Game Update Notes - January 28, 2013
Spvp is dead.
Long live pve!!
U will need to find something else to spend ur free time .
fix bugs first then balance u cant balance bugged abilities, its about time they did somethign with the mesmer portal description since beta
YES! fix the toolips! they are game braking….
Spvp is dead.
Long live pve!!U will need to find something else to spend ur free time
Ya another game
u must pay to play tourney
u must pay to rent servers
wow impressive.
they are all about money pvp makes the less for them .thats why every patch has been for pve that is where the money making is .they want MONEYyour money
I just saw the cost on pvp paids drop to 1 ticket. Im not sure if thats a bug or something they changed. If its something they changed THANK YOU ANET FOR LISTENING.
still nothing to do if ur not in a team, still no matchmaking. sorry im not waiting another month. I’m out
lol I love it. Ask everyone to pay to play a new ranked map and people throw up their arms in outrage. Give the winners a refund though, and suddenly everyone’s happy with the same completely unsustainable model we had before, where most mid level teams end up farming frees for tourney tickets just to play something that’s offered on a regular basis and has no real special value at all, and not to mention leaves nothing to build upon with ticket currency.
The old “bait and switch”. Nice one Anet.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
Spvp is dead.
Long live pve!!U will need to find something else to spend ur free time
Ya another game
Are we allowed to discuss other games on here? It would be cool if we could get a thread going where people make suggestions on which games to play while GW2 is being “worked on”.
Yea this does nothing for people not in a organized tourney group
Actually it does! It frustrates them even more.
Ppl play games for fun, wen it becomes boring and frustrating it isn’t worth playing.
Spend that time playing something else, whatch a movie or do something that you find fun to do. ATM (at least for me) playing wg2 is standing in the mists / LA chatting with the few ppl left on my friends list about how boring gw2 has become.
So yeah I’m not going to punish myself further. There are a lot of fun games out there to spend my money on.
still nothing to do if ur not in a team, still no matchmaking. sorry im not waiting another month. I’m out
Not sure yet, but it’s possible that free tourneys are now more pug-friendly. It seems that the premades are liking the 1-match paids so maybe they will now spend more time there than in frees?
At any rate, 1/2 of teams in paids now get “refunded,” meaning they hopefully spend less time farming randoms for tourney tickets.
Sure, it would be better if there was a way to play against people of similar rank or skill level. But this could make things a little better.
More bugfixes please, don’t delay on them. Q&A them up por favor.
28th update in a nutshell: tro_ll_l_ o_lolol.
(Since when does ‘tr o l l’ get censored? Ahahahaha, a joke forum for a joke game.)
Time to check out this:
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
I take it all back, this was the best patch in a long time.
I hope they learn from this amazing week that’s just starting, and implement 1tv1t or 2tv2t as the 2nd Tier of Paid tournies for Silver chests+ ticket
Tickets aren’t leaving the economy but they are migrating.
There is much more incentive for mid tier players to play paids because they can pull off a 35-70% win rate.
There is MUCH more incentive for New-players/SoloQuers to play frees and even paids after winning because the mid tier guys are out and so are the Top Teams.
This ONE patch has done for sPVP more then anything I’ve ever seen anet put out.
Its not that tool rips are game breaking but is thebekill bugged. Or not compared to what toltip said. Easiest solution is change tooltip. Mesmer portal was originally intended to last 20 seconds which is. A huge didderence especially with the cooldown change