GW2- Point holding tutorial | sPvP Control tactics

GW2- Point holding tutorial | sPvP Control tactics

in PvP

Posted by: Optics.3289


Here’s a tutorial on point holding in sPvP on Guild Wars 2. I’ve been thinking about
making this guide for a while now since I continue to see people fighting outside of nodes and not really realising how important the art of point holding really is in a team.

The build I use during this video-

I hope this helps!

If you have any questions on things inside or outside of the video, or if you would like to know how to successfully create a point holding build, then please comment below with questions or feedback

Please check out my Youtube channel:
I’ve made a lot of popular Engi builds in the past I swear

GW2- Point holding tutorial | sPvP Control tactics

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Hey it’s always cool to see guides people put together. Small thing though you mention near 6:50 that the guardian put a light field down so you are doing more damage and I don’t think that is true. Light field just removes conditions from projectile finishers.

edit: by the way if you have or know of any good bunker guardian guides I’d like to see it, thanks

(edited by milo.6942)

GW2- Point holding tutorial | sPvP Control tactics

in PvP

Posted by: Zeta Reticuli.9203

Zeta Reticuli.9203

Good stuff. Well thought out.

GW2- Point holding tutorial | sPvP Control tactics

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Nice video, as usual.

I applaud anyone trying to get tactic play into spvp…
My own experience is that spvp is a mess where playing tactically gets you killed, and worse: without much to show for in the end.

The point system is rather bad towards point holding though. Mostly you’re trying to give your team the edge, while most are just running in a zerg gathering kills and points, not giving a care what you are doing defending…

This said: video’s like this give me hope that tactical play can make a difference after all, even in spvp.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

GW2- Point holding tutorial | sPvP Control tactics

in PvP

Posted by: tarnin.1690


sPvP is about point farming, so any type of point holding is pointless. I love to hold the underwater area in capricorn but after the first few mins no one comes by any more. We usually win because I hold it but I would have made more points over all running around capping and killing. Such is the life in sPvP.

GW2- Point holding tutorial | sPvP Control tactics

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


At the moment I’m trying a simular set up, but the build is using the healing bombs (30 inventions) as well as the flamethrower with juggernaut.
Last 10 is purely for vitality and some extra protection.

Going 30 in both these lines leaves you with very little leeway for other defenses of course.
Still it makes my most used defensive kits: bombs and flamethrower knock back, rather strong of course.

Even though it’s more a power build, like your rifle build in the clip, I tend to use the shield and pistol. Might give the rifle another go (better power scaling) but I’m sure I’ll miss the shield abilities

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

GW2- Point holding tutorial | sPvP Control tactics

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


sPvP is about point farming, so any type of point holding is pointless. I love to hold the underwater area in capricorn but after the first few mins no one comes by any more. We usually win because I hold it but I would have made more points over all running around capping and killing. Such is the life in sPvP.

you are very correct, in my own experience. And that is exactly what makes it sad.
The point system is flawed and should reward real defenind better.

I don’t get many defender kills when holding a point, I end up dying in the end.
It should give points for the time you hold it when enemy players are near, not just the kills you’re not getting against a zerg coming…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

GW2- Point holding tutorial | sPvP Control tactics

in PvP

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I think the real issue here is there is no reward for team work. In other PvP/RvR/WvW games when the team kills something, they split the reward. It could work here as you sit on a point protecting it and the rest of the team is killing in the middle, you get some of the reward also. It would be perfect in WvW and great sPvP for defending a point.