Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

So today I played several soloq matches on non-ele classes. Didn’t get flamed at all. Played a single match on my ele to get the daily and I get flamed throughout the whole match about how skill-less and OP d/d ele is and how I only do well because I’m playing an OP class.

If it’s such an OP insta-win class, then why do I have the second lowest win/loss ratio on my ele?

P.S. I’m totally fine with the announced changes so far because I don’t think d/d ele should have so much damage for the role it fills.


Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

(edited by Random Weird Guy.3528)

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Play Fresh Air, never been flamed for using this build :p


Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


ofc you get flamed for playing fresh air because you’re playing “a useless spec instead of d/d”. you basically get flamed for everything on ele atm.

what website is that, that displays your games/wins? looks interesting

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

ofc you get flamed for playing fresh air because you’re playing “a useless spec instead of d/d”. you basically get flamed for everything on ele atm.

what website is that, that displays your games/wins? looks interesting


Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Sunshine.5014


It’s http://gw2efficiency.com/account/pvp

You need to get an API Key that allows the site to access your PvP stats https://account.arena.net/applications

Gray out the HP for future condition damage
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045



Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


I get hate mails for using Conjure Earth Shield.

Alerie Despins

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Stilgar.6437


i dont hate on players, but usually before the match starts i congratulate the team that ended up with more eles. Usually have a copy-pasta ready: “X ele vs Y ele, suck it red we rolled more eles, we win, gg, fun fights, nice tactics, better roll next match” – something like that. Helps me cope with the harsh meta reality. But sometimes eles on my team get upset for some reason and go afk (like i somehow devalue their play) so my prediction fails (unless its like 3 ele vs 0 ele, then one can go afk its still a win for the ele team). but still my accuracy is about 90,4% overall.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


btw, not to sound mean, but ele being your second lowest winrate is not the class’ fault.

but in the end winning a match is not entirely tied to playing a specific class, you can carry to some extent but that won’t win you every match.


Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

(edited by Jekkt.6045)

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

btw, not to sound mean, but ele being your second lowest winrate is not the class’ fault.

but in the end winning a match is not entirely tied to playing a specific class, you can carry to some extent but that won’t win you every match.

Not sure how much I agree with this, I find it far easier to carry soloq games on a dps roamer (my thief rate is only low because I suck hard at it).

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


carrying games is sometimes different than what you’re actually supposed to do with your role. when trying to carry soloQ games with ele it’s more efficient to go for side nodes instead of supporting teamfights. if your team members suck you can support as much as you want but if they die all the time and don’t kill anything you will die in the end aswell.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


carrying games is sometimes different than what you’re actually supposed to do with your role. when trying to carry soloQ games with ele it’s more efficient to go for side nodes instead of supporting teamfights. if your team members suck you can support as much as you want but if they die all the time and don’t kill anything you will die in the end aswell.

If your team die because they suck..the enemy you face suck just as much because they don’t double you on side points once wiped your team at mid, in this instance Random is correct, it’s easier to carry pugs with a dps class rather than try to support clueless players who die easily anyway

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Nier.8741


First of all, I’ve seen you play you aren’t special you are literally probably one of the most inferior players in the game.

Second, judge-ing from your posts and the fact that you wanted cleansing ire nerfed AND had trouble on rampage as a d/d ele mesmer main, it shows that you aren’t as good as you think you are.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

First of all, I’ve seen you play you aren’t special you are literally probably one of the most inferior players in the game.

Second, judge-ing from your posts and the fact that you wanted cleansing ire nerfed AND had trouble on rampage as a d/d ele mesmer main, it shows that you aren’t as good as you think you are.

Now I don’t pretend to be the best player and would consider myself mid-tier, but if I’m one of the most inferior players in the game then why have I placed 3rd in the go4 3 times in the last 2 months as well as placed first in the AG 2 weeks ago with a full pug team?


Also if you read the posts carefully, I said nothing about personally having issues with rampage. I just felt that it excelled in too many different areas compared to other elites.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


ofc you get flamed for playing fresh air because you’re playing “a useless spec instead of d/d”. you basically get flamed for everything on ele atm.

what website is that, that displays your games/wins? looks interesting

I have to disagree here, never been flamed when playing Fresh Air :p


Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


ofc you get flamed for playing fresh air because you’re playing “a useless spec instead of d/d”. you basically get flamed for everything on ele atm.

what website is that, that displays your games/wins? looks interesting

I have to disagree here, never been flamed when playing Fresh Air :p

’Cause any noob can kill you in their sleep and with any build :-)

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

Most of my games today has had 0-1 eles in them, wonder if all the eles have been peer pressured out of playing ele.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


First of all, I’ve seen you play you aren’t special you are literally probably one of the most inferior players in the game.

Second, judge-ing from your posts and the fact that you wanted cleansing ire nerfed AND had trouble on rampage as a d/d ele mesmer main, it shows that you aren’t as good as you think you are.

Lol this is the problem with the PvP community, people think personal attacks solve everything.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Greek.4396


Most of my games today has had 0-1 eles in them, wonder if all the eles have been peer pressured out of playing ele.

Not just peer pressure, it gets boring face rolling everything.

Server – Blackgate | Rev Main
Main Guild – oPP/RIOT/yumy(Booty Bakery)
IGN- Greek Kenpachi | Champion Ritualist

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: SoulSin.5682


Just ignore it.

Might as well block map global, whispers and map chat while PvPing.

Opponents complains does’t matter. Your team is glad having you.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


If you can’t handle the hate then don’t play something so outrageously broken. It’s as simple as that.

… I still want tengu.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I never get flamed for playing D/D ele in unranked, I sometimes get flamed when I’m not playing well though.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Nier.8741


First of all, I’ve seen you play you aren’t special you are literally probably one of the most inferior players in the game.

Second, judge-ing from your posts and the fact that you wanted cleansing ire nerfed AND had trouble on rampage as a d/d ele mesmer main, it shows that you aren’t as good as you think you are.

Now I don’t pretend to be the best player and would consider myself mid-tier, but if I’m one of the most inferior players in the game then why have I placed 3rd in the go4 3 times in the last 2 months as well as placed first in the AG 2 weeks ago with a full pug team?


Also if you read the posts carefully, I said nothing about personally having issues with rampage. I just felt that it excelled in too many different areas compared to other elites.

Just because you play ESL that doesn’t mean you’re a good player. Look at Crysis LMAO. Like you’re pretty much him only slightly worse.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


The BM is real with the mention of D/D celementalists. This is why need need to contain them. They are an omen.

They’ll bring on the apocalypse!

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: knkasa.2608


DD ele became stronger after the specialization. The game has been around for 3 years. Also, win ratio doesn’t mean much since the algorism tends to put you around 50% assuming soloqued all the time. You could be good, but still hang around these percentage.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Don’t stress too much, OCT 23 and exp comes out, 1 class will shine above the rest and everyone will hate those players for playing those classes.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Idk if someone said this already but you have nearly 4x the games spent on ele than you do with the other classes. I can roll a mesmer now and play 1 game and say that my guardian (who I started out with as my first char ever) is my worst when in reality, it isn’t true.

As for the ele hate, roll with it. You know you’re doing it for dailies, so don’t sweat it. If you main it….


Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Idk if someone said this already but you have nearly 4x the games spent on ele than you do with the other classes. I can roll a mesmer now and play 1 game and say that my guardian (who I started out with as my first char ever) is my worst when in reality, it isn’t true.

As for the ele hate, roll with it. You know you’re doing it for dailies, so don’t sweat it. If you main it….


That logic doesn’t work because 1 is a horrendous sample size. The smallest sample size here is 256, try rolling a mesmer and doing 256 games and seeing what your percentage is.
Also it looks like only 4x compared to the bottom half lol.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Nier.8741


Let’s be real though. In this game duels matter, but why does it take two people just to kill a d/d ele because you don’t have a d/d ele to mirror that d/d ele in a 1v1? So because I can’t 1v1 a d/d ele and I don’t play cele necro or d/d ele, I have to 1v2 a class that can delay a 1v2 easy?

Like honestly the OP deserves no less, people who play d/d ele deserves to be hated. D/D ele isn’t even a good balancing point anyways.

The best balancing points right now are Warrior Thief Engi. There is NO ARGUMENT because each of those classes have REAL TRADE-OFFS.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Let’s be real though. In this game duels matter, but why does it take two people just to kill a d/d ele because you don’t have a d/d ele to mirror that d/d ele in a 1v1? So because I can’t 1v1 a d/d ele and I don’t play cele necro or d/d ele, I have to 1v2 a class that can delay a 1v2 easy?

Like honestly the OP deserves no less, people who play d/d ele deserves to be hated. D/D ele isn’t even a good balancing point anyways.

The best balancing points right now are Warrior Thief Engi. There is NO ARGUMENT because each of those classes have REAL TRADE-OFFS.

Pretty sure Tarcis beats decent eles 1v1 on marauder warrior, guess that’ll have to be added to the list to 3 classes that can 1v1 eles.
Oh and mantra mesmer.
Ranger with nature/wilderness/bm does pretty good too.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


I was told to play a “real” build after I downed someone on my d/d a day after June patch. That was my first hate encounter. I started playing d/d more than ever bcoz it was the build I had the most familiarity with after all the trait changes. Granted at the time, mesmers and engies (w/barrage bug) were considered more op than d/d.

D/d’s were powerful and the build served us well. I will miss it. In fact, despite the nerf I will still come back to play it after I get tired of Reaper, Scrapper and everyone’s fave, Druid. lol.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: coax.2951


D/D eles deserve all the hate in the world. Everyone is so fed up playing against this OP abomination, of course you’re gonna get hate for it.

Probably still playing ranger.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


@OP: It is the same with any OP spec. The previous broken spec was turret engi. People got flamed for using that. The current OP spec is dd ele. The main difference here is that it is viable in all levels of competition so the flaming is even stronger.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


broken is not the same thing as op.. when will people finally learn this..

d/d ele is overtuned because of the bruning application that it has, combined with the stustain. while it is actually a supportive bruiser it deals too much damage.

turret engi was neither op nor broken, it was overperforming for the amount of player input that was required and was not fun to play against.

taunt on ranger is broken because of the way it works, going through evades and blocks.

easy as that

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Michael.9517


So today I played several soloq matches on non-ele classes. Didn’t get flamed at all. Played a single match on my ele to get the daily and I get flamed throughout the whole match about how skill-less and OP d/d ele is and how I only do well because I’m playing an OP class.

If it’s such an OP insta-win class, then why do I have the second lowest win/loss ratio on my ele?

P.S. I’m totally fine with the announced changes so far because I don’t think d/d ele should have so much damage for the role it fills.

soooo… your saying that because you play ele the most, if they are so op then you should have more than 50% win?…

very poor logic.

I will have to say that over a greater period of games, you should average about 50% win rate because matchmaking should succeed in putting you in even matched games. you win some, you lose some. If the game is doing its job, you will be around 50% over a greater period of time. Your screen capture is evidence for this….

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


I feel like when I’m playing ele the game purposely puts me with terrible players.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Just played a game against the overskill comp (4 eles and 1 thief)…..

I hate you now >:(

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Ele DD build is kinda unbalanced, thats a known fact. I wouldnt mind if they were able to kite that much with nice damage, but it should require more skill.
However the fact that you play a build is not a reason to hate you: you are free to play it.

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


I get hate mails for using Conjure Earth Shield.

harsh :-D

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


You know there’s something wrong with this world when you struggle and barely beat a ranger 1v1 on d/d ele and then get much hate.

When on the other hand, effortlessly coast beating the same ranger 1v1 on PU condi mesmer and get a bow and gg.

One of those builds is the great grandmaster of cheeseball builds and it isn’t the elementalist.

Fed up of D/D ele hate in matches

in PvP

Posted by: Amineo.8951


Probably because you’re playing a female human with big attributes.