kitten quit stacking warriors/thieves
thieves at least count for something, warriors count for the enemy
Necrosis who hit with GD are the better players.
(edited by Gwaihir.1745)
Thieves are PvP dailies for today, so that won’t be happening.
Idk about them warriors though.
im 11-0 on my warrior, the statements about warrior being terrible is false. We are now average.
im 11-0 on my warrior, the statements about warrior being terrible is false. We are now average.
High MMR, you’re getting carried.
im 11-0 on my warrior, the statements about warrior being terrible is false. We are now average.
High MMR, you’re getting carried.
I will not deny or confirm this but it maybe true, kind of, mostly.
If you can play warrior well, then warriors are useful, if you can’t well, your just feed the other team. But then that’s true of any class. Sadly I’ve seen more useless warriors than thieves.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Ask Anet to nerf scrappers and revs and wars/thieves will be more useful. Just saying.
[Teef] guild :>
Good job arenanet. Now people do not only trashtalk me for running warrior ingame but also on the forums.
Great balancing job you are doing!
im 11-0 on my warrior, the statements about warrior being terrible is false. We are now average.
holy cow! what resolution do you play at for the pvp window to take up your entire screen like that?