GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: Fiesbert.9816


TTK is plain silly right now.
2vs1 is impossible unless your enemies are asleep leading to attrition not being viable, which makes burst the way to go.
Why would I want to play an MMO paced as fast as a shooter with all that unnecessary MMO complexity attached to it?
In addition not every profession gets a rifle, some get a pistol (necro).
Have to admit, I’m quite disappointed.

Necro autoattack/minion DPS
DS battle tank

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


I had that first impression too, but when you get into 2v2+ fights it starts to come into its own as a unique play style. Not a play style i enjoy much, but unique.

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: Fiesbert.9816


I wish it would be a first impression, its rather after 585 games and 165 tournaments. Also tried all classes.
Since Anet talks a lot about eSports and competetive play I did expect deep gameplay rather than shooter gameplay. The low TTK doesn’t allow for strategic combat, its twitchy not thinky :/

Necro autoattack/minion DPS
DS battle tank

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


I hear that all the time and I just can’t agree. Fast gameplay is in and of itself for skill-based, because there’s a need to react and be constantly aware of your surroundings. Devs just need to balance thing the way that there are always counters and ways to protect yourself from spikes.

The game is already all about bunker builds. I really can’t fathom why some people find it fun to exhange blows for 2 minutes or what’s so strategic about it. Strategy and skill can exist in both systems, it’s all about the actual balance and skill variety.

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


Class balance is a joke and there is entirely to much cc and condition damage for a fast paced style combat full of burst builds.Those things combined make pvp in this game a bad joke for any true pvp player.I have played wow,war and aoc pvp and this is the first time i see something in a pvp game that makes me go " Are you serious ?" Its like pvp is made by people that only ever did pve and are just learning how things work in pvp.Laughable.

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


2vs1 impossible because of downed state? you play a class/build/weaponcombo that has no cc whatsoever or stability? lol

same goes for stunbreakers, i see so many ppl die in cc when you can have 3 stunbreakers in total in GW2 lol. thief can have like 5 if he wants

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: Mogar.9216


I can’t really put my finger on it. TTK is high in this game compare to WAR or WoW or even DAoC. Yet somehow this game feels a lot more twitchy. Seems in combat I’m just really going through the motions of pressing buttons.

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: Fiesbert.9816


2vs1 impossible because of downed state? you play a class/build/weaponcombo that has no cc whatsoever or stability? lol

same goes for stunbreakers, i see so many ppl die in cc when you can have 3 stunbreakers in total in GW2 lol. thief can have like 5 if he wants

You obviously did not play all professions. Otherwise you’d know that stunkbreaker, invis, invul and stability availability isn’t handed out remotely fair.
I’m guessing you play one of the burst setups, probably thief or warrior, where you don’t even need stability for stomping due to quickness (the most broken thing in the game right now).
But you aren’t even trying to discuss my points you are just happy with playing one of the professions with a rifle…

Necro autoattack/minion DPS
DS battle tank

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


i completely disagree. GW2 plays like a smooth shooter to me. there are tactical aspects, but most of it is dependent on your reactions. it’s a skill-based action RPG. combat is the one thing ANet did perfectly imo.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


As far as i know, only the necro is lackluster in the stomping /reviving department, the rest of the professions has one way or more. But youre not completely useless as a necro atm, ive been feared away from teammates that i tried to revive quite a few times.

Also if you think that burst reigns supreme, youre dead wrong. I play both thief and warrior in a bursty spec, yup. thats what they are good at. The Thief is actually my least favorite class due to not being able to mitigate any damage whatsoever and needing to exclude myselfs from the battle if things go wrong, wich basicly turns the fight into a 4vs5 for atleast 20 seconds or even worse and a sure death for my teammate if we where already outnumbered. Also, my warrior doesnt use a rifle. i’ma super squishy Dps Warrior that has the role of doing the damage in a tPvP, landing my 100blades and whirl wind attack on people after i hit em with a stage 3 earthshaker and my hammer CC is my only means of defense besides a free endure pain at 25% hp (doesnt help against condi’s, so i still die vs condi specs) and i actually have balanced stance my #9 slot (stability) its pretty much a must and part of my survivability. Quickness is a part of the build, but guess what, its not used for dps or stomping.

My main is an Elementalist actually, if you wanted to know. This character feels about 3x as strong in terms of defense and i just tear though all those squishy burst specs with my condition damage. Mistform and Earth Armor are my bread and butter spells for stomping and has bagged me many 1vs2 and 1vs3, i really wish my warr or thief where this good. My Elementalist also doesnt use a Rifle by the way.

(edited by Kousetsu.1627)

GW2 plays like a cumbersome shooter

in PvP

Posted by: Plague.5329


It’s definitely more frantic and difficult to track than GW1 was. But GW1 was a more methodical game, and mainly about pressure, sustained DPS followed by highly coordinated spikes. GW2, without a healing system in place, is more about just piling DPS on as fast as you can. Combined with all the overelaborate spell effects, this makes the gameplay feel more “spammy” and more difficult to watch.