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For clarification...

in PvP

Posted by: Kikkee.8206


Nearly every post in here is about anet ignoring pvp. No balancing, no e-sports, no rankings, no queues for solo/duo’s… here is the reason why, pass it on:

PvP’ers don’t spend money. Once we buy the game, that’s it, they’ve got all they can from us. PvE’ers spend real money to get gold for crafting, gear, containers… Put plainly, there’s no money in the pvp portion of this game.

Not even the ‘pro’ pvp teams are staying with this game atm. They’ve stooped to playing with panda’s. So if you’re looking for competitive pvp, sadly, this is not the place.

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in PvP

Posted by: Kneru.8014



That’s why the other day on they talked about adding the tools needed to make this game an E-Sport right? You wanna play with Pandas? Go ahead. You wont be missed.

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in PvP

Posted by: dan.3618


But all of that stuff I would expect to be there as part of the purchase price after years of development.

I was quite shocked pvp was just a 4 map rotation.

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in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Anyone wanting to play “pandas” might not be missed by you, but you are no one relevant anyway. Leaving customers are always missed by the companies who try to attract them, as they are supposed to spend/keep spending money on their product.

Another thing about “pandas” – WoW, a game 9 years old now, still beats any other attempt of an MMORPG, GW2 included.

Was that an attempt of GW2 elitism?

For clarification...

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


Nearly every post in here is about anet ignoring pvp. No balancing, no e-sports, no rankings, no queues for solo/duo’s… here is the reason why, pass it on:

PvP’ers don’t spend money. Once we buy the game, that’s it, they’ve got all they can from us. PvE’ers spend real money to get gold for crafting, gear, containers… Put plainly, there’s no money in the pvp portion of this game.

Not even the ‘pro’ pvp teams are staying with this game atm. They’ve stooped to playing with panda’s. So if you’re looking for competitive pvp, sadly, this is not the place.

Sorry to say, you sir are very ignorant; I don’t mean this as a personal attack on you or anything, but if you think that Arenanet is ignoring the pvp player base in favor of the pve players, than your sorely mistaken; also this completely bogus argument regarding the fact that they have earned all the money they can from pvp players and are now seeking to milk the pve players, isn’t only absurd but completely unfound and incorrect.

For an mmorpg every player is potential revenue; they wouldn’t disregard a good amount of their player base in favor of another, a lot of people also seem to assume that pvp balance is the same as pve balance, its not.
Changes made to the pve environment are relatively easy and don’t effect the regular pve player in an overly large mannor, whilst changes in pvp can overturn a whole meta and thus need to be approached with care and excessive testing, so please don’t confuse this fact.

Also please if you would, tell me about the “Pro teams” that have left Guildwars 2, just drop a few names, because I want to know out of interest.

Lastly if someone wants to leave this game in favor of another, than that’s a choice they made for any given amount of personal reasons and doesn’t always necessarily need to reflect on Arenanet.

Team Paradigm.

For clarification...

in PvP

Posted by: Kikkee.8206


Sorry to say, you sir are very ignorant; I don’t mean this as a personal attack on you or anything, but if you think that Arenanet is ignoring the pvp player base in favor of the pve players, than your sorely mistaken; also this completely bogus argument regarding the fact that they have earned all the money they can from pvp players and are now seeking to milk the pve players, isn’t only absurd but completely unfound and incorrect.

Open-ended personal attack. Let’s see if you back it up…

For an mmorpg every player is potential revenue; they wouldn’t disregard a good amount of their player base in favor of another,

…missed this unfounded attempt at a rebuttle in your mashed up sentence the first time around. All I really need to say is read the patch notes, then come back and tell me they aren’t “disregarding a good amount of their player base for another.”

a lot of people also seem to assume that pvp balance is the same as pve balance, its not.

Changes made to the pve environment are relatively easy and don’t effect the regular pve player in an overly large mannor, whilst changes in pvp can overturn a whole meta and thus need to be approached with care and excessive testing, so please don’t confuse this fact.

You just proved my point right here… " changes in pvp can overturn a whole meta and thus need to be approached with care and excessive testing". So you’re saying that ArenaNet has not committed enough resources to pvp to balance it in a sufficient or timely manner? Timely being before the original 2 million purchasers had not got fed up and moved on.

Also please if you would, tell me about the “Pro teams” that have left Guildwars 2, just drop a few names, because I want to know out of interest.

The warrior from YOUR TEAM streams to nearly 6,000 people in pandaland every day!!!!

Lastly if someone wants to leave this game in favor of another, than that’s a choice they made for any given amount of personal reasons and doesn’t always necessarily need to reflect on Arenanet.

Did you actually read my statement? The forums are riddled with people angered at the Guild Wars II pvp arrangement and I was merely attempting to offer an explanation (an explanation that you have not even addressed in this personal attack). How do the complaints regarding pvp not reflect on Arenanet? Should we blame, I dunno, Blizzard? Who else does it reflect on?

In conclusion, before you go representing Team Paradigm to your potential consumer base, you may want to come with some valid arguments.

(edited by Kikkee.8206)

For clarification...

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


Sorry to say, you sir are very ignorant; I don’t mean this as a personal attack on you or anything, but if you think that Arenanet is ignoring the pvp player base in favor of the pve players, than your sorely mistaken; also this completely bogus argument regarding the fact that they have earned all the money they can from pvp players and are now seeking to milk the pve players, isn’t only absurd but completely unfound and incorrect.

Open-ended personal attack. Let’s see if you back it up…
-| ig·no·rance? ?[ig-ner-uhns] Show IPA
the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc.
As stated above I never meant it as a personal attack, therefore it’s your choice to treat it as so. |-

For an mmorpg every player is potential revenue; they wouldn’t disregard a good amount of their player base in favor of another,

…missed this unfounded attempt at a rebuttle in your mashed up sentence the first time around. All I really need to say is read the patch notes, then come back and tell me they aren’t “disregarding a good amount of their player base for another.”

-| As explained under pvp balance takes long than pve balance, and if something is clearly broken to certain extent than they need to prioritize fixing that; please point me to something in pvp that is broken to the extent of making it unplayable. |-

a lot of people also seem to assume that pvp balance is the same as pve balance, its not.

Changes made to the pve environment are relatively easy and don’t effect the regular pve player in an overly large mannor, whilst changes in pvp can overturn a whole meta and thus need to be approached with care and excessive testing, so please don’t confuse this fact.

You just proved my point right here… " changes in pvp can overturn a whole meta and thus need to be approached with care and excessive testing". So you’re saying that ArenaNet has not committed enough resources to pvp to balance it in a sufficient or timely manner? Timely being before the original 2 million purchasers had not got fed up and moved on.

-| What I am saying is that ArenaNet is probably compiling information and giving you a better balance patch; instead of just making hasty changes that could otherwise harm the pvp environment; time factors are there because last I checked no company has unlimited resources or are expected to meet a certain persons time schedule. |-

Also please if you would, tell me about the “Pro teams” that have left Guildwars 2, just drop a few names, because I want to know out of interest.

The warrior from Team Paradigm streams to 5,910 more people in pandaland than the 90 or less (usually less) people that watch your stream Xelpher.

-| Last time I checked teams where compromised of more than one person, so you still fail to give me the name of one team that has left Guildwars 2 |-

Lastly if someone wants to leave this game in favor of another, than that’s a choice they made for any given amount of personal reasons and doesn’t always necessarily need to reflect on Arenanet.

Did you actually read my statement? The forums are riddled with people angered at the Guild Wars II pvp arrangement and I was merely attempting to offer an explanation (an explanation that you have not even addressed in this personal attack). How do the complaints regarding pvp not reflect on Arenanet? Should we blame, I dunno, Blizzard? Who else does it reflect on?

-| Every game has forums riddled with people who are angry about one thing or another, does that mean that every company needs to cater to them personally ?
As I said, just because Arenanet didn’t fit certain people’s time schedules doesn’t mean what they are doing is wrong, I will continue to standby that fact and wait for the pvp patch, if the changes made are not satisfactory than I will have a base to formulate an argument about how Arenanet failed. |-

In conclusion, before you go representing Team Last Resort to your potential consumer base, you may want to come with a better argument than blankly calling a hypothesis ignorant without posing any relevant testaments to it’s incorrectness.

I am sorry that you fail to see what it is I tried to get across here, but simply said view points differ; and if you choose to ignore blatant facts, that is your choice to make.

Team Paradigm.

For clarification...

in PvP

Posted by: Kikkee.8206


You really are not doing yourself any favors.

1) You’re quote, “…you sir are very ignorant.” By nature it is a personal attack whether you quote the dictionary or not.

2) “…please point me to something in pvp that is broken to the extent of making it unplayable.” When did I ever make the point that the game is unplayable? You aren’t even addressing my original statement. Now you’re simply making things up.

3) “…time factors are there because last I checked no company has unlimited resources or are expected to meet a certain persons time schedule.” Again, nothing to do with my original statement, but I’ll respond anyways. Here is a time schedule that should be considered. How about before everyone gets fed up and quits?

And again, you proved my point, “…no company has unlimited resources…” I agree, and it’s obvious through the current changes to the game that arena net’s resources are being primarily funneled towards pve.

3) “Last time I checked teams where compromised of more than one person, so you still fail to give me the name of one team that has left Guildwars 2” Really, you want to play word games now? Fine, I was completely wrong, 100%. Teams are not leaving for panda’s. Members of teams are leaving for pandas. A member of your team left for panda’s, what does that say?

4) “-| Every game has forums riddled with people who are angry about one thing or another, does that mean that every company needs to cater to them personally ?
As I said, just because Arenanet didn’t fit certain people’s time schedules doesn’t mean what they are doing is wrong, I will continue to standby that fact and wait for the pvp patch, if the changes made are not satisfactory than I will have a base to formulate an argument about how Arenanet failed. |-”

Right here you completely debased every argument you have attempted to relate. In this simple statement you have said that pvp in this game is flawed and that the only reason you are playing the game is in the hope that they will fix it, but you’re not even positive that they will.

Look Xeph, with all your video’s and commentaries and streams, it’s understandable that you would be frustrated enough with the game to rant on forums. After all, your fan base is dwindling by the day and I’m afraid the ignorance you’ve displayed (that’s how to call someone ignorant in a non-personal manner btw ) in this post hasn’t won many more viewers for you. It’s okay though, I could never play this game again and be perfectly content watching Teldo “kill tha frenchies” for hours on end so Team Paradigm isn’t completely dead… yet.

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in PvP

Posted by: DalzK.9086


Kikkee how many e-sports features did LoL have on release? (NONE?)
How long did it take for them to implement spectator mode? (ONE YEAR?)
How popular of e-sports is it now? (VERY)

Seriously be patient – they will add the features in soon enough. Would you rather they just delayed the game release another 2 months so you couldn’t play anything? Use this as a training period – and btw, you are going to need LOTS of tournament tickets to play the paid tournaments, so use this period to collect as man as possible.

Have you forgotten Anets support? They’ve release minimum one patch a week so far which is VERY VERY good compared to 99% of other companies. There is also a patch coming today ( so at least wait for that and see what they do.

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in PvP

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


“Another thing about “pandas” – WoW, a game 9 years old now, still beats any other attempt of an MMORPG, GW2 included.”

Maybe in your opinion and in sales, but I would go back to Tera, Atlantica Online, DAoC or Asherons Call before going back to WoW.

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in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Can anyone actually provide any hard evidence (Like print sources ect) that this game is dying or the pvp base is struggling?
PS this is not an official source

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

For clarification...

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


OP, you are entirely incorrect with your statement that PvPers are unwilling to put more money into the game. The community is begging for private servers, which would be administered by ArenaNet and would be a source of income from PvP players.