(edited by Teriel.6379)
Exploit on Battle of Khylo
Nah, it’s not an exploit, it’s a bug. it’s happened to me twice. not sure what causes it, I somehow fall (off) of a corner when getting hit by trebuchet.
Fair enough, just wanted people to be aware of it if they weren’t already
The reason you saw harpoon damage is because there is water below the map so whoever attacked you was swimming below you.
The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
seems like an annoying problem.
Kyhlo is bugged a bit, I have gotten stuck inside the trebuchet after repairing it, (if you stand on the treb when you repair it you can get stuck inside) and I can’t get out until its dead haha.
Fear me! For I am the dangerous primate!
Rank 1X SneekyTheef (T), Wizzizard (M), Gerdierhn (G)
Rank 1X SneekyTheef (T), Wizzizard (M), Gerdierhn (G)