as I thought and the zerg was carrying me (as opposed to good team play). This is unfortunate, as losing a 1v1 in hotjoin is one of the few real opportunities to actually improve on a class.
Another possibility is the format itself. 8v8 is zergy and can be really frustrating to play , despite it being the expected forum for new players. I would also add that people invest quite a bit of time into learning a profession and feel some sense of attachment to it, so being defeated by a profession seen as easymode is frustrating in itself. No one likes being hardcountered (though I think this happens less often than claimed)

(edited by dylan.5409)

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: dylan.5409


I would also add that lots of people don’t always play 1v1 classes in hotjoin or even the strongest build available, every game there are ele’s for example; a class rarely seen in other forms of pvp. So some of the attitude you’re getting may stem from people playing underpowered prof’s being forced into a 1v1/ hardcountered, a situation no one likes, but given some room in 8v8 as zerging covers up the weaknesses of these prof’s

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Using strong builds doesn’t make you a noob, using kittenty builds does. Unless you’re testing, in which case you don’t cry about facing strong builds, because that’s the whole purpose of testing. I wouldn’t take their tears too seriously.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Everyone is pro, you are a noob

in PvP

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


PvP here is setup to be toxic.
HotJoin teach’s you nothing, except zerg.
You actually ‘score’ low on the table at the end for doing things that won the round like defending a node.

The only ‘skill’ a new player can learn, is un-fun unbalanced builds/mechanics. (Condi necro’s that apply to many to cleanse, CC warriors that apply to many to brake, petting zoo, etc)

Only way your going to ‘learn’ to PvP is to go the extreme. Join a team, practice all the time with people that can teach you.