Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Comprehensively, all I’m asking for is:
- a 10% damage nerf to S/F + Sc/Sh symbols.
- a rework to DH traps to reduce the effectiveness of trap overlapping, in a way that doesn’t affect their 1v1 effectiveness.
- a decent shave to Purification to bring it in line with Shelter.
You’ve already agreed the first two nerfs are necessary. I’m just trying to prove that Purification needs a shave too, and I think I’ve done that.
Balance, as you stated, is about all professions; and yet you keep acting like having only Druid/Herald being able to beat DH is balanced. I just don’t get it.
I never said Druid/Herald was all that we needed but I agree with the rest to an extent.
I’m curious how the Devs will address overall class balances. A mechanical rework isn’t Anet’s typical go-to when addressing balances but they’ve surprised me before.
I mostly agree only that when balancing purification you shouldn’t look at shelter but at Signet of Resolve which is almost as powerful.
With 1050 Healing power Purification (when activated) heals you for a little over 9.9k on a 30sec cd (24 with trait) while Signet of Resolve gives you ~9.45k on a 35sec cd. (28 with trait) That’s not a huge difference and it also shows that Purification is really not that far away from alternatives.
Shelter only gives you a mere 5.3k (to be fair you have a block but what class doesn’t actually have unblockable skills, even cc’s, these days?)
If you lose vs trapper guardian you’re just bad… end of story… Most of their traps are easily avoided/dodged/blocked….
Comprehensively, all I’m asking for is:
- a 10% damage nerf to S/F + Sc/Sh symbols.
- a rework to DH traps to reduce the effectiveness of trap overlapping, in a way that doesn’t affect their 1v1 effectiveness.
- a decent shave to Purification to bring it in line with Shelter.
You’ve already agreed the first two nerfs are necessary. I’m just trying to prove that Purification needs a shave too, and I think I’ve done that.
Balance, as you stated, is about all professions; and yet you keep acting like having only Druid/Herald being able to beat DH is balanced. I just don’t get it.
I never said Druid/Herald was all that we needed but I agree with the rest to an extent.
I’m curious how the Devs will address overall class balances. A mechanical rework isn’t Anet’s typical go-to when addressing balances but they’ve surprised me before.
Signet of Power Greataxe warrior = RIP Guardian
Instead of reducing the number of cheese builds where you can insta burst ridiculous damage…they’ve only been adding to it. In fact, they seem to love insta-burst while also being immune/perma evade/or coming from stealth too.
Nothing runs off more new players than these cheese builds. Even if it’s “technically” balanced at high levels, who wants to put up with that while they are learning the game.
This DH thing is baffling because they had a whole month of seeing the impact in unranked, yet did nothing before the season started and nothing since.
This DH thing is baffling because they had a whole month of seeing the impact in unranked, yet did nothing before the season started and nothing since.
Problems go far beyond the DH. The new trait system doesn’t cut it.
It was more interesting before, when stats were attached to trait lines.
The old trait system is what kept balance in place in the first place. Balance and build variety dissipated the moment they removed it. I told them, others told them, they replied “It’s too soon to tell”. In reality it wasn’t, they just didn’t want to admit it.
How long has it been now? 18 months? And they still didn’t re-balance the game and build variety is at it’s lowest point for many classes if not all.
It’s more than just DH. DH can be beaten, but its still op. DH is just like all the other low-risk/high-reward builds of the past: turret engi, condi warr, bunker chrono, d/d elem
It’s a problem with profession balance and traits. There’s just not enough balance in this game.
OF COURSE, like all the other players whose class is undeservedly on top, they defend it to the death!
Come on.
I was main a guardian and just leave him cause i get bored but traps are the same as IT WAS.
Ppl just have problem cause now dh’s are way more than before.
Also plz learn to avoid those traps. Their cd and activation are the same.
I saw many guardian just w8ing at capture point for a victim to activate them. It’s a common sense not to go in there. Pull him out and kill him and don’t waste both dodges at once…
Every single time that someone is beaten by some class is starting to cry at forums..
Ok they re a lot of them and the class is noob friendly but if the noob strategy is this just learn it and pull that guardian to another spot to fight him.
Agree only to the point that if your trap cd ends,trap must also end if it’s not yet activated. Nothing else.
why is it the only people defending DH are the people who play it?
It seems that these days pretty much everyone plays DH so I’m not sure what you mean. I play DH and I think it’s completely OP, but other classes are too.
When I play ele I usually take in more damage than I make so I play DH more now. When playing DH I do about 2-3 times more damage and the same healing. Something just doesn’t had up.
well, Purification is a 9k heal, Meditations are like 5.9k, Wings of Resolve is 4.5k, Pure of Heart is 3.2k (each source of Aegis x 1), and then you have smaller heals like Writ of Persistence, Virtue of Resolve (Passive), and Selfless Daring.
the main problem imo is Purification. Compared to Shelter, the previous meta heal for Guardian, Purification provides literally double the healing on a 4 second shorter cooldown. “but that’s only if you walk on it!!” as if it that isn’t impossible in Conquest or against a DH that knows how to use their pull/teleports. I only wish Channeled Vigor was that much better than Withdraw.
because the people that complain about it apparently has no clue what’s even on a guardian’s skill bar/trait list?
weak effort. the vast majority of posts have been made by players that clearly know what they’re talking about, and then get yelled at by DH players with inane arguments that never actually address actual issues. your argument here, like most every other DH argument, is a fallacy.
i mean cmon, the OP of this thread even says he has 8000 hours on Guardian, and you’re trying to discredit him with this lame post?
I have 8.6k hours on Guardian total, not including the other half of my time playing the other classes which brings me at 16.8k hours in game total. if he wants a arming time of 5 seconds on any sort of traps on DH the same would have to apply on thief and ranger. Such as thieves being able to use steal in mid trap cast to get the activation instantly.
The vast majority of player are raging about 3 different aspects of Guardian or different builds. people are complaining about one shots from Dragon’s Maw, PoB, ToF, and walking into them. Others are complaining about guard blocks, then go as far as posting incorrect information such as F3 passive proccing every 10 seconds, and saying things such as too many passive blocks, there are only 2 passive blocks I can think of, Hunter’s Determination, and Valorous Defense, you want to toss a Virtue/Shield of Courage in there, but be honest, how many times does that passive actually proc in any real fight? Other complaint is on point pressure from the symbol build with Writ of Persistence, which one hander symbols which are probably going to be shaved a bit in damage.
Edit: Also did you say Pure of heart is 3.2k heal per Aegis break? FYI no healing power Pure of heart heals for 600+, and with good healing power 1.2k per aegis destroyed. Selfless daring is about 150-200 healing without healing power.
IMO 2 passive blocks is 2 too many. On top of being more than any other class has, the rampant passives are ruining this game mode.
Virtue of Courage should proc at least once per fight, but ends up proccing about once every other fight. In a normal 10 minute match, I’m getting into about 30 total fights so that’s approximately 15 blocks per match completely free with zero user input. Sometimes it blocks something lame (oh no the bone minion was gonna bite my ankle for 150 damage!), sometimes it’s saved my life (oh no, I’m out of dodges in this team fight and it just blocked a 6k Decapitate/8k backstab!).
And no, I don’t have anywhere close to the time played on my DH as you do, I got tired of getting my tail stomped by DH’s at the start of S4 so I made one. I’ve got about 260 games played on him and he isn’t even 80 yet.
If you lose vs trapper guardian you’re just bad… end of story… Most of their traps are easily avoided/dodged/blocked….
And competitive pvp is never 1v1 so……
Those traps are murder in a team fight. You can either avoid them and lose the point, or they get dropped on your head (the most damaging one is instant cast).
And it’s not like the unblockable spear pull→ToF→JI combo (entirely instant) doesn’t hit you while you’re still in midair from the spear pull and unable to block/dodge because you’re still technically in midair for 12-15k.
We actually need to press a button for a “Passive block” ?… that needs to be timed against a heavy skill?
So that is a passive that 2 Automatic auto atacks can resolve…
The only passive guardian has a block it is the 40/30 sec on virtue… all others are active and need to be timmed againt certain skills.
Guardian/DH w/ob locks dies faster than a thief, guardian is a squishy class due its low health and heavy armro is just arround 7%-10% damage reduction , reason it needs the blocks to feel sturdier.
Go play as a mace/shield shout build and tell me how many matches u can win, or tank really awfull bad players.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
We actually need to press a button for a “Passive block” ?… that needs to be timed against a heavy skill?
So that is a passive that 2 Automatic auto atacks can resolve…
The only passive guardian has a block it is the 40/30 sec on virtue… all others are active and need to be timmed againt certain skills.
Guardian/DH w/ob locks dies faster than a thief, guardian is a squishy class due its low health and heavy armro is just arround 7%-10% damage reduction , reason it needs the blocks to feel sturdier.
Go play as a mace/shield shout build and tell me how many matches u can win, or tank really awfull bad players.
Yeah of course DH just DESPERATELY needs to be able to heal fro 20k every 30 seconds and have more blocks/invuln than everyone else. And surely the only reason you see everyone and their mother playing it is simply that people pity it so much…
Yeah of course DH just DESPERATELY needs to be able to heal fro 20k every 30 seconds and have more blocks/invuln than everyone else. And surely the only reason you see everyone and their mother playing it is simply that people pity it so much…
I am so sorry for your necro with 2 life pools but you should practice more against DH or play condi cheese.
What needs to happen is somethings to encourage build diversity. Most classes have at least one trait line that is useless not only in pvp but pve, for example the spirit weapons on the guardian. Second I believe this games biggest issue with build diversity is that you only have Sigils, Amulets and Runes for stats this makes all players go one way or the other. Its time to open up additional slots to spec out your class. Yes it would make some more bunker-ish but it would make some more powerful. This is the one thing GW2 has never tried when attempting to balance out these classes. The focus for the first 2 years was the class and the abilities them selves. When that failed GW2 attempted to balance by adding or subtracting Amulets and such. I think its time to take a new approach to balance. Start with adding some more options with adding rings and accessories. Someone has to be creative over there and someone over there has the ability to think outside the box a little. PVP specs are to simple! This allows the not so good players to roll DH and spam traps and have it work better then 50% of the time. Anyway my thoughts on the matter. I hate nerfs I dont think at this stage that is the issues its a deeper issue.
I am so sorry for your necro with 2 life pools but you should practice more against DH or play condi cheese.
Prime example of an ad hominem attack: instead of trying to contribute anything to the discussion, you just through out some cheap random accusation in the hope to avoid having to address the actual arguments at hand.
PS Necro is not my main. I am very certain though that there is consensus that necro is (along with basically everyone else) at a big disadvantage in a 1v1 against DH – and in case you have not noticed, hp and toughness are worth very little since burst got increased and sustain nerfed.
DH is basically god now. It means a different thing to everyone. One almost never knows whether the discussion is about a full trapper, a bunker or a bruiser DH.
We actually need to press a button for a “Passive block” ?… that needs to be timed against a heavy skill?
So that is a passive that 2 Automatic auto atacks can resolve…
The only passive guardian has a block it is the 40/30 sec on virtue… all others are active and need to be timmed againt certain skills.
Guardian/DH w/ob locks dies faster than a thief, guardian is a squishy class due its low health and heavy armro is just arround 7%-10% damage reduction , reason it needs the blocks to feel sturdier.
Go play as a mace/shield shout build and tell me how many matches u can win, or tank really awfull bad players.
Yeah of course DH just DESPERATELY needs to be able to heal fro 20k every 30 seconds and have more blocks/invuln than everyone else. And surely the only reason you see everyone and their mother playing it is simply that people pity it so much…
When you put it that way, I can say the same thing about other professions, like a thief desperately needing to dodge several times in a row, not including evades on weapon sets, blinds and shadowsteps with nearly unmatched mobility and stealth to boot to get out of almost any situation if it turns sour and you’re better elsewhere. I can go on about other classes but it’d have to list it all.
The reason everyone is playing it because everyone is hoping on the bandwagon like they normally do thanks to metabattle, some aspects of DH are overtuned, namely one hander symbol damage and possibly traited purification. With those QoL changes they brought down Ele and tuned Scrapper which were our counters. which brings us into the meta now.
(edited by Lucentfir.7430)
When you put it that way, I can say the same thing about other professions, like a thief desperately needing to dodge several times in a row, not including evades on weapon sets, blinds and shadowsteps with nearly unmatched mobility and stealth to boot to get out of almost any situation if it turns sour and you’re better elsewhere. I can go on about other classes but it’d have to list it all.
The reason everyone is playing it because everyone is hoping on the bandwagon like they normally do thanks to metabattle, some aspects of DH are overtuned, namely one hander symbol damage and possibly traited purification. With those QoL changes they brought down Ele and tuned Scrapper which were our counters. which brings us into the meta now.
Sure, as long you don’t go into specifics, you can say that many professions have many things. My point concerning healing made further above WAS very specific though: If you count healing on DH, it is about DOUBLE what the best marauder builds on ele or thieves – which share the same healthpool as DH – have (over 20k within 30 seconds on DH – I forgot to count renewed focus last time so it is actually even a bit more- vs about 10-11k on the other two, if my calculations are correct), while also having much more blocks than either of the other two (and arguably better condi removal). I am not sure about the dps numbers as those are more difficult to count due to boons/crits, but I highly doubt that either thief or power ele do a lot more damage than meta DH.
Now OBVIOUSLY this is a subjective point but I submit that the few disadvantages that DH has (lower mobility and a possibly marginally lower cc if you compare with thief) by no means compensate for its OBJECTIVELY vastly superior sustain (literally double) and its – in my subjective view also far superior – survivability.
(edited by Tissitra.4153)
I am not sure about the dps numbers as those are more difficult to count due to boons/crits, but I highly doubt that either thief or power ele do a lot more damage than meta DH.
Look, this is Symbolic Dragonhunter using Paladin’s Amulet. These numbers are fine.
We actually need to press a button for a “Passive block” ?… that needs to be timed against a heavy skill?
So that is a passive that 2 Automatic auto atacks can resolve…
The only passive guardian has a block it is the 40/30 sec on virtue… all others are active and need to be timmed againt certain skills.
Guardian/DH w/ob locks dies faster than a thief, guardian is a squishy class due its low health and heavy armro is just arround 7%-10% damage reduction , reason it needs the blocks to feel sturdier.
Go play as a mace/shield shout build and tell me how many matches u can win, or tank really awfull bad players.
Yeah of course DH just DESPERATELY needs to be able to heal fro 20k every 30 seconds and have more blocks/invuln than everyone else. And surely the only reason you see everyone and their mother playing it is simply that people pity it so much…
I do need that, i have 10k-17k HP… and cant escape, and btw show me that amazing build that ur talking about….
Only way to play guard/DH is trap/meditation otherwise cant do nothing, and DH need to have Virtue trait to have stability on its f3, if a DH pop ups F3 and didnt gain stability he can be disrupted even with the defenses up…..
QQ about blocks on guardian/DH is the same to ask to the player to put hand of keyboard, they dont have any other way of survival, and mace shield builds DONT DO DAMAGE, and not gain any surviability by just blocking a few auto atacks…
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
We actually need to press a button for a “Passive block” ?… that needs to be timed against a heavy skill?
So that is a passive that 2 Automatic auto atacks can resolve…
The only passive guardian has a block it is the 40/30 sec on virtue… all others are active and need to be timmed againt certain skills.
Guardian/DH w/ob locks dies faster than a thief, guardian is a squishy class due its low health and heavy armro is just arround 7%-10% damage reduction , reason it needs the blocks to feel sturdier.
Go play as a mace/shield shout build and tell me how many matches u can win, or tank really awfull bad players.
Yeah of course DH just DESPERATELY needs to be able to heal fro 20k every 30 seconds and have more blocks/invuln than everyone else. And surely the only reason you see everyone and their mother playing it is simply that people pity it so much…
I do need that, i have 10k-17k HP… and cant escape, and btw show me that amazing build that ur talking about….
Only way to play guard/DH is trap/meditation otherwise cant do nothing, and DH need to have Virtue trait to have stability on its f3, if a DH pop ups F3 and didnt gain stability he can be disrupted even with the defenses up…..
QQ about blocks on guardian/DH is the same to ask to the player to put hand of keyboard, they dont have any other way of survival, and mace shield builds DONT DO DAMAGE, and not gain any surviability by just blocking a few auto atacks…
- Comunal defenses has a internal CD of 15 seconds
- On the above build to have stability and aegis on block aegis won heal since 3 traitlines are choosed no space for a 4th one.
- if a DH heals on block using mace shield (and heals for a good portion), it is a build that does no damage all u need is keep auto atack, even if they had 30k hp it is a joke of a build, also means DH had to sacrifice valor or virtues trailine to use honor, so he dont have stability or dont have comunal defenses.
- DH wings of resolve, is easilly interrupted, DH needs first to use stability to avoid it to get skill interrupted.
- All health is puer deppendable of 10k hp + stats, blocks are there to cover the lack of health class has a heavy.
- class is super weak outside DH with meditation and traps… wich exist to make class in pair with other classes damage.
- a guardian to heal 1.2k on block has to wear cleric wich is a auto kill for who is playing pvp, with a class that makes no damage and has 12k hp.
+1 for realistic statistics
So many qqs about that meta build, and I am happy when I see some guardians with that build in pvp or wvw, it’s a free kill to my meditrapper I even use hammer/LB and kill that thing pretty easy
its l2p issue.
I just don’t understand people complaining about traps. Nothing about traps changed from last season. People just forgot the basic tricks like dodging or invulning them.
I just don’t understand people complaining about traps. Nothing about traps changed from last season. People just forgot the basic tricks like dodging or invulning them.
Except for other classes getting nerfed and guards getting buffed. Traps while overtuned wouldn’t be such an issue, but guards (survival, dmg, cc) atm as whole package are too much to deal with.
I just don’t understand people complaining about traps. Nothing about traps changed from last season.
People keep saying this but how many guards were playing in PvP last season for people to complain about them? lol
There definitely weren’t 2-3 DH’s every ranked games. Now, it’s common to see 2-3 DH’s on just 1 team. Honestly people would probably stop complaining about it if Anet just stops class stacking like they did with pro tourneys.
I just don’t understand people complaining about traps. Nothing about traps changed from last season. People just forgot the basic tricks like dodging or invulning them.
Did you stop to consider what changed?
Season 3: DH steps on to point. He finds super god sustain Ele (plus friends). DH drops his DPS. Ele negates all damage via healing etc. DH is ineffective. DH runs out of tricks. DH dies. Point goes to Ele (plus team).
Season 4: Super god sustain Ele no longer present. DH steps onto point. DH drops his DPS. Everything including eles dies or is forced to run away. DH caps point. DH holds point either by mitigating range, or sustaining melee while dropping heavy on point AoE DPS.
To see this all you had to do was log in to any PvP match during S3, and S4.
Also let’s not forget the extreme ranged hate of S3. S4 you can run ranged weapons again.
I just don’t understand people complaining about traps. Nothing about traps changed from last season. People just forgot the basic tricks like dodging or invulning them.
Did you stop to consider what changed?
Season 3: DH steps on to point. He finds super god sustain Ele (plus friends). DH drops his DPS. Ele negates all damage via healing etc. DH is ineffective. DH runs out of tricks. DH dies. Point goes to Ele (plus team).
Season 4: Super god sustain Ele no longer present. DH steps onto point. DH drops his DPS. Everything including eles dies or is forced to run away. DH caps point. DH holds point either by mitigating range, or sustaining melee while dropping heavy on point AoE DPS.
To see this all you had to do was log in to any PvP match during S3, and S4.
Also let’s not forget the extreme ranged hate of S3. S4 you can run ranged weapons again.
So instead of working to get a natural counter let’s just scream for nerfs everywhere…that’s how a good pvp balance works. facepalm
I just don’t understand people complaining about traps. Nothing about traps changed from last season. People just forgot the basic tricks like dodging or invulning them.
Did you stop to consider what changed?
Season 3: DH steps on to point. He finds super god sustain Ele (plus friends). DH drops his DPS. Ele negates all damage via healing etc. DH is ineffective. DH runs out of tricks. DH dies. Point goes to Ele (plus team).
Season 4: Super god sustain Ele no longer present. DH steps onto point. DH drops his DPS. Everything including eles dies or is forced to run away. DH caps point. DH holds point either by mitigating range, or sustaining melee while dropping heavy on point AoE DPS.
To see this all you had to do was log in to any PvP match during S3, and S4.
Also let’s not forget the extreme ranged hate of S3. S4 you can run ranged weapons again.
So instead of working to get a natural counter let’s just scream for nerfs everywhere…that’s how a good pvp balance works. facepalm
Personally I’ve not weighed in on the nerf calls. But if you’re happy crying and face palming because people are suggesting changes to make DH palatable in the conquest game mode, more power to you
What I offered is reality in the face of confusion as to why DH is so prevalent despite “traps not being buffed”.
As a rev main I kind of like the guardian meta. Retri rev still counters dh’s pretty well plus the swarms of dragonhunters largely drive away the most dangerous rev counters: condi mesmer, thief, and condi warrior. I just wish I could get a reason to play non heal-bot ele again.
I am not sure about the dps numbers as those are more difficult to count due to boons/crits, but I highly doubt that either thief or power ele do a lot more damage than meta DH.
Look, this is Symbolic Dragonhunter using Paladin’s Amulet. These numbers are fine.
390k damage taken? That tells me you either had minionmancers, Engi+Gyros and/or mesmers on the other team and neither of them knew how to focus target.
1 mil is not a realistic representation of DH. I’ve hit that prepatch with hammer. In an even skill floor match, we’d be lucky to break 450k.
Every time I see 1m+ damage from any profession, it makes me think that the fight’s weren’t that “good”… I rarely hit 500k+ in some wins.
If you end the fight quickly, there’s no need for an absurd amount of overall damage done
I am not sure about the dps numbers as those are more difficult to count due to boons/crits, but I highly doubt that either thief or power ele do a lot more damage than meta DH.
Look, this is Symbolic Dragonhunter using Paladin’s Amulet. These numbers are fine.
390k damage taken? That tells me you either had minionmancers, Engi+Gyros and/or mesmers on the other team and neither of them knew how to focus target.
1 mil is not a realistic representation of DH. I’ve hit that prepatch with hammer. In an even skill floor match, we’d be lucky to break 450k.
I currently average over 700,000 total damage in Legendary matches playing that build.
That screenshot is from one of my matches in Diamond.
It seems pretty realistic enough for me.
I am not sure about the dps numbers as those are more difficult to count due to boons/crits, but I highly doubt that either thief or power ele do a lot more damage than meta DH.
Look, this is Symbolic Dragonhunter using Paladin’s Amulet. These numbers are fine.
390k damage taken? That tells me you either had minionmancers, Engi+Gyros and/or mesmers on the other team and neither of them knew how to focus target.
1 mil is not a realistic representation of DH. I’ve hit that prepatch with hammer. In an even skill floor match, we’d be lucky to break 450k.
I currently average over 700,000 total damage in Legendary matches playing that build.
That screenshot is from one of my matches in Diamond.
It seems pretty realistic enough for me.
You received over 300k dmg and done over 1m dmg…basically your match was nothing more than a hotjoin brawl which indicates the quality of the league system in this game
You have one gap closer and few other means to get close, the sword teleport is the only one that can reliably get close to a decent player
That much dmg tells me that you were playing against scrubs who were making a tea party inside the symbols
I am not sure about the dps numbers as those are more difficult to count due to boons/crits, but I highly doubt that either thief or power ele do a lot more damage than meta DH.
Look, this is Symbolic Dragonhunter using Paladin’s Amulet. These numbers are fine.
390k damage taken? That tells me you either had minionmancers, Engi+Gyros and/or mesmers on the other team and neither of them knew how to focus target.
1 mil is not a realistic representation of DH. I’ve hit that prepatch with hammer. In an even skill floor match, we’d be lucky to break 450k.
I currently average over 700,000 total damage in Legendary matches playing that build.
That screenshot is from one of my matches in Diamond.
It seems pretty realistic enough for me.
You received over 300k dmg and done over 1m dmg…basically your match was nothing more than a hotjoin brawl which indicates the quality of the league system in this game
You have one gap closer and few other means to get close, the sword teleport is the only one that can reliably get close to a decent player
That much dmg tells me that you were playing against scrubs who were making a tea party inside the symbols
What can I say? The build excels on small point maps such as the one in my screenshot. It’s kind of hard not to get hit by said symbols when they cover over 90% of a point. Also, I’m using Rune of the Traveler, so while mobility may be the worst, it’s still not terrible.
I am not sure about the dps numbers as those are more difficult to count due to boons/crits, but I highly doubt that either thief or power ele do a lot more damage than meta DH.
Look, this is Symbolic Dragonhunter using Paladin’s Amulet. These numbers are fine.
390k damage taken? That tells me you either had minionmancers, Engi+Gyros and/or mesmers on the other team and neither of them knew how to focus target.
1 mil is not a realistic representation of DH. I’ve hit that prepatch with hammer. In an even skill floor match, we’d be lucky to break 450k.
I currently average over 700,000 total damage in Legendary matches playing that build.
That screenshot is from one of my matches in Diamond.
It seems pretty realistic enough for me.
You received over 300k dmg and done over 1m dmg…basically your match was nothing more than a hotjoin brawl which indicates the quality of the league system in this game
You have one gap closer and few other means to get close, the sword teleport is the only one that can reliably get close to a decent player
That much dmg tells me that you were playing against scrubs who were making a tea party inside the symbols
What can I say? The build excels on small point maps such as the one in my screenshot. It’s kind of hard not to get hit by said symbols when they cover over 90% of a point. Also, I’m using Rune of the Traveler, so while mobility may be the worst, it’s still not terrible.
You’ve never fought a good rev/thief/guard/ranger who knows to cc during your F3, or an unblockable rifle War who knows how to 6k unblockable cancer you in team fights, or that Thief who actually knows to +1 you on side nodes because he actually sees you across map and waits till you have half health, or Rangers who kitten s DH 1v1 like no body’s business.
Went on an 11 win streak and reached Tier7 Diamond the other day, and now I hit a brick wall thanks to MM who thinks 1 high mmr class can carry nubsticle players. I’m not saying you’re not any good. I’m saying you’re playing with players who simply aren’t giving you any comp.
You’ve never fought a good rev/thief/guard/ranger who knows to cc during your F3, or an unblockable rifle War who knows how to 6k unblockable cancer you in team fights, or that Thief who actually knows to +1 you on side nodes because he actually sees you across map and waits till you have half health, or Rangers who kitten s DH 1v1 like no body’s business.
Went on an 11 win streak till Tier7 and now I hit a brick wall thanks to MM who thinks 1 high mmr class can carry nubsticle players. I’m not saying you’re not any good. I’m saying you’re playing with players who simply aren’t giving you any comp.
I’m saying you’re talking about something you have absolutely no idea about. You don’t know anything about what or who I’ve played against on my way to Legendary this season. By all means, though, please keep crushing your own ethos by talking about something you know nothing about.
The damage stats is quite misleading, the amount of damage you do is going to be doubled or tripled when you fight against anyone with AI pets, especially MM necros and mesmers.
The damage stats is quite misleading, the amount of damage you do is going to be doubled or tripled when you fight against anyone with AI pets, especially MM necros and mesmers.
Why is there always an excuse? A guard can do 2x the damage he showed and probably all the guards on forums will come and say “well, erm. actually its because blah blah”
No other prof can get away with it but guards can? Nah man. Tired of DH/burn guards ruining this entire season. 100-0 nearly anyone in one rotation while blocking everything their way.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
The damage stats is quite misleading, the amount of damage you do is going to be doubled or tripled when you fight against anyone with AI pets, especially MM necros and mesmers.
Why is there always an excuse? A guard can do 2x the damage he showed and probably all the guards on forums will come and say “well, erm. actually its because blah blah”
No other prof can get away with it but guards can? Nah man. Tired of DH/burn guards ruining this entire season. 100-0 nearly anyone while blocking everything their way.
If there’s pets/AI numbers are obviously going to go through the roof in the stats category, since the new one hander symbols are pretty frequent. You’re hitting 5 targets a lot of the time, since it’s lingering AoE, especially with the Writ of Persistence trait in honor to last longer, adding trap AoE. The only guards that can 100-0 someone are trapper guards, and normally insta gib happens when you get eaten by Dragon’s Maw on top of 2 other traps without any blocks or mitigation.
Every time I see 1m+ damage from any profession, it makes me think that the fight’s weren’t that “good”… I rarely hit 500k+ in some wins.
If you end the fight quickly, there’s no need for an absurd amount of overall damage done
I have things like under 250k worth of damage dealt and 16 kills XD with the win.
In my opinion the problem with guards is the synergy. I can 1 v 1 and reasonably expect it to be a skill game of who wins. When you fight three on a point they can insta down you, I get two dodges and after that I get ping pong push/pulled to death. Its a fair game against one.
The damage stats is quite misleading, the amount of damage you do is going to be doubled or tripled when you fight against anyone with AI pets, especially MM necros and mesmers.
Why is there always an excuse? A guard can do 2x the damage he showed and probably all the guards on forums will come and say “well, erm. actually its because blah blah”
No other prof can get away with it but guards can? Nah man. Tired of DH/burn guards ruining this entire season. 100-0 nearly anyone while blocking everything their way.
If there’s pets/AI numbers are obviously going to go through the roof in the stats category, since the new one hander symbols are pretty frequent. You’re hitting 5 targets a lot of the time, since it’s lingering AoE, especially with the Writ of Persistence trait in honor to last longer, adding trap AoE. The only guards that can 100-0 someone are trapper guards, and normally insta gib happens when you get eaten by Dragon’s Maw on top of 2 other traps without any blocks or mitigation.
The damage stats is quite misleading, the amount of damage you do is going to be doubled or tripled when you fight against anyone with AI pets, especially MM necros and mesmers.
Why is there always an excuse? A guard can do 2x the damage he showed and probably all the guards on forums will come and say “well, erm. actually its because blah blah”
No other prof can get away with it but guards can? Nah man. Tired of DH/burn guards ruining this entire season. 100-0 nearly anyone while blocking everything their way.
If there’s pets/AI numbers are obviously going to go through the roof in the stats category, since the new one hander symbols are pretty frequent. You’re hitting 5 targets a lot of the time, since it’s lingering AoE, especially with the Writ of Persistence trait in honor to last longer, adding trap AoE. The only guards that can 100-0 someone are trapper guards, and normally insta gib happens when you get eaten by Dragon’s Maw on top of 2 other traps without any blocks or mitigation.
You seem to not understand. Do that with any other class. Do that with a wellmancer or anything.
And yeah100-0 just about anything outside of other guards makes sense. No wonder we’re talking in a thread called guardian wars 2.
Not 2 minutes ago got out of a game with 5 guards. Guess which team won.
Hint: its the team with the most guards.
burn guards ruining this entire season.
burn guards ruining this entire season.
I specifically said DH/Burn. There is actually a metabuild called DH burn. So pretty much anything DH atm. Some variants are incredibly broken.
You have a promising future in media though. You really know how to take things out of context and bend the truth.
I assume you play guard though.
Edit: you do play guard. Wow that was easy.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
I think dmg indicators are silly. Obviously classes with Aoe gonna deal more dmg, especially if enemy has pets to soak it and fights are long. As thief i have quite low dmg sum on average because i don’t attack much, but when i attack someone usually goes down.
Quality > quantity.
Every time I see 1m+ damage from any profession, it makes me think that the fight’s weren’t that “good”… I rarely hit 500k+ in some wins.
If you end the fight quickly, there’s no need for an absurd amount of overall damage done
^THIS. Whenever i get 1 million damage or more i know the fights just took way too long and/or the match was drawn out as shown above with a 500/400+ score. Usually with a minion mancer in there somewhere.
When i play Power Rev my damage is much lower but my kill count is way higher with faster matches.
Edit: you do play guard. Wow that was easy.
Also play mesmer, warrior and ele. Not everyone is a one-trick pony. :P
tbh, I’m just messing with you. Everyone knows this season is a complete kittenshow. The 50/50 + pip system, the class stacking, no testing to see if nerfs to other classes would make DH OP…list goes on. Anet shouldn’t stream their esports on twitch, they should show it on the comedy channel instead.
(edited by Ubik.8315)
I think dmg indicators are silly. Obviously classes with Aoe gonna deal more dmg, especially if enemy has pets to soak it and fights are long. As thief i have quite low dmg sum on average because i don’t attack much, but when i attack someone usually goes down.
Quality > quantity.
I’ve had over 1 million dmg on my guard and only 5 kills one time. That’s what happens when you go against a team w/ 5 bunkers…
Every time I see 1m+ damage from any profession, it makes me think that the fight’s weren’t that “good”… I rarely hit 500k+ in some wins.
If you end the fight quickly, there’s no need for an absurd amount of overall damage done
I have things like under 250k worth of damage dealt and 16 kills XD with the win.
20 kills, under 200k condi on a rabid ammy XD
Every time I see 1m+ damage from any profession, it makes me think that the fight’s weren’t that “good”… I rarely hit 500k+ in some wins.
If you end the fight quickly, there’s no need for an absurd amount of overall damage done
I have things like under 250k worth of damage dealt and 16 kills XD with the win.
20 kills, under 200k condi on a rabid ammy XD
Is that a hybrid build? Is the direct damage coming from shatters?
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