Fix hot-joins!

Fix hot-joins!

in PvP

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


This weekend had a special bonus where rewards were increased. Of course you’re going to get a flood of newbies who haven’t PvP’ed before. Take it in stride.

Fix hot-joins!

in PvP

Posted by: circuitnerd.5863



First of all, I would like to point that I am not one of those guys who can’t deal with the fact they failed. However, this pvp week was a joke, srsly. Since now, I don’t believe that hot-joins are pure RNG. Why do I always need to be in a team which members are asking me what to do, and when I tell them they can’t even defend close 2v1? Also, I saw too many guys wearing 1st lvl armor. Of course skins in PvP are useless, but show me one experienced player who could wear them… u can’t huh? I knew it. On what are hot -joins based? Please, tell me, and of course, you have to repair it ANet.

I’ll wear lvl 1 armor for you

Certified Gameaholic

Fix hot-joins!

in PvP

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


It has been very easy pickings in there recently.


Fix hot-joins!

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Hotjoins is a joke right now, all you do is wait to see which team is going to win, watch them win, then next game join the group of people that stack the winning team and just keep joining there team.

Like somebody mentioned somewhere else, the game needs to get rid of picking your side, and go back to 8v8. They should let custom arenas be special enough (they paid money to be special you know), that they can make the games where if you really want to pick your team you can pick your team.

#GetRidOfTeamPicking #8v8

Fix hot-joins!

in PvP

Posted by: muscarine.5136


Servers named FARM active since more than a year without any kind of action on Anet side should give you a clue how much they care about hotjoin’s state.

Fix hot-joins!

in PvP

Posted by: cheese.4739


Servers named FARM active since more than a year without any kind of action on Anet side should give you a clue how much they care about hotjoin’s state.

Though there’s really no point in using a farming server, since the only bonuses you can really get are small ones for top stats and autobalance volunteering. Still gotta stay in match for 7 minutes or however long it is, if you want full rewards, so might as well fight and laugh at the eejits trying to farm in hotjoin.