Fun, balancing, and cool mechanics Oh my!

Fun, balancing, and cool mechanics Oh my!

in PvP

Posted by: Angriff.1935


Well here it goes again another semi-long winded post from yours truly with more ideas for making guild wars more fun and an attempt to balance it while doing so.

When Anet first started putting out videos and articles about GW2, alot of it went on about engaging and visceral combat. While the game may have contained that at one point, it changed as the game needed to be balanced.

I think that the prime example was the Warrior. You can still see evidence of what the warrior once was. Relatively sluggish feel to the attacks, big exaggerated animations, and satisfying impacts. Then when it came to PvP the warrior suffered greatly. The very things that made the warrior feel good also proved to be a thorn in their side.

I think it would be cool to see some of that come back.

Some basic ideas:

-Turn more existing skills into skill shots(actually requiring aiming).
This would be especially cool for ranged weapon sets and would allow for more skillful use of abilites whilst being able to increase the petential of skill AND also leaving PvE relatively unharmed

example: Kill Shot could have its range massively increased to allow for an actual sniper role, and since you would have to manually aim it, increasing the range will make the skill potentially very powerful, but require skill to use. This change would also be fun for PvE and WvW, being able to engage unsuspecting foes from long distances

-Allow for deeper control of Pets/AI

example 1: Mesmers could have ground targetable illusions/clones that could be essentially flagged across longer distances(like heroes in GW1). This could be used to actually use a mesmer for deception. Like sending a clone to a point while you go in the opposite direction

example 2: Rangers could command their pet to follow and aid other team mates, or be flagged in a set location(again much like GW1 heroes)

-Grandmaster traits change the way a class is played

Example: Actually it already exists in the game, the warriors “Vigorous Shouts” is a really cool trait that while being in a terrible tree and also being rather useless, it completely changes the way skills are used in a neat and “useful” way.

Paired with runes of the soldier this makes for something that I think is really cool in concept and this game needs much more of

-More Atruistic skills/traits- it really blows my mind that this hasn’t been explored more. I think that there needs to be more capabilities for aiding and assisting teammates unselfishly. So taking such a trait or skill does not bear much benefit to the user, but to his teammates.

example 1: some do exist in this game such as the res skills (“Signet of Undeath”, “Glyph of Renewal”, etc…) or empowered(warrior trait)

example 2: Maybe a guardian could take a trait(or utility) to double their healing output for allies but halves healing they receive


I think that these concepts if properly applied could give combat in Guild Wars 2 a lot of depth, not just in PvP, but in every area of the game. It would improve PvP’s pacing, increase build variety, and at the same time bring that visceral feel back to the combat.

TLDR? just read the bold stuff

-Side note: too sleepy continue listing ideas..

(edited by Angriff.1935)