Fix it please.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Apollo.7389


Separate teams from solo/duo que. Separate ratings as well. Then after you have done this SIMPLE task reset the ladder boards.

We are sick and tired of facing premades when we are solo/duo queing. Your matchmaking systems is broken, we get faced vs. premades almost every match and then your game gives me horrible players as teammates. Put in a reporting systems so we can report the people who throw games on purpose and for other reasons. You guys kitten this ladder board and PvP in general. Put more resources towards PvP.

If you guys are going to keep taking this thread off the forums I will keep posting it. If you ban me I’ll get my friends to post it, if you ban them I will get their friends to post it. Get my drift? Just fix it and and make this game epic like you promised over 10 months ago.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: cuge.5398


Actually…. today i won 5 tournaments in a row in solo Q, and won other 6-7 with other 2 friends. Our opponents were easy sometimes, some other times were really hard, we lost twice but wasnt so tragic.
At the moment i dont think its so bad, it could just be a little better with visible rank points on leaderboard and custom arenas.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Seryi.7936


I agree, but don’t be surprised if this thread gets kittened again.

After all, separate queues for solo and teams means that premades lose free rank points and rating by making it harder for them to farm pugs. Brace for the kitten storm of ‘pro’ players who enjoy their easy wins.

Tarnished Coast, Thief main, Asura.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: mursie.3681


Actually…. today i won 5 tournaments in a row in solo Q, and won other 6-7 with other 2 friends. Our opponents were easy sometimes, some other times were really hard, we lost twice but wasnt so tragic.
At the moment i dont think its so bad, it could just be a little better with visible rank points on leaderboard and custom arenas.

time of day is a big deal. During non-peak hours you can get semi viable solo q matches. That is because ppl aren’t on to play so more solo quers in the pool.

Wait until prime time ..evenings… your life will be hell.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Axis.1085


I agree, this is very annoying and there is no point in playing solo. Its not about skill, it doesnt matter how good you are if you fight a premade team you wil lose 8 of 10 games. You just cant play competitive as a solo. The matchmaking is badly implemented and the ratings dont work as intended.

I play solo (Im rank 43 ao Im not a beginner) and my games go like this. Start a game, big chance of facing a premade. If we fight a premade there is a big chance 1 player wil dicsonect. Fight a premade 4v5. :-(

The system as it is now is usless for people who play solo.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


I agree, but don’t be surprised if this thread gets kittened again.

After all, separate queues for solo and teams means that premades lose free rank points and rating by making it harder for them to farm pugs. Brace for the kitten storm of ‘pro’ players who enjoy their easy wins.

To be fair most of the top players have been good about this and really would enjoy fighting full groups of comparative skill level then pub stomping. There are some delusional ones though that act like there rating is mostly built on beating teams of good players. A group of people thrown together in the mists that doesn’t group together often is a glorified pug. There are not many dedicated groups at all like Paradigm and Curse. That being said something needs to be done soon.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Axis.1085


I dont want to moan, but seriosly got 5 games now it the row destroyed becouse of the matchmaking. in 4 games one person left after just a few minutes, not even giving the team a chance to fight.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083



Up Rerroll

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Apollo.7389


ty for responding people. I would like to keep this up top so whenever ANET checks the forums this is in their faces.

I understand that it is easy sometimes to win game in solo que but im sure those game you won are solo ques as well, you might of gotten lucky to get decent teammates while the other team did NOT, or the premade you faced wasn’t so good or they made several huge mistakes.

Try solo/duo at prime time and say you win 4 out of 5 VS. premades. Also it depends what your rank is. If you aren’t even on the list you will HOPEFULLY, key word hopefully since the matchmaking system is broken, not face the good teams. If you are on the ranking list you most certainly will face premades more than not.

This would be much less of a problem, still a big problem though, if there were millions of players but there is VERY few people playing this game.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Apollo.7389


It has come to my attention people are actually buying second AND THIRD accounts so they do not have to worry about dropping their main rating. This is crazy yet a great idea since the game is in the horrible state. Please fix your game sooner than later so people are not forced to buy second and third accounts. This is completely unfair to other people because this new account has no rating and they are trying to bomb other peoples rating which is what is happening.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


This is one of the big greiences I have with the game. I dropped from #47 to like 900, going from team quing to solo quing.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: mursie.3681


It has come to my attention people are actually buying second AND THIRD accounts so they do not have to worry about dropping their main rating. This is crazy yet a great idea since the game is in the horrible state. Please fix your game sooner than later so people are not forced to buy second and third accounts. This is completely unfair to other people because this new account has no rating and they are trying to bomb other peoples rating which is what is happening.

Lmao, you want anet to fix an issue that is leading 15 year old bieber fans to purchase a new $60 game account?? that’s rich.

Let me walk you through the discussion at anet headquarters 10 days ago:

Dev#1: “we gotta start bringing in revenue for pvp or the two of us left working in this department are going to get canned. The $3 tickets to play tournies didn’t work and I doubt anyone is going to buy a ton of chef outfits to wear in the mists.. you got any ideas what to do?”

Dev#2: “lol, know your audience brah. These 15 year old mouth breathing bieber kids will purchase anything if they think they are the only ones that can have it.”

Dev#1: “i’m not following. what are you proposing?”

Dev#2: “simple watson. We create a leaderboard that displays a rank to these clowns and then sit back and watch the money pour in as they all rush to buy multiple new game copies to protect their original rank. Of course, we’ll need to make the rankings super volatile so that fear in losing will be exacerbated and further increase the need for these kids to purchase new accounts.”

Dev#1: "This is absolutely crazy. You really think someone is going to pay money for a 2nd account to a FREE game that was touted as “esports” material and 8 months past launch has empty pvp zones with not even a fraction of the supportable esport features promised at launch? Who in their right mind would do something that completely stupid? This game has barely 200 twitch viewers on a given weeknight compared to 10’s of thousands of viewers for games like LOL and Dota. No sir, i’m sorry but I think you are gravely mistaken and this is our jobs at stake."

Dev#2: “You really have alot to learn about the massive lack of intelligence of your purchasing demographic for an online pc game. These mouth breathers have the combined intelligence of an anvil. Maybe less. Trust me friend, after we introduce this ridiculous leaderboard with hidden MMR ratings and the volatility of a roller coaster… the money will start pouring in. We’ll likely triple or quadruple the revenues generated since the game was launched just with this one move.”

Dev#1: "I must say, they did fall for the “invisible” features we introduced on the 26th of March. I’m still laughing about that one. I guess give it a try, you’ve been right before. Thank God for america’s youth. I may still have a job yet!"

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: jsu.4370


Mursie, you’re hilarious. lol I started using my spouse’s account for pvp hotjoins.

They really do need to split them.

Jsu – joO Binder

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Dat matchmaking!


Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


Dat matchmaking!

Maybe there was a rank 167 on blue team who left… then it would have been balanced.

Lol. ;-)

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: mursie.3681


Dat matchmaking!

Maybe there was a rank 167 on blue team who left… then it would have been balanced.

Lol. ;-)

I’ve seen that guy… I think his name is God

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Axis.1085


The problem I find with solo quing is that when you win a few games and your rating increases you get paired with some realy poor players on your team. That woud be fine if you woud allways face only solo quening players and fght them, but you dont. You face premades and even if they have a low rating, they are much better orginasered and wil win 8 out of 10 games. So your rating wil drop a lot since you lose to some low rated players.

Its like your rating can improve just to a certain point, and then drops down again as quickly you face some semi decent organised teams. Its just random, to random.

I played now solo around 18 games and won only 50%. Its not that I lost half of my games, but its about how I lost. I think I lost to a good team only twice, the other losses where in teams with people that played like they play hot join. Just capping, running solo, never protecting… thats it. It didnt matter what I did. I hold close point or mid, made suggestions on strategi, asked them nicly to hold points and focus on this or that… but they dont listen

So there I was… trying to play tournaments solo and be competitive, but I end up teaching other players what to do in a way that its just not effective.

So how can I play competivite as a solo player? I cant. Yes, I can find maybe a good team and increase my rating, but thats not the point. The system enquarages people to play solo (you can join games easly) but at the same time punishes them for doing so since you cant actually be competitive. Its just random from the players view (even if its a hidden formula behind it).

Sorry for my bad english.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Awe.1096


Free bump for you becouse I agree current choice for solo players is atrocious. You can pick between being farmed by premades in tPvP or use hotjoin where most people dont have a kitten clue about objectives (or they dont care) and all your efforts to play for the team will be useless so all you can do is just join a zerg and ignore team scores.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Apollo.7389


It has come to my attention people are actually buying second AND THIRD accounts so they do not have to worry about dropping their main rating. This is crazy yet a great idea since the game is in the horrible state. Please fix your game sooner than later so people are not forced to buy second and third accounts. This is completely unfair to other people because this new account has no rating and they are trying to bomb other peoples rating which is what is happening.

Lmao, you want anet to fix an issue that is leading 15 year old bieber fans to purchase a new $60 game account?? that’s rich.

Let me walk you through the discussion at anet headquarters 10 days ago:

Dev#1: “we gotta start bringing in revenue for pvp or the two of us left working in this department are going to get canned. The $3 tickets to play tournies didn’t work and I doubt anyone is going to buy a ton of chef outfits to wear in the mists.. you got any ideas what to do?”

Dev#2: “lol, know your audience brah. These 15 year old mouth breathing bieber kids will purchase anything if they think they are the only ones that can have it.”

Dev#1: “i’m not following. what are you proposing?”

Dev#2: “simple watson. We create a leaderboard that displays a rank to these clowns and then sit back and watch the money pour in as they all rush to buy multiple new game copies to protect their original rank. Of course, we’ll need to make the rankings super volatile so that fear in losing will be exacerbated and further increase the need for these kids to purchase new accounts.”

Dev#1: "This is absolutely crazy. You really think someone is going to pay money for a 2nd account to a FREE game that was touted as “esports” material and 8 months past launch has empty pvp zones with not even a fraction of the supportable esport features promised at launch? Who in their right mind would do something that completely stupid? This game has barely 200 twitch viewers on a given weeknight compared to 10’s of thousands of viewers for games like LOL and Dota. No sir, i’m sorry but I think you are gravely mistaken and this is our jobs at stake."

Dev#2: “You really have alot to learn about the massive lack of intelligence of your purchasing demographic for an online pc game. These mouth breathers have the combined intelligence of an anvil. Maybe less. Trust me friend, after we introduce this ridiculous leaderboard with hidden MMR ratings and the volatility of a roller coaster… the money will start pouring in. We’ll likely triple or quadruple the revenues generated since the game was launched just with this one move.”

Dev#1: "I must say, they did fall for the “invisible” features we introduced on the 26th of March. I’m still laughing about that one. I guess give it a try, you’ve been right before. Thank God for america’s youth. I may still have a job yet!"

Thank you for taking the time to post what I hope everyone sees. That ANET is not here to bring you a game fun to play but to just make money off you as quick as they can.

They are like so many other game companies out there that have big starts but fall flat and out of favor. This is one reason why WoW has stayed around so long…they realized that they have to help the players, because that is where their money comes from…I KNOW THIS IS A SHOCK.

Another example is League of Legends, I would play this game non-stop and continue to pay more and more money for a free game because they make it worth it. It is an amazing game, just not my style.

THIS game is amazing and could have the same outcome as LoL and WoW if ANET steps up and gives us what we want when we want. I know this sounds extreme but so is making a lasting game(more money) and a fleeting one(little money)

The people buying new accounts are far and few between, the money they get from that is little compared to what ANET could get.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Apollo.7389


Wow so I found out some people dont just have one other account to drop other peoples rating and not have to risk losing a high rating on their main account. Some people have 3 and 4 accounts. Can’t believe this is allowed in tournaments and pretty much encouraged by lack of action on ANETs part.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Axis.1085


I have so many bad experiances with leavers the past few days and it is a serious problem for us solo players. I noticed people leaving at start if the team falls back like 250points vs 150 points. And its possible to make a comeback from that.

About 7/10 solo games end up by 1 player leaving .

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094


Game Design Lead


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

Wow, after that statement I have to think really hard if I should log in again. My hope and I guess the hope of almost every solo queue player was that this will be fixed in the next update. Locking back to other statements regarding new features I guess this means we won’t see split team/solo queues in the next couple of month. I really hope enough solo players will quit, so anet see’s what epic fail they have made.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

That’s good to hear. I assume what you have planned is solo/duo Q. so people can Q with one friend if they so wish. Is this an update that is a priority? As in (I know asking for dates right). might we see it ‘soon’ or ‘down the line’.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

That’s good to hear. I assume what you have planned is solo/duo Q. so people can Q with one friend if they so wish. Is this an update that is a priority? As in (I know asking for dates right). might we see it ‘soon’ or ‘down the line’.

I guess the statement ‘something we have planned’ means not anytime soon. Otherwise they wouldn’t just delete a new topic with this statement I made.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Celeras.4980


Dat matchmaking!

Maybe there was a rank 167 on blue team who left… then it would have been balanced.

Lol. ;-)

Or, much more likely, a high rank on the winning team was on a losing streak… and a low rank on the losing team has been winning.

ELO is hard to comprehend herpaderpa

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

That’s good to hear. I assume what you have planned is solo/duo Q. so people can Q with one friend if they so wish. Is this an update that is a priority? As in (I know asking for dates right). might we see it ‘soon’ or ‘down the line’.

I guess the statement ‘something we have planned’ means not anytime soon. Otherwise they wouldn’t just delete a new topic with this statement I made.

I don’t know, pvp devs have been saying lately that they are “at the end of a development cycle”, and I’m starting to see some hints that custom arenas might be ready for this patch. For all we know, It’s a matter of days or a couple of weeks until they start working on it.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


@ J Shairp….can we get a straight answer thats not PR coated ums and ahs as to why these features are taking so long to implement….Its perfectly acceptable and quite frankly encourage to copy some of other games systems….eg league of legends solo duo queue and 5v5 teams… tpvp til at least rank 20 etc.

What do we as players have to do to get more development pumped into pvp….some of these features can so easily be implemented I personally can’t comprehend. Help us to help you.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Arisal.9740


To be fair League of Legends went 9 months (Oct 2009 – July 2010) before getting ranked matches where we could see ELO and the separate rating ladders (5v5 teams, solo/duo queue, 3v3). I know we all wish it was in on day 1 but lets be realistic. These guys all want the best things for the game too and its not like they disagree with it.

Just takes time.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: mursie.3681


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

No problem J. Sharp. I am committed to bringing your message to the people. I will continue to echo your words and the words of other devs. I appreciate your thanks but it is completely unnecessary. Just happy to help in any way I can.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: JoopFOX.9510


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

Thanks J. Sharp! I appreciate you sharing this and also how you’re always staying so cool despite the tone of some users.

Professor James – Mesmer

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Ulalume.9584


I am not sure what feature could be considered more important than solo queue right now. People don’t enjoy being farmed by premades for the next few months.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094



Game Design Lead

As I’ve said before, custom arenas and spectator mode are two of our highest priorities, so those will come first. But once those things are finished, we can then look at the KABILLION things we want to add to PvP and then decide which features we release next.

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


As I’ve said before, custom arenas and spectator mode are two of our highest priorities, so those will come first. But once those things are finished, we can then look at the KABILLION things we want to add to PvP and then decide which features we release next.

are you going to make 4v5 matches and penalties for quitters a priority?

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


To be fair League of Legends went 9 months (Oct 2009 – July 2010) before getting ranked matches where we could see ELO and the separate rating ladders (5v5 teams, solo/duo queue, 3v3). I know we all wish it was in on day 1 but lets be realistic. These guys all want the best things for the game too and its not like they disagree with it.

Just takes time.

Be realistic you say.

Smite has a solo que in closed beta. Even has visible matchmaking rating.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


As I’ve said before, custom arenas and spectator mode are two of our highest priorities, so those will come first. But once those things are finished, we can then look at the KABILLION things we want to add to PvP and then decide which features we release next.

dont get me wrong, i’m glad this is on the list of things for solo que. but i hope its a high priority as its driven several of my friends back to other games just because….its discouraging and we dont have enough for a full team or the ability to be on at the same time, but we’d be happy with solo/duo.

What would be helpful, is if at some point you could give the community some insight to some of the other things you guys plan to put in, and let us all bicker and moan about which ones we hate and which ones we like or even have a poll….that way you will be able to see which features are most demanded and which ones can be shelved for awhile.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


To be fair League of Legends went 9 months (Oct 2009 – July 2010) before getting ranked matches where we could see ELO and the separate rating ladders (5v5 teams, solo/duo queue, 3v3). I know we all wish it was in on day 1 but lets be realistic. These guys all want the best things for the game too and its not like they disagree with it.

Just takes time.

Be realistic you say.

Smite has a solo que in closed beta. Even has visible matchmaking rating.

Huge mistake if you compare your game to what someone did years ago instead of what your competition is doing today and more importantly tomorrow. See excuses like that far too often and thats all they are…they should have developed it to meet the current quality expectations of todays market, not yesterdays.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Apollo.7389


To be fair League of Legends went 9 months (Oct 2009 – July 2010) before getting ranked matches where we could see ELO and the separate rating ladders (5v5 teams, solo/duo queue, 3v3). I know we all wish it was in on day 1 but lets be realistic. These guys all want the best things for the game too and its not like they disagree with it.

Just takes time.

Be realistic you say.

Smite has a solo que in closed beta. Even has visible matchmaking rating.

Huge mistake if you compare your game to what someone did years ago instead of what your competition is doing today and more importantly tomorrow. See excuses like that far too often and thats all they are…they should have developed it to meet the current quality expectations of todays market, not yesterdays.

I could not have said it better myself. Bravo bro

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Apollo.7389


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

I am glad you gave a response but this is a useless one. If anything it’s more angering than anything.

The fact that it didn’t have this function from the get go is horrible, the fact that it is still not implemented is worse and the fact that you aren’t even going to get to it till other things are done is appalling.

Also please realize that ANET and a lot more money and resources than a LoL had from a free to play game.

Here is me being constructive. You guys have done a great job but you can do so much better. HIRE more people to get all the content out a hell of lot faster.

Lastly do something about people manipulating the game for their personal gain at the price of all of us. Multiple accounts, which I’m sure some are from people who quit and gave away the accounts, are ruining the leader boards. I am fine with having more accounts and I see the reason to do so but not if they are using them in an improper fashion.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Ulalume.9584


As I’ve said before, custom arenas and spectator mode are two of our highest priorities, so those will come first. But once those things are finished, we can then look at the KABILLION things we want to add to PvP and then decide which features we release next.

How many solo queuers do you think will still play by then?

I would seriously encourage you guys to solo queue during prime time or on weekends and then reconsider which features are a priority.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Don’t.solo.que.anymore. (even if that translates to quitting pvp).
Problem solved.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


8 Months after launch, still cant hop into PvP w/ friend and enjoy.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Mssg.7804


Jonathan said they they will be able to look at the KABILLION things!

Yea, they will be LOOKING for KABILLION days!

They only reason why I am still playing GW2 is that there is no other game to play atm… but I am waiting and if any good game will come out this year, I will show big and fat middle finger to anet. Itf kittening funny because before game relased, they said that, they are pro pvp players and they played all kind of pvp games. HAHAHA J O K E

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: xtriz.9617


I playing Solo only, I win kinda much, but yes, it’s annyoing to fight vs 5 made grp.

But it’s ok for me, i like to have it hard and win ppl when they are in grp! I gonna start to make a 5 team group today ( Friday WIN TEAM!!) yeahhhhh

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

As I’ve said before, custom arenas and spectator mode are two of our highest priorities, so those will come first. But once those things are finished, we can then look at the KABILLION things we want to add to PvP and then decide which features we release next.


I understand that development has started on cutom arenas and spectator, and those are great features that the game should have. Obviously the development cycle on them should be completed since you’ve come this far.

You don’t need to look at a “KABILLION” things for sPvP oncey they are done though. Clearly you have the resources for only one thing at a time, and unfortunately, even that one thing at a time seems to take multiple months to implement (not blaming or raging, just stating how things have gone since betas). There is only ONE thing that needs to be next on the plate, and it is abundantly clear what it is.

Make a functional, split que for SOLO and TEAM. That is it. It is the single most glaring inadequacy that sPvP has right now, and it is the only thing that virtually everyone who has ever played the PvP in this game agrees on. Guys like Acandis and Lukee at the top of the boards are saying it too, because even though it doesn’t affect them (other than having to faceroll solo’s in boring matches) they don’t want the remaining population in sPvP to disappear and that is exactly what will happen if this isn’t addressed very soon.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Perhabs J. Sharp could give the solo players an advice what they should do in this game. Solo queue seems to be not an option any more; in half the games you get setup up vs a premade and in the other half you could have fun if you are lucky and the matchmaking doesn’t put you up with low ranks vs high ranks or 4 vs 5.
Or perhabs we should all follow this strategy: After winning one match go afk in the following 2 or 3 matches so your ratings gets low enough for another match vs a premade.

So J. Sharp please tell me, how the solo player can have fun in tpvp if you are not willing to change this stupid system soon. The promise to change it somewhere in the future (perhabs serveral month) is not really good enough!

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: mursie.3681


Perhabs J. Sharp could give the solo players an advice what they should do in this game. Solo queue seems to be not an option any more; in half the games you get setup up vs a premade and in the other half you could have fun if you are lucky and the matchmaking doesn’t put you up with low ranks vs high ranks or 4 vs 5.
Or perhabs we should all follow this strategy: After winning one match go afk in the following 2 or 3 matches so your ratings gets low enough for another match vs a premade.

So J. Sharp please tell me, how the solo player can have fun in tpvp if you are not willing to change this stupid system soon. The promise to change it somewhere in the future (perhabs serveral month) is not really good enough!

Hey Despina, I was recently thanked by one of the anet devs for giving constructive remarks about this very issue and I think based on this praise I have a solid understanding of the answer to your question. You need to purchase a 2nd and possibly even a 3rd account. This will allow you the freedom to get AJ’d all day long on an account with no real worries regarding petty things like rank or leaderboards. As it’s just a second account for screwing around on… You are completely free to do as you please. Hope this helps.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Yes, let’s pour some more money into a game as quality as this one. Amazing suggestion, no doubt.
(I hope I am missing a tr_oll in disguise).

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Axis.1085


Im finished with this game. I cant be constructive any more, sorry. The matchmaking and people leaving makes the PvP a terrible experiance for solo players.

I remember this beeing taken up a few times in the PvP state of the game discussions, but ArenaNet just continued in the same direction. I dont know what you are planing for the expansion, but your reputation on the PvP market is seriously damaged.

ArenaNet, you made a “Our time is now” trailer. Thats apply to you too.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Apollo.7389



Your welcome Brohug, I hope you guys like it. Now to get back on topic.

What else about the rating system and queing could they make better? Should they enforce punishment if caught purposely trying to inflate/secure their own ratings by making more than one account to manipulate the leaderboards. And if so how could they enforce it, find those doing it, and what punishment should they receive.

24 hour ban, 72 hour ban, ratings reset for all their accounts, etc.