GG rangers
Is it confirmed that the pet base 150 stats are missing or could it be tool-tip error only?
I used to run BM before the ptach and after and the damage on pets seems to be the same +-That’s a good question. I am not sure, but have experienced the same. They seem to hit very hard in current state.
Pets got an additional 10% dmg bonus while the ranger is above 90% health and some builds have less armor than before the patch due to missing defensive stats from traits. So it is not surprising that pets hit for the same or even slightly more than pre-patch even with lower stats.
But their dmg is not the problem. They die way faster than before the patch, mostly because of the overall higher dmg output from everyone. Barkskin and the thoughness from GftE doesn’t help much, especially against condis. Relative to players they are weaker now (statwise, I’m not talking about usefulness/utility here).
So we’r sure the stats are missing.
The hp pool of a pet is 1500 lower than what it supposed to be? I just cant remember the hp pool of my birds before the patch.
So the inevitable Taunt nerf has come, and rather quickly.
They even add internal CD on traits I never really bother to pick anyway lol…
Oh LotF would never be picked by any none SB spec ever, and SB is still a crap weapon.
(10% increased duration for 4 secs on dodge lol , while other classes get 30%~100% constant condition duraiton)So Mesmer is ok to have blind that ignores evasive/invulnerable target while taunt shouldn’t lol. The double standard is real.
Yet, no fix to any of the Mesmer or Ele OP traits lol… (PU and blind shatter say hi)
No fix to our off-hand, traps, and spirits problem. No fix for the pet’s missing attribute.
All it has is nerf after nerf on an already under-powered class.
GG Anet for slapping in ranger’s face once again. Guess ranger is really Anet’s least favorite profession of all time.
That’ s why I still haven’ t purchased HOT. When they make ranger viable I will buy the expansion.
I give you my word on that.
We are lacking burst more than anything. For both power and condi.
Power has rapid fire but its easy to counter.
Conditions we actually got nerfed through the loss of offhand training, keen edge, and the relative change compared to other classes.
So that’s it, we’ve got rapid fire and that’s it.
GG Anet…
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
So we’r sure the stats are missing.
The hp pool of a pet is 1500 lower than what it supposed to be? I just cant remember the hp pool of my birds before the patch.
Can’t remember the exactly hp from birds too, but i know they had definitely more than 16k health (with full BM). Now they have 15,4k.
Condition ranger will also be indirectly nerfed when they nerf burn damage as well because of ele , guardian so GG to that as well very soon.
This is very important to realize as well, condition ranger only seems a bit stronger because of burn damage. Once that is nerfed, you’ll realize how bad condi ranger actually is because of the scaling down of bleeds / poison damage.
(edited by blitzkrieg.2451)
They should delete ranger and make it new from scratch, there is more wrong with it than right at the moment.
It grinds my gears when people make statements like this requesting that developers just “delete everything because it’s wrong” when there are people using the class successfully and the devs have demonstrated they’re currently rebalancing.
It does nothing beneficial for anybody. It’s just a waste of time to read.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Guild Wars 2 is transitioning to UE4.
So we’r sure the stats are missing.
The hp pool of a pet is 1500 lower than what it supposed to be? I just cant remember the hp pool of my birds before the patch.Can’t remember the exactly hp from birds too, but i know they had definitely more than 16k health (with full BM). Now they have 15,4k.
Thanx, good to know.
They should delete ranger and make it new from scratch, there is more wrong with it than right at the moment.
It grinds my gears when people make statements like this requesting that developers just “delete everything because it’s wrong” when there are people using the class successfully and the devs have demonstrated they’re currently rebalancing.
It does nothing beneficial for anybody. It’s just a waste of time to read.
Except there is no successful ranger build outside of WvW (I guess) right now. My point is just that it would be easier to make it new than to fix the incredible amount of bugs. Let me be a little bit polemic.
Ranger was viable pre – 7/7, probably the strongest its been (since BM/spirit nerf). Now… not so much.
Am I good?… I’m good.
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Funny enough, I actually think ranger is more fun to play with the 23/06 update. I’m almost….almost tempted to play it over my ele/war. Which have both been super fun since the update.
Just so you know rapid fire aka pewpew is not much better than autoattack, about 20% more dps. It’s just very useful if your target come close when the range-based bonus damage of longbow 1 isn’t there.
ranger got a huge buff patch before this one and still have very viable options. QQ awe sorry you can’t free cast for win every game. Pressure the ranger they will either run or die because most noobs need a pet to protect them ( true story)
I heard Ranger in GW1 had spike that took REAL skill to land, so why can’t they bring that into the game as well? Like I don’t know make it so Ranger can actually cast the pet skills by themselves such as the knockdown from the dog (Lone druid style from dota) but cut their evades and give them telegraphed damage?
Ranger in GW1 imo was a lot better and took more effort to play well than in GW2 but I think it’s mostly because of the huge difference in skills and the lack of the pet (because you didn’t need to drag your pet around if you didn’t want to).
I think what makes it better to me is the variety in skills. You had preparations, stances, your arrow attacks all had something unique about them (be it rupts, added burning/poison etc.) And your autoattack didn’t do much dmg in GW1 so… You couldn’t spam 1 1 1 to win, you had to use your skillbar to kill someone. Signets had no passive effects. Actually, there were no passive effects period. If you wanted to take a pet with you, you could decide which pet attack skills to take, if any. Also, dual professions were sometimes useful too.
I still think Anet will continue to add more skills and mechanics into GW2 though so I’m hopeful one day ranger could be elevated back to where it should be. Though looking at this list and comparing it to metabattle’s GW2 ranger builds really makes me miss the old ranger:
ranger got a huge buff patch before this one and still have very viable options. QQ awe sorry you can’t free cast for win every game. Pressure the ranger they will either run or die because most noobs need a pet to protect them ( true story)
And other classes got much better tools and no nerf lol..
Ofc those new toys are able to kill scrubs easily, but against a good Mesmer and God-mode Ele, Rampage War, GL with that.
Some people just don’t understand. It’s not that the professions are unbalanced.
The profession Ranger is outdated. Ranger abilities/traits need more rework. Remember when Necromancers were not able to stay alive or sustain themselves. This is what Rangers are going through now. Rangers need more QoL changes. And pet improvements.
Trap rangers are far from legit, they weren’t even legit when you could throw them. AOE condi cleanse exists, and good teams use cleansing properly. One condi burst, then traps are on a 20+ second cooldown , that makes you a target for how long just spamming axe/d sword/t or shortbow skills since you wouldn’t run longbow as you’re specced for condition damage. Also, keep in mind you can bring one stun break with traps at maximum so good teams also know this and will just stunlock you down and kill you first after they’ve dodges through your or traps OR cleansed the condis from traps via ele / necro / enemy ranger (condi signet active > pet swap) , etc etc etc the list goes on in terms of active cleansing … This is why condi builds are simply not that good in general right now in top tier at all… But people think trap ranger is legit, dude…. the node bunker regen 1v1 condi build isn’t even legit because you fight for 2+ minutes and get +1’d easily by a thief and you most likely will not beat a good cele ele with it which is who will assault that point anyway.
Please , against hotjoin heroes yes traps can work but against good players and competent teams, traps are very easily countered.
Also , range counters traps , so the idea that ‘traps beat pu’ is out of the question as you can just range them with mesmer greatsword (GS range = 1,200 autos) so you can just out-range your opponent, which any good mesmer will do.
Taunt needed to be fixed, but the thing is , nothing that negatively effects the ranger has been fixed even things way before pre-patch and no matter how many forum posts it takes, they still don’t which brings me to the conclusion that they just don’t have the resources to fix them at all.
We’ll be waiting MONTHS for fixes on these things that negatively effect us yet there have been 2 top priority hotfixes to patch things that help us and then this patch took care of the rest of them which is fine , but there are also negative bugs (10+ , and they are major) that hurt us so much in the same way and it’s ridiculous.. We will even be waiting until way after HoT comes out which will stall even more of those fixes coming into the picture because it will bring more fixes needed for the elite classes and balancing , etc.
This is the frustration that most of the rangers have to deal with, and it’s similar with other classes as well but no where NEAR the amount that ranger has to see / deal with.
Either way, people will STILL cry about taunt, whether it’s evade-able / blockable / immune or not… It will still get cried about because ranger is using it and it will be nerfed even more because of it.
Only idiots throw down all their traps at once.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
Trap rangers are far from legit, they weren’t even legit when you could throw them. AOE condi cleanse exists, and good teams use cleansing properly. One condi burst, then traps are on a 20+ second cooldown , that makes you a target for how long just spamming axe/d sword/t or shortbow skills since you wouldn’t run longbow as you’re specced for condition damage. Also, keep in mind you can bring one stun break with traps at maximum so good teams also know this and will just stunlock you down and kill you first after they’ve dodges through your or traps OR cleansed the condis from traps via ele / necro / enemy ranger (condi signet active > pet swap) , etc etc etc the list goes on in terms of active cleansing … This is why condi builds are simply not that good in general right now in top tier at all… But people think trap ranger is legit, dude…. the node bunker regen 1v1 condi build isn’t even legit because you fight for 2+ minutes and get +1’d easily by a thief and you most likely will not beat a good cele ele with it which is who will assault that point anyway.
Please , against hotjoin heroes yes traps can work but against good players and competent teams, traps are very easily countered.
Also , range counters traps , so the idea that ‘traps beat pu’ is out of the question as you can just range them with mesmer greatsword (GS range = 1,200 autos) so you can just out-range your opponent, which any good mesmer will do.
Taunt needed to be fixed, but the thing is , nothing that negatively effects the ranger has been fixed even things way before pre-patch and no matter how many forum posts it takes, they still don’t which brings me to the conclusion that they just don’t have the resources to fix them at all.
We’ll be waiting MONTHS for fixes on these things that negatively effect us yet there have been 2 top priority hotfixes to patch things that help us and then this patch took care of the rest of them which is fine , but there are also negative bugs (10+ , and they are major) that hurt us so much in the same way and it’s ridiculous.. We will even be waiting until way after HoT comes out which will stall even more of those fixes coming into the picture because it will bring more fixes needed for the elite classes and balancing , etc.
This is the frustration that most of the rangers have to deal with, and it’s similar with other classes as well but no where NEAR the amount that ranger has to see / deal with.
Either way, people will STILL cry about taunt, whether it’s evade-able / blockable / immune or not… It will still get cried about because ranger is using it and it will be nerfed even more because of it.
Only idiots throw down all their traps at once.
How many trap rangers have you seen in top tier competitions?
This question should really summarize everything I said about trap ranger above in my quote and also respond to your answer of ‘only idiots throw down all their traps at once’ … It doesn’t matter if you do or don’t, they’re just not good in top tier because they’re EASY TO COUNTER. It’s rather simple.
I like playing longbow just to down those kitteny ele running away with 10hp left.
That’ll always make me laugh they’re like wuT m8? im in my godmode class how did ya down meh?
So yea 1500 range can be a good advantage but only in Legacy and Silent Storm
(edited by RevanCorana.8942)