First time I face a hacker in PvP

First time I face a hacker in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Zero.6592


My teammate was shouting a whole bunch of nastiness towards a hacker in the opposing team. We were totally dominating the match, so obviously I was a bit sceptical and told my teammate that if it was a hacker he probably wouldn’t be losing so hard.

To my big surprise a few seconds later I found that I was wrong, there really was a hacker. A bunker ranger was constantly shadowstepping across the map. He was using it to kite with his longbow mostly. When a thief shadowsteps there is an animation, but not for this ranger. Mostly he was just shadowstepping like 300-500 range, like he was stuttering. But obviously not even thieves could keep up with this bunker ranger.

I have his account name, should I do something with it? And did you guys encounter something like this before?

First time I face a hacker in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: baylock.1703


Maybe he was just lagging really hard but in all seriousness you shood report hem

First time I face a hacker in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Zero.6592


Maybe he was just lagging really hard but in all seriousness you shood report hem

How? There is no in-game report system for hackers.

First time I face a hacker in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: MissCee.1295


Match manipulation? Botting?

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First time I face a hacker in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


Report for botting is probably your best option. Even a thief can catch up to a lagging Ranger. If a thief can’t catch a player with a little effort, then there are definitely hacks involved.