(edited by Moderator)
GW2 in stoponomics
I was never personally raged at by you, but if we had ever met, I’m sure we would have mutually raged at each other.
Another one bites the dust.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
gl hf, best of luck for whatever you chose to do.
all the best
may anet understand one day
Sensotix’ Builds & Tutorials Collection
see ya man, hope you’ll come back one day
We have had some great raging sessions against each other you and me, i’ll kinda miss it.
GLHF in whatever you choose to play instead of GW2
Playing with PHD on ts is hilarious because we always team fight and lose whilst phd is “getting far” then he QQs at us for losing team fights.
“I’ve got far”
“How do you lose a team fight, there is something seriously wrong with you guys”
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Playing with PHD on ts is hilarious because we always team fight and lose whilst phd is “getting far” then he QQs at us for losing team fights.
“I’ve got far”
“How do you lose a team fight, there is something seriously wrong with you guys”haha
I remember a game on foefire with him on my team. At the end he pushed far and was 1v2. When he died he started shouting at us how much we sucked and how he is one of the best players in the world. But at the same time we got both close and mid, which was partially since he kept 2 busy.
So we won in the end, but we still sucked apperantly.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
one of the most entertaining warriors
sad to see you leaving, but i can understand your choice
take care
If you leave, I will leave too! Could you give me your phone number also? Important to keep in touch.
Regardless of you being a bit of a kitten I enjoyed playing with/against you.
Take care
Sad to see you leave, still think you have one of the best names in gw2 gl in life.
Was a nice time, sadly they don´t get their kitten together balance wise so i understand your frustration pretty good. I hope you come back
Hey guys, aparantly GW2 censors my skype and FB, you’ll have to PM me in here if you want contact. Thx for the salutes, enjoyed playing with you guys as well. I will most likely join some other game since I have a huge addiction when it comes to computers, keeping the same name, and same stream.
Hi Chukree, I think we played together a bit in Gw1 random arena. Strange finally finding you in Gw2 in your goodbye thread. Well, happy travels wherever you go.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
Hi Chukree, I think we played together a bit in Gw1 random arena. Strange finally finding you in Gw2 in your goodbye thread. Well, happy travels wherever you go.
Yes, Chu Kree Phar. Haha
Sound mate. Your dishonorable is in my pic as well, haha..
Very sad to see you leaving!
I allways had great experience playing with you! <3
I sendet you a pm, please respond to it
Who cares! Who are you? JK!
Even though I am happy to see you leave, i am also a bit sad that GW2 lost a danish player. May the bacon be with you!
Bye Bye Phd
Best wishes and keep it up! lol at the dishonorable.
Riverside [DE]
Go get that PHD in stomponomics IRL (HOES) and validate your name!