Fix Matchmaking.
And the classes ofcourse, all solo q’ing
Or facing top ESL teams while solo q’ing…
Or facing another very good team while solo q’ing…
Or turn the tables and roflstomp others while having a team…
Or facing another top team with 55hp… While solo q’ing ofcourse..
Or again facerolling others ….
Need any more? Got hundreds of screenshots really…
This has been going on for atleast a month and demotivates alot of players.
Rather want to be 5mins longer in queue, than having this kind of matches
Come to NA where you can meet The abjured in unranked:
Or oRNG on EU…
I haven’t played ranked arena for a while, is it in such a bad state? Came back on the game for a couple of weeks now, but i’ve been mostly training in unranked, where it’s quite balanced imo. I want to do ranked games again but i confess i’m a little scared people might be unforgiving with rage, cries and tears.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
I noticed that your team always has different characters in it. Is it safe to assume you are queuing on your own? If so, the matchmaking is not at fault.
The game currently does not gather nor use nearly enough information to figure out how “skilled” you personally are. It’s all based on how many times you were lucky enough to win a match.
Because of this, if you don’t have a full team, you have extremely high chances of getting people on your team who will do everything in their power to make you lose as quickly as possible. When this happens, it becomes nearly impossible to carry your team to victory.
As long as you continue to sodomize yourself by queuing alone, your complaints will fall on deaf ears.
Come to NA where you can meet The abjured in unranked:
Or oRNG on EU…
That’s Ranked Arena, and you put 437 points up. This is the shining definition of a good game.
Hardly a side by side comparison to 5 people getting smacked so hard in Unranked that they didn’t even get match credit. That should never happen..
New Twitter: @chaithhh
The player base being small is why the matchmaking sucks, and the matchmaking sucking makes the player base even smaller because it ruins the fun for a lot of people and they quit due to it.
The player base being small is why the matchmaking sucks, and the matchmaking sucking makes the player base even smaller because it ruins the fun for a lot of people and they quit due to it.
Not only. It’s also rewarding too much number of games played. Everytime i’m checking my rating, it’s like number of points = number of wins.
Even when i’m checking leaderboards positions randomly, it seems that loses aren’t hurting anyone and wins are giving +1 to most players…
It’s not that entertaining when one day you play 10 games, win these 10, and see you gained 10 points " only ".. And this is from solo experience mostly, i hardly believe i’m only facing less experienced teams..
Come to NA where you can meet The abjured in unranked:
Or oRNG on EU…
That’s Ranked Arena, and you put 437 points up. This is the shining definition of a good game.
Hardly a side by side comparison to 5 people getting smacked so hard in Unranked that they didn’t even get match credit. That should never happen..
We were duo queue’ing. They were premade.
Second, check all my other screenshots, all facestomping or getting facestomped
PS; the screenshot was to provide the same information as NA people facing The ABjured, while EU can face oRNG aswel, nothing serious.
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
I wholehearted endorse and agree with the OP. Matchmaking lately in both ranked and unranked has been mostly one-sided steam-rolling by one team, and very occasionally an actual good match. I’ve had too many games to count against premade voice-comms teams while my team consisted of first-timers, or been a +1 to a premade against some unfortunate solo-queuers.
it’s very disheartening and frustrating and I feel bad for the newbies who don’t even understand why they lost 100-500.
Matchmaking system in this game is a disaster.. the most frustrating and broken from all games iv played… it looks like everything they announced of the revamp of pvp.. was canceled or something?
-There is no class balance at all ( same classes stack almost every game )
-There is no balance of class composition , as you get 3 thiefs vs 3 eles for example very frequently too
-There still is no penalty for swaping classes after game is launched-
-There is no dishonor
-There is also no balance in player skill (you almost never play with people of your same skill lvl)
They particularly said they , implemented MMR to fix all of the points i mention.. but still NONE of them seem to be fixed at all… in fact it feels like they silently removed everything they were suppose to fix in that "big pvp revamp?
the problem is NOT the match making or what classes people play.
the biggest problem is the requirment on how amtches start.
every single open map require jsut same number on each team to instantly start a match.
meanign asoon each team ahs one member the match starts.
by that time hwoever we have a 2v1 quota. meanwhile the rest waits until either team has a big enough advantage in points and point control, join, and leave asoon the aily is done.
this need to stop, specialy with the class specific dailyies it becomes even worse, specialy since they require wins.
and the msot logical way to achivthem is not doin good as the class but to do that hot join method. and to be honest thats the biggest problem.
next to forced scrambling and rage quit.
the system is way to easy to exploit in that regard and i can not really blame the players for doin so.
we need an over haul of the match start requirment.
FIRST every server needs a log in map swap timer, because some people load longer then others.
secoundly server need jsut to count how many people are on the server and adjust the requirment to start a match accordingly. meanig if 10 players are on the sever the requirment is for at least 4 palyer in each team to start.
then the random button MUST become the only option when a match hasn´t started yet AND that ALL server participants have clicked it BEFORE they get sorted in teams.
this eliminates the usual i join onyl the winning team option and provides constant shuffeld teams. of course peopel will claim that people who hot join in a group want to stay in a group and this can be concidered to by either sorting them to a server with other parties who join with more then one or a higher chance to be sorted to gether.
but to be honest it sometimes is good to kick you buddy in the guts too^^
also server size need to be limited to the amount of palyers that can actually play so only 10 man sever for 5v5 matches
another raffle option.
a 20man 5v5 server can allow the following scenario:
either through disconect or ragequit the observing players can sign up for a RNG to figure out who can replace the lost player, this eliminates the option of joining instantly the winning team and other team size based problems of team destribution, like forcing the teams to scramble so that he can join the winning team.
this deseteur also need stop for the match entirely.
if someone switches to observer mode, this person should not be allowed in the raffle to join a team. this can be a problem on a 5v5 server when only 9 people are present and somehow the 5 man team looses.
Somehow? well if the case of unblanced teams can not be sorted out by either means because there are only 9 people on a server the out numbered team needs a outnumbered buff which helps them to be number wise on apr with the other team.
BOOM problems solved
the problem is NOT the match making or what classes people play.
the biggest problem is the requirment on how amtches start……
ok you are talking about hotjoins which no one here is. we’re talking about ranked play.
something has to be done, either make a rank requirement or rank brackets to atleast try to adjust the disparity of ranked que to see what happens. its either steam roll or be rolled and the class make up really isn’t the issue. even tho i cringe if i see 3 rangers or 3 theives on one time. match making needs a ton of work, never should have more than 2 thieves on one team. never should have more than 2 of anything for that matter.
simple additions like a class check to prevent a bogus match from being created. i have no idea how the matches are created now, since lately i’m getting grouped with people that think ranked is hot join. so somehow lvl 80 ranked players that score high in matches are getting grouped with new people to “balance” the match? honestly any type of explanation would be nice.
solo, duo que, doesn’t matter. its something to do with points, rank, or something else. i don’t get it.