Fairer rewards for rank change:
That is a good idea although playing isn’t really working :’)
If the person is, say r80 vs r55, they have earned 25 more chests already than the r55 person. On top of that, they earned glory (until recently) which they were able to spend and get more chests at the vendors. But these r55 people being pushed to r80 will only get those 25 chests, they won’t get all that glory to spend on chests or whatever else at a vendor.
If the person is, say r80 vs r55, they have earned 25 more chests already than the r55 person. On top of that, they earned glory (until recently) which they were able to spend and get more chests at the vendors. But these r55 people being pushed to r80 will only get those 25 chests, they won’t get all that glory to spend on chests or whatever else at a vendor.
The only issue is that the old chests used to give you gear from your rank, which you could already craft. The new ones are much better.
I agree with this idea, I find it terrible to treat the high-ranked players like this. I don’t want to be screwed like that in the future of PvP, but you neverknow, the current pvp team is quite merciless.
If the person is, say r80 vs r55, they have earned 25 more chests already than the r55 person. On top of that, they earned glory (until recently) which they were able to spend and get more chests at the vendors. But these r55 people being pushed to r80 will only get those 25 chests, they won’t get all that glory to spend on chests or whatever else at a vendor.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_RankThe only issue is that the old chests used to give you gear from your rank, which you could already craft. The new ones are much better.
rng and gear is what it is. You can’t say they aren’t getting as many rewards are the current r55 people though.
If the person is, say r80 vs r55, they have earned 25 more chests already than the r55 person. On top of that, they earned glory (until recently) which they were able to spend and get more chests at the vendors. But these r55 people being pushed to r80 will only get those 25 chests, they won’t get all that glory to spend on chests or whatever else at a vendor.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_RankThe only issue is that the old chests used to give you gear from your rank, which you could already craft. The new ones are much better.
rng and gear is what it is. You can’t say they aren’t getting as many rewards are the current r55 people though.
I think there are Tomes of Knowledge and Skill Point scrolls in the chests now, which is undeniably better than getting gear you’ve already crafted.
Right and those players at r70+ got glory, which these r55 people won’t, and that glory could have been spent at the vendor on items such as skill point scrolls and tomes of knowledge.
or better yet, just don’t cap PvP level at 80. There is no good reason to do so. In this scenario, people would receive the number of chests that they earned, whether it was 10 or 56.
or better yet, just don’t cap PvP level at 80. There is no good reason to do so. In this scenario, people would receive the number of chests that they earned, whether it was 10 or 56.
Yes there is, to make the PvP ranks work like PvE levels so that PvE players are more attracted to PvP. That’s the theory, anyway.
Right and those players at r70+ got glory, which these r55 people won’t, and that glory could have been spent at the vendor on items such as skill point scrolls and tomes of knowledge.
That’s a fair point but they could argue about the gold that these items cost at the vendor. Also skill points scrolls aren’t available at the vendor.
If the person is, say r80 vs r55, they have earned 25 more chests already than the r55 person. On top of that, they earned glory (until recently) which they were able to spend and get more chests at the vendors. But these r55 people being pushed to r80 will only get those 25 chests, they won’t get all that glory to spend on chests or whatever else at a vendor.
No they have not. You are obviously new to pvp if you think that. The chests were just recently added last month. In that month I’ve earned ONE rank and seen ONE chest. 70-71 is 450,000 rank points to rank up.
The cosmetic items and glory that I’ve previously gotten are literally a pittance for the time spent in pvp when you consider a vast majority of the skins can be bought for under 20 silver. Insinuating that people have been properly rewarded up until this point in pvp is just undeniably ignorant.
Right and those players at r70+ got glory, which these r55 people won’t, and that glory could have been spent at the vendor on items such as skill point scrolls and tomes of knowledge.
The vast majority of legitimate rank 70s have spent their time in pvp since day one. That reward system accounts for a small percentage of time played. Previously we were only rewarded with dyes that we may as well farmed in pve given the old salvaging system.
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
(edited by Ostricheggs.3742)
He makes a fair point with the glory though.
He makes a fair point with the glory though.
THe glory system that actually gave decent rewards was in for about four months, of which I was able to spend 300k glory on mainly skins for pvp which I will now be able to buy for 2 gold each (lol, quaggan weapons).
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
He makes a fair point with the glory though.
THe glory system that actually gave decent rewards was in for about four months, of which I was able to spend 300k glory on mainly skins for pvp which I will now be able to buy for 2 gold each (lol, quaggan weapons).
The chests you want so bad will mostly have Tomes of Knowledge in it, and you can buy those at the vendor with the mountains of glory you have. I’m not saying your claim is not legitimate since the old chests were very bad, but it’s a fair point nonetheless.
i dont think it works like that?
They revise the needed rank points for each level. which means that some1 on rank 55 will hit rank 80 1 time. Some1 who is rank 70 has done maby 1 mill more rank points, so he will keep hitting rank 80 over and over for 1 mill/ x needed for r80?
i dont think it works like that?
They revise the needed rank points for each level. which means that some1 on rank 55 will hit rank 80 1 time. Some1 who is rank 70 has done maby 1 mill more rank points, so he will keep hitting rank 80 over and over for 1 mill/ x needed for r80?
It does work that way, I don’t have the quote but Ostrich Eggs has it somewhere on the forum. Look up his posts if you want to check it out.
yup just seen it, thats stupid :/
He makes a fair point with the glory though.
THe glory system that actually gave decent rewards was in for about four months, of which I was able to spend 300k glory on mainly skins for pvp which I will now be able to buy for 2 gold each (lol, quaggan weapons).
The chests you want so bad will mostly have Tomes of Knowledge in it, and you can buy those at the vendor with the mountains of glory you have. I’m not saying your claim is not legitimate since the old chests were very bad, but it’s a fair point nonetheless.
I didn’t have mountains of glory before the reward system came out and I don’t have mountains of glory right now, lols
I don’t know what you did with it, given the not-so-numerous possibilities you were offered, but alright \o/
He makes a fair point with the glory though.
THe glory system that actually gave decent rewards was in for about four months, of which I was able to spend 300k glory on mainly skins for pvp which I will now be able to buy for 2 gold each (lol, quaggan weapons).
The chests you want so bad will mostly have Tomes of Knowledge in it, and you can buy those at the vendor with the mountains of glory you have. I’m not saying your claim is not legitimate since the old chests were very bad, but it’s a fair point nonetheless.
I didn’t have mountains of glory before the reward system came out and I don’t have mountains of glory right now, lols
I don’t know what you did with it, given the not-so-numerous possibilities you were offered, but alright \o/
I made dyes and gave them out to random people because I had them all on every character already ;_;
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
compensate the rank70+ players with something unique like a title or a finisher even more loots. but lets not make this a war between rank 55+ and 70+ we all play this game. lets not be selfish or greedy.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
this idea would give rank 70s hundreds of chests
They earned those chests. They deserve them. It’s like saying you put in a HUGE number of sanctioned hours at work and your employers says “Oh, we can’t pay you in full. That’ll come to thousands of dollars! Here, have a tenner”.
Right and those players at r70+ got glory, which these r55 people won’t, and that glory could have been spent at the vendor on items such as skill point scrolls and tomes of knowledge.
Since you’ve said this “glory” stuff several times, may I ask what your rank is in PvP? Anyone who things glory/old chests is worth anything can’t be a PvP player. Have you ever got new equipment from rank up chests? Have you ever had a chance of a precursor?
Anyone who has ranked up knows the rank up chests are worthless. And glory…yeah, it’s so useful that people had millions of it and didn’t know what to do with it. Moar glory!
Right and those players at r70+ got glory, which these r55 people won’t, and that glory could have been spent at the vendor on items such as skill point scrolls and tomes of knowledge.
Since you’ve said this “glory” stuff several times, may I ask what your rank is in PvP? Anyone who things glory/old chests is worth anything can’t be a PvP player. Have you ever got new equipment from rank up chests? Have you ever had a chance of a precursor?
Anyone who has ranked up knows the rank up chests are worthless. And glory…yeah, it’s so useful that people had millions of it and didn’t know what to do with it. Moar glory!
Try and read what was said earlier : the main reward from the new chests are the Tomes of Knowledges, which are already easily accessible with glory. That’s why his argument is pretty sound.
Right and those players at r70+ got glory, which these r55 people won’t, and that glory could have been spent at the vendor on items such as skill point scrolls and tomes of knowledge.
Since you’ve said this “glory” stuff several times, may I ask what your rank is in PvP? Anyone who things glory/old chests is worth anything can’t be a PvP player. Have you ever got new equipment from rank up chests? Have you ever had a chance of a precursor?
Anyone who has ranked up knows the rank up chests are worthless. And glory…yeah, it’s so useful that people had millions of it and didn’t know what to do with it. Moar glory!
Try and read what was said earlier : the main reward from the new chests are the Tomes of Knowledges, which are already easily accessible with glory. That’s why his argument is pretty sound.
You can also get precursors from the reward chests. The tomes of knowledge are not the only thing we’re looking at.
We should do this like the military does, if you complain about something your entire squad gets punished.
At this point, I would be fine if they stripped all rewards on rankups with this patch. It only contains junk anyway and the only people who seem to care about it are the 0.01% of the game.
Attach the gifts needed to make the legendary’s as a reward past rank 80 in increments of every hundred ranks or so and make these milestones retroactive. Why shouldn’t a pvp only player have access to them? Why shouldn’t a r70 have it as a retroactive reward?
Yeah, after reading several posts about how it isn’t fair that r70 people are being rewarded less than r55 people, the point I was trying to make was that they did receive rewards and if you all play as much as you must have to be r70, you should have had glory hand over fist. And if you had spent all that glory on the various chests or whatever, that was fine you still got something out of it, its not like you were cheated out of rewards.
And Uhtameit is right, so they don’t have the skill points, but tomes of knowledge should also reward a skill points. And there is an somewhat valid point to be made that the gold req made it tougher, but you have been able to receive some gold recently from matches.
And if the goal is to move more pve’rs and others to pvp, why can’t devs also want pvp’rs to do some pve? Why does it have to be such a hard line in the sand of, you vs them? You spent time in pvp, you got rewards, and likely your gear shows it. Also you prob are much better at pvp than the pve’r running in pvp now. So even if he looks good in his gear, you can beat him to a pulp, and really that should be more satisfying than clicking through chests and a number next to your name. At least that seems reasonable to me.