Game is dying, so what are you doing to fix the only content you have?
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
(edited by Carlin.1059)
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
This is a semi-rage post, because I realized this game is rather empty content-wise (Especially PvE, as there is nothing to do) after spending a lot of money and time.
sPvP is the one thing that could make this game better than most other MMO’s; I mean it’s not the “WoW-killer” we’ve all been waiting for. People are quitting WoW because they are bored out of their minds, not because GW is a better game in any way.
The sPvP is in a very sad state atm. There are major class imbalances (Or rather build imbalances).
- PvP is cooldown based, not skill based what so ever. Some have ridiculously short CDs, others have long cooldowns, making them pure bruisers/bursters when they have CDs up which is just idiotic to a t. Lack of abilities is also a major concern.
- PvP in GW is badly designed. You have 5 abilities, and you are rarely able to burst someone down, unless you play mesmer/thief (Or warrior with a lucky stun combo). This is flawed.
-Why have a dodge system, when so many classes are evade/immune with an uptime of 80% all the time? Pointless and removes the skill factor. Press a combination > be unkillable > kill everything you see (HS spam or shortbow build).
- Warrior are good. Insane burst, but players with half a brain and some awareness can out-dodge a warrior and just burst him down in return. Mace/mace+mace is a good style to play, but it’s very slow and easily out-played as well. Therefore, warrior need some sort of utility buff and 2h mace needs a total rework (Much quicker/longer ranger).
- Mesmer’s immunity has to go. The polymorph also has to go. It’s maybe 4 seconds too long, and you can’t even cleanse it – What the hell?
- Water maps in PvP, when underwater combat is the epitome of badness in this game.
- Numbers mean nothing: I can crit 10k 10k 10k 5k, and the guy is still at 80% hp. Wat.
- Rather unrelated, but there is a major bug with the packeting system in the game, making the combat system unusable (Miss miss miss, because you are lagging on your side, while dying on the opponents side).
- Downed state in PvP. : DDD
- 8v8 zerg fest. No 5on5 hot join, bad tournament system, no matchmaking.
- Rangerseems, in my eyes, to be the picture of balance; Whilst Necro/Warrior/Elementalist are rather weak, and lacks utility and damage. Warriors ‘auto attack’ is just sad stuff.
So yeah, this game is a major dissapoint and it’s dying day by day.
The clock is ticking.
(edited by Carlin.1059)
in PvP
Posted by: displacedTitan.6897
You can’t be this obvious when trolling. Ease into it man.
in PvP
Posted by: evilapprentice.6379
Everything you’ve said in this post (excluding the water maps in PvP comment) -screams- to anyone who’s been pvping longer than an hour that you have NO idea what you’re doing. I felt pretty much exactly how you feel now the first 3 days I played the game – I didn’t understand any other classes mechanics, abilities, utility skills, heals, etc. Everything felt cheap and broken and OP. Then I decided to learn to play the game, and nearly everything was magically fixed. I’ve personally seen Necro’s that can hold a point against 3 players for 30s, unkillable Ele’s, and Uncatchable harrassment rangers who you can’t ignore – If the majority of people are playing stupid specs, thats on them, not the class. Also, how exactly are you measuring the fact that the “Game is dying day by day”? What empirical tools are you using? If it’s your personal feelings, or people kittening on the forums (which is WHY forums exist), well that’s just a tad biased.
Learn to play (and I’m saying that sincerely, not condescendingly), and you’ll find this game is much more enjoyable.
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
In what way is this a troll post? People always call stuff they don’t agree with on the internet a troll post. Pathetic.
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
Everything you’ve said in this post (excluding the water maps in PvP comment) -screams- to anyone who’s been pvping longer than an hour that you have NO idea what you’re doing. I felt pretty much exactly how you feel now the first 3 days I played the game – I didn’t understand any other classes mechanics, abilities, utility skills, heals, etc. Everything felt cheap and broken and OP. Then I decided to learn to play the game, and nearly everything was magically fixed. I’ve personally seen Necro’s that can hold a point against 3 players for 30s, unkillable Ele’s, and Uncatchable harrassment rangers who you can’t ignore – If the majority of people are playing stupid specs, thats on them, not the class. Also, how exactly are you measuring the fact that the “Game is dying day by day”? What empirical tools are you using? If it’s your personal feelings, or people kittening on the forums (which is WHY forums exist), well that’s just a tad biased.
Learn to play (and I’m saying that sincerely, not condescendingly), and you’ll find this game is much more enjoyable.
Talk to any former pvpers, and they will tell you the same. Take a look at various forums, and what people are saying. There is so much flawed stuff. I don’t believe many on this forum will agree me, as they are all cirkejerking about GW without being unbiased, but if you have any experience playing any other PvP game, you ought to realize just how badly flawed it is.
i could not agree more with you here, i see the game and it is GREAT which is the part that drives me crazy but i dont see any great system supports PVP-PVE , now am 90% pvp guy and i did not see any post from arena net on duels or arenas etc etc
i give the game another 2/3months and then we get instant queue to eternal battlegrounds know why?
because it well be 10vs10 because people start to GET BORED
in PvP
Posted by: Wizardauz.3761
I think everyones problem going into PvP is they’re trying to play this game like WoW.
Take your bias’s out of the equation and play the game for what it is.
Agreed 100% with op.
Oh and spvp map design are not functional imho.
in PvP
Posted by: SmackMyBird.2386
You’re way too used to WoW.
This game’s PvP is not supposed to be working like the Arenakitten1 combo 1 kill that it is in WoW. “You cant burst someone down: Flawed” <- wth ? haha.
I’d much rather have a game without frostmages using 3 skills in a combo to 1shot your face if you’re out of defensive cooldowns, that sort of gameplay is proper bs.
You don’t have 5 abilities, most proffesions have around 15 to use, what are you talking about ?
“Downed state in PvPD” And again, just because ur a WoW baddie doesnt mean every game that’s not a papercut copy is bad, it’s a new system and it has brought with it what they wanted: Teamplay and utilization of cooldowns. (I bet you just have no clue how to properly finish people off in a teamfight so you rage xD)
Necros are crazy good if not in the hands of a kitten scrub that has no clue how boons and conditions work. Some bugged traits, yet still they can slaughter. Ele’s are too un-rewarding for the high skillcap of the proff, i agree. But these are just minor minor balancing issues, and the game isn’t even a month old. I seriously do hope you’re trolling here.
“Dodge removes the skill factor” ….. It’s one of the fewer tools in this game at actually requires skill and awareness. Proper usage of your energy ( and focusing on having the vigor boon up ) separates scrubs from good players. If a player pays attention to his opponent and properly reads how he’s about to play he can avoid a spike of damage if the opponent is careless. This ADDS to the skill factor.
There is 1 job with evade spam, possibly two. Rangers and thiefs. And even if a Thief spams away his lotus, the damage output is low as kitten, and ground-aoe’s and well-timed knockbacks screw them over in a second. Try to play the game and actually learn how to counter things out before blatantly claiming things to be unbalanced, and ontop of that the things you claim to be unbalanced is what 8v8 hotjoin scrubs moan about. (heartseeker spamming for instance, which was by far the most useless thing a thief could do vs someone with half a brain.)
There’s a reason why the “water map” is not in tournaments, it’s in the hotjoin PvP because thats where people go tokittenaround when they are bored. If you want proper PvP go play Tournaments. And don’t say “what if i just want to play on my own and have some fun, without a bad underwater map”
I’m pretty sure no other game had fun-solo PvP either. WoW for instance, nothing was more boring than solo play battlegrounds.
1/10 to this post, 90% of the things in your text is just pure l2p issues.
I agree that the PvP has alot to improve, which i’m 100% sure they will. Yet none of the ACTUAL issues were stated in your list of “bad things”. Such as having different modes, bigger tournaments, more maps, just a larger PvP experience in general. The balancing and the combat of the game is absolutely fine. It’s the things around it that needs some work.
TL;DR: Op needs to play more PvP and actually figure out how this game is built up, and that it’s not kitten world of wartard.
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
You’re way too used to WoW.
This game’s PvP is not supposed to be working like the Arenakitten1 combo 1 kill that it is in WoW. “You cant burst someone down: Flawed” <- wth ? haha.
I’d much rather have a game without frostmages using 3 skills in a combo to 1shot your face if you’re out of defensive cooldowns, that sort of gameplay is proper bs.You don’t have 5 abilities, most proffesions have around 15 to use, what are you talking about ?
“Downed state in PvP
D” And again, just because ur a WoW baddie doesnt mean every game that’s not a papercut copy is bad, it’s a new system and it has brought with it what they wanted: Teamplay and utilization of cooldowns. (I bet you just have no clue how to properly finish people off in a teamfight so you rage xD)
Necros are crazy good if not in the hands of a kitten scrub that has no clue how boons and conditions work. Some bugged traits, yet still they can slaughter. Ele’s are too un-rewarding for the high skillcap of the proff, i agree. But these are just minor minor balancing issues, and the game isn’t even a month old. I seriously do hope you’re trolling here.
“Dodge removes the skill factor” ….. It’s one of the fewer tools in this game at actually requires skill and awareness. Proper usage of your energy ( and focusing on having the vigor boon up ) separates scrubs from good players. If a player pays attention to his opponent and properly reads how he’s about to play he can avoid a spike of damage if the opponent is careless. This ADDS to the skill factor.
There is 1 job with evade spam, possibly two. Rangers and thiefs. And even if a Thief spams away his lotus, the damage output is low as kitten, and ground-aoe’s and well-timed knockbacks screw them over in a second. Try to play the game and actually learn how to counter things out before blatantly claiming things to be unbalanced, and ontop of that the things you claim to be unbalanced is what 8v8 hotjoin scrubs moan about. (heartseeker spamming for instance, which was by far the most useless thing a thief could do vs someone with half a brain.)
There’s a reason why the “water map” is not in tournaments, it’s in the hotjoin PvP because thats where people go tokittenaround when they are bored. If you want proper PvP go play Tournaments. And don’t say “what if i just want to play on my own and have some fun, without a bad underwater map”
I’m pretty sure no other game had fun-solo PvP either. WoW for instance, nothing was more boring than solo play battlegrounds.1/10 to this post, 90% of the things in your text is just pure l2p issues.
I agree that the PvP has alot to improve, which i’m 100% sure they will. Yet none of the ACTUAL issues were stated in your list of “bad things”. Such as having different modes, bigger tournaments, more maps, just a larger PvP experience in general. The balancing and the combat of the game is absolutely fine. It’s the things around it that needs some work.TL;DR: Op needs to play more PvP and actually figure out how this game is built up, and that it’s not kitten world of wartard.
The hardest nuke button for mesmer and rogue, makes them unkillable. They can’t be CC’d at all. When warrior uses earthshaker, the warrior can be interrupted mid-air (Unlike any other class that has movement casts).
What I meant when I said that you can’t burst someone down was that there’s simply a lack of spells for a lot of classes. IE hundred blades (which is a horrible build) makes you stand still, and the auto attack does zero damage at all. The only real burst damage warrior has is hundred blades.
PvP based around cooldowns are not a good way to design a game, end of discussion.
And also, I said: Why have so many immune and evasion spells when there’s dodge already in the g ame? EVASION AND IMMUNE removes the skill factor.
And the point of evasion spamming thieves aren’t to kill, but to apply bleeds. Just a little FYI.
(edited by Carlin.1059)
in PvP
Posted by: evilapprentice.6379
You’re way too used to WoW.
This game’s PvP is not supposed to be working like the Arenakitten1 combo 1 kill that it is in WoW. “You cant burst someone down: Flawed” <- wth ? haha.
I’d much rather have a game without frostmages using 3 skills in a combo to 1shot your face if you’re out of defensive cooldowns, that sort of gameplay is proper bs.You don’t have 5 abilities, most proffesions have around 15 to use, what are you talking about ?
“Downed state in PvP
D” And again, just because ur a WoW baddie doesnt mean every game that’s not a papercut copy is bad, it’s a new system and it has brought with it what they wanted: Teamplay and utilization of cooldowns. (I bet you just have no clue how to properly finish people off in a teamfight so you rage xD)
Necros are crazy good if not in the hands of a kitten scrub that has no clue how boons and conditions work. Some bugged traits, yet still they can slaughter. Ele’s are too un-rewarding for the high skillcap of the proff, i agree. But these are just minor minor balancing issues, and the game isn’t even a month old. I seriously do hope you’re trolling here.
“Dodge removes the skill factor” ….. It’s one of the fewer tools in this game at actually requires skill and awareness. Proper usage of your energy ( and focusing on having the vigor boon up ) separates scrubs from good players. If a player pays attention to his opponent and properly reads how he’s about to play he can avoid a spike of damage if the opponent is careless. This ADDS to the skill factor.
There is 1 job with evade spam, possibly two. Rangers and thiefs. And even if a Thief spams away his lotus, the damage output is low as kitten, and ground-aoe’s and well-timed knockbacks screw them over in a second. Try to play the game and actually learn how to counter things out before blatantly claiming things to be unbalanced, and ontop of that the things you claim to be unbalanced is what 8v8 hotjoin scrubs moan about. (heartseeker spamming for instance, which was by far the most useless thing a thief could do vs someone with half a brain.)
There’s a reason why the “water map” is not in tournaments, it’s in the hotjoin PvP because thats where people go tokittenaround when they are bored. If you want proper PvP go play Tournaments. And don’t say “what if i just want to play on my own and have some fun, without a bad underwater map”
I’m pretty sure no other game had fun-solo PvP either. WoW for instance, nothing was more boring than solo play battlegrounds.1/10 to this post, 90% of the things in your text is just pure l2p issues.
I agree that the PvP has alot to improve, which i’m 100% sure they will. Yet none of the ACTUAL issues were stated in your list of “bad things”. Such as having different modes, bigger tournaments, more maps, just a larger PvP experience in general. The balancing and the combat of the game is absolutely fine. It’s the things around it that needs some work.TL;DR: Op needs to play more PvP and actually figure out how this game is built up, and that it’s not kitten world of wartard.
The hardest nuke button for mesmer and rogue, makes them unkillable.
What I meant when I said that you can’t burst someone down was that there’s simply a lack of spells for a lot of classes. IE hundred blades (which is a horrible build) makes you stand still, and the auto attack does zero damage at all. The only real burst damage warrior has is hundred blades.
PvP based around cooldowns are not a good way to design a game, end of discussion.
And also, I said: Why have so many immune and evasion spells when there’s dodge already in the g ame? EVASION AND IMMUNE removes the skill factor.
Comprehension 1/10. : D DDD
" end of discussion. "
If you’re unwilling to consider others viewpoints and learn and grow as a player, go play something else. A game that requires thought and skill and planning is apparently too much for you.
in PvP
Posted by: SmackMyBird.2386
“Hardest nuke button for mesmer” – Are you talking about the 2-4k dmg sword skill that is mainly used for survival and damage negate? lol.
Pistolwhip thiefs are one of the easiest things to counter so far, alongside 100b warriors.
And again, the game is not about burst damage. So why are you kittening about the few burst spells in the game being unreliable? It’s not meant to be 1click1kill. Ofcourse they will avoid it if you blatantly walk up to them and press your semi-high cd high damage nuke next to them when they have full endurance and all cd’s up. Play it smart and it works perfectly.
People mainly use GS for the mobility, not the burst. Like i said before, this is not world of warcraft, and just because you’re holding a GS in Gw2 that doesnt mean you’re an arms spec’d warrior.
WoW for one was basicly cd based aswell, considering how mana issues were long gone for 90% of the classes and their specs. Ever since BC.
“And also, I said: Why have so many immune and evasion spells when there’s dodge already in the g ame? EVASION AND IMMUNE removes the skill factor.
Comprehension 1/10. : D DDD”
Because anyone running 100% survival skills and only vigor boon’ing brings nothing to the table except for survival. And ontop of that, not all proff’s have evades/immunes.
God, l2p issues all the way. I guess ele’s are OP cause they can dodgeroll and mist form? Evade and immune. GG ELE OP.
(edited by SmackMyBird.2386)
in PvP
Posted by: Untouch.2541
Blurred Frenzy doeskitten for damage. It’s not an attacking skill, any good mesmer will say that.
1. I doeskitten for damage.
2. You can’t move while using it.
lol@skill in this game.
In its current state 0 skill rly.
in PvP
Posted by: SmackMyBird.2386
And thiefs don’t apply bleeds to kill? Are you kitten joking?
“They dont evasion spam to kill, but too apply bleeds”
Besides, there are 10000 condition removers in this game, so lotus spamming as a rogue is kitten pointless. Especially when 90% of the proff’s can just drop an aoe on the ground where he’s derping about and kitten on his face.
The only people qq’ing about thiefs are scrubs. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, l2p issues. Or atleast, playstyle adapting issues.
in PvP
Posted by: SmackMyBird.2386
lol@skill in this game.
In its current state 0 skill rly.
I guess that’s why some teams in Tournament play get’s stomped on with 100~ish -500 score to another team?
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
lol@skill in this game.
In its current state 0 skill rly.I guess that’s why some teams in Tournament play get’s stomped on with 100~ish -500 score to another team?
Why are you so set on defending this game to the bone? Are you on Anets payroll? Tell me, what’s wrong with this game? What do YOU not like?
in PvP
Posted by: Sleaze.3748
They pre sold over a million copies and since then have sold another million since launch… where are you getting your ‘game is dying statistics’?
Oh and your post is obvious that you havent spent much time pvping
in PvP
Posted by: Archadian.5024
Ridiculous arguments and ridiculous to expect such large content patches less than a month after release… Seriously, give the game some time instead of making these sweeping generalizations (game is dying… wtf?).
Have patience, play more, enjoy your time, or go elsewhere.
Nuff said.
You’re way too used to WoW.
This game’s PvP is not supposed to be working like the Arenakitten1 combo 1 kill that it is in WoW. “You cant burst someone down: Flawed” <- wth ? haha.
I’d much rather have a game without frostmages using 3 skills in a combo to 1shot your face if you’re out of defensive cooldowns, that sort of gameplay is proper bs.You don’t have 5 abilities, most proffesions have around 15 to use, what are you talking about ?
“Downed state in PvP
D” And again, just because ur a WoW baddie doesnt mean every game that’s not a papercut copy is bad, it’s a new system and it has brought with it what they wanted: Teamplay and utilization of cooldowns. (I bet you just have no clue how to properly finish people off in a teamfight so you rage xD)
Necros are crazy good if not in the hands of a kitten scrub that has no clue how boons and conditions work. Some bugged traits, yet still they can slaughter. Ele’s are too un-rewarding for the high skillcap of the proff, i agree. But these are just minor minor balancing issues, and the game isn’t even a month old. I seriously do hope you’re trolling here.
“Dodge removes the skill factor” ….. It’s one of the fewer tools in this game at actually requires skill and awareness. Proper usage of your energy ( and focusing on having the vigor boon up ) separates scrubs from good players. If a player pays attention to his opponent and properly reads how he’s about to play he can avoid a spike of damage if the opponent is careless. This ADDS to the skill factor.
There is 1 job with evade spam, possibly two. Rangers and thiefs. And even if a Thief spams away his lotus, the damage output is low as kitten, and ground-aoe’s and well-timed knockbacks screw them over in a second. Try to play the game and actually learn how to counter things out before blatantly claiming things to be unbalanced, and ontop of that the things you claim to be unbalanced is what 8v8 hotjoin scrubs moan about. (heartseeker spamming for instance, which was by far the most useless thing a thief could do vs someone with half a brain.)
There’s a reason why the “water map” is not in tournaments, it’s in the hotjoin PvP because thats where people go tokittenaround when they are bored. If you want proper PvP go play Tournaments. And don’t say “what if i just want to play on my own and have some fun, without a bad underwater map”
I’m pretty sure no other game had fun-solo PvP either. WoW for instance, nothing was more boring than solo play battlegrounds.1/10 to this post, 90% of the things in your text is just pure l2p issues.
I agree that the PvP has alot to improve, which i’m 100% sure they will. Yet none of the ACTUAL issues were stated in your list of “bad things”. Such as having different modes, bigger tournaments, more maps, just a larger PvP experience in general. The balancing and the combat of the game is absolutely fine. It’s the things around it that needs some work.TL;DR: Op needs to play more PvP and actually figure out how this game is built up, and that it’s not kitten world of wartard.
I agree that classes are balanced i played a thief then engineer then i find out that i was not good at those tow classes so i decide to try the warrior class and i enjoy’d it pretty much am good at it.
but back to the point where you said people want the game to be like wow, well i dont want it to be like wow but i want the system to change, the idea that i go random play with random people in battlegrounds is not fun and the idea that battlegrounds match ends seriously fast is also not fun, it did not really feel like a battle between tow teams it felt more of a farming glory battlegrounds ,wait for the other team that is obviously winning and wait for some glory to get rank 40 and nothing happens.
because there is No Duels which is Weird i did not see that coming in guild wars 2 i thought duels would of been implemented but its not.
in PvP
Posted by: Untouch.2541
They`re adding duels, I`m get the screenshot proving so, but I`m on my laptop.
in PvP
Posted by: SmackMyBird.2386
“Why are you so set on defending this game to the bone? Are you on Anets payroll? Tell me, what’s wrong with this game? What do YOU not like?”
There are plenty of things i’m unsaitisfied with in GW2 at the moment, but i defend the game when the accusations are nothing but foolish. Whine posts about maps that are outside of competitive play (And will be optional within a short future, LOOK THINGS UP.), moaning about classes being up/op because people can’t counter and understand the game mechanics.
These things i defend, but when i see posts with reasonable suggestions and valid complaints about things that are actually out of place, i don’t mind agreeing.
Things such as a better PvP “UI” (Which is coming, so i’m simply patiently waiting)
More modes, maps, bigger and more competitive tournaments. Maybe a better ranking system that’s displayable etc.
Such things that will actually be an addition to the game. And not just adapting it to kitten scrubs, like WoW ended up doing. That’s what can kill the game.
They will be adding content to make the PvP more exciting and broad. Just be patient, it’s not even a month in, nor do you even have a clue of the things they have announced that will be implemented. Look things up, show a slight amount of patience, and i have no problems at all.
Just stop the QQ’ing about obvious noob issues.
in PvP
Posted by: Bsquared.3421
Flawed post based on a flawed premise using flawed logic.
1/10 imo, try harder…
4/10 you combined some honest problems, but in the end its just a raging warrior who wants faster hammers
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
There’s a lot of “pop all cooldowns > go for the kill” builds. And that’s a major problem.
in PvP
Posted by: Aelona.8572
The hardest nuke button for mesmer and rogue, makes them unkillable.
f4 button ? didnt know it was dealin that much damage. Frenzy blurred deal like 3k maximum, maybe more if you take a lightning strike in the face but then again, it’s not related to the skill, just to the design of the rune, bad argument here.
They can’t be CC’d at all.
Well what the hell, of course a decent caster will do everything to not get cc’d. We can have 2 cc breaks along with some utilities that basically COUNTER your desire to cc a Mesmer.
Read the word again. Play smarter. Involve some trickery and creative playstyle maybe ?
was that there’s simply a lack of spells for a lot of classes. IE hundred blades (which is a horrible build) makes you stand still, and the auto attack does zero damage at all. The only real burst damage warrior has is hundred blades.
You have a terribly flawed vision of the warrior. What about eviscerate and some other fancy stuff ? you can deal a lot of damage with basically everything in this game, except defense bubbles.
That include raw skill, aoe, personnal bursts, cross combos, conditions, reflections, retaliation. if you nuke someone who have some handy boons on well it’s your problem.
You have to adapt because you know that the guy is runnin that kind of defensive playstyle and change of utility skills in the battle, maybe even weapons or jewelery, really fast if you think that it will help.
You just don’t have the sense of adaptability. Keepin the same way, because I assume you do, of attackin and everything while your build isn’t that effective for a certain kind of situation and claimin “oh what the hell it’s not good at …” because game doesn’t offer proper cookie cutter builds is, right at the start, flawed.
The main idea of havin a cookie cutter is flawed. You can adjust your dps with every single option the game let you, so stop complainin and think larger.
Horrible. PvP based around cooldowns are not a good way to design a game, end of discussion.
It’s really far to be the case with a proper use of cross combos. Of weapon switchs. Of buffin each others quickly. And so on.
Like any PvP game : stop thinkin about you, think about group balance. Atm it’s pretty good in GW 2
(edited by Aelona.8572)
in PvP
Posted by: Shukran.4851
everyone think this game is dieing? link or didn’t happens
in PvP
Posted by: alcopaul.2156
I bet PvP is only 10% of the code of the game. So expect it to be less prioritized.
And kitten the game is dying? My highest level char is level 13.
in PvP
Posted by: albotelho.2931
This is a opinion thread just that… he began saying he was in a “semi-rage” mood.
If you miss the one burst “Ikittenyou” strike… go back to the game you played before, this is not going to happen in GW2, and in my opinion this is not a flaw but a merit. I just think that any class that can one shot kill you is ridiculous and demands no skill to play… here people says the Warrior have a skill close to that but I can not say anything about it I have not played Warrior yet and did not see any of them one shot me.
in PvP
Posted by: Mayama.1854
His first point “some classes can burst people down with all cooldowns up” second point “you have only 5 skills and cant burst people down with most classes”
Everything you need to read to understand the OP…
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
Problem with it being “10% of the game code” is that it’s 90% of the content. The game is empty. Has no content at all.
Sure, you can grind bugged/glitched events for hours upon hours, but no real PvE, and WvW is just horribly bad overall.
And then you have the spvp….
in PvP
Posted by: Chuckiefresh.6583
Game is dying? I’m kinda of surprised since it’s been out less than a month and sold a couple million copies. Heck, I’ve been enjoying the game myself but apparently it’s practically dead and buried.
What’s your idea of MMO pvp done right Carlin? I’d love to get your take on this.
in PvP
Posted by: Dreadspectre.3456
Just because a game is new doesn’t mean it can’t die fast.
Look at SWTOR….woooooo….man.
People joked about it going F2P too…and…it did. :O
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
I also think mesmers should have their toughness nerfd. Elementalist can’t take a single melee hit, but mesmers are tankier than a guardian. It’s messed up.
The fact that you can’t blow them up, is what makes them so good.
(edited by Carlin.1059)
in PvP
Posted by: Deadly Toy.2630
It’s funny how people get into Guild Wars 2 looking for something new, but then they start crying about why things in Guild Wars 2 aren’t the same as every other MMO. And how pathetic are people who got into PvP at very early levels and expect themselves to be decent at it, and when they suck at it, they come here to complain this game sucks. I’m sorry but if you stop playing the game with traditional MMO mindset and bother to actually learn the game, you won’t find yourself so frustrated.
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
It’s funny how people get into Guild Wars 2 looking for something new, but then they start crying about why things in Guild Wars 2 aren’t the same as every other MMO. And how pathetic are people who got into PvP at very early levels and expect themselves to be decent at it, and when they suck at it, they come here to complain this game sucks. I’m sorry but if you stop playing the game with traditional MMO mindset and bother to actually learn the game, you won’t find yourself so frustrated.
5 times glad
2100 rating in LoL
High masters Starcraft 2.
That’s my merrit list, what’s yours?
in PvP
Posted by: Deadly Toy.2630
It’s funny how people get into Guild Wars 2 looking for something new, but then they start crying about why things in Guild Wars 2 aren’t the same as every other MMO. And how pathetic are people who got into PvP at very early levels and expect themselves to be decent at it, and when they suck at it, they come here to complain this game sucks. I’m sorry but if you stop playing the game with traditional MMO mindset and bother to actually learn the game, you won’t find yourself so frustrated.
5 times glad
2100 rating in LoL
High masters Starcraft 2.
That’s my merrit list, what’s yours?
Yeah right, cause every single one of these games is totally identical to each other and to Guild Wars 2. Seriously, your argument is pathetic. Your shoving “this game is dying” into your op just to make yourself seem more valid already shows that your nothing but a troll.
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
It’s funny how people get into Guild Wars 2 looking for something new, but then they start crying about why things in Guild Wars 2 aren’t the same as every other MMO. And how pathetic are people who got into PvP at very early levels and expect themselves to be decent at it, and when they suck at it, they come here to complain this game sucks. I’m sorry but if you stop playing the game with traditional MMO mindset and bother to actually learn the game, you won’t find yourself so frustrated.
5 times glad
2100 rating in LoL
High masters Starcraft 2.
That’s my merrit list, what’s yours?Yeah right, cause every single one of these games is totally identical to each other and to Guild Wars 2. Seriously, your argument is pathetic. Your shoving “this game is dying” into your op just to make yourself seem more valid already shows that your nothing but a troll.
Go onto other forums, where people that have experience playing competitive arena in WoW (Looking at this forum, I can smell the 1200 rating scrubbers from miles away, aka, most people are kitten clueless.). They are all kitten on GW2, and it’s poorly designed sPvP, which ironically is their only content in the game. Anet forgot to ask some people actually have a clue about PvP about how to design their game, and it shows. The pvp is made ‘fun’ (oh wee, look at me and all the fancy animations. I can’t see kitten on my screen, but at least it’s beautiful and it has big numbers. ), not competitively.
in PvP
Posted by: Shukran.4851
It’s funny how people get into Guild Wars 2 looking for something new, but then they start crying about why things in Guild Wars 2 aren’t the same as every other MMO. And how pathetic are people who got into PvP at very early levels and expect themselves to be decent at it, and when they suck at it, they come here to complain this game sucks. I’m sorry but if you stop playing the game with traditional MMO mindset and bother to actually learn the game, you won’t find yourself so frustrated.
5 times glad
2100 rating in LoL
High masters Starcraft 2.
That’s my merrit list, what’s yours?
lol is 3? years old
sc2 prolly same.
is gw2 at least 3 y.o?
in PvP
Posted by: Deadly Toy.2630
It’s funny how people get into Guild Wars 2 looking for something new, but then they start crying about why things in Guild Wars 2 aren’t the same as every other MMO. And how pathetic are people who got into PvP at very early levels and expect themselves to be decent at it, and when they suck at it, they come here to complain this game sucks. I’m sorry but if you stop playing the game with traditional MMO mindset and bother to actually learn the game, you won’t find yourself so frustrated.
5 times glad
2100 rating in LoL
High masters Starcraft 2.
That’s my merrit list, what’s yours?Yeah right, cause every single one of these games is totally identical to each other and to Guild Wars 2. Seriously, your argument is pathetic. Your shoving “this game is dying” into your op just to make yourself seem more valid already shows that your nothing but a troll.
Go onto other forums, where people that have experience playing competitive arena in WoW (Looking at this forum, I can smell the 1200 rating scrubbers from miles away, aka, most people are kitten clueless.). They are all kitten on GW2, and it’s poorly designed sPvP, which ironically is their only content in the game. Anet forgot to ask some people actually have a clue about PvP about how to design their game, and it shows. The pvp is made ‘fun’ (oh wee, look at mekitten, not competitively.
Yeah right, go ask for the opinions of some WoW fanboys. I’m sure they are totally unbiased against Guild Wars 2. And you think just because a bunch of WoW fanatics agree with you that your right? And PvP is the only content in this game? Seriously, just GTFO, your argument is literally nothing but weak. Guild Wars 2 will never become another WoW, so you might as well just uninstall and stop wasting ur own time
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
It’s funny how people get into Guild Wars 2 looking for something new, but then they start crying about why things in Guild Wars 2 aren’t the same as every other MMO. And how pathetic are people who got into PvP at very early levels and expect themselves to be decent at it, and when they suck at it, they come here to complain this game sucks. I’m sorry but if you stop playing the game with traditional MMO mindset and bother to actually learn the game, you won’t find yourself so frustrated.
5 times glad
2100 rating in LoL
High masters Starcraft 2.
That’s my merrit list, what’s yours?Yeah right, cause every single one of these games is totally identical to each other and to Guild Wars 2. Seriously, your argument is pathetic. Your shoving “this game is dying” into your op just to make yourself seem more valid already shows that your nothing but a troll.
Go onto other forums, where people that have experience playing competitive arena in WoW (Looking at this forum, I can smell the 1200 rating scrubbers from miles away, aka, most people are kitten clueless.). They are all kitten on GW2, and it’s poorly designed sPvP, which ironically is their only content in the game. Anet forgot to ask some people actually have a clue about PvP about how to design their game, and it shows. The pvp is made ‘fun’ (oh wee, look at mekitten, not competitively.
Yeah right, go ask the opinions of some WoW fanboys. I’m sure they are totally unbiased against Guild Wars 2. And you think just because a bunch of WoW fanatics agree with you that your right? And PvP is the only content in this game? Seriously, just GTFO, your argument is literally nothing but weak. Guild Wars 2 will never become another WoW, so you might as well just uninstall and stop wasting ur own time
GW1 had what, 340 copies ever sold? WoW has close to 70 million accounts over the last 8 years. So why the kitten wouldn’t you want GW2 to be the ‘new WoW’? Clearly, Blizzard has done something right with WoW, seeing how NO game has managed to kill it off yet.
GW2 was hyped, then hyped, and ultimately hyped some more — Guess what? It’s just another dying MMO, where they will have to drop WvW cus there aren’t enough people palying the game in 4 months to support the gameplay.
Face fact; The game is lackluster. Has no real PvE (Lol, horrible instances), has bad combat system with too few spells, GLOBAL ECONOMY (?), Duke Nuke’em style PvP, bad itemization, boring classes and a counter-inuitive hub system.
kitten is dying. Believe me. Join the ranks of Tera, SWOTOR and whatever else crap MMO that has been released the last years.
in PvP
Posted by: Chuckiefresh.6583
LMAO at even bringing WoW into the discussion like it’s the end all for pvp. Maybe you should go back to WoW where gear and pocket healers can help scrubs stay competitive. The scrubs don’t have as many crutches to rely on in GW2 and get curb stomped as a result.
Based on your QQ’ing it sounds like you’re not faring too well here. Don’t the let the door hit you on the way out.
in PvP
Posted by: Untouch.2541
There’s a lot of “pop all cooldowns > go for the kill” builds. And that’s a major problem.
Very gimmicky builds that if fail (100b), make the class a 1 trick pony.
They aren’t viable against anyone but clueless players.
edit; I love how angry you’re getting, and all these numbers you’re pulling out of yourkitten How come everyone against the game is MLG in every game at MLG?
(edited by Untouch.2541)
in PvP
Posted by: Deadly Toy.2630
It’s funny how people get into Guild Wars 2 looking for something new, but then they start crying about why things in Guild Wars 2 aren’t the same as every other MMO. And how pathetic are people who got into PvP at very early levels and expect themselves to be decent at it, and when they suck at it, they come here to complain this game sucks. I’m sorry but if you stop playing the game with traditional MMO mindset and bother to actually learn the game, you won’t find yourself so frustrated.
5 times glad
2100 rating in LoL
High masters Starcraft 2.
That’s my merrit list, what’s yours?Yeah right, cause every single one of these games is totally identical to each other and to Guild Wars 2. Seriously, your argument is pathetic. Your shoving “this game is dying” into your op just to make yourself seem more valid already shows that your nothing but a troll.
Go onto other forums, where people that have experience playing competitive arena in WoW (Looking at this forum, I can smell the 1200 rating scrubbers from miles away, aka, most people are kitten clueless.). They are all kitten on GW2, and it’s poorly designed sPvP, which ironically is their only content in the game. Anet forgot to ask some people actually have a clue about PvP about how to design their game, and it shows. The pvp is made ‘fun’ (oh wee, look at mekitten, not competitively.
Yeah right, go ask the opinions of some WoW fanboys. I’m sure they are totally unbiased against Guild Wars 2. And you think just because a bunch of WoW fanatics agree with you that your right? And PvP is the only content in this game? Seriously, just GTFO, your argument is literally nothing but weak. Guild Wars 2 will never become another WoW, so you might as well just uninstall and stop wasting ur own time
GW1 had what, 340 copies ever sold? WoW has close to 70 million accounts over the last 8 years. So why the kitten wouldn’t you want GW2 to be the ‘new WoW’? Clearly, Blizzard has done something right with WoW, seeing how NO game has managed to kill it off yet.
GW2 was hyped, then hyped, and ultimately hyped some more — Guess what? It’s just another dying MMO, where they will have to drop WvW cus there aren’t enough people palying the game in 4 months to support the gameplay.
Face fact; The game is lackluster. Has no real PvE (Lol, horrible instances), has bad combat system with too few spells, GLOBAL ECONOMY (?), Duke Nuke’em style PvP, bad itemization, boring classes and a counter-inuitive hub system.
kitten is dying. Believe me. Join the ranks of Tera, SWOTOR and whatever else crap MMO that has been released the last years.
Because WoW is dying rapidly? According to the latest quarterly report, its subscription number is 9 million, down at least ONE million from the last quarter. And a large majority of WoW’s subscriptions is from China; that’s why the latest DLC is panda crap which is Blizzard desperately trying to retain their main player-base. Guild Wars 2 isn’t even released in Asia, yet. Also, when I say a game is dying, I got data to back me up, unlike you.
in PvP
Posted by: buttski.6135
had to lol at ‘the game is dying’
in PvP
Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561
GW2 isn’t WoW. Never was intended to be, never will be.
Sounds like the OP was misinformed and thought GW2 would be like WoW.
Go back to WoW.
in PvP
Posted by: Shukran.4851
wow has been pve for about 10 years. blizzard has been known more than Anet.
wow’s lore is warcraft? best rpg ever. Anet came out with GW and created the best pvp since ever.
do u like wow, go there, won’t miss you.
in PvP
Posted by: Aelona.8572
but no real PvE, and WvW is just horribly bad overall.
What do you mean exactly ? you have “raid bosses” in lvl 80 playgrounds, with a succession of events that lead to it, 8 dungeons who have 3 hardmodes in each (maybe more for the dungeons @80, I can’t say it because I’m still lvl 30), tons of exploration to do and so on …
What is real PvE ? Raid content ? you have it. 5 temples, 8 dungeons, 6 dragons and all the playgrounds to do at 100%
I also think mesmers should have their toughness nerfd. Elementalist can’t take a single melee hit, but mesmers are tankier than a guardian. It’s messed up.
The fact that you can’t blow them up, is what makes them so good.
You definitely don’t know what you are talkin about good sir, not tryin to be offending here.
We have an elementalist in Mea Culpa that can’t be killed if not zerged or 2 sins on him if he’s supported. Pure support / healer and it’s by far the toughest to takedown along with full support engies.
in PvP
Posted by: Carlin.1059
And, oh yeah, sPvP is just a major grind. There is no skill to getting the gear, just a helluva a lot of time. This doesn’t encourage you to actually do good at all.
A rating system is dearly needed, because grinding for 3 years to get rank 80 is just fundamentallykitten
People are getting owned by what they dont understand. Nothing is op, there is a way to counter everything. I’m rank 25 in spvp, i believe its just fine.
Noobs will be noobs, and the more time they spend qqing the better real players will get. thus making them complain even more.
Learn this game, learn whats killing you and why. try to understand your classes capabilities.
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