But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
I think a big problem is the amount of feeders that now come into Ranked pvp after hitting PvP Rank 20 just to troll players trying to actually win. My solution to this problem would be to implement a system where players can report other players that just are feeding the enemy team kills and points.
As a player that has been on both teams when players decide to do this, I’ll honestly say “IT IS THE MAJOR CAUSE FOR OTHER PLAYERS DECIDING TO GIVE UP ON THE MATCH.” Just one of these feeders can make your match a living hell if the other 4 people on your team are not above great players.
Feeding is basically a player just runs into the enemy team and dies repeatedly without contributing anything to the team. (In example a player who just keeps running far just to instantly die like 4 or more time and then continue to do the same action.) I think this problem needs to be handled right along side the AFK problem at the exact same time.
Players who are convicted of being a Feeder should be suspended from the bare minimal Ranked PvP if not PvP as a whole. With each feeding infraction increases the amount of time a player is suspended from Ranked PvP if not both Ranked and Unranked. This action should be taken regardless of why they became Feeders.
The fact is players that just are “Feeders” are as bad are worst then the plaeyrs who AFK after a match is already decided and is beyond repair.
You know, those feeders aren’t robots…they might have a sound idea that needs support, but at the same time be terrible communicators and blockheads who don’t want to derogate from their way of thinking…you could be surprised…
I had tried it once to support that far going guy, ended up winning the match cause I pleaded to try to use his way instead of a guaranteed loss, and then he ended up talking all big like it was all his doing…
So yeah, there are probably more people like that than you can imagine.
First off, as soon as you give up on a match, you are not any better than that thief that runs far x times and dies there.
Secondly, the term “feeder” is extremely rude. Most arent doing that on purpose. The system just hasnt taught them directly enough that dieing is VERY VERY BAD in pvp.
Thirdly, I know of nobody that makes an account and just goes dieing on purpose. Report them for botting, or even report them via ticket for griefing and they are gone.
And lastly, the main problem is, as I pointed out already numerous times here on this forum… that dieing isnt punished directly enough.
The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each death
Btw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.
(edited by Yasi.9065)
You know, those feeders aren’t robots…they might have a sound idea that needs support, but at the same time be terrible communicators and blockheads who don’t want to derogate from their way of thinking…you could be surprised…
I had tried it once to support that far going guy, ended up winning the match cause I pleaded to try to use his way instead of a guaranteed loss, and then he ended up talking all big like it was all his doing…
So yeah, there are probably more people like that than you can imagine.
Either case these “Feeders” harm the integrity of Ranked PvP to the same effect if not worst then AFKers, by grooming more and more players to become AFKers.
I honestly think a report feature needs to be added to GW2’s Ranked PvP scene. There is a reason why the other competitive PvP game not only give you the ability for reporting such players but also quick to take action against them if found guilty.
and what is a “feeder”?, sometimes the “feeder” keeps 2, 3 players on point and make posible than the other 4 teamies control rest of the map.
a lot of time i have see in mid-low ranks(saph-low ruby) people that stays 2-3 in mid and continue being useles in this point if you feed them a little cause they thing they are doing great bunkerizing midpoint and are fault of the other 2 players not having a 3 cap againts 4 player
No megilandil… dieing is NEVER helpful.
Loose that mindset asap.
Dieing = bad. Period. No positive side. No excuses. Dieing is bad.
If you made a mistake and cant disengage anymore, then prolonging death as long as possible is okay. But mind you… it started with making a mistake, so essentially, also bad.
What Reaper means about dieing being bad is this:
first off it advances enemy score by 5 points.
2nd, you’re dead on the ground for 10 seconds before respawn, that’s a 10s advantage for the team on top of:
3rd depending on map, your run time to get to the action added to the 10 s delay until you re-spawn that your team is down a man.
So on some maps you might be lucky and die close to home and have a short run time back to the action and may (if you team didn’t already lose superiority) be able to make a comeback and retake a point…but most often then not, unless more people die more or less @ the same time, there will be no effective rally and the enemy will gain permanent momentum against your team…this is especially true in solo Q games, where communication is near nonexistent between players.
If this doesn’t make sense to you, then you missed something about the game that is just as important as individual skill…
Oh and back to your first post, communication failure will in 99% be the cause of what you consider feeder players.
I dunno about you but I find that starting the match with a simple : “Hi!” kinda helps
It’s weird, I think it’s because people somehow feel a little acknowledged
Please lets stay on topic here as this is a pretty big issue that goes hand and hand with the afking player problems.
On a side note most matches I been in with feeders. They either don’t say anything at all and then off they go to die within 3 secs after contact with the enemy and then afterwards continues to suicide till the point it’s not only now a 4v5 but at the same time you have this player/s feeding the enemy team PPK like it’s going out of style and before you know 1 and half minutes into the match your team is already behind by 200 or more points.
Or you’ll get the troll on your team that’ll say I’m going far as a Necro. And when the players on the team trys to tell the said player that him going far will more then likely lose us the match, he replies “So I’m going far.” Then proceeds to suiciding on the enemy team over and over again and start trolling us in chat by saying things like… “I doing this because yall are tools.” So again we proceed to lose the match because not only are we 4v5 but then other member of our team decides he wants to troll ranked PvP and feed the enemy team PPK and the win.
The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each deathBtw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.
You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.
Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.
Just had a match. 1 home, 4 mid was agreed… a war and a necro went to cap home ???? 1 went out wandering to far and 2 ended up mid, wiping out of course.
I’m in EU server, I believe English is our huge handicap here, but numbers are universal and “close, mid and far” are the words mostly used around here. I think I might go back to US server at some point but right now I am not willing to buy ANY gems, Anet has NOT earned it!
I really don’t get it!
I’ve seen that a lot too. We all agree that a specific player will cap close, then when the game starts, someone else follows the appointed person to cap close. It’s frustrating but there’s nothing we can do about it, apart from adapt as the game unfolds.
Please refer to the top of the tread to understand what I’m saying and trying to bring to the communities attention. Players are going to die that’s a giving but just “Yolo feeding” the enemies PPK and putting the rest of the team at a 4v5 disadvantage for the match is universally “UNACCEPTABLE” in most competitive PvP games I’ve played after falling out of grace with sPvP in GW2. This is what causes players to go become “JADED” and after a while if have a half of a brain can start noticing the “Patterns of Feeders” before the gates even open, and get mentally prepared to get hit with the loss. After many of these matches with said “HIGHLY TOXIC PLAYERS” you’ll end up with more and more players AFKing after the first minute and a half, after noticing you have a Feeder on your team.
Just had a match. 1 home, 4 mid was agreed… a war and a necro went to cap home ???? 1 went out wandering to far and 2 ended up mid, wiping out of course.
I’m in EU server, I believe English is our huge handicap here, but numbers are universal and “close, mid and far” are the words mostly used around here. I think I might go back to US server at some point but right now I am not willing to buy ANY gems, Anet has NOT earned it!
I really don’t get it!
You do realise that WvW is the only game mode where it matters on which server you play on, right? Dont waste your gems, mate, because even if you transfer on US server in sPvP you will still play with EU players.
That being said, I don’t think English is the handicap here. You would be surprised how many people cant grasp a simple concept like keeping two points.
(edited by Rain.7543)
Just had a match. 1 home, 4 mid was agreed… a war and a necro went to cap home ???? 1 went out wandering to far and 2 ended up mid, wiping out of course.
I’m in EU server, I believe English is our huge handicap here, but numbers are universal and “close, mid and far” are the words mostly used around here. I think I might go back to US server at some point but right now I am not willing to buy ANY gems, Anet has NOT earned it!
I really don’t get it!
You do realise that WvW is the only game mode where it matters on which server you play on, right? Dont waste your gems, mate, because even if you transfer on US server in sPvP you will still play with EU players.
That being said, I don’t think English is the handicap here. You would be surprised how many people cant grasp a simple concept like keeping two points.
Yup and I’ll be willing the bet that the EU’s community is abit better then the NA community at this point in time.
No megilandil… dieing is NEVER helpful.
Loose that mindset asap.
Dieing = bad. Period. No positive side. No excuses. Dieing is bad.
If you made a mistake and cant disengage anymore, then prolonging death as long as possible is okay. But mind you… it started with making a mistake, so essentially, also bad.
you dont get the point, diing bad ok… in skilled teams etc etc ok
but in mid low game whith pug teams many players had a tendence to cap mid and stay 2-3 for all the match not rotating etc if you left it alones and play sides they in a moment of match will realize that they are doing nothing in mid and go to presure your points, and for that dont hapens someone have to go to presure the point making they think they are doing a good job bunkerizing that point, if this can be done by a thief who can disengage quick and rince and repeat whithout diing or a heavy bunker taht can stall the fight for minutes better but someone have to keep them in point. going whith a character who dies instanly and repeat just respawning is bad you give they a continuos source of points(and ind this case you and Op had the reason) but in pug teams you dont have all times a reliable heavy bunker or thief to maintain this presure in point and keeping these 2-3 players in point whithout die fast, that only is reasonable if the other teamies of you can control the others 2 points . strategies are dinamic and sometimes you have to do a “sacrifice” to win not feeding them whit a continuos source of points but keeping the ilusion of their point is in danger
I don’t agree with this, they’re people who hate each other in pvp and this will create and huge problem for both parties.
Just remove soloQ and implement that Ranked games needs to be a premade system and you neither would see such situation nor these threads
Just remove soloQ and implement that Ranked games needs to be a premade system and you neither would see such situation nor these threads
I don’t know, if players are not getting set up in pre mades to begain with. Why do you think that solo queuer would stick around at all. When forced to create pre mades or go home?
If ANet was to implement such thing they would be one of the first, if not the first company to implement such a thing in a Ranked PvP League setup. Honestly if you don’t want to deal with the “feeders” which is a pretty bad title but it’s a title that players earns by constantly partaking in the behaviors as described in previous posts on this thread. That is why other competitive game companies name the people in question as such because if or not they do it purposely matters not, because in both cases the result is equally damaging to, what little status GW2’s Ranked PvP Leagues currently retains.
In such a case instead of saying all solo queuers are just not allowed to play Ranked pvp because of a easily addressable, fixable, but seriously adverse disease that creates even bigger negative symptoms when paired with ANet’s past, current, and more then likely future MMS. If your proposal past. (Just entertaining this thought patteren) You will create a situation where all solo players are basically barred from PvP. When this problem has been already addressed, and for the most part happens on a much lessor degree then in GW2 in most other if not all competitive PvP games.
My next statement if a player is just feeding other team points regardless of why. What do you have as a fellow Ranked PvPer have to gain by them continuing to to be allow to partake in such behavior in a supposedly competitive PvP environment unchecked. There are only two group of people off the top of my head who have gains for allowing such behavior to go unchecked in Ranked PvP,
A.) The trolls that are intentionally being feeders because they got what they want and just flatout love to see other suffer. ( Was in a match yesterday or the day before with one of these bragging about forcing us to loss because we was a tool, for telling him if he went far on his Reaper we would more then likely lose the match. Then proceeded to just balently started to feed the enemy team points while laughing at us in team chat about the whole painful ordeal.)
B.) The higher MMR players and or Pre Mades that get to face off against these players basically allow them to get unchallenged “Lop Sided Win Streaks” talking about huge win streaks. Thus for profiting big time off of the Feeders. (Which in it’s self makes them accessories to such baneful actions, and promotes farther feeders to continue to throw matches intentionally or not. Because actually most feeder just don’t care to begin with, if they did they would not be doing that in Ranked PvP matches to begin with. Instead they’d be in Unranked PvP honing their skills so they are not being “Feeders” when it counts for real pips being won or lost.)
I’m am now not asking them to be banned from sPvP completely. I just suggesting that they be suspended (with proper proof that they are indeed “Feeders” be it POV video from a player or a ANet employee investigation.) (BTW “Feeders” are one of the few things in competitive environments that is black and white there are no gray areas, either you are feeding the other team PPK and wins or you not.) from the Ranked Queues till they can prove that they have what it take to exist in such a again supposedly competitive PvP environment without causing such troubles, for not only other players but from themselves as well. With increasing suspension time from sPvP with each offense in Ranked with no cap on the minimal sentence, because as much as we absolutely hate and avoid saying it, there are some legitimately beyond challenged special needs cases that lead to such actions, being (fun and enjoyable in their minds.) (Kinda like the joys of a not so legal serial hunter get from stalking and just flat out hunting his or her unsuspecting prey till life functions ceases.)
Conclusion of all of this, is in my forcing all solo queuers to make pre made team or not be able to queue at all for sPvP because of a few players that demonstrate some very unhealthy actions repeatedly match after match is very very bad on not only the players base that actually want to have competitive matches but on ANet it’s self as a game business. One that will only farther alienate solo queuer and make Ranked sPvP in GW2 one of the very few, if not only supposedly competitive PvP game mode and all of gaming to invalidate innocent and healthy players from entering just because they are solo queuers. If ANet does go ahead with this route I’m pretty sure many players will be asking for all of their money they put into being able to enjoy this once AMAZING game. And no, if players are committing malicious behavior on par with botting which is highly not only suspendable but a highly banable offense according to the ToS. Then they should be at least temporarily removed from Ranked PvP for a time to improve their game, or just simply stop enjoying the suffering of others, or just get longer and longer sentences for each infraction. I honestly believe by making “Feeding” in GW2’s ranked PvP on par as most other successful competitive PvP games, we as the community will also not only be able to see a huge drop in the matches where player AFK, but then ANet will have validation to completely start targeting players for at that point malicious and unnecessarily behavior, which should be at that atleast on par with the punishment for “Feeding” if not more severe actions.
Just remove soloQ and implement that Ranked games needs to be a premade system and you neither would see such situation nor these threads
Great idea. Good luck with your queue times then. That will kill spvp finally. You should be an Anet dev.
The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each deathBtw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.
You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.
Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.
Personal score. You know, that what isnt worth kitten atm because it doesnt reflect anything really… but its something every new player thinks is the goal.
Just remove soloQ and implement that Ranked games needs to be a premade system and you neither would see such situation nor these threads
Great idea. Good luck with your queue times then. That will kill spvp finally. You should be an Anet dev.
Actually, they tried that already and had to switch to ranked/unranked queues because nobody really queued for teamq. Or only proleague premades. Resulted in sync queueing….
Tournament Arena → Team Arena → Ranked Arena
The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each deathBtw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.
You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.
Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.
Personal score. You know, that what isnt worth kitten atm because it doesnt reflect anything really… but its something every new player thinks is the goal.
Alternatively, just remove personal score entirely, so people don’t build any other bad habits by trying to get a high personal score.
The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each deathBtw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.
You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.
Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.
Personal score. You know, that what isnt worth kitten atm because it doesnt reflect anything really… but its something every new player thinks is the goal.
Alternatively, just remove personal score entirely, so people don’t build any other bad habits by trying to get a high personal score.
Again please stay on topic or use another thread, to talk about other topics then what this thread was made to discuss.
Please do not derail this thread
Thank You!
The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each deathBtw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.
You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.
Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.
Personal score. You know, that what isnt worth kitten atm because it doesnt reflect anything really… but its something every new player thinks is the goal.
Alternatively, just remove personal score entirely, so people don’t build any other bad habits by trying to get a high personal score.
Again please stay on topic or use another thread, to talk about other topics then what this thread was made to discuss.
Please do not derail this thread
Thank You!
Okay then, on the actual topic: no. Being bad is not a bannable offence. Less capable players have every right to enjoy the game as much as you do. The solution here is to work on fixing the matchmaking rather than punishing people who may not have had time to learn yet. Once again, if you disagree with the people you get paired with, form your own team until the matchmaking is improved.
The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each deathBtw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.
You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.
Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.
Personal score. You know, that what isnt worth kitten atm because it doesnt reflect anything really… but its something every new player thinks is the goal.
Alternatively, just remove personal score entirely, so people don’t build any other bad habits by trying to get a high personal score.
Again please stay on topic or use another thread, to talk about other topics then what this thread was made to discuss.
Please do not derail this thread
Thank You!Okay then, on the actual topic: no. Being bad is not a bannable offence. Less capable players have every right to enjoy the game as much as you do. The solution here is to work on fixing the matchmaking rather than punishing people who may not have had time to learn yet. Once again, if you disagree with the people you get paired with, form your own team until the matchmaking is improved.
Being bad and unresponsive in unranked is one thing. But what is the point of Ranked if you just going to turn it into a Daddy Daycare center. I really don’t understand why this community accepts players just throwing matches but when in response to such behavior players just start AFKing at the first sign of trouble, then everyone on the forums cry Bloody Murder on the AFKer?
This is absolutely the first competitive pvp league like game where both the players and devs want no part in any form of competition. In a competitive settings but again. I have to say verdict has been reached no matter, how much I disagree with it.
Strange indeed but I guess ANet needs a niche, to hold on to a few who enjoy non competitive play in a supposedly competitive game mode, in a game that supposedly advertised as a eSport with a meager $200k prize that barely anyone watches. I guess GW2 is where the absolute cast outs from the other actually competitive pvp games go to play and either boost their EGO on handout wins or just deal with other day at the office as they do in other games they get suspended from for feeding.
Don’t worry I understand I’m not going to lie I’m a bit disappointed in this community. But at the same time relieved. I fully now understand my place as a solo player in GW2’s Ranked pvp. Don’t worry yall don’t have to ever worry about seeing me in GW2’s ranked pvp ever again unless ANet feels it falls into their best interests to make sPvP actually on par or close to as competitive as most of the other PvP games.
I’ll just leave this behind for any solo competitive solo queuer who has a interest in sPvP in GW2. You see it for your self looking at past posts in this thread alone. “OUR KIND” is not wanted here in GW2’s sPvP nothing to see just move along.
The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each deathBtw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.
You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.
Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.
Personal score. You know, that what isnt worth kitten atm because it doesnt reflect anything really… but its something every new player thinks is the goal.
Alternatively, just remove personal score entirely, so people don’t build any other bad habits by trying to get a high personal score.
Again please stay on topic or use another thread, to talk about other topics then what this thread was made to discuss.
Please do not derail this thread
Thank You!
Not every post not agreeing with your zealous overreaction is actually offtopic.
-5 personal score is enough of a learning experience for everybody just dieing constantly in pvp.
No need, absolutely no need to ban someone for being bad. Instead the system should teach them to be good. Which it currently doesnt.
Hence all those posts of people thinking they are good and deserve to be legendary, when the reality is, they die at least 5 times per match, are only mediocre at rotations and cant win 1v1s.
I mean, ask yourself… why is it that those people go and die so much? Its not because they want to loose. Its not even that they dont care about not winning.
Its because nobody they respect ever told them, that dieing is the worst that you can do in pvp.
What happens when they die? They get a respawn timer, a loading screen, and then they can run back in. Maybe someone yells at them in teamchat for rallying someone up, but most dont care about what others “rage” about in teamchat. They are just random players after all.
So there is zero awareness that dieing is actually really really really bad. Personal score is a good tool to teach them what is right and what is wrong.
Capping a point → good (+ score)
Killing someone → good (+ score)
Successful use of map objectives → meh, still good… (+ score)
All of these things are part of conquest and the system teaches them to you by giving you a small reward for doing good.
So, why not just use that system to:
a) teach also what is not good, meaning substracting score for dieing, double capping and
b) flag players with too much negative score
What easier way to automatically find those that grief matches, than just flagging someone for having -50 score. Flagging, mind you… not automatically banning them.
It also could be used to restrict someone’s access to ranked matches automatically.
For example, if you get -50 score, you have to win at least 20 unranked matches before you get access to ranked again.
The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each deathBtw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.
You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.
Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.
Personal score. You know, that what isnt worth kitten atm because it doesnt reflect anything really… but its something every new player thinks is the goal.
Alternatively, just remove personal score entirely, so people don’t build any other bad habits by trying to get a high personal score.
Again please stay on topic or use another thread, to talk about other topics then what this thread was made to discuss.
Please do not derail this thread
Thank You!Not every post not agreeing with your zealous overreaction is actually offtopic.
-5 personal score is enough of a learning experience for everybody just dieing constantly in pvp.
No need, absolutely no need to ban someone for being bad. Instead the system should teach them to be good. Which it currently doesnt.
Hence all those posts of people thinking they are good and deserve to be legendary, when the reality is, they die at least 5 times per match, are only mediocre at rotations and cant win 1v1s.
I mean, ask yourself… why is it that those people go and die so much? Its not because they want to loose. Its not even that they dont care about not winning.
Its because nobody they respect ever told them, that dieing is the worst that you can do in pvp.What happens when they die? They get a respawn timer, a loading screen, and then they can run back in. Maybe someone yells at them in teamchat for rallying someone up, but most dont care about what others “rage” about in teamchat. They are just random players after all.
So there is zero awareness that dieing is actually really really really bad. Personal score is a good tool to teach them what is right and what is wrong.
Capping a point -> good (+ score)
Killing someone -> good (+ score)
Successful use of map objectives -> meh, still good… (+ score)All of these things are part of conquest and the system teaches them to you by giving you a small reward for doing good.
So, why not just use that system to:
a) teach also what is not good, meaning substracting score for dieing, double capping and
b) flag players with too much negative scoreWhat easier way to automatically find those that grief matches, than just flagging someone for having -50 score. Flagging, mind you… not automatically banning them.
It also could be used to restrict someone’s access to ranked matches automatically.
For example, if you get -50 score, you have to win at least 20 unranked matches before you get access to ranked again.
I can humblely subside to defeat with this post. Meh the communtiy and moderators have been very very vocal in one way or another about solo players. If you have half a brain and can read just a little bit decently between the lines. It’ll look like this “Oh you are solo player looking for competitive matches and play in this game. HAHAHAHAHAHAA! Nope get placed with players purposely throwing the matches you are in and give us unopposed win streaks. Oh and if you do want some favorable but still non competitive wins join or form a Pre Made or get farmed.”
Nah sorry I’m too old and too smart to continuously stick around somewhere I’m not wanted. Guess the only for me to do now in GW2 is WvW. I guess atleast their is that. But to be honest this has left such a vigorously distasteful feeling in my mouth. But whatever life goes on, as do hypocrisy.
My last post ever on GW2’s sPvP forms.
Another one bites the dust! And another gone and another gone! Another one bites the dust!
The “Feeders” are placed on teams by ANET in two ways;
First, one team is being chosen to lose. Ergo, it will have losing players.
Second, the matchmaking has driven away enough players that people have to be drawn from wherever they are available.
This season, I have finally begun AFK ing some matches. I see no reason to run out there and be a punching bag for an enemy team that is clearly superior. I’ve also run into obvious deathtraps, just to get the kittened match over with. I suppose some would call me a feeder.
Competition is well and good. Unbalanced and predetermined matches are another matter.
Some posters on this forum keep arguing for tougher and tougher rules and matches. I’m mystified as to why those poster don’t recognize that;
Those “feeders” represent possible future players. They need to be cultivated if pvp is to prosper.
Harder matches and advancement will lead to further decreases in PvP population. That in turn makes matches worse. This is a vicious cycle.
Those “feeders” represent new blood. New players are exactly what PvP needs at this point. Denigrate them and drive them off at your peril.
(edited by Ithilwen.1529)
pvp won’t prosper. It’s terrible.
They should go back to the time before season 1 and start to balance. end of story.
I think a big problem is the amount of feeders that now come into Ranked pvp after hitting PvP Rank 20 just to troll players trying to actually win. My solution to this problem would be to implement a system where players can report other players that just are feeding the enemy team kills and points.
The easiest fix to this problem, is to reduce MMR of new players into rank. So, if you gave them avg MMR, average players will got MMR wrecked by bad plays.
New account or new players should start around the 20% to 25% MMR chain. (so they have a chance to not going into MMR hell under 10% but will not wreck good players that are 50%+).
I agree with you, new account or players are problematic when they join a team with good players into it while the other team is only made by good players.
This is one factor of the loopside matches we get with the “pip range” since fix to smurfing, that I called right before season 2 but no-one was interested to hear about.
I’m sure you know of people who repeat the same mistakes in life over and over and over…And even worse, they can even acknowledge it, but can’t help themselves @ repeating those bad behaviors.
Well people that play this game are part of life too and you might just stumble upon some in game…
What else you want to hear about? Seclusion/Isolation/Denial? I don’t think that’s going to happen…Education is a better tool to deal with this, but a strong arm solution is not. Not when you have a company and care about what people think of you as they are your revenue source.
Something Anet could do right now to help you in your quest to get clueless players be less clueless would be this: Post Hints/Tips on PvP loading screen & waiting screen while match starts to get some basics across…
They could even present some vids to demonstrate some basic elements…kinda like in the game Catherine, or even more…they could do some PvP based PvE environment tutorials/challenges where you are 1 of your 5 man team and a given scenario occurs. Different points could be tested/trained and you could have some sort of icon perhaps, to illustrate what PvP scenarios you successfully achieved…such as Rotation, Fleeing bad situations, reversals in given or whatever could be singles out as a series of events/happenings/situations that players in general should know…from basics to advanced..
I’m just daydreaming.
See when we think that if soloQ is removed and all entering game need to be in premades, then there would be long Qtimes is wrong. Long Qtimes are now coz there are few people doing this. If all are doing this then the Qtime would eventually be less.
Why also worry about solo players would quit PvP. If they do then so be it coz PvP is a team game and not a “solo devil may cry fest”. WoW got only premade system in Ranked Battlegrounds of 10v10 and it works well. Same goes for 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 arena for them the last being the same as ours here.
Therefore the only way to preserve PvP is via the following:
1. Premade only in Ranked games
2. PvP specific skins/titles via Ranked games at different levels
3. SoloQ and PvE reward tracks only in Unranked games with both being removed from Ranked games
4. Bringing 2v2, 3v3 and if possible 10v10 modes apart from the current 5v5 mode with different PvP specific rewards and titles for all
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