Free quick tournament chest rewards.

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: Ryuk.5912



I’ve been doing some tournaments with some friends and we ended up winning 2 in first place and 1 in 3rd place because i had a connection problem.
We didin’t get the chest gold, but hwenn i loged back in i found a copper chest but nothing else is this a bug or will we get the 2 gold chests later ?
Thank you for your time and help.

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839



Do not worry. I have the same topic as yours.

We have this issue since release. I have about 50 chests missing. Arenanet told they will not restore them. And the game still has the bug. After a month.

I already stopped playing two weeks ago. Biggest disappointment this year.

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: okplayer.8510


a bug caused you to stop playing? lol

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: Ryuk.5912


So we will not get a refund for something that we had earned ?
May i ask why ?
And why did i et the copper chest and not the gold ones ?
The system was working flawlessly 3-4 days ago i would receive the chests ommediately after exiting the game. This is ery disapoiting i would and i thibk most of the Pvp community would be grateful to have an answer about this problem from an employee.
Thabk you for your time and help.

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: Mage.7839


The attitude caused. They do not even try to compensate us. Why would I trust the game or the company anymore?

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: Sargon.9132


@mage sorry you need chests to feel gratification of the game and can’t enjoy the game without a simple reward system. I can also mention that I’m missing up to 100 chests now and it’s not much of a deal. I’m not losing out on anything important. Is some random gear that you can already craft and a chance at dye really that big of a deal? I mean sure the glory you would normally receive with the chest for the win can be a pretty big hit as well but in the end it’s just a number and doesn’t provide you with anything.

As for the OP the glory vendors are seperated by 1,20,30… etc. Youve got a very long way to go before your even close to being able to use the 11th vendor, the name simply hasn’t been changed.

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

Compensate you for what? Its not like they have a record of who won what tournament and if they gotten their chest.. And if you tell everyone they can get compensated, how much people would lie and try to decieve arenanet into giving them compensation for something they probably didnt do.
Tournament chests dont hold fun stuff anyway.. Since dolyak rank i havent seen 1 item i havent salvaged yet.

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Free quick tournament chest rewards.

in PvP

Posted by: Ryuk.5912


Well they do hold dyes/Glory points and free tournament tokens wich can help you craft armagedon/seer/pit fighter ect. Gear : /
Oh well guess we’ll just do some other tourn ^.^
But what wass funny is that I got the copper chest but not the 2 gold ones :<