For your eyes only

For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


To give an idea of what the pvp community is truly upset about.

I really like this first frame. In fact, that is why I put it number one of my picks. Half the team owned so bad they just gave up.


For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


I really like this one as well…7 players against 3..and that counts the guy on my team wearing no armour or weapons. Truly pvp a person can take serious.


For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


I think we’ve all been here before, burst down in 4 seconds…why..because rewened focused didn’t work. (It is currently a listed bugged in the 720 pages of bugs. The good ol’ video card render particle haze collapse. Still though, only number 3 on my list.


For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


I quite like this one to. Picked a side, trapped in starting WP on my enemies side and then just fell through into water below. I spent the rest of the match leisurely swimming round and checking out what the map looks like from under neath.


For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


I understand balancing a game that has thousands and thousands of lines of code is not easy work. I understand, Like an job the staff do their best and have challenges regarding time frames, resources and all manner of things. I also understand this game was pitched at me near 4 years ago in gw1. It came with the cause, “It’s ready when it ready.”

I love you guys, and only people with a guild wars account can see this..but I hope this truly demonstrates the frustration a player can feel. I really do wanna play this game. ..but at times it’s like the game doesn’t want me to just feels like 8 pounds squeezed into a 5 pound bag.

I understand your doing your best, and I would help if could, however I am not skilled in anyway to assist..the best I do is just give feedback with evidence so you know what the community is saying is actually real.


For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Allrdy stated by A-Net, balance is not based around hotjoin. Also it is a plattform for fun. Everything there is matched randomly together. PPl can enter and leave when they want. Logically this leads to some certain imbalances.
However: Every issue referrenced to hotjoin is not an accurate argument, sorry.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: Lue.6538


Well, I don’t think the pvp community as a whole is all that upset about hotjoin.

For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


If you’re not going to hot join to just shut your brain down and punch things, you’re doing it wrong.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Good replies. I won’t think about how cluster bombing is not fun. I won’t think about 12% of box sales were in E.U and N.A combined. The european community righteously thinks it owns the game, they don’t stop to think 88% of gw2 owners lay outside of those area’s and don’t feel like playing at 4 am when most northern hemisphere countries are awake. As much as I like the idea of Tpvp, unfortunately 88% of us play on, what I like to call a world clock. I will simply close my eyes to the disturbing amount of particle haze and the odd tree that completely obscures my camera. I’ll ignore out of 8 professions that 5 of them are ranged and all have anti melee skills flowing like water from a fountain. I’ll turn a blind eye to bugged maps and gap closing skills that fire me in the wrong direction. I’ll smile at the excess of vigor and evading for immunity frames. I’ll scratch my head at why I’ve personally seen population numbers dramatically drop over the year..there must have been something good on tv or something.

Spvp is in the game. It was put there along side PvE and Tpvp..I can hotjoin instantly or wait for up to 15 minues for a single tpvp match, where I may get team destroy or pug team I don’t really know what I am doing. If it is in the game, either balance it or scrap it in favour of something that is more controlled, but to leave it, like i said, feeling like 8 pounds in a 5 pound bag is contrary to too many original promises, hopes and desires stated. To simply ignore the entire spvp aspect and expect player to rent server space for 50 euro a month so they can organise more matches that have less issues doesn’t feel like a true fix. More damage will come from good. I’d rather see something good so players will still be here 4 years from now as they are in gw1 8 years after release.

For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: Lue.6538


so you’re upset with the timezones, the amount of blocks, dodges, parries, evades etc etc that characters have.

You also seem oblivious to the fact that all professions can be played on range, obviously to varying success but if you’re hellbent on playing hotjoin, it really wont matter.