Although I haven’t played more than 10 Games in like 2 Months, I’m still interested inn GW2, if it actually becomes a good e-Sports Title.
That being said, I wanted to talk about the Conquest-Mode and ways to improve the Gameplay of the current Maps.
I think at this State where GW2 and it’s Community stands, it should be pretty clear to ANet, that a lot of people don’t like the Conquest-Mode very much. But what’s good about the Current Maps is, that there are secondary Objectives already in Place.
So why not make them more important compared to the capturing/holding Points aspect of the game?
It could be done very simply by reducing Points gained by holding Nodes and incresing the Points gained by the secondary Objectives. I think this would work best on Foefire and Spirit Watch, but to some extent and maybe with a few alterations besides incresing/decreasing Point-Gain, on the other Maps as well.
If we look at Legacy of the Foefire, with reduced impact of the Nodes, we could actually have sth. similar to GvG in GW1:
- It would be more important to Split to the enemy base all the way throughout the game, not only once with a 5-man rush… Ppl would constantly stay back to defend the base and others would need to attack it.
- Capturing the Nodes would become secondary and it could kinda feel like having a Flagrunner (or 2 or even more) that has to do his own thing on the Map.
- It would also increase the tension of making decisions between focusing on the own base, the enemy’s base, or the Nodes and possibly encourage new builds and strategies.
On Spirit Watch, it could also be very easily achieved to make it feel more like a “Relic-Run-Map”, where the emphasis would be more on the Orb and eleviate the Conquest-Aspect of the Map.
Temple of the Silent Storm and Forest of Nilfhel run the risk of being maybe a bit too boring, if it’s just about camping the Points where the Buffs/Neutrals spawn, instead of focusing on the Points, but with a few tweaks, it could work as well.
Battle of Kyhlo could then maybe remain the clear-cut Conquest-Map, because I actually think that the Treb works really well: It counters too strong Bunker-builds, it’s important enough to actually focus several People on controlling the Treb and it’s a lot of fun IMHO. Maybe ANet could give the Treb more HP and throw out some “small repair-kits” on the Map, that could be gathered to repair Health lost by the Treb, as long as it isn’t completely destroyed yet, by which Point you’d need to good ald Repair-Kit… Just maybe some small changes and it would be a big improvement!
Other Ideas for Secondary Objectives that could maybe be implemented on old and/or New Maps could be:
Slow-moving NPC-Force: Imagine something like 3 slow Stone-Giants or a Giant Snails or sth. per Team, that slowly walked from a certain Point on the Map to the Nodes. At any Point during the Game, ppl could attack them, heal them, slow them etc.
If the NPC’s reach the Nodes, it will be extremely difficult to hold the Nodes, because they’ll cast Knocbacks and stuff like that, so it’ll be important to kill them before they reach it: But on which Nodes will you Focus? How many ppl will defend your NPC’s or kill the opponents NPC etc.?
Could be funny IMHO… The Strength of the NPC’s should be kinda like a Guild Lord, with strong but interrubtable Self-Heal and weak attacks while on the Move, but full attack-power and Knockbacks while on the Nodes (which should happen after maybe 8-10 Minutes).
Well, what do you guys think?