Everything feels so far off.

Everything feels so far off.

in PvP

Posted by: DevO.9854


Being what I consider an older gamer, 35 I’m often very patient having been involved with running games myself. I realize balance takes a lot of time and its ever evolving, and a constant process. That is a good thing the meta always changes keeping things interesting and competitive.

The part that seems so hard to keep pushing forward with is the game feels so far away in every other area of pvp then just balance. I realize pvp needs Hotjoin to make money from people renting servers, the problem is it shouldn’t be the most populated part of pvp. Solo q is so stale and it was almost a week after it started because you played with the same people for like 3 matches in a row then you’d play vs a new group. Now that less people play because it is not shiny and new anymore you play with the same people constantly then at some point face people far ahead of you or below you.

It blows me away that nothing has been done about grouping yet, or that letting people sit on 18 matches or less has been allowed for this long. I feel like everything is just a long drawn out suffering process right now.

Skyhammer a map I really enjoy, except for the couple classes that have huge advantages over the others, which makes it lose all aspects that were fun.

No real rewards, just makes us have no growth potential, I don’t really care about rewards cause I will play pvp if its fun. However the Pve in this game has constant rewards and new things to do every 2-4 weeks, we can not compete with that. Even when we get rewards we know they will not match what PvE gets, so players will continue to not care.

Most of all this last balance patch has almost done me in, forget that I am a ranger and the spirit change. I don’t like playing spirits so in some way I’m glad this opens a door for different builds. The issue being of coarse nothing else was really changed anywhere else to give us new avenues to try.

The same can be said for basically every other class, We have not had a meaningful balance patch since July 23rd, and this is what we get?

I am going to continue to play because I have so much hope for the game, but this has easily cut my play time in half. I can easily say I’ve reached a point of anger.

The only people that are happy with PvP right now are the people who liked the Ranger change for good reasons or bad reasons but that is it. I think that is a pretty sad state for pvp to be in.

Everything feels so far off.

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


it might get there someday. I suggest playing other things if this is less than satisfactory there are tons of other pvp games out there that are fun and further along.

Right now I started playing Smite, they have an arena mode. where you fight another team of 5 with your team of 5 in a big arena with units spawning running across amongst the chaos, its actually incredibly fun.

TF2 is always decent…I don’t know what your into, but theres several titles, some may not be as pretty but they more than make up with it with polished and fun gameplay with more modes than just “conquest”.
League of legends/dota 2 are both pretty fun, though i’d suggest league of legends, its easier to get into.
Oh and Super Adventure Box is a nice break from spvp that is still using GW2.

anyway, hope that helps.

Everything feels so far off.

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


i know that feel, especially regarding leaderboards i had a terrible experience.


Personally i believe the “incentive” part is much more important than you believe.

Tons of people play for the competition, currently there’s none.

I would NEVER stand on my rank and not play in order to lose it ( i did it even in group queue, with pugs, still managed to keep a mid rank 500 position) because i like to face good and skilled opponents.

This is not what is happening: getting matched up with scrubs who have no idea what to do even if you’re at the top half of the ladder is not satyisfing neither rewarding.

That’s why this game has no competition at all, and why the few ones who keep on staying are really angry and frustrated ( like me).

Everything feels so far off.

in PvP

Posted by: DevO.9854


the problem with stopping playing is the game suffers even more, less players means less income for the game which means developers get laid off and people lose their jobs. People then have more work put on the ones left behind and everything slows down even more.

There is the rub of coarse, everything is just so slow it is painful to play right now. I’m no longer a good pvper, that time has past in gw1 I was a serious gamer I had the time of my life developing builds and playing at the highest level the game had to offer. Now when I succeed I’m very proud of it hanging around in the 200-400 level for a long time was very rewarding. Seeing it melt away because I kept playing where as others just stopped to save their rank just makes me not want to play.

Everything feels so far off.

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


It does seem a bit counter-intuitive … to save your rank, if that means the game dies, I mean.
I am an older gamer myself, and have much the same history as OP, and it feels very weird, that people don’t play the game as a game, but use it as a substitute. While there is nothing we/I can do about it, it raise a question if there is even a future for MMO’s anymore. I am beginning to doubt it.

Everything feels so far off.

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

z-keys (pve rewards) + gamemodes is what we need. in different gamemodes with ,secondary goals, so professions can use the broader specturm of their skills and define their unique skills.

Went from spending my evenings in pvp to spending my evening on the couch watching mind numming, spirit crushing game shows while stuffing junkfood in my mouth..

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Everything feels so far off.

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Take a large break from the game, we have steam with a huge number of games to try.
I’m amazed how many people still play waiting for the game to be good, the game considering how fast they patch and the quality of it, has a long long long long way to be good, why u hate yourself so much to suffer the pain that comes from playing gw2 spvp ?

Everything feels so far off.

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Take a large break from the game, we have steam with a huge number of games to try.
I’m amazed how many people still play waiting for the game to be good, the game considering how fast they patch and the quality of it, has a long long long long way to be good, why u hate yourself so much to suffer the pain that comes from playing gw2 spvp ?

many years playing guildwars does that to people.^^

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Everything feels so far off.

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


I went through the same phase as OP and a few others after about 6 months or so when my guild collapsed. I felt almost exactly the same as the OP and several other posts.

I did try and play many other pvp games, including smite, which is quite fun and I still play, and also went through a few console games.

I agree with Merlin that new gamemodes would help (I just got bored of conquest, sometimes it feels like you are just running around in a circle in hotjoin at least) and some more imaginative rewards- Islands , houses, slave-girls in the Mists?

After my sojourn away from the game though, I find that GW2 still has the best overall spvp. I really tried my hardest to find something else, but I couldn’t.

What baffles me somewhat though is that when I left eles were considered totally OP, trap rangers slightly OP, warriors weak, and spirit rangers laughably bad- like people would actually laugh at me and call me a noob when I ran a spirit build. The turnaround in sentiment on the forums is very strange, especially looking at the changes over that time.