Game crashed, couldnt get in to match again.

Game crashed, couldnt get in to match again.

in PvP

Posted by: Radiobiology.6185


So i was just playing in temple of the silent storm ranked match, was super tight, both teams around 300 points. And all of the sudden my game decides to crash and of course at this very moment there was a new patch pending. When i got in to the game again the match was still going but it wouldnt connect me to the match because i had the wrong version of the game or something. Fix please.

Game crashed, couldnt get in to match again.

in PvP

Posted by: Turak.3286


Yes this should be fixed sap, but till this happens, there is a workaround that saved a few matches for me:

When your game crashed or you DCd and you could not rejoin the current match, then go back to char select screen, choose a other char and login.
You will get the message, that this char is not the right one for the match.
Then log back and you will be able to join the match again, with the right character.