GW2 in its current state is unplayable

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Momotaro.1957


Targeting is not broken. Just because someone fails to adapt to a new system, does not make it broken. Please, go back to the typical MMO if you rather have it that way.

I prefer the current targeting system.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


Targeting is not broken. Just because someone fails to adapt to a new system, does not make it broken. Please, go back to the typical MMO if you rather have it that way.

I prefer the current targeting system.

I love how I can beat on a random player, while throwing knives at my target.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: keroksi.3076


How many games you have played?!

the first 50k games will make your eyes bleed and make you puke every time you even think about gw2 pvp, but after that it becomes all fun and merry! really!

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: keroksi.3076


Imagine wow’s 5on5 , if only way of targeting was to scroll trought 8 totems, few pets and 3 players before getting the target you want. Thats how it is in gw2 right now. Absurd.

Oh and hate wow all you want, but the fact still remains

edit: Before the flaming starts, let me say that I wont go back to wow, no.
I dont like the whole “tab-targeting” in general. I think that skills should be aimed for them to hit.
But as i havent found a game that i liked and had this feature, the tab-targeting would be bearable if done right.

(edited by keroksi.3076)

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Bloodtau.4672


Targeting is not broken. Just because someone fails to adapt to a new system, does not make it broken. Please, go back to the typical MMO if you rather have it that way.

I prefer the current targeting system.

Not broken? NOT broken? Are you smoking something?
SO you are happy with the game dropping your target mid fight for no reason and you wasting a skill cooldown?
Are you happy with using your elite/strong skill only for it hit a pet that appears from no where?
Are you happy with getting a player to almost death only to have it switch your target and waste cooldowns on another target?

If you are you obviously aren’t a very good player…

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: keroksi.3076


Momotaro is what i call a forumwarrior. He plays the game on paper and never loses to anything. He has unlimited stunbreaks and can dodge anything he wants. He is a master in adepting and can target anything at any time or situation and therefore doenst think the game needs to be tweaked in any ways. a real winner.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Freakiie.8940


What Blood said combined with what milo said on the previous page. The selecting people with right click has to go. Why the kitten does left AND right click select a target to begin with? Makes no sense, especially considering right click has other uses.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Drivelikebrazil.3279


I’m not sure what the big beef is with stealth stomping… what makes it hands down so much better than stability which several professions have access to? The only chance you have against stability is to kill them. Additionally, utilizing combo fields can give you the same stealth benefit thief has, so it’s not a unique trait.

Thieves either need to run OH dagger, use heal, use steal, or have stealth-related utilities to get their stealth. OH dagger is obviously the easiest to use and the most complain-worthy, but at least it’s not available to every weapon loadout. Using your heal just to stealth can be devastating to you in a team fight. Utility choice is the final option, but many aren’t always worth it given that there are many more advantageous/useful utils not to mention that the CD timers are comparable to many of the stability granting skills.

I’ll grant that the targeting is somewhat of a pain when it switches randomly. Some of the de-targeting is completely valid. Entering stealth and swapping places with a clone are pretty logical reasons to drop target(or leave the target on the clone that has now taken the mesmer’s place). Other than that, definitely, fix that.

Too many of the complaints on these forums beg for homogenizing classes and making classes not have unique advantages just because their favorite class has a weakness or one class is just best at doing something. TF2 has(had?) a huge competitive scene and every class was unique and some just couldn’t take on the others alone. Why is it such a big deal if GW2 behaves similarly?

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Momotaro.1957


Targeting is not broken. Just because someone fails to adapt to a new system, does not make it broken. Please, go back to the typical MMO if you rather have it that way.

I prefer the current targeting system.

Not broken? NOT broken? Are you smoking something?
SO you are happy with the game dropping your target mid fight for no reason and you wasting a skill cooldown?
Are you happy with using your elite/strong skill only for it hit a pet that appears from no where?
Are you happy with getting a player to almost death only to have it switch your target and waste cooldowns on another target?

If you are you obviously aren’t a very good player…

Yes, being able to adapt to this system makes me bad. You got me there!

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: agentofatlas.2859


As an Engineer i got no problems with thieves or mesmers. Play smart and they die easly.

Please tell me what you do, exactly. I am an Engineer as well, and would like to learn. Please be specific.

Try a condition build with bombs or grenades. Have no problems with thieves. Mesmers will always pose a threat but I find I have better success with this type of play style than others.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Scaryman.2847


The scoring rewards you for running from point to point constantly over defending causing people to play like idiots.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Ackinbal.2617


I agree with the OP. The game started out with a lot of promise, but sPvP is messed up, and it is a major part of the game. In fact that is the only part I’d like to play ATM. But I find more and more flaws. Maps are too small, there are too many clones and other nonplayer creatures. Too many stuns, knockbacks, and disappearances. Downed state is not balanced. Clones and pets often do the majoriy of damage. Phantasms and ranger pets often do 50% of the kill damage. The pets should die with the player down – often they kill me before I can finish off the downed player, and having no pets, I get finished off instead, how stupid. Sharks are stupid. Raid of Capricorn looks even smaller than other maps due to the water. I am getting more and more frustrated. I even stopped playing mesmer, it was too easy.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Streaks.5076


First, you shouldn’t be tab targeting. It’s a terrible habit, just manually click targets or click the target-target bound key. In time your targeting will improve. And I’m also going to just ignore the rest of your post, considering it sounded like a cry fest like every other “OMG FIX THIS UNBROKEN CLASS PLEASE…” posted thread out there.

Noob – Revanent

Looking for a good guild for PoF

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


omg Streaks wrote everything i wanted to write.
tab-targeting..omg i stopped using that also in pve 5 years ago.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


6 on thief – 10 on guardian – 119 on Warrior.. im rank 11.3

My Warrior is my main.. Hes Sword+board/Rifle… Heavy heavy Bleed/control/rifle build… My build is very solid and a slight modification of some really strong builds I saw.

My PvP background is very deep gank group history in DAoC.. WAR.. SWTOR.. mostly DAOC..

Moraine – What condition is going to stop them from going into stealth and Finishing me or my downed team mate automatically?

so you are telling us that after 2 days (r11 is going fast right) you allready know everything and are capable to judge the game?

seriously? this made my day.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Jonthh.6319


the only class that is complaining about everything in this game, IS WARRIORS! i play a warrior aswell, and warriors are kitten…. i love warriors in every game i have ever played, but in this game, they just suck so bad… 100 swords is the worst skill ever.. if u can’t imobilize ur target uts useless…

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Quae.5431


I have been pretty annoyed by the target dropping on my engineer. If i get adds during a fight, i want to finish off the mobs i’m already working on before starting the new ones, but i frequently find my target has randomly changed and i have to find my lowest health mob again in a group of several. This is especially annoying if i end up in a downed state trying to get some rally action. At first i thought it might be some button i was hitting on accident, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. It just … happens.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: TrustyTurkey.1653


Are you kidding me? You’re talking about one small aspect of a giant WORLD of playability. If PvP is the ONLY thing you enjoy, then just wait until a patch comes out to fix the current issues. Better yet, suck it up, play a few tournaments, and have some fun with it. Arenanet is currently working on huge PvP updates, so just hang tight, because the game’s been out for a month.
Just leave if you think the game sucks; nothing’s stopping you. I despise these types of posts.


GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Xahz.8406


Are you kidding me? You’re talking about one small aspect of a giant WORLD of playability. If PvP is the ONLY thing you enjoy, then just wait until a patch comes out to fix the current issues. Better yet, suck it up, play a few tournaments, and have some fun with it. Arenanet is currently working on huge PvP updates, so just hang tight, because the game’s been out for a month.
Just leave if you think the game sucks; nothing’s stopping you. I despise these types of posts.

You mean you despise the type of posts that discuss an idea you disagree with? Grow up.

A patch will not fix the current issues, and I’m hesitant to say that even a dozen patches would. They’re “currently working on” (ambiguous) content that should have been in the game at release; content that we have no knowledge of and could be released next month or next year.

Keep encouraging players to leave though. Because I will, and so will a lot of other people, and this game will wither and die until something radical happens. MMOs are about investment and progression, and no one is going to come back to a game that they’ve invested nothing in.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: raw.6857


- They didn’t really remove the holy trinity as they announced they just made every class have it and as a consequence you have massive overlap between the classes and identity problems in PvP.

- Conquest is a horrible format but probably also the only we will ever see, since the core mechanics are pretty much prohibitive for anything that could be labelled “structured” in earnest. (Proof me wrong, I dare you!)

If’s goal was to dismiss their IP and create another World of Warcraft expansion, than their operation was a resounding success, by all standards.
If their goal was to iterate on their IP and create a successor to GW1, well yeah, no.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: shalmont.2539


i only read the first line, thieves are a joke. (to warriors) i reflect all their dmg, and them escaping me is rare, but if they do, ill let them :shrug: defend / take nodes and if they come back ill eventually grind their face into the ground with meh fancy hammer

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Kykeon.8572


Man some things they haven’t even thought about,im not even going to mention class balance,targetting (oh dear…) and CC issues.

-Where are the criticals on my combat log?!I used to play RPGs in 2001 that had them.

-Why can’t i move interface elements?How exactly am i supposed to tunnel vision trying to stick on the original Mesmer when my target is all the way up and my HP etc are all the way down?Not to mention my teammates are on the left IF it shows them.

-Why can i not create a channel for calling targets for others to join,so we can have two people calling targets and different people assisting them in seperate parts of the map?

There are so many things that go to show most Anet employees behind those designs,or should i say the lack of,had zero clue about PvP.This has been a major issue with the PvP at the moment.

We desperately need add-ons or major patches.I ended up playing less every day and haven’t seen my guildmates in days.Shame because it is a fun game afterall,let alone i’d been waiting for it for years.

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


Man some things they haven’t even thought about,im not even going to mention class balance,targetting (oh dear…) and CC issues.

-Where are the criticals on my combat log?!I used to play RPGs in 2001 that had them.

-Why can’t i move interface elements?How exactly am i supposed to tunnel vision trying to stick on the original Mesmer when my target is all the way up and my HP etc are all the way down?Not to mention my teammates are on the left IF it shows them.

-Why can i not create a channel for calling targets for others to join,so we can have two people calling targets and different people assisting them in seperate parts of the map?

There are so many things that go to show most Anet employees behind those designs,or should i say the lack of,had zero clue about PvP.This has been a major issue with the PvP at the moment.

We desperately need add-ons or major patches.I ended up playing less every day and haven’t seen my guildmates in days.Shame because it is a fun game afterall,let alone i’d been waiting for it for years.

I have none of these issues, besides the party-interface deciding to randomly hide players on my team. That’s gotta go.