For the love of Dwayna! class stack

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: ixon.2496


After a pretty depressing loss streak of 9 games, i finally win one (which isnt a l2p issue, after 2000+ games i know for a fact i’m not the main reason for.)

Then, poof next match im matched with 4 warriors, none of whom switch and get our kitten handed to us.

Matchmaking doesnt take class into consideration at all, which is ridiculous seeing as team comp heavily influences success.

On top of that players want to play the class they are good at, or their favorite, so being forced to switch to something you aren’t good at, or having the odds stacked against you by comp is just not practical or fair.

Suggestion (Which i’m certain has been made MANY times)- Limit classes to 2 per team, id be happy even limited to 1 per team.

ESL started adding this rule to matches, even that should be an obvious indicator class stacking is bad for the game, screw queue times, id rather wait longer for a balanced match up than 1 minute for an abysmal one.


Desolation [KISS]

(edited by ixon.2496)

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Absolutely agree. It is stupid to see classes stacked. The fix has already been done for pro league. We should not have to wait until season 4 to see this fix. It needs to be patched and patched soon.

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


Let’s face it, the idea of solo queuing into anything that resembles “balanced” is a pipe dream. Restricting the number of professions per team won’t fix anything (but it may wind up significantly increasing your queue times).

Server: Devona’s Rest

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: ima kong fu ninja.3052

ima kong fu ninja.3052

Agreed, I don’t care about long queue times (I’m talking 5-7mins) I’d rather have balanced matches. Tired of having 2 thieves on my team…..

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: ixon.2496


Let’s face it, the idea of solo queuing into anything that resembles “balanced” is a pipe dream. Restricting the number of professions per team won’t fix anything (but it may wind up significantly increasing your queue times).

If increased queue times improves matchup balance im all for it.

And restricting professions does fix a lot, it stops blowouts due to one team having too many of a singular class, whether thats win or lose (It can happen both ways, such as stacking an overpowered sustain class)

Its also allows people to compete with the profession they want to, without feeling obliged to switch because there are 1 or more other of their own class.

Desolation [KISS]

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Let’s face it, the idea of solo queuing into anything that resembles “balanced” is a pipe dream. Restricting the number of professions per team won’t fix anything (but it may wind up significantly increasing your queue times).

I would disagree. Class stacking either over emphasizes a classes strengths to an extreme level (see Season 2 necros) or creates a situation where a weakness is compounded (see Season 2 thieves/ warriors).

Class stacking needs to be fixed. It creates situations where skill isn’t the primary factor in a victory.

(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Let’s face it, the idea of solo queuing into anything that resembles “balanced” is a pipe dream. Restricting the number of professions per team won’t fix anything (but it may wind up significantly increasing your queue times).

I would disagree. Class stacking either over emphasizes a classes strengths to an extreme level (see Season 2 necros) or creates a situation where a weakness is compounded (see Season 2 thieves/ warriors).

Class stacking needs to be fixed it creates situations where skill isn’t the primary factor in a victory.

I completely agree with this. This has been a problem for 3 seasons. ANet will not or can not sort this out. I feel this will be left to try and force people in to making teams.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Class stacking is a problem we created. Now that most professions are viable, there is no excuse not to switch if you are too many of one profession on your team.

That’s like in Overwatch: sure, you can play two Widowmaker if you want, but no team plays that because one of the player will switch. I don’t know why GW2 players are incapable of doing this.

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Class stacking is a problem we created. Now that most professions are viable, there is no excuse not to switch if you are too many of one profession on your team.

That’s like in Overwatch: sure, you can play two Widowmaker if you want, but no team plays that because one of the player will switch. I don’t know why GW2 players are incapable of doing this.

Some people don’t have the other class. Others don’t feel comfortable on another class in pvp. Overwatch is designed for fluid class switching based on the conditions of the game. You can also switch classes mid-game, with little to no penalty to your team. Guilds Wars 2 is not designed that way. It is designed as a static team for the full 7- 15 minutes it takes to play a game.

Having the system search for unique classes to form a team should be a must in the game. Especially when they’ve done so much already to streamline things for casuals, you’d think this was a given.

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


Class stacking is a problem we created. Now that most professions are viable, there is no excuse not to switch if you are too many of one profession on your team.

That’s like in Overwatch: sure, you can play two Widowmaker if you want, but no team plays that because one of the player will switch. I don’t know why GW2 players are incapable of doing this.

Well there is this thing ANET made called class achievements. Cant tell you how many times its obvious someone is playing a class that day purely for the class achievement and the only skill they know how to do that class is press 1.

Then of course the players that only like one class (nothing wrong with that). Maybe at most they like 2 classes and dont care to change. Especially solo queuers.

Preventing class stacking will prevent the 4 thief teams because its thief winner or whatever and also will let players play the class they want.

Preventing class stacking will also naturally limit the OP class being played too much. If the flavor of the month re-rollers all go to the OP class, that class will see increased wait times.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

(edited by Spartacus.3192)

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Class stacking is a problem we created. Now that most professions are viable, there is no excuse not to switch if you are too many of one profession on your team.

That’s like in Overwatch: sure, you can play two Widowmaker if you want, but no team plays that because one of the player will switch. I don’t know why GW2 players are incapable of doing this.

Because some classes are easier to play than others. For instance I play warrior very well, yet I’m horrible with a mesmer. Also not everyone has all classes, or feels competent will all classes. So people stick with what they know, or what ever class is flavor of the month. With everyone thinking warrior is OP, people are flocking to warrior as they did with necro. Sadly warrior takes a bit more skill to play than necro. If people keep you at range, they win. If a warrior get to you, you are as good as dead. If they are skilled.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Harper.4173


After a pretty depressing loss streak of 9 games, i finally win one (which isnt a l2p issue, after 2000+ games i know for a fact i’m not the main reason for.)

Then, poof next match im matched with 4 warriors, none of whom switch and get our kitten handed to us.

Matchmaking doesnt take class into consideration at all, which is ridiculous seeing as team comp heavily influences success.

On top of that players want to play the class they are good at, or their favorite, so being forced to switch to something you aren’t good at, or having the odds stacked against you by comp is just not practical or fair.

Suggestion (Which i’m certain has been made MANY times)- Limit classes to 2 per team, id be happy even limited to 1 per team.

ESL started adding this rule to matches, even that should be an obvious indicator class stacking is bad for the game, screw queue times, id rather wait longer for a balanced match up than 1 minute for an abysmal one.

You’re wrong man – warrior is OP now – the more of them you have the better.
How could you lose with 4 of the most OP class in the game?


Also fully agree with the 2/team limit. It should make things better.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: shion.2084


I think for best results you’d have a limit of 2 per team, and if solo queueing it would only give you one class that had 2, the other players would be of differeing classes from each other.

To be more fair, when people queue, you should let them check a box that says, only allow 2 of a class per team. In blade and soul you can check a only one of my class when pugging. You may wait a bit longer, but its up to you to choose.

So if I was a theif I could check a box that said, pls only one of me on a team. I would also have a check box that said, and no more than 2 of any given class on my team. That level of granularity would be greatly appreciated.

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: ixon.2496


After a pretty depressing loss streak of 9 games, i finally win one (which isnt a l2p issue, after 2000+ games i know for a fact i’m not the main reason for.)

Then, poof next match im matched with 4 warriors, none of whom switch and get our kitten handed to us.

Matchmaking doesnt take class into consideration at all, which is ridiculous seeing as team comp heavily influences success.

On top of that players want to play the class they are good at, or their favorite, so being forced to switch to something you aren’t good at, or having the odds stacked against you by comp is just not practical or fair.

Suggestion (Which i’m certain has been made MANY times)- Limit classes to 2 per team, id be happy even limited to 1 per team.

ESL started adding this rule to matches, even that should be an obvious indicator class stacking is bad for the game, screw queue times, id rather wait longer for a balanced match up than 1 minute for an abysmal one.

You’re wrong man – warrior is OP now – the more of them you have the better.
How could you lose with 4 of the most OP class in the game?


Also fully agree with the 2/team limit. It should make things better.

Just because you stack the most OP class doesnt guarantee a win, 4 warriors dont have enough mobility to jump between points or the group utility required to help each other = a loss. [Edit – the current meta build lacks in these departments, which is basically every warrior you meet, but lets not turn this into a buff/nerf thread, theres enough of those]

The overall point was that class stacking in any way is a detriment to peoples enjoyment, at least for ranked. Unranked or hotjoin, go wild, but for a competitive system that has solo queue and team queue together, limitations should be in place.

Desolation [KISS]

(edited by ixon.2496)

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


On one hand, having the ideal team comp every match would be neat. On the other hand, adding an extra 30 minutes to the queue time to find this perfect comp every time… no thanks. The queue times are already longer than the actual games. And what if people just swap after they get into game? What then? Do we slap them all with dishonors? Cmon now.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Crowley.8761


Rarely do I see a game without 2 necros, 2 thieves and 2 guardians all at once. Today I’ve seen most games with 3+ warriors, probably as a result of someone posting they are OP somewhere.

It’s pretty rare to see a revenant now for me, a fellow Mesmer even more rare. Obviously something weird is going on. Oh and getting on a team with 3 thieves… uff.

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: ixon.2496


On one hand, having the ideal team comp every match would be neat. On the other hand, adding an extra 30 minutes to the queue time to find this perfect comp every time… no thanks. The queue times are already longer than the actual games. And what if people just swap after they get into game? What then? Do we slap them all with dishonors? Cmon now.

Well, if they try to switch to a class to stack it, a big X over the professions that are capped already and unable to switch to them. And who said anything about perfect comp? its only eliminating too many of each, so i doubt it would take 30 mins to find 5 people playing a different profession for a team. especially with all the people doing dalies.

So no, you Cmon now.

Desolation [KISS]

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Considering the queue times are already much longer than the actual games to get 4 thieves on your team, 30 minutes is a pretty reasonable estimate.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: ixon.2496


Considering the queue times are already much longer than the actual games to get 4 thieves on your team, 30 minutes is a pretty reasonable estimate.

Well it sounds like you are getting crappy matchups with class stacking, it must be super annoying to wait 30 mins to get a completely lopsided match that you have no chance of winning?

If onnnnly there was a cap on professions…

Desolation [KISS]

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


A cap on professions that would make the long queues even longer. No thanks.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!