Frustation PVP listen
Your frustration is 100% because you are hotjoining and expecting equality & competitiveness. Try solo queue.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Stop playing zergs hotjoins
ok i ll try solo thx anyway my comment was about that kind of matches i know there are others types and i think expecting to play 4v4 or 5v5 is quite of normal ….
i agree with you 100% try telling your team to stop blowing off orbs then at end wonder why we lost
Unfortunately, soloQ remains a no go for those who can’t stand Skyhammer.
Unfortunately, soloQ remains a no go for those who can’t stand Skyhammer.
Queue solo in team queue. Bam! Mind blown
Unfortunately, soloQ remains a no go for those who can’t stand Skyhammer.
Queue solo in team queue. Bam! Mind blown
Lol have fun facing full teams of friends
Your frustration is 100% because you are hotjoining and expecting equality & competitiveness. Try solo queue.
@ op: Chaith.8256 is one of the best pvpers in the game, take his word for it.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
Your frustration is 100% because you are hotjoining and expecting equality & competitiveness. Try solo queue.
Yeah. Skyham. PvErs. Heroes and zergers.
yoloQ is just a clusterkitten mainly.
teamQ is really not so bad (when queuing solo), it’s quite a good chance that you will face other solo players, or teams of 2 or 3 plus solo pugs since many ppl try to avoid skyhammer. And also wait time in queue is considerably shorter compared to soloQ.
I have played close to 1k matches in teamQ queuing solo and my win ratio is around 55%..
You will still get some 4v5s in tournaments (both solo and team queue), but it tends to happen most at the lower end of the rankings. Thing is, people who tend to leave matches themselves rarely rise above the lower end of the rankings. So if there’s 1 leaver in the match, then if you yourself never leave, you’re reducing the chance that the leaver will be on your team. So if you perservere and win a few matches you’ll rise above the afk-bracket and start getting balanced games most of the time.
Unfortunately, soloQ remains a no go for those who can’t stand Skyhammer.
Queue solo in team queue. Bam! Mind blown
Listen to this guy. Team queue has friendlier people, less rage, fewer quitters/afkers, and no Skyhammer.
I was hotjoining to try to learn a new alt and I found this to be true too. It seems a lot of people wait to see which team is winning and then join that one. Kind of sad, and it really doesn’t make much sense since you get reduced rewards that way, but it happens.
Your frustration is 100% because you are hotjoining and expecting equality & competitiveness. Try solo queue.
Well that sucks for those of us who want to play for a bit but can’t necessarily lock into arena games for a set time period.
Should we not care that a large portion of the pvp experience is &*$#’ed atm? As in like, really bad and not fun as the OP has expressed.
Do you think it would be so hard to fix? Or at least make better?
Just thought of an idea in 10secs.. what if the team with more players got penalties? In point accumulation at least; maybe more?
Oh here is another… If your team is outnumbered you gain an ability -
~ Determined ~
Your character will progress point capture irregardless of enemy players.
(edited by bud.9246)
Your frustration is 100% because you are hotjoining and expecting equality & competitiveness. Try solo queue.
Well that sucks for those of us who want to play for a bit but can’t necessarily lock into arena games for a set time period.
Should we not care that a large portion of the pvp experience is &*$#’ed atm? As in like, really bad and not fun as the OP has expressed.
Do you think it would be so hard to fix? Or at least make better?
Easiest way around it is join a match that is full, wait for it to end, and join a team right away next match. People will join up if they think they’ll have to leave if they are one of those waiting to join on the winning side.
On topic you are accurate. This issue got worse when Anet added more hot join servers for those who complained there wasn’t enough servers to play on. What this really meant was that some players wanted to play 2v2 and 3v3 and some of the high servers you will see this happening. When there where less servers the teams where as about even as they will get in HotJoin. Anet need to remove some of the servers they added.
Yeah this hot join team stacking is just an annoyance. I myself just spectate so that at least someone gets auto’d into fairness and watch as the person who got auto’d for some reason quits like an idiot. Even though it’s “just” hot join it should be fair on some level or else it will just continue to be games full of stacked teams leading to the lopsided scores and un even team count. Meaning it isn’t fun unless people like the feeling of winning with uneven odds, although it is fun (sometimes) to play against the odds, imo.
Also some people blatantly spectate because they joined for their friend and want to be on the stacked side or just spectate because they’re scared to join the losing team.
I have a crude suggestion that Anet only allow people to join the currently losing side when its 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4. Of course that has it’s limitations because like mentioned above people want to join for their friends and this could hamper that.
This is only for joining teams and at the very least would discourage people from stacking the winning side.
(edited by ReesesPBC.4603)
People go to hotjoins for free outnumbering wins. This is a problem because of the new rewards and people are being rewarded for exploiting this system. If they want to keep the rewards in hotjoin, they should fix this. A possible solution would be to que players and only allow a player in if there is another in que for the other team so that teams are always even. Just saying hey only do solo que isn’t fixing much anything.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
Yeah this hot join team stacking is just an annoyance. I myself just spectate so that at least someone gets auto’d into fairness and watch as the person who got auto’d for some reason quits like an idiot.
I think people would have less of a problem, if they were aware that getting autojoined means guaranteed win credit.
I saw a team where a thief was getting hammered by two necros. So I joined his team and turned the score around. By the end of the match, there was so much autojoining and quitting that just that thief and myself were left on the same team and a score of about 480 to 250. The thief then gets autojoined to the losing side and immediately quits. :facepalm:
There should be a short queue to maintain game balanced and funny:
- Add a button that allow to queue in a match while in the spectator mode to maintain the same amount of players in each team.
- Queue for started match: wait a couple of seconds that someone else queue in that match or just join instantly cause someone else is currently queued.
- Leaving players: if a player has left the game then 1 random player of the other team gain the amount of rank points earned till that moment and leaves the game, with a queue priority for another match, so if someone else is queued in another random match, this player will instantly join another game.
Basically nothing change from a system point of view, play button still works as now works and you just queue for a couple of seconds instead of instantly join.
(edited by KraunK.2319)