Alright, so this post is about what is “fun” to me. Some of you may share my views, some of you may not. Either way, feel free to comment and debate them.
What’s fun? To me, games should be about striving to give the player fun experiences. Fun should exist as the paramount feature when designing, balancing, and updating a game.
Here are the things that make a game fun for me and, in turn, what I think Anet has done well/not so well in this area. Keep in mind, I really only play games like this for PvP; thus, all of my points will be PvP related.
1 – Engaging combat: I think Anet has done an amazing job here. I love the weapon system and the way combat feels. It just feels very fluid. I do believe some of the core features are still missing (and hopefully just not completely omitted). Things like enemy health bars, target of target and less particle effects (often in the middle of combat the song “blinded by the light” is playing in my head) are all that are missing to make this the most fun combat experience yet.
2 – Balance – I want to win because of skill, not because of my OP procs or skill-less moves. This is the toughest thing for most games to get right. Many games at this age had major balance issues and many games still do. I liked the way Rift handled this: their souls were very complex but the devs seem to quickly adjust balance on blatantly OP classes. Sometimes that causes them to be UP for a moment or whatever, but I like that approach because it allows players to see things are being done and if you’re OP one time and UP the next, in theory you know the next one will be right in the middle, making you CP(correctly powered? I refrained from using Perfectly Powered because of the acronym). I find GW is really missing on this. Not so much the balance per se, but more their response to it. It’s all quiet on the Western front and patches are rolled out at a snail’s pace. Now, I know people will say “but that’s the best way to balance, because you do it right the first time”. So, how is that block bug and thief insta-gib nerf working after the “done the right the first time” patch?
3- Choices: I want to have vast choice. I want to be able to play a spec that’s fun and it works. I want to be able to play a multitude of different game modes. I want to look completely different from other player, etc.: I think GW excels in some areas and falls flat on its face in others. I think the game mode suppression in this game is mind blowing. I hear them say they are balancing 1 mode for E-sport reasons and I think that is detrimental to fun. People don’t play FPS for death match only, don’t play MMOs for conquest only. Heck even games like SC have community games that are a blast. In this game, it’s conquest or go home. GW does well with the opportunity to play other builds; however, I think it still has a long way to go to be complete. I want to play an axe Necro in Spvp because it feels the best to me, but no build I’ve found makes that possible, or should I say viable.
4- Playing with friends: I think playing with friends is extremely important. Due to reasons 1-3, my friends have abandoned me and now I’m the only one left. When they did play, I wished it was easier for us to jump into a game and play. SPvP was extremely difficult to accomplish this and Pugging tournies is an act of masochism. When my friends and I did play together, it was fun; however, the time it took getting us all on the same team in SPvP or having to wait 5 min(back then) between rounds just to get touched inappropriately in Tpvp, was not fun.
5- Meeting new friends – Say what you want about dungeon finders, cross-server battlegrounds, and public questing, but I hate them. I loathe them. I detest them. I like the convenience of it, but it removes the need to actually meet people. The community ends up devolving into a bunch of single player people jumping in and out of instances/maps. This game in theory should be great for this; however, The Mist is really the only place to find friends and that place is getting to be a ghost town on most servers. I think at least opening Mist chat to all servers would be a way to alleviate it somewhat; that way, if I find team to join, I can PvP with them, regardless of server. I’m sure some of you will say “Well, it’s your job to meet new people” Well, I’ve tried to no avail. I even posted on here getting people to try to introduce themselves by talking about their character classes/names, but nobody ever does that stuff. It shouldn’t be the DEVs job to get people to meet each other, but unfortunately that’s the way society often works. Why do you think those singles-only-event companies make so much money? You have 2 people of the opposite sex desperately trying to meet someone new and still can’t manage to get out there and do it; so, companies like that become the bridge. MMO’s should have more features to encourage people to form alliances, not less.
(edited by felivear.1536)