From 50% to top 1000 in a day

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I played a Spirit Ranger for 20 games.


From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: DevO.9854


I’m not sure what that proves, did you just play a bad pvp spec before?

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Spirit Ranger is by far the easiest build I’ve ever played. I didn’t use fantastic builds before (most of my games were as a S/P thief which obviously didn’t provide the same utility), but this build takes the cake as the easiest thing I’ve ever used. Spirits automatically provide amazing team support and also make me very, very hard to kill. I’d never touched ranger in PvP before today. The point is this:

-Spirit Ranger is incredibly overpowered and easy to learn.

Before today I had believed that Spirit builds were good, but I’d never realized how faceroll easy they were to play.


From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Heizero.9183


Yup. Pretty much.

Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


I punched a kitten today, it didn’t fight back.

“Oh.. ok.”

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: urdriel.8496


Bad players >>> Builds

Pls anet delete ranger class, im tired of cryer.

PD:delete skullcrack warrior, holder engi,holder guardian,condi necro,terrormancer,bunker/spike ele, evade thieves, etc…or¡¡¡ L2P¡¡¡

(edited by urdriel.8496)

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


Bad players >>> Builds

Pls anet delete ranger class, im tired of cryer.

PD:delete skullcrack warrior, holder engi,holder guardian,condi necro,terrormancer,bunker/spike ele, evade thieves, etc…or¡¡¡ L2P¡¡¡

Angry spirit ranger incapable to succed with anything that needs a little bit of attention, spotted.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Rufy.6093


A level 50+ necro feared my spirit ranger and I died in 5 seconds unable to cast a thing. Maybe you aren’t fighting skilled players? But yeah I forgot, spirit ranger is op period cause noob spirit ranger can kill noob whatever else.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


A level 50+ necro feared my spirit ranger and I died in 5 seconds unable to cast a thing. Maybe you aren’t fighting skilled players? But yeah I forgot, spirit ranger is op period cause noob spirit ranger can kill noob whatever else.

Sorry but if you can’t kill a spirit ranger in a stun/fearchain, you are pretty much dead. And not everyone has 5 sec fearchain or a 5 sec stunchain. A mesmer sweats blood and dies while your so skilled profession is pressing 111111111 without basically doind anything else.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: pinkglow.3429


Btw, little info on what classes are on leaderboards. Anyone had the time and energy to find out most represented ones?

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: urdriel.8496


Bad players >>> Builds

Pls anet delete ranger class, im tired of cryer.

PD:delete skullcrack warrior, holder engi,holder guardian,condi necro,terrormancer,bunker/spike ele, evade thieves, etc…or¡¡¡ L2P¡¡¡

Angry spirit ranger incapable to succed with anything that needs a little bit of attention, spotted.

TBH, no, The problem here is that each class only have 1 viable build, and each month you have a FOTM class, sry but you have this problem in all games, spirit ranger is a nice OLD build , you only need to play SR for 1 hour to see all their limitations.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


A level 50+ necro feared my spirit ranger and I died in 5 seconds unable to cast a thing. Maybe you aren’t fighting skilled players? But yeah I forgot, spirit ranger is op period cause noob spirit ranger can kill noob whatever else.

Sorry but if you can’t kill a spirit ranger in a stun/fearchain, you are pretty much dead. And not everyone has 5 sec fearchain or a 5 sec stunchain. A mesmer sweats blood and dies while your so skilled profession is pressing 111111111 without basically doind anything else.

It’s true. While I’m fighting I can see how hard other classes are trying and all I have to do is stand there and spam my skills. If I get low on health I just switch to Sword/Dagger and start spamming evades. Spirit Rangers are definitely weaker 1v1 than to a lot of other classes cause necro, especially power necro can throw down a lot of AoE and kill the spirits. However, fighting in a 2v2 situation, spirits give your ally big buffs.


From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Made it from non existent to top 100 running 30/30/10/0/0 berzerker amulet ranger.

Seems to me its a l2p issue.

(edited by Eurantien.4632)

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Made it from non existent to top 100 running 30/30/10/0/0 berzerker amulet ranger.

OP /cry /cry pls nerf.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Of course you don’t want a ranger, the most overnerfed class in the game..
how many nerfs has the ranger recieved?
Why am I losing to these noobs?…
Did I they all get better? or did I get worse…

(Next patch after they tone down spirit rangers)

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


Yeh I am pretty disappointed that spirit rangers are allowed to be so powerful in spvp.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Of course you don’t want a ranger, the most overnerfed class in the game..
how many nerfs has the ranger recieved?
Why am I losing to these noobs?…
Did I they all get better? or did I get worse…

(Next patch after they tone down spirit rangers)

Ya, right next to the elementalist.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Of course you don’t want a ranger, the most overnerfed class in the game..
how many nerfs has the ranger recieved?
Why am I losing to these noobs?…
Did I they all get better? or did I get worse…

(Next patch after they tone down spirit rangers)

Ya, right next to the elementalist.

I was about to say that, LoL..

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Oraith.1732


People complain about balance all the time and I only need to say this: “Not going to happen”. Yup, no further post regarding balance is needed once you understand that phrase. Balance is never going to be achieved in Gw2. There’s no such thing as “perfect” balance anyways, but Gw2 isn’t going to have even “good” balance (it’s just built that way).

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Lets all nerf rangers to the ground and let them with nothing else but SB auto’s which they’re already spamming because other weapon skills are trash compared to any classes.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Divus.3175


I love games without spirit rangers nor s/d thiefs. These games are amazing fun to play. You know why? Because most of other builds give me chance to counter it with my skill. If I’m not winning, which happens often, that’s mostly because other player is more skilled (or I had most of my utilities on cooldown). With spirit rangers I will lose no matter how good I am.

[KING] Desolation – Pikan Parom (engineer), Grace Parom (ele)

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: TooBz.3065


But here’s the problem, rangers appear to be either total kitten or are OP. Is there any ranger build that is viable without being OP?

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: tichorum.2415


Bad players >>> Builds

Pls anet delete ranger class, im tired of cryer.

PD:delete skullcrack warrior, holder engi,holder guardian,condi necro,terrormancer,bunker/spike ele, evade thieves, etc…or¡¡¡ L2P¡¡¡

Wait wait wait. So… this means… that everything you posted is everything you can’t beat. Seams logical that one would QQ over what they can’t beat.

Former PvP commentator for ESL & Arenanet.

I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


But here’s the problem, rangers appear to be either total kitten or are OP. Is there any ranger build that is viable without being OP?

Made it to top 100 running nothing but 30/30/10/0/0 berzerker amulet ranger.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


most of you guys just should go back to fractals.
there you can win,
because this npcs are brainless as most of you rank 1000+ guys running around without any tactic or skill.
if spirit rangers win you, then it was just a better player or you was to stupid to kill his spirits first.

so spam on pve forum and leave pvp again.

im a rly nooby spirit ranger, because i can lose vs necros, engins, cc warrios, s/d thiefs and after long fight sometims vs a good ele.
but i also stay rank 70 just because unbalanced imba spirit ranger.
we spirit ranger noobs dont need to know enemy attack animations and attack skills.

next time when i lose some profession i also make a new hate topic instead start training how to beat it, good idea.

i rly will enjoy the next balance patch and the meta change,
because like always, we will have much much new crying.
its the same procedure as every month.
we will have some new topics about the bad meta again.

bad burst meta kittening dople ele > bad condi meta kittening dople necro and spirit rangers.

im just wondering why so much ppls stay on this game when every meta is so bad and unbalanced.

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Maybe you got lucky and was playing when a Anet Fix A F K or Anet Pls Fix Decay were playing.

Those guys seem to have gotten to top 1000 easily as well.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: SoLeciTO.3490


I did the same.

Just create a ranger to test why people cry to much of spirit ranger.

It was amazing how much damage it does with no actual skill to play it.

The only profession that gave me troubles was necromancer, with the AOE condi spam killed my spirits.

But very easy to kill other classes, guardians, warriors and thieves died very quickly.

Well this happens when a game is trying to balance, i know anet will fix the current meta.

All we see now is AOE Condi spammers, i even feel good when a lock down warrior kill me.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Oh, it’s another one of these threads. Somebody run to the store and get a supply of tissues, because there is about to be some serious crying happening.

Let’s review the last year of the game for rangers. Traps OP. BM OP. Spirits OP. Hmmm. Oh, and as Eurantien said, he’s played lots of Berserker ranger is is pretty top tier, so it’s either Berserker ranger OP or Eurantien OP.

Before each of the metas that those builds were strong in, people laughed at trap rangers, people laughed at pet rangers, and people laughed at spirit rangers. People are also still laughing at the idea of berserker rangers.

FotM builds are supposed to be easy, or at least that’s what I thought. We have Skull Crack Warriors and Spam to win necros, but rangers are the only overpowered class in the game it seems, because people have just never liked being beat by rangers.

Yes, the idea of skill cap of current “meta” or FotM builds for the ranger is low. But don’t forget that there’s 7 other classes in the game, and particularly, Rangers, Thieves, Warriors, and Necros are very invested into their cheese builds right now.

But just, for a moment, take a look at the ranger class as a whole. Look over the weapon skills and traits and functions. If you don’t immediately see the lack of complexity of design, you will by playing it. Rotations are next to nonexistent, skills and utilities are extremely basic, and the pet mechanic is especially simple by design.

Sure, a build might be OP. But it doesn’t help the devs at all by saying its OP. People have been saying ranger is OP forever now, so it’s probably time to have a discussion about what people think is bad, or not competitive, about the class. I gave my input.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: urdriel.8496


Bad players >>> Builds

Pls anet delete ranger class, im tired of cryer.

PD:delete skullcrack warrior, holder engi,holder guardian,condi necro,terrormancer,bunker/spike ele, evade thieves, etc…or¡¡¡ L2P¡¡¡

Wait wait wait. So… this means… that everything you posted is everything you can’t beat. Seams logical that one would QQ over what they can’t beat.

All the builds i posted were/are OP, but the reality is that people need to L2P, a Spirit ranger than run like a headless chicken using autoattack and spamming spirits is a DEAD spirit ranger, and if you cant kill him, is a L2P issue.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


I don’t think spirit rangers are necessarily op, they probably just have the best 1 attack skill.

I mean if you cry the spirits do all the damage, than kill the spirits, is the ranger still that op of spamming 1 then?

BTW best spirit ranger build is this one

Butt Mustache spams 1, his problem was he wasn’t spirit ranger. If he was, all his spirits died and that’s why he wasn’t that op spamming 1.

All you guys cry its all AE now, so it should be easy to take out the spirits.

All you guys have is mindset of ignoring pets and going for person right away, Anet developers countered this by spirits, because of your lack of abilities to go for pets first that’s why you fail against spirit ranger.

You guys need mindset of necromancer minions, IGNORE.
Rock dogs…. IGNORE
Ranger pets…. IGNORE
Ranger spirit pets. KILL ON SITE. but because you have them on IGNORE, you fail… Spirit ranger is as strong as the spirits, if they remain INGORED that’s your fault of not weakening the rangers full trait line. Traited fully for spirits yet you ignore them and yet the ranger use his complete traitline on your kitten rather than killing the spirits and crippling the ranger because he has hardly any traits that are in effect without spirits.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: SchiTown.7598


I don’t think spirit rangers are necessarily op, they probably just have the best 1 attack skill.

I mean if you cry the spirits do all the damage, than kill the spirits, is the ranger still that op of spamming 1 then?

BTW best spirit ranger build is this one

Butt Mustache spams 1, his problem was he wasn’t spirit ranger. If he was, all his spirits died and that’s why he wasn’t that op spamming 1.

All you guys cry its all AE now, so it should be easy to take out the spirits.

All you guys have is mindset of ignoring pets and going for person right away, Anet developers countered this by spirits, because of your lack of abilities to go for pets first that’s why you fail against spirit ranger.

You guys need mindset of necromancer minions, IGNORE.
Rock dogs…. IGNORE
Ranger pets…. IGNORE
Ranger spirit pets. KILL ON SITE. but because you have them on IGNORE, you fail… Spirit ranger is as strong as the spirits, if they remain INGORED that’s your fault of not weakening the rangers full trait line. Traited fully for spirits yet you ignore them and yet the ranger use his complete traitline on your kitten rather than killing the spirits and crippling the ranger because he has hardly any traits that are in effect without spirits.

You can’t exactly ignore dog pets. Get KD’d, feared, or immobilized and you are going to be taking a lot more condition damage than you want to.

Anyways, the key to playing against spirit rangers is to keep your health above 50%; don’t wait too long to use your heal skill or you will be put at too much of a disadvantage.

From a bomb/nade engi’s perspective: an effective way to deal with these guys is to stack a bit of stealth before picking the 1v1. This way you can begin the fight by landing a freeze + shrapnel on the ranger+pet+spirits, which gives you a very large advantage outright.

Spoon Girl

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Oh, it’s another one of these threads. Somebody run to the store and get a supply of tissues, because there is about to be some serious crying happening.

Let’s review the last year of the game for rangers. Traps OP. BM OP. Spirits OP. Hmmm. Oh, and as Eurantien said, he’s played lots of Berserker ranger is is pretty top tier, so it’s either Berserker ranger OP or Eurantien OP.

Before each of the metas that those builds were strong in, people laughed at trap rangers, people laughed at pet rangers, and people laughed at spirit rangers. People are also still laughing at the idea of berserker rangers.

FotM builds are supposed to be easy, or at least that’s what I thought. We have Skull Crack Warriors and Spam to win necros, but rangers are the only overpowered class in the game it seems, because people have just never liked being beat by rangers.

Yes, the idea of skill cap of current “meta” or FotM builds for the ranger is low. But don’t forget that there’s 7 other classes in the game, and particularly, Rangers, Thieves, Warriors, and Necros are very invested into their cheese builds right now.

But just, for a moment, take a look at the ranger class as a whole. Look over the weapon skills and traits and functions. If you don’t immediately see the lack of complexity of design, you will by playing it. Rotations are next to nonexistent, skills and utilities are extremely basic, and the pet mechanic is especially simple by design.

Sure, a build might be OP. But it doesn’t help the devs at all by saying its OP. People have been saying ranger is OP forever now, so it’s probably time to have a discussion about what people think is bad, or not competitive, about the class. I gave my input.

What’s your point? I’ve played necromancer and thief quit a bit in tpvp. Nothing and I mean nothing compares to just how easy it is to do well on a spirit ranger. Is necro condi spam and S/D thief evades annoying? Yes. But neither of those classes bring amazing team support as well. And neither of them can be resurrected by its AI 2 times in a row. Spirit Ranger is totally over the top. If Eurantien got to the top 100 with a Berserker Ranger… good for him, I guarantee it requires 10x the skill a spirit ranger does.

Maybe you haven’t noticed…the top NA team SYNC going to PAX is running two spirit rangers. I’m sure they are great players…but that should just speak for itself how OP they are in multiple situations.

I don’t see any real input other than complaining that people don’t like being killed by srangers. Not that there is any validity to that claim.


From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Oh, it’s another one of these threads. Somebody run to the store and get a supply of tissues, because there is about to be some serious crying happening.

Let’s review the last year of the game for rangers. Traps OP. BM OP. Spirits OP. Hmmm. Oh, and as Eurantien said, he’s played lots of Berserker ranger is is pretty top tier, so it’s either Berserker ranger OP or Eurantien OP.

Before each of the metas that those builds were strong in, people laughed at trap rangers, people laughed at pet rangers, and people laughed at spirit rangers. People are also still laughing at the idea of berserker rangers.

FotM builds are supposed to be easy, or at least that’s what I thought. We have Skull Crack Warriors and Spam to win necros, but rangers are the only overpowered class in the game it seems, because people have just never liked being beat by rangers.

Yes, the idea of skill cap of current “meta” or FotM builds for the ranger is low. But don’t forget that there’s 7 other classes in the game, and particularly, Rangers, Thieves, Warriors, and Necros are very invested into their cheese builds right now.

But just, for a moment, take a look at the ranger class as a whole. Look over the weapon skills and traits and functions. If you don’t immediately see the lack of complexity of design, you will by playing it. Rotations are next to nonexistent, skills and utilities are extremely basic, and the pet mechanic is especially simple by design.

Sure, a build might be OP. But it doesn’t help the devs at all by saying its OP. People have been saying ranger is OP forever now, so it’s probably time to have a discussion about what people think is bad, or not competitive, about the class. I gave my input.

What’s your point? I’ve played necromancer and thief quit a bit in tpvp. Nothing and I mean nothing compares to just how easy it is to do well on a spirit ranger. Is necro condi spam and S/D thief evades annoying? Yes. But neither of those classes bring amazing team support as well. And neither of them can be resurrected by its AI 2 times in a row. Spirit Ranger is totally over the top. If Eurantien got to the top 100 with a Berserker Ranger… good for him, I guarantee it requires 10x the skill a spirit ranger does.

Maybe you haven’t noticed…the top NA team SYNC going to PAX is running two spirit rangers. I’m sure they are great players…but that should just speak for itself how OP they are in multiple situations.

I don’t see any real input other than complaining that people don’t like being killed by srangers. Not that there is any validity to that claim.

My point is that you just said its OP again. I never disagreed with you either. What I said is that if it is OP, explain why it is OP. And don’t say “because it doesn’t take me any skill to play it” because skill level is subjective.

What is OP about it? Is it perhaps that amount of damage Storm Spirit does? Is it that Spirits are able to last their entire recharge duration making them lack entirely in needing skill to use them? Is it the amount of rezzes the Elite is capable of?

Or does it go beyond the spirit mechanic? Are rangers weapon skills too simplistic? Are they too spam forgiving and lacking in rotations to make for skilled gameplay? Is the pet a poor mechanic, and if so, how can it be changed to make it better?

Note that I asked numerous leading questions in order to highlight some of my personal thoughts about the build. But just saying its OP doesn’t get the conversation anywhere, it isn’t even a conversation, it’s a statement, and it surely isn’t going to help the dev team when it comes to balancing if they don’t know what aspects are problematic.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Btw, little info on what classes are on leaderboards. Anyone had the time and energy to find out most represented ones?

In order:

1. Necro
2. Guard
3. Engi
4. Warrior
5. Ranger

That’s for people over 100 games in the top 500, but it’s from a couple days ago, and I only know about 75% of them.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Spirit Rangers op. Nerf pls.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


Made it from non existent to top 100 running 30/30/10/0/0 berzerker amulet ranger.

Seems to me its a l2p issue.

Don’t pay any attention to eurantien he plays eu.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Btw, little info on what classes are on leaderboards. Anyone had the time and energy to find out most represented ones?

In order:

1. Necro
2. Guard
3. Engi
4. Warrior
5. Ranger

That’s for people over 100 games in the top 500, but it’s from a couple days ago, and I only know about 75% of them.

You must be going crazy if you think guardians are more represented than rangers.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


If spirit rangers are op, they could carry a team and win everytime. It’s most likely that you faced a bad team or with other competent players.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Maybe you haven’t noticed…the top NA team SYNC going to PAX is running two spirit rangers. I’m sure they are great players…but that should just speak for itself how OP they are in multiple situations.

Vyndetta mains a ranger. I don’t know Twerp but most likely he mains it too. They gotta play the most comfortable working build in the meta.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Made it from non existent to top 100 running 30/30/10/0/0 berzerker amulet ranger.

Seems to me its a l2p issue.

Don’t pay any attention to eurantien he plays eu.

I’m top 10 NA on solo queue leaderboards….

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Made it from non existent to top 100 running 30/30/10/0/0 berzerker amulet ranger.

Seems to me its a l2p issue.

Don’t pay any attention to eurantien he plays eu.

I’m top 10 NA on solo queue leaderboards….

1 Azshene.1798 Azshies 14 0 100.00% Desolation
2 Tage.7045 Tagè 25 4 86.21% Desolation
3 Twinpeaks.4832 I Twinpeaks I 15 2 88.24% Gandara
4 Blackmoa.3186 Blackmoa 22 3 88.00% Desolation
5 Adam.6047 Lacking Pvp Rewards 16 2 88.89% Desolation
6 Teldo.1473 Crs Teldo 68 20 77.27% Desolation
7 dropit.4829 Dropiit 17 2 89.47% Gandara
8 Tarisuca.3142 Warmonk Tarisuca 104 37 73.76% Riverside [DE]
9 XerreX.7196 Cute Xerrex 136 56 70.83% Desolation
10 thechamp.3092 Shad Rongor 151 62 70.89% Desolation

Which one are you azhene twinpeaks adam or drop it?

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Made it from non existent to top 100 running 30/30/10/0/0 berzerker amulet ranger.

Seems to me its a l2p issue.

Don’t pay any attention to eurantien he plays eu.

I’m top 10 NA on solo queue leaderboards….

1 Azshene.1798 Azshies 14 0 100.00% Desolation
2 Tage.7045 Tagè 25 4 86.21% Desolation
3 Twinpeaks.4832 I Twinpeaks I 15 2 88.24% Gandara
4 Blackmoa.3186 Blackmoa 22 3 88.00% Desolation
5 Adam.6047 Lacking Pvp Rewards 16 2 88.89% Desolation
6 Teldo.1473 Crs Teldo 68 20 77.27% Desolation
7 dropit.4829 Dropiit 17 2 89.47% Gandara
8 Tarisuca.3142 Warmonk Tarisuca 104 37 73.76% Riverside [DE]
9 XerreX.7196 Cute Xerrex 136 56 70.83% Desolation
10 thechamp.3092 Shad Rongor 151 62 70.89% Desolation

Which one are you azhene twinpeaks adam or drop it?

That’s EU…

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


Sry about that man mixed up your name with a friend of mine in eu. In all fairness you do play a ranger sooo….

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Btw, little info on what classes are on leaderboards. Anyone had the time and energy to find out most represented ones?

In order:

1. Necro
2. Guard
3. Engi
4. Warrior
5. Ranger

That’s for people over 100 games in the top 500, but it’s from a couple days ago, and I only know about 75% of them.

You must be going crazy if you think guardians are more represented than rangers.

Or I counted.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


If spirit rangers are op, they could carry a team and win everytime. It’s most likely that you faced a bad team or with other competent players.

No, OP doesn’t mean wins all the time. It means wins most of the time. And they do. They do win most of the time.

My 75% win rate on a spirit ranger build that I had never played before says I win most of the time with it.


From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


If you ask me, I’d agree rangers are pretty strong. necromancer isn’t even near that strong. Spirit ranger is kinda like a thief venom share with no cooldowns on his venoms. although ranger would be better ranged and thief is better up close.

I don’t even try and I almost down lots of celeb players, spirit ranger vs necro, spirit ranger will win, because I always woop necro kitten. The only profession strong against spirit ranger is kittening perma stun annoying kitten warriors. Or those annoying mesmers that make so many clones and always invising, you know what I’m talking about.

Thing is if you can prevent somebody autoattacking you, you good against spirit ranger, but if your going toe to toe with them dps style, you going to get your kitten wooped by one. Thieves that invis all dang time aren’t as threatful as those clone kitten invising every 3 seconds or so mesmers.

A lot of people play these builds were its just all out attack mode and no tricks or other types of skills, so they get there kitten wooped all day long by that spirit ranger because they are meant to woop your kitten in straight up fight.

All yall just need to reroll as them stunlock warriors and you wont have any issues.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Sollith.3502


Oh, it’s another one of these threads. Somebody run to the store and get a supply of tissues, because there is about to be some serious crying happening.

Let’s review the last year of the game for rangers. Traps OP. BM OP. Spirits OP. Hmmm. Oh, and as Eurantien said, he’s played lots of Berserker ranger is is pretty top tier, so it’s either Berserker ranger OP or Eurantien OP.

Before each of the metas that those builds were strong in, people laughed at trap rangers, people laughed at pet rangers, and people laughed at spirit rangers. People are also still laughing at the idea of berserker rangers.

FotM builds are supposed to be easy, or at least that’s what I thought. We have Skull Crack Warriors and Spam to win necros, but rangers are the only overpowered class in the game it seems, because people have just never liked being beat by rangers.

Yes, the idea of skill cap of current “meta” or FotM builds for the ranger is low. But don’t forget that there’s 7 other classes in the game, and particularly, Rangers, Thieves, Warriors, and Necros are very invested into their cheese builds right now.

But just, for a moment, take a look at the ranger class as a whole. Look over the weapon skills and traits and functions. If you don’t immediately see the lack of complexity of design, you will by playing it. Rotations are next to nonexistent, skills and utilities are extremely basic, and the pet mechanic is especially simple by design.

Sure, a build might be OP. But it doesn’t help the devs at all by saying its OP. People have been saying ranger is OP forever now, so it’s probably time to have a discussion about what people think is bad, or not competitive, about the class. I gave my input.

What’s your point? I’ve played necromancer and thief quit a bit in tpvp. Nothing and I mean nothing compares to just how easy it is to do well on a spirit ranger. Is necro condi spam and S/D thief evades annoying? Yes. But neither of those classes bring amazing team support as well. And neither of them can be resurrected by its AI 2 times in a row. Spirit Ranger is totally over the top. If Eurantien got to the top 100 with a Berserker Ranger… good for him, I guarantee it requires 10x the skill a spirit ranger does.

Maybe you haven’t noticed…the top NA team SYNC going to PAX is running two spirit rangers. I’m sure they are great players…but that should just speak for itself how OP they are in multiple situations.

I don’t see any real input other than complaining that people don’t like being killed by srangers. Not that there is any validity to that claim.

My point is that you just said its OP again. I never disagreed with you either. What I said is that if it is OP, explain why it is OP. And don’t say “because it doesn’t take me any skill to play it” because skill level is subjective.

What is OP about it? Is it perhaps that amount of damage Storm Spirit does? Is it that Spirits are able to last their entire recharge duration making them lack entirely in needing skill to use them? Is it the amount of rezzes the Elite is capable of?

Or does it go beyond the spirit mechanic? Are rangers weapon skills too simplistic? Are they too spam forgiving and lacking in rotations to make for skilled gameplay? Is the pet a poor mechanic, and if so, how can it be changed to make it better?

Note that I asked numerous leading questions in order to highlight some of my personal thoughts about the build. But just saying its OP doesn’t get the conversation anywhere, it isn’t even a conversation, it’s a statement, and it surely isn’t going to help the dev team when it comes to balancing if they don’t know what aspects are problematic.

I agree with jcbroe; people need to start being more specific with what specific aspects of a class/build/etc. are OP. Just saying something is OP provides very, very little feedback and makes one sound just extremely kitten about losing. It’s called constructive feedback because it is supposed to be constructive.

Even if you have to just copy paste it, provide details, not vagueness because you can’t be bothered to learn about how something works. I mean it’s even possible that the only reason something ends up feeling OP is because players bandwagon something on some hype ridden rumor and then just ends up seeing it everywhere because everyone is doing it whether they understand it or not (just saying it’s possible, not necessarily probable).

Also, the invitational this weekend should provide a good amount of insight into the state of things considering that one team has two spirit rangers from the looks of it and the other has none. If the spirits provide too much of an edge, it should be discernible this weekend between two equally competitive teams and I’m sure Anet will get right on it.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

most of you guys just should go back to fractals.
there you can win,
because this npcs are brainless as most of you rank 1000+ guys running around without any tactic or skill.
if spirit rangers win you, then it was just a better player or you was to stupid to kill his spirits first.

so spam on pve forum and leave pvp again.

im a rly nooby spirit ranger, because i can lose vs necros, engins, cc warrios, s/d thiefs and after long fight sometims vs a good ele.
but i also stay rank 70 just because unbalanced imba spirit ranger.
we spirit ranger noobs dont need to know enemy attack animations and attack skills.

next time when i lose some profession i also make a new hate topic instead start training how to beat it, good idea.

i rly will enjoy the next balance patch and the meta change,
because like always, we will have much much new crying.
its the same procedure as every month.
we will have some new topics about the bad meta again.

bad burst meta kittening dople ele > bad condi meta kittening dople necro and spirit rangers.

im just wondering why so much ppls stay on this game when every meta is so bad and unbalanced.

Is this a verse? I mean, look how he has parsed the text.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?