

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


When you are 350 points to 0 behind with no clear point to get back, a resounding “Yes, we cannot win” from the team – why is the only option to sit it out?

I mean, if you are not going to fix MMR, can you at least give us the freaking option to forfeit the match?

No one, and I repeat no one enjoys this – the winning team already knew they won, they were not even trying and mocking my “team” and I with /sleep, and we were too demoralized to even try to come back when the enemy team has managed to hold (and still holding) a three cap… Trying to Solo is hard enough as it is, trying to maintain yourself seeing that does nothing to help you with it…

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind


in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

Because #redresignday

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]


in PvP

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Run to mid then take a knee. /kneel

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.


in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Stop whining and play to win. If you’re outplayed, regroup your entire team in the spawn, then stealth → close point and try to reach 200 points. I don’t understand the fact that some players would quit playing if they start losing after spending five minutes in a queue. 350 points come-back aren’t that common, but 200 points come-back happen, and especially with the new LB, you’re encouraged to man up and fight till the end.


in PvP

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


I gotta agree with Sorel. Adding a forfeit button would only give us situations where people are forfeiting right after a lost teamfight. Just keep fighting and give it your all. It’s the only way to get better really.


in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Apparently you both missed the clues of my first post…

Khylo is not a map that allows comebacks easily…
The enemy team held and were holding a threecap when they reached 350-0
Even if we were to cap two points, they would’ve and could’ve won bunkering their own home-point, since they have already proven to be more succesfull in teamfights anyway…
And, in the moment where you do push for the last point – the enemy can very well disengage and search, once more, for favourable match-ups elsewhere on the match (they prove to do this anyway)

Besides, you honestly think I do not try? Heck, the players I was with were not even bad or something, we all just got outplayed – simple as that… We were all Soloing, so there was little communication to try and even put the effort into regrouping after such a loss… We tried, we could not compete, so we mutually accepted the loss and AFK’d in base after the umpteenth useless attempt to try and get a foothold…
Also, that Stealth comment is completely useless if you do not even know with what kind of people I participated in… We were all solo, which means only chat for communication – and I can remember well we lacked a Thief – 1 War, 2 Engis, Ranger, Guardian and Necro…

And one last thing – people already AFK if things do not go within their favour – so what is the freaking difference? I’ll tell you – being able to get to HotM quicker, shrug off the loss and try again…

But hey, apparently both of you know things better than I do anyway, so I just have to git gud, no? For the ladders (lol) right?

This community… I swear…

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)


in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

Khylo is not a map that allows comebacks easily…


At 51:05 the score was 210-50 with a triple cap BOTH in favour of oRNG. Skip to 1:00:55 and you’ll see that 55hp won the game 270-501.

There were enough Khylo comebacks throughout the ESL cups for the EU casters to start nicknaming Battle of Khylo as Battle of Comeback. I’m not going to dig up all these examples, but they exist just as much (if not more than) comebacks on other maps.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]


in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Khylo is not a map that allows comebacks easily…

I don’t know where you get that from. Jebro and ChroNick joke every week in the Go4GW2 cup, calling it the “Battle of Comebacks”, because comebacks are relatively common on this map.

to try and even put the effort into regrouping after such a loss…

That’s the real issue here. You were not willing to make an effort. Recovering after a huge wipe and avoiding a snowball effect is really one of the things that make a great team. Did you see the WTS finals? The third game between oRNG and the Abjured was a perfect demonstration. Of course, you can not reach that level of coordination with solo players, but neither can the other team.

Just yesterday, I was duo queuing, and my team was completely wiped in the first team fight. 5 players at respawn. We were already losing by 200 points. I asked them to wait, and four of us attacked close at the same time (the 5th didn’t listen and died: there is always that one guy), then snowballed over the entire map. We then proceed to hold a tricap most of the game, and win by 500-300 without a boss kill.

I’m not saying that you’ll always be able to win if you try hard till the end. But you definitely will sometimes, and you certainly be able to get an overall better score in most games. Another thing: if you see the opposing team is much better than yours, try to moderate your ambitions. Sometimes, even scoring 200 points is a small victory. Most teams just want to win: if your entire team repeatedly attack your close, they will eventually let you have it.

This community… I swear…

On that I must agree with you. It baffles me that some people are such sore losers they won’t finish a game. You’re here to have fun and to challenge yourself! If you’re not doing it for you, do it out of respect for your team mates. I NEVER forfeits no matter how bad the game is going, because that wouldn’t be fair for the guys and gals playing besides me.


in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073



Easily is the keyword – and now get the matches where the combacks were not seemingly possible and frankly never happened… Those are more than the few examples you can give me…

@ Sorel; Yea great arguements man… Glad you took the innitiative to call me a whiny loser despite having absolutely no kittening clue as to what kind of person I am in a match…

But whatever… I will move on – I do not expect sympathy on the forums, but I certainly hoped for some respect…

I have had my matches where I came back – but in these you had a clear point to come back… This was not one of them, and no kittening person on my team even had the innitiative to continue! – stop glossing over this freaking detail because it is huge! Once more than 2 people lose moral it is over! You cannot accomplish with 2 players something that you need to do as a team, and certainly not when the situations are this kittening dire!

Excuse my french, but I am kind of kittened off for the sole fact that you downplay me so much out of your own freaking experience… I have played 3.5k matches, I had my own portions of ups and downs, and the last thing I need is someone to tell me “But I had an occasion where it all became good, so you are a whiny kitten”

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)


in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Also, here is another one…

Since you are an avid fan of the ESL weeklies (as am I) – Go back and see how many times a team forfeited… I will inform you that you need more than two hands to count those matches – but now they are all whiny losers as well? Get a clue man…

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind


in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Yea great arguements man… Glad you took the innitiative to call me a whiny loser despite having absolutely no kittening clue as to what kind of person I am in a match…

Sorry to have offended you. I’m willing to apologize for using the word “whining”, because while you seem to get discouraged a bit too quickly, you came to this forum to constructively suggest an addition to the game and not to rant. Please forgive me.

I’ll maintain the sore loser part. You actually give plenty of elements that argue in favor of this qualification. You said yourself that when you begin to loose, instead of trying to turn the tables, you /sleep, which really is a bit rude for your teammates actually willing to play to win/try their best. Forfeit, in short games where comebacks are relatively easy to perform and every point counts, is bad sportsmanship. What is acceptable in chess is not in GW2: comebacks in chess are nearly impossible at high level because it’s so balanced and every strategy is known (and games take hours, not ten-fifteen minutes)

no kittening person on my team even had the innitiative to continue! – stop glossing over this freaking detail because it is huge!

Alright. I’m pleased you seem to understand the issue. If only ONE player has an attitude like yours, it ruins any hope of a comeback or a decent score. That’s why a forfeit system would be bad for the game. ONE bad sport, ONE sore loser, and a game you could have won or get 200 points in can turn into a complete defeat, -3 points in the LB (it doesn’t mean anything now, but maybe one day it will). Not only is your attitude irritating and disrespectful to your teammates, but it is obvious that Anet shares my point of view on the subject, since the entire idea of losing less points on the LB if you make the effort of fighting till the end was to discouraged such behavior.

Excuse my french, but I am kind of kittened off for the sole fact that you downplay me so much out of your own freaking experience… I have played 3.5k matches, I had my own portions of ups and downs, and the last thing I need is someone to tell me “But I had an occasion where it all became good, so you are a whiny kitten”

Your french was moderated, but I’m sure it was fluent. Actually, I gave only one example, because I need not more. If in only ONE case, you can turn a game over starting from a pretty awful situation, that’s a very good reason to give your best every game, in hope to reproduce this miracle. But with the number of games you played, you this is not a miracle: it’s really common.

(edited by Sorel.4870)


in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524




Ark 2nd Account


in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


I’ll keep it a bit short;

I am willing to accept apologies as well offer mine; as we speak more things are going on of which none quite encourage my mood…

I said in the OP that The Enemy was mocking us with /sleep – I have no intention into giving I such childish behavior… I am here to play and not to be disrespectful to others in the match (on the odd occasion where they ask for it aside)

I play to win, no matter what… I do not care about the leaderboards, the rewards, no, the only thing I play for is to try what I can do to win…

And of course a forfeit option would be terrible if one can decide the outcome of that, so it needs to be mutual across all 5 players of anything – but would you rather have these pricks AFK, or would you want to move on to the next match and win? Herin lies my question as to why we lack a forfeit button

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind