Forest of Niflhel: Ninja-ing Bosses
and you ninja’ed the other team’s mob too right?
Actually kind of agree with you on this. While being on a team that ninjas most bosses and goes straight for theirs and usually gets it and ours from the start… I see how just getting the last hit to get the 25 points is a bit unfair. However the mechanic is pretty balanced itself. You could do a lot to prevent the enemy team from getting the last hit.
- Send at least one person to their boss
- Have him confirm the number of enemies that are crossing
- If sending more than one, have them try to eliminate the enemy crossers
- If only one, have him try to slip past and ninja the boss
- If any got by, have someone fall off the boss to CC or kill the person who came to ninja
- If killing them isn’t an option, stun or knock them down the second before the last hit
There’s a decent list of counters to ninjaing… it would just take some precise placement of your resources. The first minute on that map is extremely important. Taking away the ability to ninja it would really lower the strategic value.
Whatever would we do without the PvE in our PvP…
Every map has some kind of optional gimmick. Some are more necessary than others. Forest bosses can’t be ignored, you can force the other team into not using their treb and leave yours, and you can completely ignore the bosses on foefire.
I think it would be interesting if the boss hulked up or something when 2 players from different sides were near it. Making it a lot harder to kill or even popping endure pain or something when too many people were near it at 1 hp to make it a true 50/50. A lot could be done but I don’t think it should be left up to whether or not you have someone who can do an ez 5k in one hit on your team.
Looking at it from a tournament context, it denies a viable and important strategic move to change the points mechanic on Svanir and the Chieftain. Having multiple yet equally valid paths to victory is important.
Wow. Kill stealing is part of the game. Just learn to stop them…problem solved…or learn to do it…problem solved.
Instead of being mad about it and self-imposing limitations, learn about the tactic.
Wow. Kill stealing is part of the game. Just learn to stop them…problem solved…or learn to do it…problem solved.
Instead of being mad about it and self-imposing limitations, learn about the tactic.
waiting around to press your burst hoping it will hit in time while 2-5 other people are doing the same thing has nothing to do with either skill or tactics
there are good and bad ways to approach the ancients but it will remain luck based up to a rather huge part nontheless
first of all, you can’t stop it
when i really would want to force a steal i could pop shadow refuge and sit with my 50% signet boosted steal that will crit the ancients for 6k in a safe 900 distance and there is no way you would have any reasonable counter to it
second of all because of the still not reworked down-system players that are downed will actually rally from the ancient being killed, by whomever team it got killed
i think it’s obvious that the mental capacity of whoever thought of that mechanic was altered by at least 1 illegal substance and it makes fighting at ancients even more of a pain as “downing the enemy” isn’t rewarded rather than punished
having a secondary mechanic in pvp is great but arenanet showed with all 3 maps (the underwater thing does clearly not even qualify as a map) that they do not focus on pvp (yet?!)
while forest ancients rally enemies, guild lords die in 5sec and the catapult repair kit for whatever reason has no cooldown we still haven’t even heard a word of why paid tournaments are not available
playing free tournaments gets extremely frustrating when 95% of your enemies consist of either randoms or teams new to pvp
I agree. This should be removed. This is not some idiotic game like DotA or stuff. I hate this mechanics where it depends on the kill. Doing the most damage is what should count. Otherwise it is too much based on luck if 2 people are shooting at the same time and one is just hitting in the right moment.
Maybe just let them all get to that mob and do nothing by yourself and try to steal yourself. If you are not able to steal then at least it is not the other way around and you did not the most damage and gave them a chance. Or try killing them while they are busy at the mob. Then the mob after them. Don’t know if this is possible, have not played that much but such thinks like this mechanics does not really make you wanna play that game mode.
The stealing of bosses is fine its the same as in HON/LOL/Dota 2 you need to make sure you have 1 person who can CC enemy’s so they cant get the steal. However I do think the bosses should be in a tunnel/ more of a cove so enemies are caught in a choke when going for the steal making it easier to defend.(same as in hon dota and LOL)
Yeah, all I’m getting from this is something along the lines of, “I’m just pressing my buttons as they come off CD and I don’t know why the person waiting for the mobs health to get to the point at which he one hits it always steals my mob!”.
Couple of tips,
Download League of Legends. Learn a jungler. Learn how to properly use smite. Rejoice at your newfound skill at never losing another jungle buff in GW2.
Ninja’ing is an tactic. Since you can make an teamtactic involving it, or one making sure the other team cant ninja.. it cant be unbalanced or unfair.
Its yust an map mechanic and if you think stealing the boss is unfair, you should also vote for removing sharks from raid on capricorn or disabling the lords at Legacy of Foefire..
that way we will yust have some standard conquest maps left, which apparently is what you guys want :P
Download League of Legends. Learn a jungler. Learn how to properly use smite. Rejoice at your newfound skill at never losing another jungle buff in GW2.
Yep exactly, it reminds me of LOL counterjungling and stealing buffs, I guess is perfect as it is now
It’s just like last hitting in any DotA-like, you can do 99.9% of the damage to a creep but if you don’t deal the blow that kills it you get no gold/buff, it’s not a difficult or unfair mechanic.
A lot of crying going on here. The game is as the game is. It is reasonably fair and you can still win after losing both boss boosts if your team is skilled. Then again, skilled players don’t make a habit of crying about how the game should be simpler. They just learn how to win. Haku already gave some tips about how to play forest, I suggest everyone read them again.
I like boss stealing. If it didn’t exist having the bosses would be utterly pointless because you wouln’t be able to get both, because you cant split and out-dps a larger group just like that. Which would mean that both teams would just get the points. Useless.
I love this mechanic because it adds additional complexity to FoN. Instead of static 3 point cap players must learn to balance respawn times of mobs, watch for poachers during the NPC fight, and determine whether and when the forest mob is worth risking losing a point for.
These mechanics help influence more strategic play than a typical 3-point cap system can boast.
Ninja’ing should remain a viable tactic. It’s your job to prevent them from doing it.
Rofl, no way. Ninjaing is a valid and recommended tactic.
If they remove ninja’ing they might aswell remove the npc’s! I recomend they make another hotm for kids trolol