[Feedback on beta] 8/8 - 8/9
1. Reaper: The traits were actually pretty good, but need adjustment. The GS itself was not in a good place
2. Chronomancer: Agree with your comments 100%. Mesmer needs to be toned down prior to evaluating the actual chronomancer
3. Tempest: I like the direction. Everyone immediately wants to compare it to D/D. That’s a bad comparison. D/D ele is completely OP right now. The warhorn offhand starts to remove all the combo capabilities and that is the right direction.
4. Revenant: Can’t really comment on this class. I just don’t find it fun.
5. Dragonhunter: I like the traits, but similar to Reaper, the longbow needs help. Auto attack is too slow and just doesn’t feel like it fits in well.
One other beta comment is with stronghold. That map has a lot of potential but needs help. Overtime will be a good addition once it is added. In addition, there needs to be more ways to encourage PvP fights. Right now it feels too PvE focused.
Last night while playing, I remember thinking to myself: “Ok it’s official now. There is too much teleporting going on in Guild Wars 2”.
Mesmers are currently playing an entirely different game than other classes. Arena-net needs to take a good, practical and lamenting look at what they have made available to this class in contrast to what is available to other classes.