Feature Patch? How about Regular Balancing?

Feature Patch? How about Regular Balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: TaCktiX.6729


I read about the new feature patch, and how awesome it’s going to be, and how it’s going to shake the meta to its core. Cool, I don’t care, and I’m fairly certain I’m not the only one.

No, the only thing that will get me excited about sPvP changes is an admission by ANet that the rate of balancing anything has been absolutely atrocious, and has caused more problems than any other issue with sPvP at all. And with that admission, saying “we’re going to be regular in the future.”

There’s a regular 2-week-patch schedule, why aren’t balance tweaks in these as well? Why do we have to wait for big huge meta-changing patches to tone down OP builds and tweak up underpowered builds? Why do people gripe on for days in dozens of topics about how warriors are brainless and overpowered (a deadly combination), yet every patch notes comes and goes without a single thing said about sPvP?

Honestly, the feature patch can be everything we might have ever wanted, but if it doesn’t come with a commitment to actually balance the game on a regular basis, I won’t care.

— TaCktiX
The Tough Love Critic (http://toughlovecritic.wordpress.com)
Tack Scylla, Tack, Morina Duathi

Feature Patch? How about Regular Balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: Joseph.7213


Yeah I’m with you on that. Without large-scale PTR based stuff, a 2-week balance schedule would be way better than what we got now. Whispers about ‘REALLY COOL STUFF GUYS!’ can only hype me enough before I think ‘well, is it ever gonna materialize?’

rip hopes and dreams for supported 3v3 arenas