For Active SoloQueuers
As long as carrying remains sheer impossible in this game, it will continue to be that way.
5-10 matches a day.
180-300 rank.
Commonly, difference between teams is less than 100 points in the end.
Carrying is not impossible.. Im around 300-500 right now.. but Leavers and afkers lower any chance of winning considerably.
RIGHT NOW; 5 losses > 1 win > 3 losses.
SWTOR imperial side all over again.
I’m actively playing Solo Q atm. Working on getting my Paragon title and I enjoy the competition. I’m 29 atm, and would like to get into the top 10. However I don’t see that really happening.
Guess I’ve been lucky my teams have never been 4v5. Only time this happened was when Skyhammer was lagging and DC people, so that’s understandable.
Plus soloq matchmaking is off atm, and I usually just get the same teammates. Which is a good thing I suppose.
Heavens Rage