Facepalm moments in PvP.
Everytime i see a state of the game
What are your biggest /facepalm moments in PvP? I charged into a group of 4 players who were trying to finish capping a point. I had 3 others behind me so figured 4 on 4 would be a good fight. I was playing a full glass cannon Dual Axe Warrior just cause its fun sometimes to get away from the GS or Hammer builds. I immediately hit axe 5 cause they didnt seem to see us coming and they were grouped up. I figured I would do as much damage to the group as possible and then we would start picking them off one by one. I was insta gibbed. When they stomped me every single point of damage I received was from retaliation.
L2P, Dual Axe Warrior is ultra bad (even for PVE).
when you see people trying to retreat into the opposite team’s base on foefire. haha good times
When you’re in hotjoin, hear the ‘Your Lord is under attack!’ announcement, you run back to your base, go to run through the little doorway, and end up just repeatedly running into a wall………. just to realize that’s not your base…… and 3 of the enemy team respawned and ran through the door….. and roflstomped you…… and your lord is dead lol
when you see people trying to retreat into the opposite team’s base on foefire. haha good times
lol didn’t see this until after I posted. I am one of those people sir, lol
What are your biggest /facepalm moments in PvP? I charged into a group of 4 players who were trying to finish capping a point. I had 3 others behind me so figured 4 on 4 would be a good fight. I was playing a full glass cannon Dual Axe Warrior just cause its fun sometimes to get away from the GS or Hammer builds. I immediately hit axe 5 cause they didnt seem to see us coming and they were grouped up. I figured I would do as much damage to the group as possible and then we would start picking them off one by one. I was insta gibbed. When they stomped me every single point of damage I received was from retaliation.
L2P, Dual Axe Warrior is ultra bad (even for PVE).
He chose dual axe FOR FUN and to get away from playing GS or Hammer, which he is probably bored off.
when you see people trying to retreat into the opposite team’s base on foefire. haha good times
lol didn’t see this until after I posted. I am one of those people sir, lol
haha i think we’ve all done this at least once
whenever i feel confident with distance/environment and i fail a steal/#5 bow/shadowstep with thief.
whenever i want to just use HS once and , call it lag/haste/worst timing, my thief does 2 hs . i always wait for someone who offend me because of “noob HS spam”
tru story
What are your biggest /facepalm moments in PvP? I charged into a group of 4 players who were trying to finish capping a point. I had 3 others behind me so figured 4 on 4 would be a good fight. I was playing a full glass cannon Dual Axe Warrior just cause its fun sometimes to get away from the GS or Hammer builds. I immediately hit axe 5 cause they didnt seem to see us coming and they were grouped up. I figured I would do as much damage to the group as possible and then we would start picking them off one by one. I was insta gibbed. When they stomped me every single point of damage I received was from retaliation.
L2P, Dual Axe Warrior is ultra bad (even for PVE).
He chose dual axe FOR FUN and to get away from playing GS or Hammer, which he is probably bored off.
dont feed the troll or more are coming
When you face a team of 5 Elementalists in paids.
It just happened, forgot to take a screenshot tho.
When you face a team of 5 Elementalists in paids.
It just happened, forgot to take a screenshot tho.
Faced 4 eles and a guardian a few nights ago. It was utter hell lol
getting ganked by multiple thieves, dying and the death screen saying that you took 14k damage from heartseeker spam… /ultimate facepalm
I had a hotjoin match that somehow was literally all Mesmers. Yup 8 of them. Please tell me how a 40 vs 8 match is fair?
that's why i don't hot join.I had a hotjoin match that somehow was literally all Mesmers. Yup 8 of them. Please tell me how a 40 vs 8 match is fair?

everyone and their dad is a mesmer in hot join. you look over to a teamfight, and its 30 versus two of your team.
When someone stomps the wrong mesmer clone…….twice.
When you see 2 to 3 thieves jumping on you using Heart Seeker like you’re being eaten alive by a swarm of giant locusts.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
When i join a hotjoin and someone complains about how op mesmer/thief is because they just died to one. Right as im killing that same thief/mesmer while watching tv and eating a sandwich.
- When in a hotjoin:
1) You whisper someone if he is ok. He replies"yes" and asks you why. You explain, that he is standing right next to a cap-point … and you are capping it right under his nose. He replies “Oh, I am sorry, I thought we were on the same team” … and then he runs away!?
2) You are capping, and then get attacked by a single mesmer. A thief from your team comes along … so to be helpful you mark the real mesmer ……. whereupon the thief kills anything but the real mesmer and on top keeps marking a phantasm.
3) The inevitable: “HALP” while pugging. Not sure … I kinda find it sweet, when someone is panicking and yells “halp” over the /m.
(edited by Poxxia.1547)
- When in a hotjoin:
3) The inevitable: “HALP” while pugging. Not sure … I kinda find it sweet, when someone is panicking and yells “halp” over the /m.
I do that sometimes.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
- When in a hotjoin:
3) The inevitable: “HALP” while pugging. Not sure … I kinda find it sweet, when someone is panicking and yells “halp” over the /m.
I do that sometimes.
A true face palm? As in a total unbelief at what’s going on?
I’m say when i wind up chasing an elementist all around the map,just barely.
With the lightning form, regen,protection,swiftness,stability and water regen – he’d wind up with more up then what we started the fight with.
Just face palm at that design.
A true face palm? As in a total unbelief at what’s going on?
I’m say when i wind up chasing an elementist all around the map,just barely.
With the lightning form, regen,protection,swiftness,stability and water regen – he’d wind up with more up then what we started the fight with.Just face palm at that design.
No lie I was in a hotjoin this afternoon and the other team had a D/D ele. I watched 6 people on my team get kited around the entire map until we lost by this one ele. At first I was trying to actually take stuff but kept wondering where everyone else was. I just happened to see them all chasing a single Ele and just had to watch. Every now and then he would stop just to troll us. They would DPS him down to like 25% just to watch him ride out, go water, and regen to full. It was just hilarious watching so many bads. If you can 6v1 someone and win just quit already.
Its almost as funny as going 30 Valor and 30 Honor on my Guardian with Mace/Focus and watching people try and kill me. But I think Eles are the ultimate sPvP trolls.
(edited by Dabrixmgp.4758)
I’d have to say my favorite face palms when I fight another ele. When they hit me with the updraft combo (its so easy to avoid and I know all the animations yet i never remember to dodge -_-). Or when an Ele and I charge at each other with RTL and both put on shocking aura and manage to stun each other at the exact same time. An awkward silence proceeds shortly afterwards.
Not really a facepalm moment. One time I was fighting another bunker in a hot join, after a 4min duel (not even joking) we gave up and sat down on the node and talked in /m while our teams kept fighting for the rest of the match.
A true face palm? As in a total unbelief at what’s going on?
I’m say when i wind up chasing an elementist all around the map,just barely.
With the lightning form, regen,protection,swiftness,stability and water regen – he’d wind up with more up then what we started the fight with.Just face palm at that design.
No lie I was in a hotjoin this afternoon and the other team had a D/D ele. I watched 6 people on my team get kited around the entire map until we lost by this one ele. At first I was trying to actually take stuff but kept wondering where everyone else was. I just happened to see them all chasing a single Ele and just had to watch. Every now and then he would stop just to troll us. They would DPS him down to like 25% just to watch him ride out, go water, and regen to full. It was just hilarious watching so many bads. If you can 6v1 someone and win just quit already.
Its almost as funny as going 30 Valor and 30 Honor on my Guardian with Mace/Focus and watching people try and kill me. But I think Eles are the ultimate sPvP trolls.
this made my day lol thank you for sharing it with us.
What are your biggest /facepalm moments in PvP?
when you face a team with 3 eles in paid and you actually get owned.
“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand”
When someone feels like escaping from me in hotjoin with really low hp… usually in the Temple of the silent storm stairs near gate, or in battle of khylo at the trebuchet.
Then they fall, and die. Giving me an instant kill without having to stomp lol.
Sometimes it happens to me too, gotta love using ride the lightning down a ledge or going downstairs (temple of the silent storm mid buff) with low hp and somehow dying.
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
When i was new to the game and i thought warrior’s could be competitive in pvp.
When i am not new to the game and i still play a warrior in pvp.
when you are running with 2 other people in hot join, you see 3 enemies up ahead and think “we can take them!” LEEEEROOOY!!!! then you die and realise your teammates didn’t follow you, sad times.
Or how about when you’re running a bunker build and keep 3-4 people tied up trying to kill you in the middle of nowhere for several minutes, once they finally down you, (or you disengage if ele) you look up and somehow they still have every point on the map…
How about when you spend ages in a group fight and finally you manage to get like 5 ppl down, but your teammates stomp them all while your weapon swap is on cooldown so you aren’t using the set that stacks attributes on kill
As a ranger, sometimes when i’m stomping a necro my pet runs away in fear- that’s always hilarious.
I instagib someone fighting distracted on a node with a gc thief, then getting instagibbed by another gc thief from behind. After getting stomped, I watch the thief that just killed me get instagibbed by another gc thief from my team xD glass cannon train in hotjoin is good times