Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: FuVirus.6398


Being able to dodge wile imobolized in the game is not possible, so im asking you why is it that deathblossom/disabling shot can evade while being imobolized?

This needs to be reworked not only can they dodge for 5 seconds spaming D/S while imobo but they also have infiltrator shot which they can use WHILE imobo.

I play paid tournaments and vs a good thief that knows what they are doing imobo means nothing. You can stun them but still nothing; they have shadowstep or another cc breaker. After that if you get them low, they refuge get heal and open up with a 6-7k backstab and spam heartseeker. Tell me how are people suppose to lock down classes if they negate all damage, even if you outplay them?

Disabling shot is already good enough without evade, it puts you back/cripples/deals damage why does it evade too?

Or at least make it so dazes/stuns can interrupt D/S since its not a dodge it’s a skill.

If nothing gets done about this can i exchange my imobolize for a stun?

FuVirus Top 30 NA leaderboard/

Mesmer / Elemntalist / Ranger

(edited by FuVirus.6398)

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Good point ..Just another reason why some builds and abilities are broken. My 4 friends all quit despite being huge PVP fans because they complained about the same thing as you, and many others on the forums. It makes me feel dumb for recommending the game to them because one of them tell me they want their 60 bucks back…hopefully december patch will be good.

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: FuVirus.6398


Good point ..Just another reason why some builds and abilities are broken. My 4 friends all quit despite being huge PVP fans because they complained about the same thing as you, and many others on the forums.

Thanks for your reply, most paid-turnie players are getting annoyed about this.

FuVirus Top 30 NA leaderboard/

Mesmer / Elemntalist / Ranger

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


3rd topic about thieves in the first page.
Post there instead.

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: FuVirus.6398


3rd topic about thieves in the first page.
Post there instead.

This is not just for thieves its for every class that can evade while imobolized. It renders imobolize useless.

FuVirus Top 30 NA leaderboard/

Mesmer / Elemntalist / Ranger

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


This is not just for thieves its for every class that can evade while imobolized. It renders imobolize useless.

Then why did you only mentioned Death Blossom and more specifically, Disabling Shot? Why not every single skill that grants evade (i’m not seeing any ranger skill in the OP)?

And one more thing if you don’t mind the question: why now? The mechanic has been like this forever, it’s not something new.

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: FuVirus.6398


This is not just for thieves its for every class that can evade while imobolized. It renders imobolize useless.

Then why did you only mentioned Death Blossom and more specifically, Disabling Shot? Why not every single skill that grants evade (i’m not seeing any ranger skill in the OP)?

And one more thing if you don’t mind the question: why now? The mechanic has been like this forever, it’s not something new.

Because insted of naming a list of everything which ANET already knows i just picked one class and took it from there.

FuVirus Top 30 NA leaderboard/

Mesmer / Elemntalist / Ranger

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Marked One.3125

Marked One.3125

Working as intended.

Immobilize: a condition which prevents movement, turning and dodging. Victims can still attack if foe is in range.

Dodge: Dodging is an evasion technique used to evade incoming attacks by dashing out of the way.

Evade: is an effect which prevents attacks from hitting a character for a short duration. Evading is most easily achieved by dodging out of the way, but can be granted by using other skills and effects.[…]Unlike dodging, immobilized condition does not prevent evading of attacks, but any kind of movement aside from teleporting is still restricted.


Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: FuVirus.6398


Working as intended.

Immobilize: a condition which prevents movement, turning and dodging. Victims can still attack if foe is in range.

Dodge: Dodging is an evasion technique used to evade incoming attacks by dashing out of the way.

Evade: is an effect which prevents attacks from hitting a character for a short duration. Evading is most easily achieved by dodging out of the way, but can be granted by using other skills and effects.[…]Unlike dodging, immobilized condition does not prevent evading of attacks, but any kind of movement aside from teleporting is still restricted.


Thank you but we already know that, we know how it works. We are trying to change it, because it renders imobo broken.

FuVirus Top 30 NA leaderboard/

Mesmer / Elemntalist / Ranger

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


@the guy posting the skill descriptions…LoL i dont think the point is to play semantics here. The point is that certain abilities and builds are too powerful and make the game unbalanced or just simply unfun for opponents.

by your logic i could make a move that does 1 million damage, and as long as the tool-tip correctly says “does 1 mil damage” then the skill is working as intended /thread

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: FuVirus.6398


@the guy posting the skill descriptions…LoL i dont think the point is to play semantics here. The point is that certain abilities and builds are too powerful and make the game unbalanced or just simply unfun for opponents.

I hate it that im forced to use 1 of the two viable builds i have for my class.

FuVirus Top 30 NA leaderboard/

Mesmer / Elemntalist / Ranger

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Payneful.7934


Basically what FuVirus wants, is for everyone to sit still , not being able to do anything, while he one shots them with the most OP combo in the game so that he can think that he is a god at this game.

I’m on to you.

Payne [PTC] Thief
Pancakes To Celebrate

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Marked One.3125

Marked One.3125

Working as intended.

Immobilize: a condition which prevents movement, turning and dodging. Victims can still attack if foe is in range.

Dodge: Dodging is an evasion technique used to evade incoming attacks by dashing out of the way.

Evade: is an effect which prevents attacks from hitting a character for a short duration. Evading is most easily achieved by dodging out of the way, but can be granted by using other skills and effects.[…]Unlike dodging, immobilized condition does not prevent evading of attacks, but any kind of movement aside from teleporting is still restricted.


Thank you but we already know that, we know how it works. We are trying to change it, because it renders imobo broken.

Change “it”? You mean change the thief skills that give evasion or have immobilize prevent evasion as well?
That still won’t solve your problem with Infiltrator arrow since it’s a teleport, or should that be removed/prevented by immobilize as well because that would have to be changed across the board for skills that teleport without an immobilize breaker.

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Eduardo.4675


Being able to dodge wile imobolized in the game is not possible, so im asking you why is it that deathblossom/disabling shot can evade while being imobolized?

This needs to be reworked not only can they dodge for 5 seconds spaming D/S while imobo but they also have infiltrator shot which they can use WHILE imobo.

I play paid tournaments and vs a good thief that knows what they are doing imobo means nothing. You can stun them but still nothing; they have shadowstep or another cc breaker. After that if you get them low, they refuge get heal and open up with a 6-7k backstab and spam heartseeker. Tell me how are people suppose to lock down classes if they negate all damage, even if you outplay them?

Disabling shot is already good enough without evade, it puts you back/cripples/deals damage why does it evade too?

Or at least make it so dazes/stuns can interrupt D/S since its not a dodge it’s a skill.

If nothing gets done about this can i exchange my imobolize for a stun?

So, in that bolded quote, you say you OUTPLAYED the thief, yet he managed to get out of your stun by using shadowstep (working as intended, clue is in tooltip); you outplayed the thief, got him low, yet he managed to fully heal with his Refuge/HIS (working as intended, clue is in tooltip); you outplayed the thief, yet he managed to leave Shadow Refuge/HIS and backstab you and follow up with a sucession of heartseekers, killing you in the process… what is your definition of outplaying?

Just another thing: “If nothing gets done about this can i exchange my imobolize for a stun?”
Why would you want this? the thief will definitely use shadowstep, or another cc breaker…

Adapt or die. I never die.

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: FuVirus.6398


Basically what FuVirus wants, is for everyone to sit still , not being able to do anything, while he one shots them with the most OP combo in the game so that he can think that he is a god at this game.

I’m on to you.

I dont know why you are lol? and i dont have a oneshot burst what are you talking about? since when can mesmers oneshot people? Thats weird……

FuVirus Top 30 NA leaderboard/

Mesmer / Elemntalist / Ranger

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Psikerlord.2569


Mesmer complaining about thief,…. ahhh wut? distortion evades doesnt it?

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


I dont mind having skills that give evasion when imobilized initiative might be a bit broken of a mechanic with such skills, but i dont play thief enough to really say so

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Basically what FuVirus wants, is for everyone to sit still , not being able to do anything, while he one shots them with the most OP combo in the game so that he can think that he is a god at this game.

I’m on to you.

I dont know why you are lol? and i dont have a oneshot burst what are you talking about? since when can mesmers oneshot people? Thats weird……

You should see glass shatter mesmers …. if i get cought in combo im pretty much 1 shot on my thief.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: PaZZo.5724


Basically what FuVirus wants, is for everyone to sit still , not being able to do anything, while he one shots them with the most OP combo in the game so that he can think that he is a god at this game.

I’m on to you.

I dont know why you are lol? and i dont have a oneshot burst what are you talking about? since when can mesmers oneshot people? Thats weird……

You should see glass shatter mesmers …. if i get cought in combo im pretty much 1 shot on my thief.

Problem is, a thief that knows what he’s doing will hardly ever get caught in a mesmer combo. The shatter burst needs the immobilize to work, other wise clones will simply fail to shatter properly on a moving target, barring the particular instance where you pop mirror images and immediately shatter while hugging the thief (and most tourney mesmers don’t run mirror images anyway). You can see why the possibility to spam a relatively low ini cost attack as disabling shot while immobilized and deny all the damage might raise concerns.

As far as i can see, the issue is not with evading moves working under immobilize per se, but it becomes a glaring issue when you can use them without cooldown.

If i’m fighting a ranger, just to bring up a class that can have multiple evades on the same weapon set, i can bait his evades, i can count how much of them he used, and plan accordingly. Same with classes that have access to blocks: if a mesmer wastes his burst on a immobilized warrior that still had shield stance available, it’s his fault, he got outplayed. Thief’s a whole different matter, you can’t really plan against a good one, he will ALWAYS have his evades ready for your immobilize.

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Pretty much true, i myself dont get cought that often in some insta gib combo as a thief, however, it does not mean other classes dont. As i take some points in shadow arts i still have stealth with blind on 25% hp helping me to survive instagibs or such things as mesmers shatters, passivly, just like warriors endure pain and such.

Anyways its not about that. Its just that mesmers just as thiefs got access to instagib combo on other glass cannons.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Aleth.9630


3rd topic about thieves in the first page.
Post there instead.

This is not just for thieves its for every class that can evade while imobolized. It renders imobolize useless.

Uhm…NO? They still cannot turn around to attack and don’t move. Evade skills are like very short invulns, they just have a different look. By the same logic, make invulns have no effect while immobilized too? Immobilize is longer than stuns for a reason, don’t expect the same effect from it (which judging by your comments is – fully diabling the enemy).
Basically you’re expecting to kill them with your immobilize when thief shortbow is the hard-counter of that condition?
About stuns, once you get them to use their heal and Shadowstep, they die so easily.
Oh and are you complining about Shadow Refuge? You know a thief dies in 2s if you AOE in it, right?

Pretty much true, i myself dont get cought that often in some insta gib combo as a thief, however, it does not mean other classes dont. As i take some points in shadow arts i still have stealth with blind on 25% hp helping me to survive instagibs or such things as mesmers shatters, passivly, just like warriors endure pain and such.

Anyways its not about that. Its just that mesmers just as thiefs got access to instagib combo on other glass cannons.

I kinda agree on this one. Even thieves rarely get their combo off against good people in tourneys (unless they’re on cooldowns, just like with mesmer).

Oh and the mesmer’s complaining about a 10s CD, 2s immobilize weapon skill not winning him the day? meh. Thieves’ basilisk/devourer venoms can be avoided even more easier and they’re elites/utilities on higher cooldowns.

(edited by Aleth.9630)

Extremely broken aspect of the game!!

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


Completely balanced. If a thief or any player with an evade uses an evade while you immobizle them then he is sacrificing not damaging. he isnt doing any damage in those evades and also he has to stay or switch weapons to spam evades. Which means he isnt in dagger instant gibbing you. the thief is playing defensive so you can waste a shatter. On my ranger I will wait till the mesmer either immobizles me or anticipate when they are shattering (cause shattering is obvious). Immobilze is stronger than stun just because it lasts longer and so many classes have it. Immobilze needed a counter and evades, condi removal and invuln is the counter to it. Those counters are why immobilze shouldn’t get nerfed. I wouldn’t even think about getting immobilze buffed. This is coming from a ranger with more immobilzes than a mesmer will ever have.

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

(edited by Vyndetta.9415)