(edited by Phantaram.4816)
Few small changes you would make to the meta
Turret health cut in half.
Implement PvE’s death penalty in PvP.
This will nerf turret engis and bunker comps.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Call to Arms – Vigor Duration reduced to 6 seconds base
Charge – Cooldown increased to 20 seconds base
Reason: This ability currently cures cripple, immobilize, chill + converts 1 more condition to a boon and removes 1 more condition on a 12s cooldown in a 1200 aoe, just absolutely crazy powerful.
no. both the warrior warhorn support skills are fine as they are now.
there is no need to make any changes.
vigor boon duration is balanced, since durations can be removed, stolen or converted into conditions.
charge base recharge time of 15 seconds is balanced.
that skill is working as intended.
conditions can be very easily re-applied than the warhorn can remove them anyway.
It’s a team-wide cleanse. For a self cleanse, you’d be right, but the skill is AoE.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Ring of Warding – 50 second cooldown
Reason: at 40 seconds the cooldown too conveniently aligns with judges intervention. Not to mention it’s just an extremely powerful ability.
Don’t like this one. It’s only by player choices that skill is too good. If you have stability Ring of Warding is no problemo frando.
Turret health cut in half.
Implement PvE’s death penalty in PvP.
This will nerf turret engis and bunker comps.
supply crate will become very vulnerable to AOE on specs that don’t run the 33% turret damage reduction trait. might be better to just nerf that trait tbh.
100% behind you on the WvW/PvE death penalty. it needs to happen. sick of the same dude being multi ressed.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
(edited by choovanski.5462)
Hey. Just thought I’d throw some nerfs/changes/ideas and stuff out there. Make your own short list!
Call to Arms – Vigor Duration reduced to 6 seconds base
Charge – Cooldown increased to 20 seconds base
Reason: This ability currently cures cripple, immobilize, chill + converts 1 more condition to a boon and removes 1 more condition on a 12s cooldown in a 1200 aoe, just absolutely crazy powerful.
Absolutely not. Not unless they look at all the slow and immob spamming across the board.
Ring of Warding – 50 second cooldown
Reason: at 40 seconds the cooldown too conveniently aligns with judges intervention. Not to mention it’s just an extremely powerful ability.
Why is the current implementation bad? It literally only counters the “meta” builds within your team, but it falls apart rather quickly if accounted for with AoE stab from… well, a Guardian maybe?
Sorry, but this smells a bit like being biased towards your own team-setup… The Guardian hammer is probably the most clunky tool in the game, extremely slow, overwriting fields with the AA (so can very well screw up might rotations), neigh unusable Immobilize, paired with no mobility unlike the GS, and you want it nerfed because it works well with JI? Again, sorry, but that feels really dumb without any proper compensation for the set as a whole
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
haha, you’re really gonna argue with phantaram? ^^’
- Summon Flesh Wurm cast time from 1 1/2 seconds to 3/4: The way the TerrorNec is currently played, you have to use Wurm for mobility/lifeforce and the other stunbreaker for mobility. Give them at least some way of not being trained down within seconds in a teamfight. With a reduced casttime, flesh wurm could be used during fights when you can’t put it down preemptively, just a very small buff in an area where the Nec has huge problems.
- Reapers Precision: from 33% proc to 50%: Give the Nec at least a small reason to run rabid amulet.
The changes proposed by phantaram make absolute sense and make the build just slitghtly less powerful in aspects where they’d still be more than powerful enough. Also, it rewards better play and/or restricts the power of very very easy to use skills or combos.
Ugh. I can’t see me only wanting to make "small" changes... But I’ll try... This might sound like a lot of nerfs, but to prevent power creep from continuing, I feel it’s necessary. Feel free to rage at me. <3
- Fix projectile distance to 1500 instead of floating to 1950.
- Ranpage as One only 1 stack of stability (to match other offensive elites).
- Rework sword auto attack to remove janky animations.
- Frost grenade is now blockable.
- IP changed (Not real sure a fair, active but also intuitive way.)
- Increase cool down of gear shield to 25 seconds.
- Magnet pull effect visible while stealthed.
- Healing Turret 1 second cast time.
- Add a minor, but relevant condition cleanse in some way for general use that doesn’t require breaking a build entirely to obtain.
- Turrets need heavier changes than I wish to list here to fix them without breaking them entirely:
- Increase time adrenaline lasts after combat, and degen slower.
- Charge increased to 18 seconds base (less harsh).
- Earth Shaker increased responsiveness. (Sometimes lags when pathing)
- Slight area reduction on combustive shot as adrenaline increases.
- Regain 50% adrenaline on an evaded/missed burst skill. (Not including combustive shot as it "always hits", abilities still have the cooldowns. Mostly in effort to help non cleansing ire builds, or at least take steps to try to reduce the dependency on it and burst mastery.)
- Move some Axe AA damage to Cyclone Axe and possibly throw Axe.
- Don’t know enough to really say anything intelligent, even with bias.
- In general, reduce FA "instant" damage combos, but compensate more telegraphed attacks with stronger effects. (Not a fan of too much instant play in general. Just don’t kill the build when doing so.)
- Don’t allow Touch of Death to function in down (state in tooltip). Scales too harshly with boon rip, executioner and downed damage modifiers. It’s fun, but too much.
- Reduce Life Blast damage by 20% (roughly*) but reduce cast time to 3/4. Reduce range penalty to 25% less damage beyond 600u. (Lots of reasons I want this.)
- Change Dhuumfire to 1 second of Burning per lifeblast. (Gives condi necros a reason to Life Blast, if it can be balanced right, may give alternative to CtD for more streamlined dps. Less ICDs. And opens possibilities for alternative runs sets to be used.)
- Reduce Life force on Staff 1 to 3%. Make marks gain 1% life force baseline.
- increase scepter LF gain.
- Start matches at 15% life force.
- Anything else is too much explaining or changing overall, not simple.
- Make chill reduce initiative gain (not by 66%, maybe 33%. Shouldn’t be ignored entirely.)
- Find a way to make Powerlock affect them.
- find SOME way to make Steal slightly less insane in a single instant press. (No clue.)
- No real comments as of yet. I could see The Ring of Warding cool down increased.
- Again, no real answers. They don’t seem terrible, just countered by thieves.
- Make "The prestige" cause reveal in an AoE when used. :P
- Streamline downed effects. All or no "knockbacks" should move a downed skill (Overcharged shot does, Warrior hammer 4 doesn’t. I don’t understand the inconsistency.)
- Being removed from shadows refuge removes the stealth. This should happen to downed players as well.
That’s a good start IMO... Love it or hate it, further adjustments may need to happen as well, but I think at least some of these should happen.
Edit: I understand there is technically a different between "launch" and "knockback". But I still see no reason why one should work and the other not, as both should theoretically move the body. Of course, it’s all just personal preference.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
(edited by ronpierce.2760)
haha, you’re really gonna argue with phantaram? ^^’
Should we just go with what all the top players say regardless of how random and biased it seems?
Why should he not have people arguing against him? As far as I know, this is a discussion forum, not a boot-licker one – and I am willing to argue against anyone regardless of their position within the PvP scene if their suggestions seem out of place, and in this case, brutal without any compensation for Hammer as a whole
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
haha, you’re really gonna argue with phantaram? ^^’
Should we just go with what all the top players say regardless of how random and biased it seems?
Why should he not have people arguing against him? As far as I know, this is a discussion forum, not a boot-licker one – and I am willing to argue against anyone regardless of their position within the PvP scene if their suggestions seem out of place, and in this case, brutal without any compensation for Hammer as a whole
Fanboys will be fanboys. It happens everywhere, people overvalue the opinion of people the idolize. Not worth trying to change that behavior, it won’t ever happen.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
haha, you’re really gonna argue with phantaram? ^^’
Should we just go with what all the top players say regardless of how random and biased it seems?
I like this quote especially since Phanta says d/d eles are fine. What is is favorite class? DING DING.
haha, you’re really gonna argue with phantaram? ^^’
Should we just go with what all the top players say regardless of how random and biased it seems?
Why should he not have people arguing against him? As far as I know, this is a discussion forum, not a boot-licker one – and I am willing to argue against anyone regardless of their position within the PvP scene if their suggestions seem out of place, and in this case, brutal without any compensation for Hammer as a whole
what a troll….
Hammer doesn’t need any compensation, at least not in terms of CC.
The only thing out of place is your sense of superiority or better understanding of the game as a whole than a top-player and accusing him of being biased against a build he’s currently running quite often himself.
(edited by PowerBottom.5796)
what a troll….
Great comeback – at least now I know with what kind of guy I am typing with…
I am going to leave it here since you are apparently not open to discussion because your “Allknowing Phantaram” has opened his mouth…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
The irony (or maybe not so much irony) that he somehow managed to not notice the clear biases in the proposals. Ring of warding is some how trouble some, yet D/D ele and Cele rifle is perfectly fine. Just doesn’t really jive with me, honestly.
Btw Slick shoes is a bit more frustrating than RoW.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
The irony (or maybe not so much irony) that he somehow managed to not notice the clear biases in the proposals. Ring of warding is some how trouble some, yet D/D ele and Cele rifle is perfectly fine. Just doesn’t really jive with me, honestly.
Btw Slick shoes is a bit more frustrating than RoW.
Considering he somehow forgot this very article he wrote four months ago, I will wisely just abandon this thread before being called a “Troll” again for daring to speak up…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
Make everything RNG/Passive —> active (skill ceiling/floor goes up, less need for nerfs)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
- Streamline downed effects. All or no “knockbacks” should move a downed skill (Overcharged shot does, Warrior hammer 4 doesn’t. I don’t understand the inconsistency.)
Launches move corpses. Knockbacks don’t.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Ring of Warding – 50 second cooldown
Reason: at 40 seconds the cooldown too conveniently aligns with judges intervention. Not to mention it’s just an extremely powerful ability.
Going to have to disagree with this one. Judges and ring has always been a thing, and It’s always been strong, but only because of the meta with lack of stability. Increasing the cool down when this skill is already at 40 seconds will just hinder it. The cooldown is fine, and I know it aligns well with judges intervention c/d, but the ring is also used defensively to peel for team mates or for yourself. So you a choice of defensive or offensive ring. 50 seconds would be way too long.
[NA]Rank 71 before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch OG Moltres, 10k Champion Brawler, Team PZ
flame strike (scepter auto: fire):
casting time reduced from 1.25s to 0.75s, burning duration reduced from 2s to 1.5s.
dragon’s tooth (scepter #2: fire):
this skill is a ground target skill now.
shatterstone (scepter #2: water):
applys 1s second of chill per pulse (3 pulses) in the area. cooldown increased to 10s from 2s.
lightning strike (scepter #2: air):
the skill will stay instacast but will get a 0,25s wind up time before it hits the target, producing black clouds around the target.
stone shards (scepter auto attack: earth):
casting time reduced from 1.5s to 0.75s, bleeding duration reduced from 6s to 3s.
obsidian flesh (focus #5: earth):
cooldown reduced to 45 from 50s.
arcane shield:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 60s.
mist form:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 65s.
glyph of elemental harmony:
cooldown reduced from 25s to 20s, casting time reduced from 1.25s to 1s.
protection duration increased from 3s to 6s.
cantrip mastery: water III
(currently cd reduction of cantrips) new: increases the range of lightning flash from 900 to 1200.
fresh air: air XII
when this trait activates, black clouds will be generated around the player to indicate that the air attunement is off cooldown now.
feel free to discuss
(edited by Jekkt.6045)
LAUNCH can “knocback” downed, while regular KNOCKBACK can’t. Overcharged Shot is launch, banish is launch – launch is generally stronger and more rare effect with more input to land it (that’s why Overcharged is kinda broken – just compare to banish and have good laughs). Stealth magnet is visible, maybe only a little less. Gear shield no probs. On rest about engi i don’t wanna speak. Celestial is just better atm, rabid still good, sometimes even better but also meets more hard counters and dies easier. Cele more flexible and reliable. No reason to slot settler, had such good time with healing bombs perma evade troll cele in current shape hurts the class some shaving is needed, maybe making ammy stats standardized with other? dunno, that could break the builds which is no fun; would be good to try this option and revert changes quickly if it kills build, AGAIN smaller, but more frequent balance patches
Removing downed from SR doesn’t reveal :O ? My noscope Banishes, i’m now sure I’ve hit way more than it seemed (though want someone to confirm on that, my mind is a little blown on this). Otherwise im terribad thief not talking on that
Necro changes be good.
You want to nerf fresha air ele or I misunderstood? I get the point, but that would require complete rework towards more accesible cc skills. And I honestly don’t see good reason behind this. For cele i think it’s fine. Can be annoying, especially in duel but can’t really call it op since it lost much dmg with might nerf. (and again here is the problem with celestial)
Guardian hammer – no. Sorry biased main here, though i have some things to back it up. Sure combo is good – still long cd wep skill + medicore cd utility. Also can be undone by the same spec with stand your ground with similar, even smaller cd. Its not op, not even somehow terribly good, its just non stability meta that doesn’t want to evolve (and it won’t happen soon, because of small number of teams). Also many people still run selfish gs, have no clue what they are doing, yet they do pretty well. I like that hammer can bring more to the table but is not so much of an eez mode like gs. Wait for double guardians, one classic balanced and second for double 2h teamfight wrecker
I don’t know what to think about warrior atm. I so dislike shoutbow, so boring for me in general. I love zerker (still seems inferior to medi guard, because of being harder to land burst) and I loved hambow whit some personal twist with conf on rupt (still inferior to shoutbow, good players will usually somehow mitigate cc and survive stances time and your done – basicly very good teamfighter IF your team dictates the terms on which fight is fought; shoutbow performs more reliably.
Ranger needs major overwork. MAJOR – it does not promote skillful play, which is bad; has tons of crap utilities which is even worse. Weapons aren’t good either – one or other bow and then second set some dodge, disengage and not real offensive possibilities (well gs is way better, but still, Maul suffers the same as warrior hammer). At least there is a place to work around.
Mesmer is in the worst place in my opinion. Whatever you try to accomplish, sooner or later, you realize that MASTERING shatter will give you better results. Mesmers revolves around boon hate, but its tied to long cd utilities which can’t really be given space, cuz teef, or guess what -SHATTER. More options on boon ripping outside from shatter. This probably can be adressed somehow. Second thing is clone dependancy. This is way harder. Clones. They die. Other than that, they could be extreme cheese against some bunkerish classes, if buffed. Honestly I don’t know how this could be addresed at the current state of the class. Some rupt builds could finally get a living if triats are better split among trait lines, and mentioned boon ripping options expended. Still dreaming of supportive/cc mesmer style
Just a bunch of my opinions. Sorry for english and typos, there must be quite a lot.
Yeah I don’t really play the game any longer – whaddya think I am doing on forums?
flame strike (scepter auto: fire):
casting time reduced from 1.25s to 0.75s, burning duration reduced from 2s to 1.5s.dragon’s tooth (scepter #2: fire):
this skill is a ground target skill now.shatterstone (scepter #2: water):
applys 1s second of chill per pulse (3 pulses) in the area. cooldown increased to 10s from 2s.lightning strike (scepter #2: air):
the skill will stay instacast but will get a 0,25s wind up time before it hits the target, producing black clouds around the target.stone shards (scepter auto attack: earth):
casting time reduced from 1.5s to 0.75s, bleeding duration reduced from 6s to 3s.obsidian flesh (focus #5: earth):
cooldown reduced to kitten from 50s.arcane shield:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 60s.mist form:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 65s.glyph of elemental harmony:
cooldown reduced from 25s to 20s, casting time reduced from 1.25s to 1s.
protection duration increased from 3s to 6s.cantrip mastery: water III
(currently cd reduction of cantrips) new: increases the range of lightning flash from 900 to 1200.fresh air: air XII
when this trait activates black clouds will be generated around the player to indicate that the air attunement is off cooldown now.feel free to discuss
I like some of these ideas. The invuln on scepter 5 doesn’t need a reduced CD imo, because it’s already really strong: the only invuln in the game that can somewhat compete with it is DIstorsion, and it’s on a 60s CD (or 45ish with 6 points in the last trait line), and you have to have 3 clones up and IP to reach 4s.The CD is already 50s on Obsidian Flesh. But the ground targeted dragon’s tooth is a must. I don’t play scepter elementalist that much because I always felt unnatural that this skill requires a target and phoenix doesn’t.
clarification ^^
post was meant to be answer on @ronpierce’s post
but I went ham with analysis and had to delete the quote
Yeah I don’t really play the game any longer – whaddya think I am doing on forums?
flame strike (scepter auto: fire):
casting time reduced from 1.25s to 0.75s, burning duration reduced from 2s to 1.5s.dragon’s tooth (scepter #2: fire):
this skill is a ground target skill now.shatterstone (scepter #2: water):
applys 1s second of chill per pulse (3 pulses) in the area. cooldown increased to 10s from 2s.lightning strike (scepter #2: air):
the skill will stay instacast but will get a 0,25s wind up time before it hits the target, producing black clouds around the target.stone shards (scepter auto attack: earth):
casting time reduced from 1.5s to 0.75s, bleeding duration reduced from 6s to 3s.obsidian flesh (focus #5: earth):
cooldown reduced to kitten from 50s.arcane shield:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 60s.mist form:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 65s.glyph of elemental harmony:
cooldown reduced from 25s to 20s, casting time reduced from 1.25s to 1s.
protection duration increased from 3s to 6s.cantrip mastery: water III
(currently cd reduction of cantrips) new: increases the range of lightning flash from 900 to 1200.fresh air: air XII
when this trait activates black clouds will be generated around the player to indicate that the air attunement is off cooldown now.feel free to discuss
I like some of these ideas. The invuln on scepter 5 doesn’t need a reduced CD imo, because it’s already really strong: the only invuln in the game that can somewhat compete with it is DIstorsion, and it’s on a 60s CD (or 45ish with 6 points in the last trait line), and you have to have 3 clones up and IP to reach 4s.The CD is already 50s on Obsidian Flesh. But the ground targeted dragon’s tooth is a must. I don’t play scepter elementalist that much because I always felt unnatural that this skill requires a target and phoenix doesn’t.
thanks for the feedback! the reason i wanted to reduce the cd of obsi flesh a bit was the fact that some classes get f skills recharge on 50% hp like:
“Recharge all of your shatter skills when your health drops below the threshold.
Health Threshold: 50%”
but i do know that the cd is already shorter than other invuls, so i only reduced it by 5 seconds. i guess of all the things i listed this would have the least priority anyway.
and @phanta, slicks shoes should change for engis, maybe a single stun for every target instead of multiple, or less “stun circles” on the ground, or after 1 stun and you dont move anymore you can’t get stunned another time.
(edited by Jekkt.6045)
Ranger needs major overwork. MAJOR – it does not promote skillful play, which is bad; has tons of crap utilities which is even worse. Weapons aren’t good either – one or other bow and then second set some dodge, disengage and not real offensive possibilities (well gs is way better, but still, Maul suffers the same as warrior hammer). At least there is a place to work around.
Ranger does not promote skillful play, but I don’t really see how you could have a skillful ranger build without changing the mechanics of the profession completely. In addition, some players like to play at range, or the overall feeling of the profession (a lot actually: near launch, it was the second most played profession, and it probably still is), and it should be preserved.
However, I think you’re wrong on the “bad weapons” thing. Every weapon (except off-hand axe) is now useful and optimal in certain builds. The buffs to torch and war horn were needed, and are a model of good balance imo. I wish to see more small balance changes like that in the future, outside of meta builds.
Turret engi teams, because you know i’d like to play pvp instead of pve.
Thief stealing from mesmer currently gives them all boons for 10s except stability for 3s. Stability and aegis basically makes them invulnerable to a lot of the mesmers counterplay (such as IP daze), they jump away or keep dodging and repeat the same thing again since stealing CD is so short…
In addition to what phantaram suggested, removing stability and/or aegis from stealing would make thief vs mesmer a lot more balanced. Getting all other boons for 10+ secs is still very powerful.
Nerfing oRNG?
Two quick things:
1. Don’t nerf Ring of Warding. Nerf it’s combo with JI if you like.
2. Slick Shoes getting and ICD on knockdown.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
(edited by Rym.1469)
haha, you’re really gonna argue with phantaram? ^^’
Should we just go with what all the top players say regardless of how random and biased it seems?
Why should he not have people arguing against him? As far as I know, this is a discussion forum, not a boot-licker one – and I am willing to argue against anyone regardless of their position within the PvP scene if their suggestions seem out of place, and in this case, brutal without any compensation for Hammer as a whole
what a troll….
Hammer doesn’t need any compensation, at least not in terms of CC.
The only thing out of place is your sense of superiority or better understanding of the game as a whole than a top-player and accusing him of being biased against a build he’s currently running quite often himself.
Why change a skills when it has counterplay?
The skill has counterplay to it other than just stability. There are ways out of it. And the current 40s CD is a pretty long time.
Nerf Stealth.
If you block/evade/invul, that player should be revealed. Its 2 forgiving allowing a player to keep spamming his auto attack until his back stab goes off.
With all this talk about Launch and Knockback, I kinda wonder…. Why can’t we Launch/knockback Turrets? That would solve the problem of Turrets with skills. That way, Turreteers would have to spend time putting their siege in good places (at least minimum skill required here) and still be completelly useless if the enemies attack turrets first, launching them away from the point and making engies require more skill to survive.
Nerf Stealth.
If you block/evade/invul, that player should be revealed. Its 2 forgiving allowing a player to keep spamming his auto attack until his back stab goes off.
this needs to happen tbh. there should be no exceptions to the ‘attacking from stealth reveals you’ rule. countering backstab should not give the thief an advantage (they can attack from stealth without getting revealed).
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Nerf Stealth.
If you block/evade/invul, that player should be revealed. Its 2 forgiving allowing a player to keep spamming his auto attack until his back stab goes off.
this needs to happen tbh. there should be no exceptions to the ‘attacking from stealth reveals you’ rule. countering backstab should not give the thief an advantage (they can attack from stealth without getting revealed).
You guys probably not heard of this one but there is a Boon called Protection.
dem thief burst no more, dem thief backstab countered, dem thief is dead, dem cry babies happy.
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
Ring of Warding – 50 second cooldown
Reason: at 40 seconds the cooldown too conveniently aligns with judges intervention. Not to mention it’s just an extremely powerful ability.
Medi guard loses his burst if he opens with JI to ROW, so I don’t see how the alignment matters. As it being OP, well, it’s one of 2 semi defensive abilities medi guard has unless you count invul heal and our lame elite. It’s also VERY slow to cast, easily telegraphed, and I would say a lot of times you have to deal with stability which makes it pointless.
I use it purely in a defensive manner. Box out a node, or help with a rez. It becomes way more useful in 2v1 on something say a cele engi (if slick shoes is on CD) and you need to lock them down for a quick burst and stomp.
You have to be kidding me about any nerf to guardians. Also, my altrusitic bunker hammer guardian is going to eat a small nerf because of some bs fotm dps spec that could lose its spot in the meta over-night if A-net decides to boost some other dps specs. I’m not going to get into arguments about specific abilities but just removing air and fire sigils and nerfing celestial amulet would do 1000 times more for the game then most of the stuff mentioned here. This is the typical case of high level players not being able to see the forest through the trees. They only care that they win and only things that bug them and there teams, in Phantaram’s case he doesn’t like getting spiked down with this combo, matters. He doesn’t care at lower levels of pvp people are tired of lubing up there butts for celestial rapings he doesnt like once in a while he gets caught in ring of warding and spiked down so that’s an important issue. That is why this game will go nowhere.
(edited by brannigan.9831)
Turrets and supply crate are now deleted from PvP except healing turret.
Balancing to the top introduces power creep.
Nerf Stealth.
If you block/evade/invul, that player should be revealed. Its 2 forgiving allowing a player to keep spamming his auto attack until his back stab goes off.
this needs to happen tbh. there should be no exceptions to the ‘attacking from stealth reveals you’ rule. countering backstab should not give the thief an advantage (they can attack from stealth without getting revealed).
You guys probably not heard of this one but there is a Boon called Protection.
dem thief burst no more, dem thief backstab countered, dem thief is dead, dem cry babies happy.
i don’t know why you think protection is somehow better than a block vs backstab. one has you taking no damage, and the other has you take a few thousand damage. wow sounds like a great counter, nice one.
it’s just ridiculous that the thief doesn’t get revealed just because the attack would have done no damage. the thief should be punished for trying to backstab me when im blocking, the game shouldn’t just say “don’t worry, i’ll let you stay in stealth you can just try again”. even more farcical after the adrenaline nerf.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Nerf Stealth.
If you block/evade/invul, that player should be revealed. Its 2 forgiving allowing a player to keep spamming his auto attack until his back stab goes off.
this needs to happen tbh. there should be no exceptions to the ‘attacking from stealth reveals you’ rule. countering backstab should not give the thief an advantage (they can attack from stealth without getting revealed).
You guys probably not heard of this one but there is a Boon called Protection.
dem thief burst no more, dem thief backstab countered, dem thief is dead, dem cry babies happy.
i don’t know why you think protection is somehow better than a block vs backstab. one has you taking no damage, and the other has you take a few thousand damage. wow sounds like a great counter, nice one.
it’s just ridiculous that the thief doesn’t get revealed just because the attack would have done no damage. the thief should be punished for trying to backstab me when im blocking, the game shouldn’t just say “don’t worry, i’ll let you stay in stealth you can just try again”. even more farcical after the adrenaline nerf.
Isn’t too obvious? here let me enlightened you.
Lets say you’re a Warrior (based on your signature)
In a team fight scenery
Thief go stealth, suddenly you heard some
Blonk Blonk Blonk (stop listening another music ffs)
and then on your screen, you saw some (Player skill called awareness)
Block Block Block (Thief says, Hi im here please swing your weapon towards this way)
Then you realize, there is a Thief stabbing your back (i hope you’re not dumb enough to noticed)
You then pop Protection and try to facetank backstab, have no fear shouts can heal you while maintaining the passive effect of your trait and heal sig.
Thief hit you (you noticed the few thousand damage dealth, as you say)
thief got 4sec revealed
block skill is on cooldown (yay)
teammate notice thief and try to poke him
thief hp went down to 40’s
thief made of glass (yay)
thief eat your F1
thief countered
thief gg.
Do i have to draw a picture?
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
Nerf Stealth.
If you block/evade/invul, that player should be revealed. Its 2 forgiving allowing a player to keep spamming his auto attack until his back stab goes off.
this needs to happen tbh. there should be no exceptions to the ‘attacking from stealth reveals you’ rule. countering backstab should not give the thief an advantage (they can attack from stealth without getting revealed).
You guys probably not heard of this one but there is a Boon called Protection.
dem thief burst no more, dem thief backstab countered, dem thief is dead, dem cry babies happy.
i don’t know why you think protection is somehow better than a block vs backstab. one has you taking no damage, and the other has you take a few thousand damage. wow sounds like a great counter, nice one.
it’s just ridiculous that the thief doesn’t get revealed just because the attack would have done no damage. the thief should be punished for trying to backstab me when im blocking, the game shouldn’t just say “don’t worry, i’ll let you stay in stealth you can just try again”. even more farcical after the adrenaline nerf.
Isn’t too obvious? here let me enlightened you.
Lets say you’re a Warrior (based on your signature)
In a team fight scenery
Thief go stealth, suddenly you heard some
Blonk Blonk Blonk (stop listening another music ffs)
and then on your screen, you saw some (Player skill called awareness)
Block Block Block (Thief says, Hi im here please swing your weapon towards this way)
Then you realize, there is a Thief stabbing your back (i hope you’re not dumb enough to noticed)
You then pop Protection and try to facetank backstab, have no fear shouts can heal you while maintaining the passive effect of your trait and heal sig.
Thief hit you (you noticed the few thousand damage dealth, as you say)
thief got 4sec revealed
block skill is on cooldown (yay)
teammate notice thief and try to poke him
thief hp went down to 40’s
thief made of glass (yay)
thief eat your F1
thief countered
thief gg.
Do i have to draw a picture?
warrior doesn’t have access to protection you dolt
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Who knows, they might add protection on warrior if some top tier player ask for it.
Lets say your team mate pops it, its a team based game after all eh (problem solve)
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
flame strike (scepter auto: fire):
casting time reduced from 1.25s to 0.75s, burning duration reduced from 2s to 1.5s.dragon’s tooth (scepter #2: fire):
this skill is a ground target skill now.shatterstone (scepter #2: water):
applys 1s second of chill per pulse (3 pulses) in the area. cooldown increased to 10s from 2s.lightning strike (scepter #2: air):
the skill will stay instacast but will get a 0,25s wind up time before it hits the target, producing black clouds around the target.stone shards (scepter auto attack: earth):
casting time reduced from 1.5s to 0.75s, bleeding duration reduced from 6s to 3s.obsidian flesh (focus #5: earth):
cooldown reduced to 45 from 50s.arcane shield:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 60s.mist form:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 65s.glyph of elemental harmony:
cooldown reduced from 25s to 20s, casting time reduced from 1.25s to 1s.
protection duration increased from 3s to 6s.cantrip mastery: water III
(currently cd reduction of cantrips) new: increases the range of lightning flash from 900 to 1200.fresh air: air XII
when this trait activates, black clouds will be generated around the player to indicate that the air attunement is off cooldown now.feel free to discuss
I think the proposed changes are great, would make scepter/focus a little less “clunky” on some skills.
I don’t particularly like the fresh-air and air2-changes, simply because of the black clouds: I think the game is already packed with way too many visual effects and those indicators and/or the wind-up time isn’t a huge deal, so I’d rather go with less clutter on the screen. ^^’
A ground-targeted tooth – even thinking about it makes me wanna jump with joy. ^^’
Turrets – allow crits and conditions to affect turrets. Rebalance health/armor to reflect this change.
Rationale – Players have 5 stats they can choose from to determine how much potential damage they do – power, ferocity, precision, condition damage and condition duration. Turrets ignore 4 of them. In addition, some classes defenses are based on/supplemented by conditions, which turrets completely ignore.
Off the top of my head, low Armor/High health turrets that are affected by crits and conditions feels fair.
Rapid Fire – Instead of 1 attack at 3.75 multiplier across 10 hits, give 1 attack across the first 5 strikes (because you cant say hits after 5) at 1.25 multiplier and 1 attack across the last 5 strikes at 3.75 multiplier.
Rationale – RF isn’t OP, but it’s far too easy to use for a burst skill. It requires nothing but LoS and range on the skill with the best range in the game (assuming EE and RtW). The skill shouldn’t be “Hit 2 and see how many attacks stick”. Since we’re making the damage harder to land on the skill, it gets a damage buff so when it’s properly used, it’s even better.
Point blank Shot – change the Knockback on the second (500) and third(400) tiers to 350 and 200 respectively.
Rationale – The knockback is too much at mid and long range.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
(edited by evilapprentice.6379)
haha, you’re really gonna argue with phantaram? ^^’
- Summon Flesh Wurm cast time from 1 1/2 seconds to 3/4: The way the TerrorNec is currently played, you have to use Wurm for mobility/lifeforce and the other stunbreaker for mobility. Give them at least some way of not being trained down within seconds in a teamfight. With a reduced casttime, flesh wurm could be used during fights when you can’t put it down preemptively, just a very small buff in an area where the Nec has huge problems.- Reapers Precision: from 33% proc to 50%: Give the Nec at least a small reason to run rabid amulet.
The changes proposed by phantaram make absolute sense and make the build just slitghtly less powerful in aspects where they’d still be more than powerful enough. Also, it rewards better play and/or restricts the power of very very easy to use skills or combos.
What’s wrong with arguing with Phantaram? Just because he is a really good player doesn’t mean he is deemed to be right about everything when it comes to balance. Hop off the fanboy bandwagon would yah?
On another note, I just think it’s biased that he is proposing nerfs to almost all meta builds while he suggest nothing be done about elementalist.
Anyways I disagree with all of these changes. Phantaram obviously didn’t consider that when you balance for pvp you’re also affecting wvw. These changes are unnecessary. The only change I would propose would be to reduce warrior base vitality and improve necromancer survivability mechanics, as well as do something to transition rangers and mesmers back into meta.
Hey. Just thought I’d throw some nerfs/changes/ideas and stuff out there. Make your own short list!
None: increase the power of some of the weaker classes/specs and dd ele is fine at a competitive level. Certainly still a very strong spec for solo queues and such.
- Fix the animation of Dragon’s Breath (or nerf it’s range) (animation does NOT align with reality, animation not hitting you while the attack actually does = broken)
- Lower Doom sigil duration; too much conditions can be applied for a class that can easily stack might + power AND condi based pressure (bleed, weakness, burn, poison, cripple, immo..)
- Magnetic Grasp should not be able to follow over ‘objects’, while other projectiles can’t (Obstructed). Make it blockable/reflectable. Atm it gives the might stacking + fire armor rotation too easy and accessible.
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
flame strike (scepter auto: fire):
casting time reduced from 1.25s to 0.75s, burning duration reduced from 2s to 1.5s.dragon’s tooth (scepter #2: fire):
this skill is a ground target skill now.shatterstone (scepter #2: water):
applys 1s second of chill per pulse (3 pulses) in the area. cooldown increased to 10s from 2s.lightning strike (scepter #2: air):
the skill will stay instacast but will get a 0,25s wind up time before it hits the target, producing black clouds around the target.stone shards (scepter auto attack: earth):
casting time reduced from 1.5s to 0.75s, bleeding duration reduced from 6s to 3s.obsidian flesh (focus #5: earth):
cooldown reduced to 45 from 50s.arcane shield:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 60s.mist form:
cooldown reduced from 75s to 65s.glyph of elemental harmony:
cooldown reduced from 25s to 20s, casting time reduced from 1.25s to 1s.
protection duration increased from 3s to 6s.cantrip mastery: water III
(currently cd reduction of cantrips) new: increases the range of lightning flash from 900 to 1200.fresh air: air XII
when this trait activates, black clouds will be generated around the player to indicate that the air attunement is off cooldown now.feel free to discuss
I think the proposed changes are great, would make scepter/focus a little less “clunky” on some skills.
I don’t particularly like the fresh-air and air2-changes, simply because of the black clouds: I think the game is already packed with way too many visual effects and those indicators and/or the wind-up time isn’t a huge deal, so I’d rather go with less clutter on the screen. ^^’
A ground-targeted tooth – even thinking about it makes me wanna jump with joy. ^^’
i get flamed at least 3 times per day because fresh air and lightning strike are both instacast with no animation, this would kinda solve that problem :P
the clouds wouldn’t even have to be too big.
Warrior – Balanced Stance & Dolyak Signet both set to 10s base duration and 10 stacks
Guardian – Stand Your Ground! set to 8s base duration
Thief – Create more viability for amulets outside of Berserker
Ranger – Natural Vigor 25% passive endurance needs to be set back to 50%
Engineer – Turret limitations need to function exactly like Spirits in Guild Wars 1
Necromancer – Life Force propagation turned up and Life Pool drain also turned up
Elementalist – Armor Of Earth turned down to 5 stacks
Mesmer – Create more viability for amulets outside of Berserker
Elementalist – Armor Of Earth turned down to 5 stacks
if you reduce the terrible cooldown aswell.
Can y’all shut the hell up about him doing this to favor his team. God you guys are so kittening annoying, just disagree with his opinion don’t attach a motive to it.