GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


The problem with GW2 is not balance. In fact, GW2 pvp is more balanced now than it ever was before. The problem is popularity.

GW2 has nothing that makes itself stand out. On the outside, GW2 is just a generic fantasy game. “WoW has done it already, so why bother trying GW2?” That is the perspective of the majority of gamers, and they are correct. Why should people even bother trying GW2 when there are so many other great games out there. And sadly, people will never get to experience the great mechanics within GW2 due to its bland outside cover.

No attention = no new pvp players = no growth in pvp population = no revenue = no development = stagnation of pvp.

(edited by zone.1073)

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Interesting opinion, it’s a great game for sure, but following that logic and the provided content WoW has nothing making it stand out from other fantasy games when it was released.

WoW obviously did. Guild Wars 2 has things that make it stand out among the genre too, but there’s a difference between being first and defining the genre and refining the genre.

The MMO genre is getting old, there are numerous players and choices for niches that suit different player wants.

No MMO following the current 1st/3rd person rpg, mouse and keyboard model will ever be as dominant with it’s market share as WoW was.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: Umut.5471


I think, the main problem is developers are wasting so much effort, work force and time for temporary content like living stories. Living story doesn’t add anything to the game since all content is temporary. The game doesn’t get bigger and bigger this way. They could have spent all of this effort to permanently improve pvp system, wvw system and they could add new permanent maps/zones to tyria, and dungeon raids for pve. After all these living stories, there will be nothing in our hands since no permanent content was added. Also pvping is generally an end game for most mmos, but it’s underrated in gw2 as an end game content. It really lacks new modes and goals to achieve to keep players playing every day. I really want to see gw2 developing and popular among players as a gw2 fan, this is why I want to see permanently added content.

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I do agree gw2 is good. The combat is great, which is why I keep playing it. Balance is ok, I’ve seen a lot worse. Problem is PvP isn’t getting new players because of only one mode, conquest. If PvP had more game modes, it would be better off by a long shot.

Sadly the new modes are coming too late, and they’re just trying to keep the population they have.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


The problem with GW2 is not balance. In fact, GW2 pvp is more balanced now than it ever was before. The problem is popularity.

All in all, any lack of popularity atm in PvP is caused by people playing the game and realizing it is not worth the time.
Getting more people to play the game won’t fix the problem.

The longer version

The game had all the hype in the world around launch…
It had millions of copies sold before it even was released.
That combined with it being B2P means millions of people wanted, had and still have complete access to this game with no MMO-PvP competition (still).

The game was god kitten popular.
As popular as an MMO has ever been (around launch).
I mean, every and any future MMO can only dream of having the launch GW2 did.

That means anyone and everyone interested in MMO PvP knows about GW2 if they haven’t played it.
Knowledge isn’t the issue.
Exposure isn’t the issue.

The reason this game is so abandoned is entirely due to gameplay and infrastructure.
Sure the balance isn’t terrible, but next to everything else is…
Game modes, match-setup (S/TPvP), matchmaking, leaderboards, custom arenas, conditions, particle effects, specing, meta, teamwork, skill-floor/cap, slow patches, off-point patches…

There is just too that needs to be fixed for the game to have a shot at anything any time soon.

(edited by garethh.3518)

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Cause gw2 totally had a lack of attention when it released.

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Cause gw2 totally had a lack of attention when it released.

The attention was on PvE.

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Cause gw2 totally had a lack of attention when it released.

The attention was on PvE.


If you played PvP around and before launch…
Near all the hype.
If you were on the forums around and before launch…
PvP got near all the hype.

The game kittening had esports teams lining up to play it!!!!
That requires ALLOT of hype.
It was supposed to be the first esports level MMO and copy-pasta’ing GW1 with a few tweaks would get it there.
PvP got a metric kittenton of hype.

I mean, PvE became popular for a while, but that isn’t hype.
That was just because PvE ended up playing allot better than PvP.
The hype… everything Anet innovated, everything people were talking about (class design, combat system, party setup) was largely focused on PvP.

(edited by garethh.3518)

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I came from wow (and other MMOs) and started to play GW2 because of pvp advertisment. I believed it would be first mmorpg game where devs care about pvp and actually work on it.

I don’t find class balance THAT bad in GW2 althrough it is also plagued by certain issues (hello AI, condi). GW2 overall is actually pretty good. Combat is interesting. LS should be every months not every 2 weeks imo.
What really really surprised me though is how undeveloped pvp system is in this game. It feels like alpha to me tbh. I did expect more and really hope they will improve it.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


I have to disagree with the OP. Apparently GW2 has mass sales when it was released. If it was good enough for those players, 2+ million? It would have lasted with a good base longer than a year and a half… I mean if a huge chunk of those people enjoyed the game enough, they’d have brought more friends/family in, not quit themselves. The game had hype and popularity and it just didn’t deliver to the expected audience.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


The problem with GW2 is not balance. In fact, GW2 pvp is more balanced now than it ever was before. The problem is popularity.

All in all, any lack of popularity atm in PvP is caused by people playing the game and realizing it is not worth the time.
Getting more people to play the game won’t fix the problem.

The longer version

The game had all the hype in the world around launch…
It had millions of copies sold before it even was released.
That combined with it being B2P means millions of people wanted, had and still have complete access to this game with no MMO-PvP competition (still).

The game was god kitten popular.
As popular as an MMO has ever been (around launch).
I mean, every and any future MMO can only dream of having the launch GW2 did.

That means anyone and everyone interested in MMO PvP knows about GW2 if they haven’t played it.
Knowledge isn’t the issue.
Exposure isn’t the issue.

The reason this game is so abandoned is entirely due to gameplay and infrastructure.
Sure the balance isn’t terrible, but next to everything else is…
Game modes, match-setup (S/TPvP), matchmaking, leaderboards, custom arenas, conditions, particle effects, specing, meta, teamwork, skill-floor/cap, slow patches, off-point patches…

There is just too that needs to be fixed for the game to have a shot at anything any time soon.

This. Anet just fail to realize how important PvP is, and if they ever figure it out they are too late. This game had so much potential, but Anet failed to deliver. Now many of the really hard core PvP players and e-sport teams have left, and they won’t return…

Melder – Thief

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: Mogar.9216


conquest mode is boring period. That is why GW2 pvp is a ghost town.
Seriously how many people enjoy just standing on a pt and take a beating for 10 mins to win a match?

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


The hype… everything Anet innovated, everything people were talking about (class design, combat system, party setup) was largely focused on PvP.

While I understand the point you’re trying to make, you’re misunderstanding my point. Hype and attention are two different creatures.

Hype refers to before a game is released. It gets hyped up, but the hype says nothing about the attention the game will have after it is released.

Attention in general is self explanatory. What this post is referring to is not the hype the game had back in August 2012. I’m specifically discussing the amount of attention the game has right now at this very moment, which is more relevant.

Hope that clarifies things.

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: Sweetbread.2679


The hype… everything Anet innovated, everything people were talking about (class design, combat system, party setup) was largely focused on PvP.

While I understand the point you’re trying to make, you’re misunderstanding my point. Hype and attention are two different creatures.

Hype refers to before a game is released. It gets hyped up, but the hype says nothing about the attention the game will have after it is released.

Attention in general is self explanatory. What this post is referring to is not the hype the game had back in August 2012. I’m specifically discussing the amount of attention the game has right now at this very moment, which is more relevant.

Hope that clarifies things.

You’re just splitting hairs. All of that hype WAS people paying attention to it. People stopped paying attention to it, because spvp could barely be considered out of beta and anet completely dropped the ball and let it stagnate for a year. It isn’t that people never payed attention to GW2’s pvp, because they did; it’s that people STOPPED paying attention to it, because it simply just wasn’t worth paying attention to.

GW2 is a gold-plated needle in a haystack.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


The hype… everything Anet innovated, everything people were talking about (class design, combat system, party setup) was largely focused on PvP.

While I understand the point you’re trying to make, you’re misunderstanding my point. Hype and attention are two different creatures.

Hype refers to before a game is released. It gets hyped up, but the hype says nothing about the attention the game will have after it is released.

Attention in general is self explanatory. What this post is referring to is not the hype the game had back in August 2012. I’m specifically discussing the amount of attention the game has right now at this very moment, which is more relevant.

Hope that clarifies things.

So take that one step further.
I’ve said that there was a large focus on PvP and many people playing it.
There aren’t many people playing GW2 PvP now.

And so more attention to PvP will fix that?
(your point)
it will fix how most people don’t find the actual ‘playing of GW2’ worth their time???
(my point)