For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Fanta.8049


Just like this ,get all 3 points ,stand and waiting .You can rotate with your friends when farming.
After April 15 we gonna busy to kill alot of fake dragons lol.


For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: yummcha.9456



A lot slower than team queues (winning 50%), and probably even slower than actually playing and carrying hotjoin scrubs.

You can bring back the term “skyhammer farm” when people are jumping into glass panels and getting 10k rank an hour, kthnx.

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Fanta.8049



A lot slower than team queues (winning 50%), and probably even slower than actually playing and carrying hotjoin scrubs.

You can bring back the term “skyhammer farm” when people are jumping into glass panels and getting 10k rank an hour, kthnx.

I never farming rank point ,so i dont know about how much rank point those farmer can get in 1 hour like u know .Im sry if “skyhammer farm” title bother you ,but i believe getting all 3 points without someone interrupting will be faster than playing a HJ match or Tournament. And the meaning of " farming" is you doing 1 job again and again to get as much as possible the thing u want ,here’s the same with that.
Again ,Im sry about the “skyhammer farm” title ,i think this is a new type of rank point farm.

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Man, and here i am obeying to the terms and conditions, while every person around me has: 500g + from glory, cool finishers, good salvagables and skins to collect. bags! free kittening bags! etc etc..

Next time ill uphold the ancient saying of exploiting MMO’s till your first ban.


54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

You should have learned by now to exploit anything as much as possible in this game unless it affects the economy.

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Wow that is some awesome gameplay. You must be enjoying yourself immensely.

I’ll give you a faster method of getting bigger numbers in an MMO:

Take a screenshot, paste into MSPaint, edit in the numbers you want. Presto!

One – Piken Square

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


you can basically do this with any other map
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Fanta.8049


Well sry guys ,i just feel like upset and duck up when i make this thread . I just click the play now button and it’s send me to skyhammer farm rooms like 3 in a row.Sry again guys ,I just feel sick with that rank farm,it’s ruin this game .

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


That should be considered match manipulation, like GW1’s “red resign” situation.

No exceptions!

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Zomaarwat.3912


Still the best way to get the “points scored” achievement

Over a year and the forum search is still broken = /

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Well sry guys ,i just feel like upset and duck up when i make this thread . I just click the play now button and it’s send me to skyhammer farm rooms like 3 in a row.Sry again guys ,I just feel sick with that rank farm,it’s ruin this game .

Why don’t you go to solo-queue or even teamq?

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Fanta.8049


Well sry guys ,i just feel like upset and duck up when i make this thread . I just click the play now button and it’s send me to skyhammer farm rooms like 3 in a row.Sry again guys ,I just feel sick with that rank farm,it’s ruin this game .

Why don’t you go to solo-queue or even teamq?

My last team queue was taking away 17m of wating ,and i try to avoid skyhammer on solo queue since i have no change to win again decap engi inside hammer room.

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


clearly you don’t know whats a skyhammer farm and its been patched according to anet.

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Fanta.8049


clearly you don’t know whats a skyhammer farm and its been patched according to anet.

Oh yeah ,i was sry about the “skyhammer farm”title ,it’s just like 1 guy get all 3 points for everymaps ,but i roll 3 skyham farm in a row and then that title

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


The problem is the ppl that exploited Skyhammer before the nerf to how we gain glory and rank points, PvE players that are now over rank 50 and 60 without a proper match, I’m playing since beta and I am proudly a genuine rank 41.

The exploiters were not punished and will continue to benefit for what they farmed and showing off wen genuine PvP players should be the ones with the benefits…

With the 15th patch they will have a ton of skins that they can use in PvE and the Genuine PvP players will have LESS to show of for there effort that the SH farmers that never did a proper match…

Sad but true.

A-net did what they could to prevent further farming but (IMO) to late, they will all be Dragons in a few weeks and most genuine PvP players will not and will have to continue fighting for that prise.

Although A-net told us that they knew exactly who was exploiting, actions were never taken to punish these players… Shame.

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


^ True, I’m mostly a tpvp player and I’m only r42 with 980hours played. Havent played much with the boosted rank points. :/
Someone said it would take 360 hours with a 50% winrate to get from 1-80 after the 15th patch. -.-

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: KarinaCO.6948


Just like this ,get all 3 points ,stand and waiting .You can rotate with your friends when farming.
After April 15 we gonna busy to kill alot of fake dragons lol.

Lol that’s not skyhammer farm, it was when 10 people would join each team, meet at mid, and fall into the hole and all make 300 points within 2 minutes. Yes, it was already fixed.


For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Fanta.8049


Just like this ,get all 3 points ,stand and waiting .You can rotate with your friends when farming.
After April 15 we gonna busy to kill alot of fake dragons lol.

Lol that’s not skyhammer farm, it was when 10 people would join each team, meet at mid, and fall into the hole and all make 300 points within 2 minutes. Yes, it was already fixed.

Do you even lift … i mean read the comments ?

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: KarinaCO.6948


Just like this ,get all 3 points ,stand and waiting .You can rotate with your friends when farming.
After April 15 we gonna busy to kill alot of fake dragons lol.

Lol that’s not skyhammer farm, it was when 10 people would join each team, meet at mid, and fall into the hole and all make 300 points within 2 minutes. Yes, it was already fixed.

Do you even lift … i mean read the comments ?

I was lazy and read them after q_q


For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: Bloodyhell.8760


Genuine lvl 45 here.

Please folk, I prey you, go ahead farming rank point as much you can.

I laugh so much when a lvl 60 comes to me and die in few seconds.
It has been my sweetest regard in pvp till now.

I love you all, dumb farmer!!!!
