First Desertion, what about a pause system?

First Desertion, what about a pause system?

in PvP

Posted by: Artixera.5107


I had my first desertion in legend just now and it was software related on my end i got a 20 min punishment and likely 4 reports so i figured i’d go here and complain about it no not really just an explanation and a suggestion, late night thoughts =)

My cat hit the lock button on my wireless keyboard 20 seconds before the pvp game started and for some reason i was able to log back into the pc but pressing certain buttons now caused the pc to open all kind of windows, some keys worked some didn’t so i was not even able to explain to my team why i was standing almost entirely still, i could still move with the mouse but not use any skills on the keyboard pretty much.

I made an attempt to say ‘’Keyboard broke’’ or something similar to it but there was too many keys that only opened up windows programs so i gave up and restarted the pc only to come back into the game to see that they gave up the moment i restarted the pc, if i had been given a minute, just 60 seconds i would have been back into the game and ready to play again since the restart fixed the problem.

So what im thinking is why does Guild Wars 2 PvP not have a Team Pause button? for atleast a minute? ofcourse i see both pro’s and cons about it so lets discuss if anyone wants, maybe there is already a thread about this? who knows, i don’t =)
And how it would work? obviously if a desertion happens or a disconnect of any kind the minute the team has should be activated by automation and chat shall either be disabled or remain active, if disabled premade teams will have a upper hand through things like teamspeak, if both teams has chat unlocked it would be more fair but the system could be abused by someone disconnecting to get more time to plan a strategy.

- Less deserted games hopefully if the leave is like in my case software/network related
- A minute to strategic planning if it were to be activated by the team and not automation
- A fair chance for people who might get a reocurring DC sometimes etc

- The strategic planning abuse part could be bad for the PvP itself unless it was intended as a planning timeout that could be used to wait for Disconnected people

Just some thoughts nothing too serious just looking for opinions =)
I haven’t seen too many desertions this season so i would assume the system in place is working, some afk’s here and there through the climb but it was not much.

But it would be nice with a pause system just to give those who DC a small chance atleast to get back in time before the team just gives up like it did in my case =)