Explain this match up pls

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Fistandanthilus.6824


So as stated in title, I need really an explanation for this match up.

There are currently 8 different classes in this game, soon will be 9.

And the system cannot just make teams where no class is repeated? REALLY?? Is it so difficult to program that?

System should NOT ALLOW 2 PLAYERS or more of same class in same team, not even if they are partied together, not at least in Ranked Arena. If they are partied together and hit Ranked queue a pop up should appear not letting them do it. (and of course no rerolls in game or during waiting time, no more build wars)

As well as I think for the good health of the game, system should not allow more than 2 players with a Berseker or Marauder amulet, or with a Celestial amulet.

For the good health of game!! PLEASE!!

If Anet cannot balance the classes between them, then at least introduce restrictions for the matchmaking, at least in Ranked, to have something playable.


(edited by Fistandanthilus.6824)

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


i think the game matches players/teams with the same/average glicko points.

so it’s not a matter of profession/gear/build balance but skill balance. a crappy player with a good build doesn’t mean anything.

though, this might not be the situation you’re in.

matchmaking needs more work, but i’m pretty sure they never be able to get it perfect or to how you’d like it.

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


Build wars are so much fun though.

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


You could have just picked a different class in that time allotted since you were one of the two thieves instead of QQing on the forums about it. That’s why that time is there, to make changes.

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


System should NOT ALLOW 2 PLAYERS or more of same class in same team, not even if they are partied together, not at least in Ranked Arena. If they are partied together and hit Ranked queue a pop up should appear not letting them do it. (and of course no rerolls in game or during waiting time, no more build wars)

a class, and a build are very different, just because there’s 2 ele’s on a team doesnt mean they’re both playing the same role (one could be staff support, and one d/d) so restricting based upon class is a very bad idea as most classes have multiple viable builds. restricting how people can play the game will always be a bad thing, unless you want every match to be the exact same team comp vs the exact same team comp… to me that sounds boring as kitten though…

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

If the system didn’t allow 2 of the same class in a team, either queues would take twice as long or they’d be an even worse matching of player skill levels.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Kicker.8203


Yeah I’ve told them this back then when the system was new. Matchmaking either needs to watch what amulets ppl wear or each player sohuld have to chose a role they want to fulfill in the match like Bunker / DPS / Bruiser for example

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Celine.6857


While I agree with part of what you’re asking here (the number of classes per team 100% agree), try going against 5 mesmers!!!!!!

LOL…. nah, yours was bad, I know, but 5 mesmers was a pure and simple joke. Guild who do this, shame on you.

Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


While I agree with part of what you’re asking here (the number of classes per team 100% agree), try going against 5 mesmers!!!!!!

LOL…. nah, yours was bad, I know, but 5 mesmers was a pure and simple joke. Guild who do this, shame on you.

How come? I was actually part of two of those 5 mesmer parties. Pretty much everyone was running at least a slightly different build, think we had 2 boonsharers(one was me), a PU power build, a condi build that may have been PU(can’t remember), and I wanna say a Interrupt mesmer. So pretty strong build diversity, but even then there were obvious limitations. Wanna know what matches we won easily? The ones filled with people who had no idea how to fight mesmers. Heck, in one match 1 person left before the game even started, and another died once at mid then left. Can’t tell you how many times we’d be fighting people on point who just kept switching targets as soon as one of us got low. Not to mention I can tell you first hand that just because your team has 5 mesmers doesn’t mean you’re gonna win.

(edited by Necrotize.2974)

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Moonlit.6421


Not to mention I can tell you first hand that just because your team has 5 mesmers doesn’t mean you’re gonna win.

Glad some people realize this lol. Seen plenty of pvp teams with 3+ Mesmers lose, it is not an instant win lol.

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


Not to mention I can tell you first hand that just because your team has 5 mesmers doesn’t mean you’re gonna win.

Glad some people realize this lol. Seen plenty of pvp teams with 3+ Mesmers lose, it is not an instant win lol.

If only more people thought this way. Guildie had to record another match because the first one, 1 person left instantly at start while and another died once when he tried a 1v2 at mid then left so it was just a massacre. The remaining three were great sports though and still played through.