Getting one shot... okay?

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


top 10% playerbase learnt to play . they had more time, they were more smart, they were a step forward rest 90% so they can deal with stuff you/we can’t.

something can be really op. but rest is all the same learn to play issue .

spvp CAN’T be balanced as you pretend because it is a zergfest . if you want something MORe balanced, start play Tpvp . ok? how long Spvper will continue to QQ on forum more?

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Chriswck.6490


There’s no one-shots in the game, with the exception of Kill Shot and Backstab against really absolutely nakedly squishy targets.

100-blades hits X times. It’s not like it’s something that just falls from the sky and is unavoidable. It has a long cast time. Here’s a solution: Walk away. Dodge. You know it’s coming. You have NO excuses to not do anything about this one-trick pony build.

If you decide to eat the whole thing, then sure as hell you deserve to die.

The “LOL NOOB JUST DON’T GET HIT” argument is getting old. The point is, giving one ability the capability of taking your life from full to zero isn’t balanced. This “one trick pony” apparently doesn’t work on good players… only bad players right? So why have it in the game? To frustrate bad players and discourage them from playing pvp?
Obviously because it doesn’t work on good players am I right?

And 100b isn’t the only offender. I am looking at you too Thieves.

That is exactly why it is still in the game. If 100b successfully one shots the majority of good players, then perhaps your question will be slightly more substantial.

Clearly, you see the distinction between good and bad. This means that any bad players can get better, if they simply try. Granted, it takes time and perhaps a few more tries just won’t do yet. But saying L2P is getting old as an argument, when evidence clearly points in favorable of it, simply reflects your reluctance to accept how it is.

Honestly, the sooner you accept it, the sooner will you learn and move on to better things.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Look, if it was the warrior misses his 100b and is completely useless this whole 100b issue for the spvp(casual players) would be a non-issue. As it stands you can miss 100b and still easily down someone because the cooldown is so low and you can survive long enough as a good warrior to use it multiple times in one life. Where as other classes might be able to kill you in less than 10 seconds if you are a completly bad warrior, and you can kill them in under 2 seconds. I don’t see any place for a skill like that except for killing bunkers. Thieves in spvp usually suck and sometimes really good people use thieves/warriors to glory boost. It’s a press 2 buttons free kill in spvp and it makes casual players quit. I want casual players so we can have paid tournies pop which take forever now. Too many people are quitting because you want the game balanced on the top 10% which alienates the other 90% which isn’t right. You are the minority and like I said, most of the time a warrior can be the best warrior and I will beat them. Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.

Next time think out the whole scenario, and don’t limit it to simple things. Get better at macro logic.

I’ve seen a lot of players like you.

In SWTOR, you were the guys asking to nerf operatives. In WoW you were the guys asking to nerf mages. In TSW, you were the guys asking to nerf assault rifles.

You put a lot of hours of gametime in and think that should make you automatically win with whatever squishy spec you play (100blades one-shots you as a necro? are you serious), but you lack twitch ability and assume the game is at fault.

It isn’t.

Actually… Operatives are very weak.
here is me showing off my insane healing. Here is me getting 72% dmg reduction?
I rock all operatives, except “Agust” he is the only one I could never beat. stalemate everytime.

""Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.""


In all those cases the class was neutered (operatives got gutted, for example – and warriors in wow ironically were gutted for the same reason, burst which the class needed to be viable but caused bad players to cry) because of mistaken nerf cries from people who blamed the game for their own inadequacies.

Don’t be that guy.

Only guy I am being is for the correct decision of toning it down or buffing other classes.

As it stands a rifle warrior deals more damage than ANY power/crit/critchance ranger spec can at a ranger. Rangers are rangers, yet a rifle warrior can legit deal 3 times their DPS easily.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jonny.9370


Look, if it was the warrior misses his 100b and is completely useless this whole 100b issue for the spvp(casual players) would be a non-issue. As it stands you can miss 100b and still easily down someone because the cooldown is so low and you can survive long enough as a good warrior to use it multiple times in one life. Where as other classes might be able to kill you in less than 10 seconds if you are a completly bad warrior, and you can kill them in under 2 seconds. I don’t see any place for a skill like that except for killing bunkers. Thieves in spvp usually suck and sometimes really good people use thieves/warriors to glory boost. It’s a press 2 buttons free kill in spvp and it makes casual players quit. I want casual players so we can have paid tournies pop which take forever now. Too many people are quitting because you want the game balanced on the top 10% which alienates the other 90% which isn’t right. You are the minority and like I said, most of the time a warrior can be the best warrior and I will beat them. Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.

Next time think out the whole scenario, and don’t limit it to simple things. Get better at macro logic.

I’ve seen a lot of players like you.

In SWTOR, you were the guys asking to nerf operatives. In WoW you were the guys asking to nerf mages. In TSW, you were the guys asking to nerf assault rifles.

You put a lot of hours of gametime in and think that should make you automatically win with whatever squishy spec you play (100blades one-shots you as a necro? are you serious), but you lack twitch ability and assume the game is at fault.

It isn’t.

Actually… Operatives are very weak.
here is me showing off my insane healing. Here is me getting 72% dmg reduction?
I rock all operatives, except “Agust” he is the only one I could never beat. stalemate everytime.

""Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.""


In all those cases the class was neutered (operatives got gutted, for example – and warriors in wow ironically were gutted for the same reason, burst which the class needed to be viable but caused bad players to cry) because of mistaken nerf cries from people who blamed the game for their own inadequacies.

Don’t be that guy.

Only guy I am being is for the correct decision of toning it down or buffing other classes.

As it stands a rifle warrior deals more damage than ANY power/crit/critchance ranger spec can at a ranger. Rangers are rangers, yet a rifle warrior can legit deal 3 times their DPS easily.

And what about a Ranger means they should automatically be the best ranged class? Ever think that the title “ranger” refers to the profession(gasp) and not the playstyle? A ranger is a protector of wildlife(forest ranger for example), which is why they have pets and control animal spirits. That’s it. Thats all they get for being called “Rangers”. Notice how they also get swords and horns and whatnot. GW2 Ranger =/= WoW Hunter

Also I saw one of your posts picking apart 100b saying why is it warriors can deal 26k damage with 1 attack but you can only do 13k with similar attack stats. It may seem at resting state that you are both the same but you are sorely mistaken lmao.

Did you know that a warrior spec’d for 100b gains might every time he hits you with a GS crit? SoR gives a warrior +30%(40?) crit rating making crits almost guaranteed on berserker sets. It also gives 5 stacks of might. A warrior could also forgo endure pain for FGJ for even more might before he even starts swinging. Plus, when traited GS crits have a chance to cause vuln. Every hit gives more adrenaline which can give even more power(max of like 12% i think) or crit, or both. And this is all from the warrior alone. Not accounting for outside buffs from, say, a staff guardian, a warrior can go into a fight with similar power and crit as you, but soon he will have ~15 stacks of might, fury, you with vulnerability, and he will only get stronger if the fight draws out longer lol.

TL;DR with all the buffs that come along with the setup, OF COURSE I’m gonna smack you for 15-20k if you come at me as glass.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Seragi.5910


I play a glass cannon thief and I get hit with this all the time, unless my reflexes are up to par for the day I will die 100% of the time…. that being said, this skill does not need to be changed in anyway shape or form. you have to pop haste for this skill to do any dmg on top of this you have to blow some utility or wep skill to get the person to stand still long enough not to be able to dodge roll. So he is now down 1-2 major cd’s and is now taking 50% more dmg for the next 4 seconds!!! I’ll take my chances at a dodge roll to do 50% more dmg anyday

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


fact is: you can be caugh by 100b once, twice…20times…there will be a day you will avoid every 100b every warrior will try to use against you.
ofc i am talking about tournaments, and it is called “learn to play issue”. if you , like everyone these days, are whining about being killed by 100b in spvp, well. there is no need to post in forum really.

But this is pretty much the perfect example of a broken mechanic.

For whatever reason, if you get hit by 100B, you get brutalized. Is it dodgeable? Yes. Is it stoppable? Yes. Does it crush you if you get hit by it? Yes. Sometimes you’ll get hit by it and the fault is entirely yours. Sometimes it isn’t (like when you just fairly used up your last dodge). This is unfun for the person on the receiving end. Hell, it isn’t even that fun for the receiver when you perfectly counter it and crush the Warrior.

On the flip side, the Warrior is in no better position. While it is no doubt fun crushing someone with a perfectly planned 100B, it is also equally as frustrating when you get destroyed because of a lucky dodge, etc. It is, in my cases, an all-in type of spell and I think the game is worse off for it.

Take a similar spell, let a necro have a spell that instantly kills his target but it brings him down to 1hp. Is there counter-play? Sure.. You can always l2Dodge. Maybe apply a bleed so he dies before it kills you. But is it fun? Does it provide meaningful play to the game? No. Not really at all.

You’re talkin like 100b is the only choice for wars…you know that if you play hb you are playing a crap build and you’re going to be facerolled by anyone with a proper working brain…you can troll them in so many ways, from dodge to blind, to daze, to snares or blocks…just pretty much every cc works on a crap hb…

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: MrQuizzles.6823


There’s no one-shots in the game, with the exception of Kill Shot and Backstab against really absolutely nakedly squishy targets.

100-blades hits X times. It’s not like it’s something that just falls from the sky and is unavoidable. It has a long cast time. Here’s a solution: Walk away. Dodge. You know it’s coming. You have NO excuses to not do anything about this one-trick pony build.

If you decide to eat the whole thing, then sure as hell you deserve to die.

The “LOL NOOB JUST DON’T GET HIT” argument is getting old. The point is, giving one ability the capability of taking your life from full to zero isn’t balanced. This “one trick pony” apparently doesn’t work on good players… only bad players right? So why have it in the game? To frustrate bad players and discourage them from playing pvp?
Obviously because it doesn’t work on good players am I right?

And 100b isn’t the only offender. I am looking at you too Thieves.

That is exactly why it is still in the game. If 100b successfully one shots the majority of good players, then perhaps your question will be slightly more substantial.

Clearly, you see the distinction between good and bad. This means that any bad players can get better, if they simply try. Granted, it takes time and perhaps a few more tries just won’t do yet. But saying L2P is getting old as an argument, when evidence clearly points in favorable of it, simply reflects your reluctance to accept how it is.

Honestly, the sooner you accept it, the sooner will you learn and move on to better things.

Yup, and that’s exactly why it’d be absolutely fine to have Churning Earth one-shot everything it hit like it rightfully should, as it is hands-down the single most difficult to use and easy to avoid skill in the game. I thank everyone here for the tremendous support they’re giving my idea. Almost everyone in this thread is making some really good arguments for it.

(edited by MrQuizzles.6823)

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Look, if it was the warrior misses his 100b and is completely useless this whole 100b issue for the spvp(casual players) would be a non-issue. As it stands you can miss 100b and still easily down someone because the cooldown is so low and you can survive long enough as a good warrior to use it multiple times in one life. Where as other classes might be able to kill you in less than 10 seconds if you are a completly bad warrior, and you can kill them in under 2 seconds. I don’t see any place for a skill like that except for killing bunkers. Thieves in spvp usually suck and sometimes really good people use thieves/warriors to glory boost. It’s a press 2 buttons free kill in spvp and it makes casual players quit. I want casual players so we can have paid tournies pop which take forever now. Too many people are quitting because you want the game balanced on the top 10% which alienates the other 90% which isn’t right. You are the minority and like I said, most of the time a warrior can be the best warrior and I will beat them. Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.

Next time think out the whole scenario, and don’t limit it to simple things. Get better at macro logic.

I’ve seen a lot of players like you.

In SWTOR, you were the guys asking to nerf operatives. In WoW you were the guys asking to nerf mages. In TSW, you were the guys asking to nerf assault rifles.

You put a lot of hours of gametime in and think that should make you automatically win with whatever squishy spec you play (100blades one-shots you as a necro? are you serious), but you lack twitch ability and assume the game is at fault.

It isn’t.

Actually… Operatives are very weak.
here is me showing off my insane healing. Here is me getting 72% dmg reduction?
I rock all operatives, except “Agust” he is the only one I could never beat. stalemate everytime.

""Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.""


In all those cases the class was neutered (operatives got gutted, for example – and warriors in wow ironically were gutted for the same reason, burst which the class needed to be viable but caused bad players to cry) because of mistaken nerf cries from people who blamed the game for their own inadequacies.

Don’t be that guy.

Only guy I am being is for the correct decision of toning it down or buffing other classes.

As it stands a rifle warrior deals more damage than ANY power/crit/critchance ranger spec can at a ranger. Rangers are rangers, yet a rifle warrior can legit deal 3 times their DPS easily.

And what about a Ranger means they should automatically be the best ranged class? Ever think that the title “ranger” refers to the profession(gasp) and not the playstyle? A ranger is a protector of wildlife(forest ranger for example), which is why they have pets and control animal spirits. That’s it. Thats all they get for being called “Rangers”. Notice how they also get swords and horns and whatnot. GW2 Ranger =/= WoW Hunter

Also I saw one of your posts picking apart 100b saying why is it warriors can deal 26k damage with 1 attack but you can only do 13k with similar attack stats. It may seem at resting state that you are both the same but you are sorely mistaken lmao.

Did you know that a warrior spec’d for 100b gains might every time he hits you with a GS crit? SoR gives a warrior +30%(40?) crit rating making crits almost guaranteed on berserker sets. It also gives 5 stacks of might. A warrior could also forgo endure pain for FGJ for even more might before he even starts swinging. Plus, when traited GS crits have a chance to cause vuln. Every hit gives more adrenaline which can give even more power(max of like 12% i think) or crit, or both. And this is all from the warrior alone. Not accounting for outside buffs from, say, a staff guardian, a warrior can go into a fight with similar power and crit as you, but soon he will have ~15 stacks of might, fury, you with vulnerability, and he will only get stronger if the fight draws out longer lol.

TL;DR with all the buffs that come along with the setup, OF COURSE I’m gonna smack you for 15-20k if you come at me as glass.

Necro can give itself 10 stacks of might with blood is power. And I still don’t hit that high, invalid point.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

People on here keep saying “don’t balance it for the noobs” the noobs are the people who make this game successful. There is no guildwars 2 without the 90% of the people who quit because of things like thief burst and hundred blades burst.

You guys keep saying its L2P issue, NOT FOR ME, because I am in the top 10% and spend a great deal of time dueling people to see how to counter things and playing tons of games and all that. The average player in the 90% does not, they are the people we need to worry about.

The top 10% will play even if hundred blades and thief burst is removed completely you will still play, then whatever the FOTM class is for burst you will be defending that to the death. Rangers legit cannot do almost anything, they have no place in tpvp for sure and almost no one plays them. A rifle warrior can do 3 times the amount of DPS a ranger can for ranged attack, and for melee attacks a warrior can do easily 20 times the DPS when using his burst moves and hundred blades than a ranger can. See how it compeltely makes rangers un-viable? NO? Are you like serious about that? because that’s the only conclusion it comes to. Why is a warrior better than a ranger in everyway? Why does a warrior get to have an amazing bulls rush stun and can throw bolas with quickness from 900 ranger andinstant down you? Why don’t you give all classes that? People always defend what they play and say it’s not OP and it’s an L2P issue.

If it’s L2P for 90% of the community or more, theres a problem with your reasoning and logic.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Toyz.4067


Look, if it was the warrior misses his 100b and is completely useless this whole 100b issue for the spvp(casual players) would be a non-issue. As it stands you can miss 100b and still easily down someone because the cooldown is so low and you can survive long enough as a good warrior to use it multiple times in one life. Where as other classes might be able to kill you in less than 10 seconds if you are a completly bad warrior, and you can kill them in under 2 seconds. I don’t see any place for a skill like that except for killing bunkers. Thieves in spvp usually suck and sometimes really good people use thieves/warriors to glory boost. It’s a press 2 buttons free kill in spvp and it makes casual players quit. I want casual players so we can have paid tournies pop which take forever now. Too many people are quitting because you want the game balanced on the top 10% which alienates the other 90% which isn’t right. You are the minority and like I said, most of the time a warrior can be the best warrior and I will beat them. Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.

Next time think out the whole scenario, and don’t limit it to simple things. Get better at macro logic.

I’ve seen a lot of players like you.

In SWTOR, you were the guys asking to nerf operatives. In WoW you were the guys asking to nerf mages. In TSW, you were the guys asking to nerf assault rifles.

You put a lot of hours of gametime in and think that should make you automatically win with whatever squishy spec you play (100blades one-shots you as a necro? are you serious), but you lack twitch ability and assume the game is at fault.

It isn’t.

Actually… Operatives are very weak.
here is me showing off my insane healing. Here is me getting 72% dmg reduction?
I rock all operatives, except “Agust” he is the only one I could never beat. stalemate everytime.

""Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.""


In all those cases the class was neutered (operatives got gutted, for example – and warriors in wow ironically were gutted for the same reason, burst which the class needed to be viable but caused bad players to cry) because of mistaken nerf cries from people who blamed the game for their own inadequacies.

Don’t be that guy.

Only guy I am being is for the correct decision of toning it down or buffing other classes.

As it stands a rifle warrior deals more damage than ANY power/crit/critchance ranger spec can at a ranger. Rangers are rangers, yet a rifle warrior can legit deal 3 times their DPS easily.

My best advice. go play a full glass 100b Warrior and see for yourself .. Rangers pet hit for 2k per attack .. Back stab, HS thief will melt you in 3 second FLAT before they’re visible on your screen… Shatter Mesmer hit for 2k per Mind Wreck with the ability to kite you forever… the list goes on … Team fight?? good luck surviving the cluster of AOE, let alone reaching your target..

KD is on a 40s CD.. Frenzy is on a 60s CD..

But what if I blew all my stun break and condition remove after a big fight.. well.. if you blew your major CD, every class specd for burst is gona melt face.. not just 100b.. Shatter Mes can instant Mind Wreck you for 8k+ EASILY , and that is on a 15s CD..

Posts like this reminds me of the 100+ post on League of Legends forum saying Darius OP, when in fact none picks him at tourney level…

Pugstomper exist in every game, and there are counters for it.. its just a matter of people like you willing to accept it or not..

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


There’s no one-shots in the game, with the exception of Kill Shot and Backstab against really absolutely nakedly squishy targets.

100-blades hits X times. It’s not like it’s something that just falls from the sky and is unavoidable. It has a long cast time. Here’s a solution: Walk away. Dodge. You know it’s coming. You have NO excuses to not do anything about this one-trick pony build.

If you decide to eat the whole thing, then sure as hell you deserve to die.

The “LOL NOOB JUST DON’T GET HIT” argument is getting old. The point is, giving one ability the capability of taking your life from full to zero isn’t balanced. This “one trick pony” apparently doesn’t work on good players… only bad players right? So why have it in the game? To frustrate bad players and discourage them from playing pvp?
Obviously because it doesn’t work on good players am I right?

And 100b isn’t the only offender. I am looking at you too Thieves.

That is exactly why it is still in the game. If 100b successfully one shots the majority of good players, then perhaps your question will be slightly more substantial.

Clearly, you see the distinction between good and bad. This means that any bad players can get better, if they simply try. Granted, it takes time and perhaps a few more tries just won’t do yet. But saying L2P is getting old as an argument, when evidence clearly points in favorable of it, simply reflects your reluctance to accept how it is.

Honestly, the sooner you accept it, the sooner will you learn and move on to better things.

Yup, and that’s exactly why it’d be absolutely fine to have Churning Earth one-shot everything it hit like it rightfully should, as it is hands-down the single most difficult to use and easy to avoid skill in the game. I thank everyone here for the tremendous support they’re giving my idea. Almost everyone in this thread is making some really good arguments for it.

Easy to avoid? Try kill shot.
Besides, it can already tear a glass cannon apart, like a warrior’s 100b.
Churning Earth is fairly wide aoe wise, and you can blink with it while it’s charging.
I’m infinitely more afraid of being immobilized next to a Churning-Earth casting ele, than I am being immobilized next to a kitten warrior.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


Rangers are rangers, yet a rifle warrior can legit deal 3 times their DPS easily.

Well today is the day you learn that Ranger does not mean one who uses range weapons, but it is used to describe someone who roams/watches a large area.

The base word range in ranger is like that really old country song “Home on the Range” that you have probably heard some rendition of at some point in your life if you are from the US.
While range is most commonly used as a word for distance, here are the two definitions which form the base of the Ranger used in MMOs.
7. The geographic region in which a plant or animal normally lives or grows.
8. The act of wandering or roaming over a large area.

I don’t mind arguments about balance, but when people try to justify their position in a fashion like this they deserve to get called out.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Rangers are rangers, yet a rifle warrior can legit deal 3 times their DPS easily.

Well today is the day you learn that Ranger does not mean one who uses range weapons, but it is used to describe someone who roams/watches a large area.

The base word range in ranger is like that really old country song “Home on the Range” that you have probably heard some rendition of at some point in your life if you are from the US.
While range is most commonly used as a word for distance, here are the two definitions which form the base of the Ranger used in MMOs.
7. The geographic region in which a plant or animal normally lives or grows.
8. The act of wandering or roaming over a large area.

I don’t mind arguments about balance, but when people try to justify their position in a fashion like this they deserve to get called out.

Yeah, that’s viable. Make a class that’s range attack does easily 3 times less DPS than a warrior and say rangers are viable. Don’t troll me. I don’t mind arguments about balance, but when people try to justify their position in a fashion like this, they deserve to be called out. Do you ever read the ranger threads? They are severely under-powered.

You need to think in terms of the macro of the game, not the micro. Rangers have no place at all right now in team fights period. They are only good for 1 vs 1 and a warrior is better because they have the same 1,200 range yet hit 3 times higher compared to a ranger with the same power/crit/crit damage.

You are thinking on a very low level that doesn’t look at all the factors, you are latching on to some obscure random definition of a ranger, and proclaiming you are “RIGHT” and I am “WRONG”. You are probably the only person I talked to on the forums so far that has no idea how under-powered rangers are. Do you even play this game still?

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


Rangers are rangers, yet a rifle warrior can legit deal 3 times their DPS easily.

Well today is the day you learn that Ranger does not mean one who uses range weapons, but it is used to describe someone who roams/watches a large area.

The base word range in ranger is like that really old country song “Home on the Range” that you have probably heard some rendition of at some point in your life if you are from the US.
While range is most commonly used as a word for distance, here are the two definitions which form the base of the Ranger used in MMOs.
7. The geographic region in which a plant or animal normally lives or grows.
8. The act of wandering or roaming over a large area.

I don’t mind arguments about balance, but when people try to justify their position in a fashion like this they deserve to get called out.

Yeah, that’s viable. Make a class that’s range attack does easily 3 times less DPS than a warrior and say rangers are viable. Don’t troll me. I don’t mind arguments about balance, but when people try to justify their position in a fashion like this, they deserve to be called out. Do you ever read the ranger threads? They are severely under-powered.

You need to think in terms of the macro of the game, not the micro. Rangers have no place at all right now in team fights period. They are only good for 1 vs 1 and a warrior is better because they have the same 1,200 range yet hit 3 times higher compared to a ranger with the same power/crit/crit damage.

You are thinking on a very low level that doesn’t look at all the factors, you are latching on to some obscure random definition of a ranger, and proclaiming you are “RIGHT” and I am “WRONG”. You are probably the only person I talked to on the forums so far that has no idea how under-powered rangers are. Do you even play this game still?

You just don’t get it. My post had nothing to do with ranger balance. I am saying that your argument that rangers should do more damage than a warrior because their name is ranger and that somehow implies using range weapons (and being the best at them) is the position to be balancing from is terribly misguided and based on false information.

Also, while Rangers could use some love, they are in nowhere near as bad of a state that many people on the forums make them out to be.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


You are probably the only person I talked to on the forums so far that has no idea how under-powered rangers are.

You can add me to that list. Rangers are strong, probably the strongest 1v1 class. Their issue is that they don’t really fill a team role. That stems from several causes, but a lack of damage is definitely not one. Damage compression on the other hand, is an issue for them, mainly because their CC is less reliable than thieves/warriors/mesmers.

I agree that the game needs to be enjoyable for inexperienced players. The problem is that 100b is SO easy to avoid that it’s hard for people to comprehend that anyone is having trouble with it, no matter how new they are. The best thing about it is the huge aoe dps on downed players making regular revives very difficult.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Easy to avoid? Try kill shot.
Besides, it can already tear a glass cannon apart, like a warrior’s 100b.
Churning Earth is fairly wide aoe wise, and you can blink with it while it’s charging.
I’m infinitely more afraid of being immobilized next to a Churning-Earth casting ele, than I am being immobilized next to a kitten warrior.

Hahaha this made me Laugh out Loud. Good one, churning earth hits on an average for my non bunker specced ele for 4k damage with an 8 stack of bleed. Ooh terrifying… Immobilized next to a warrior is guaranteed death all things being equal, and no one else is around, trust me my warrior eats immobilized players. Pick your poison, he’s immobilized (in this hypothetical situation he’s not breaking the immob as you clearly pointed out by getting hit by long cast churning earth while immobilized) should I 8-15k hundred blade him? Should I 6-10k eviscerate him? Or should I destroy him with kill shot, which easily hits 8k…easily All of these warrior abilities wreck waaay harder than a churning earth Lmao. I don’t care about the HB argument on whether its op or not just stepping in to fight blatantly false information, if your more scared of being immobilized next to a churning earth ele, over being immobilized next to a GS/Axe/rifle warrior then you must never have played a match in your life against an average level warrior.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Far more than the top 10% can dodge 100b. Even in hot join a lot of players will watch for it against you after hitting them with it 2 or 3 times. I don’t understand why 90% of people are being labeled as “noobs” who can’t deal with it. That may have been true at the beginning of the game, but if that were still the case there would be a lot more complaining.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jonny.9370


Necro can give itself 10 stacks of might with blood is power. And I still don’t hit that high, invalid point.

I guess you didn’t read all of the post? 10 stacks of might is great and all but the point is that isn’t all warriors bring unlike the necro build you seem to be using. Warriors can build over 15. +12% damage from berserker rage, then add the vulnerability inflicted by the greatsword, and you are looking at around 400-500 extra power coming from might and about 15% extra total damage from traits and your debuff(not counting greatsword specialization trait).

And warriors only SEEM to hit super high since it occurs very quickly. They aren’t chunking 20k from people with a single weapon strike. What does your autoattack hit glasscannon fighters for? 2-4k each? So does the warrior, except he can do it faster through 100b. Which brings us to the real issue, imo. Frenzy.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Which brings us to the real issue, imo. Frenzy.

If frenzy was the issue, QZ would be too. Frenzy+HB does nothing without bulls. Bulls+HB does pretty good damage without frenzy. If there was even an ‘issue’ here, it would be CC. All these quickness complaints are misdirected, unless you’re talking about time warp.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Necro can give itself 10 stacks of might with blood is power. And I still don’t hit that high, invalid point.

I guess you didn’t read all of the post? 10 stacks of might is great and all but the point is that isn’t all warriors bring unlike the necro build you seem to be using. Warriors can build over 15. +12% damage from berserker rage, then add the vulnerability inflicted by the greatsword, and you are looking at around 400-500 extra power coming from might and about 15% extra total damage from traits and your debuff(not counting greatsword specialization trait).

And warriors only SEEM to hit super high since it occurs very quickly. They aren’t chunking 20k from people with a single weapon strike. What does your autoattack hit glasscannon fighters for? 2-4k each? So does the warrior, except he can do it faster through 100b. Which brings us to the real issue, imo. Frenzy.

Lol no other classes auto attacks don’t hit for 4k each of even near that which the warriors seem to think is no big deal, but to other classes that’s insane.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Salt.6794


Lol no other classes auto attacks don’t hit for 4k each of even near that which the warriors seem to think is no big deal, but to other classes that’s insane.

Actually on a glass cannon character that’s about what my Guardian’s greatsword auto crits for.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


1st off 100b isnt a one shot its actually 9 hits or so, and 2nd warriorx are acouple fixes away from actually being useful in competitive pvp. In paid tournys thieves and warriors never get their burst combo off because EVERYONE that is at a higher lvl of play knows how to deal with it. If you are out of evades and stun breaks and stuck in a corner YES you should get one shot by a warrior because you gave them an opening. Thieves and Warrior are high damage low survivability classes if you let them do what they do best that is a problem with your team or your ability not a problem with the game. Get your necro to stack condition on the warrior he cant deal with that, or have your aura share ele pop shocking aura. there are SO many ways to stop a warriors 100b he even takes 50% MORE damage when he is doing it. 100b is an all or nothing moment for the warrior take advantage of that.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


A MMO with a pvp system where you must avoid this god mode attack or die instantly will fail to ever have a decent size pvp player base. MMO players dont like that kind of 2 second fights game play.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


Easy to avoid? Try kill shot.
Besides, it can already tear a glass cannon apart, like a warrior’s 100b.
Churning Earth is fairly wide aoe wise, and you can blink with it while it’s charging.
I’m infinitely more afraid of being immobilized next to a Churning-Earth casting ele, than I am being immobilized next to a kitten warrior.

Hahaha this made me Laugh out Loud. Good one, churning earth hits on an average for my non bunker specced ele for 4k damage with an 8 stack of bleed. Ooh terrifying… Immobilized next to a warrior is guaranteed death all things being equal, and no one else is around, trust me my warrior eats immobilized players. Pick your poison, he’s immobilized (in this hypothetical situation he’s not breaking the immob as you clearly pointed out by getting hit by long cast churning earth while immobilized) should I 8-15k hundred blade him? Should I 6-10k eviscerate him? Or should I destroy him with kill shot, which easily hits 8k…easily All of these warrior abilities wreck waaay harder than a churning earth Lmao. I don’t care about the HB argument on whether its op or not just stepping in to fight blatantly false information, if your more scared of being immobilized next to a churning earth ele, over being immobilized next to a GS/Axe/rifle warrior then you must never have played a match in your life against an average level warrior.

I have. The difference is, Churning Earth ends up doing 800 dps for x seconds afterwards. Oh, and did I mention he doesn’t even need to use an immobilize, he can just teleport right in, with the whole thing charged up. And then he can proceed with his usual elementalist business. Warriors have no business other than HB and Eviscerate. That’s the difference.

And nobody does to a single hundred blades, unless they’re asking for it by not using any sort of defensive abilities, walk around without an amulet, and shouting “SLAP MY BUTT WITH YOUR GREATSWORD.”

No. It doesn’t happen.
Seriously, it doesn’t.
And that’s why I fear Churning Earth more. It can come out of the blue, out of nowhere and eat your face – and that’s only the beginning, we all know what happens afterwards – the elementalist poses a threat! Unlike our heavy geared friends, who don’t pose a threat anymore, after they’ve burned their HB.
Also, define an “average warrior.” He’s pressing one button. The elementalist is pressing one button. You can’t press one button wrong. Especially not when your enemy is incapable of escaping.

But hey, I can tell you haven’t played Guild Wars 2 yet. I can highly recommend it, compared to whatever korean MMO you’re playing where warriors oneshot people, and elementalists are no threat.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


A MMO with a pvp system where you must avoid this god mode attack or die instantly will fail to ever have a decent size pvp player base. MMO players dont like that kind of 2 second fights game play.

“Or die instantly”
You have never died instantly to a HB warrior.

“A MMO with a pvp system where you must avoid attacks or die because you don’t want to avoid them will fail to ever have a decent playerbase. MMO players don’t like having to avoid stuff, or thinking in general.”

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Obly.9243


I play warrior as a main, also played all other classes, both PvE and PvP, here;s the thing, I could not care LESS if they nerfed 100b damage if this will encourage more unexpirienced players to casually play PvP matches, I would welcome their involvement, hell i’d even join the losing team and help them learn.

So about the HB, BC, Frenzy combo;

OP? Not really, As mention alot, any necro can fear 1x and there you go, I sacrificed ALL MY toughness and defensive capabilities, just to get a maxed out damage spec, hp is around 22k…but feels more like 10K, 1 Backstab thief that needs to run by at the right moment, wait for me to activate frenzy…backstab…dead….

Really main downside to HB is that YOU MUST STAND STILL, and the biggest hit is the FINAL hit, which almost NEVER lands. even with HB, BC Frenzy, or bolas.

1 hit pony…hat;s it, miss it…and your dead, also in teamfights where alot of AOE’s are going on…be my guest to pop frenzy, i welcome it, you’re gonna be dead before you started. apart from that, you have nothing to contribute to a teamfight. Timing is everything and even then, if the target has any kind of stunbreak or dodge this combo will utterly fail, unless their build is also Glass Cannon 0 Defense Faceroll spec.

Right now i run healing shout with Hammer for CC and greatsword for DPS to stand my ground against a Glass Cannon better.

So lets put to of the most QQ-d about things together shall we;

HB is op…because it hits hard..ok…also realise that the warrior has 0 defenses, and needs to use 2 utility skills to pull it off, if not 3, has no healing power what so friggin ever, no condition removal skills what so ever and the CD on frenzy is more then 45 seconds…how many fights last more then 1 minute? honestly?

ow yah, and this warrior spec has 0 escape options…its land and kill, or fail and die…alot…

Caltrop thieves / Backstab / heartseeker spam: Backstab comes from a stealth situation where its extremely hard to anticipate, especially in a teamfight, let alone you cannot see the move coming, a theif can wait in stealth for utilities to be used, or HP pools to be low and jump in for the finish, go stealth and walk away….

Caltrops can’t be interrupted, my personal favorite, only usefull theif skill in a teamfight, refuge heals and cloaks the thief for a clear escape 9/10 times.

However, these thief builds are useless in teamfights, as they die from AOE’s just coming into the area, are only good for trolling imho, sPvP hot matches is the only place i really see these guys jerk about…yay free kills…well its hot join match…no team composition, most zerg around like moron’s.

Hell was called a “Camper” today, because i defended 1 point throughout the match, succesfully I might add.

Seriously, there are little tweaks needed yes, for the casual player who mainly joins Hot fix matches some of these builds are extremely aggrevating to play against, and therefor they roll one themselves, increasing this build, I stick with my shout build, yes as a warrior a glass cannon backstab thief can take me down with a little kiting, ok fair enough, but if I catch him, he’s dead as well, fairly ok by me, hot join match I do not expect much teamplay due to severe lack of communication, and secondly, I do it only to TRAIN MYSELF, on possible counter play and understanding their routine’s and try to see general paterns which may improve can help me improve predicting attacks.

HB warriors are more then welcome to use there full combo on me while i stand still, i;ll just heal up after / during and faceplant them into oblivion.

sorry i talk a lot, just tired of this endless QQ bs.

In conclusion:

Nerf thieves + Warriors, or buff others, or whatever, I don;t care, I;ll find a way to counter things,

But if it will increase the expirience the fun of playing PvP and invite more casual players into PvP, I welcome any change they make, as long as it is 99% balance.

Honestly I doubt 100% balance can ever be achieved.

Just my 2 cents

wtf…skyham….all is vain

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jonny.9370


Lol no other classes auto attacks don’t hit for 4k each of even near that which the warriors seem to think is no big deal, but to other classes that’s insane.

Either you need to play more classes or you’ve never tried going glass cannon yourself. I made a ranger just to mess around in spvp and with the default set up, I or my pet was hitting for 2k regularly on glass cannon thieves, ele’s, mesmers, warriors, etc.

Even on my thief earlier today I went D/D glass and ran into a guardian whose spirit weapon actually dropped me from 14k to downedstate in about 4 seconds. Not his attacks or anything. His “pet” that floats around swinging randomly at things.

Point is, autoattacking someone who is glass and seeing 2-4k damage each is not as amazing as you seem to think it is. If it was on a balanced character, thats different but its not the case here.

Which brings us to the real issue, imo. Frenzy.

If frenzy was the issue, QZ would be too. Frenzy+HB does nothing without bulls. Bulls+HB does pretty good damage without frenzy. If there was even an ‘issue’ here, it would be CC. All these quickness complaints are misdirected, unless you’re talking about time warp.

You honestly don’t think a 100% effective DPS increase isn’t an issue? This isn’t solely about 100 blades, either.

(edited by Jonny.9370)

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Easy to avoid? Try kill shot.
Besides, it can already tear a glass cannon apart, like a warrior’s 100b.
Churning Earth is fairly wide aoe wise, and you can blink with it while it’s charging.
I’m infinitely more afraid of being immobilized next to a Churning-Earth casting ele, than I am being immobilized next to a kitten warrior.

Hahaha this made me Laugh out Loud. Good one, churning earth hits on an average for my non bunker specced ele for 4k damage with an 8 stack of bleed. Ooh terrifying… Immobilized next to a warrior is guaranteed death all things being equal, and no one else is around, trust me my warrior eats immobilized players. Pick your poison, he’s immobilized (in this hypothetical situation he’s not breaking the immob as you clearly pointed out by getting hit by long cast churning earth while immobilized) should I 8-15k hundred blade him? Should I 6-10k eviscerate him? Or should I destroy him with kill shot, which easily hits 8k…easily All of these warrior abilities wreck waaay harder than a churning earth Lmao. I don’t care about the HB argument on whether its op or not just stepping in to fight blatantly false information, if your more scared of being immobilized next to a churning earth ele, over being immobilized next to a GS/Axe/rifle warrior then you must never have played a match in your life against an average level warrior.

I have. The difference is, Churning Earth ends up doing 800 dps for x seconds afterwards. Oh, and did I mention he doesn’t even need to use an immobilize, he can just teleport right in, with the whole thing charged up. And then he can proceed with his usual elementalist business. Warriors have no business other than HB and Eviscerate. That’s the difference.

And nobody does to a single hundred blades, unless they’re asking for it by not using any sort of defensive abilities, walk around without an amulet, and shouting “SLAP MY BUTT WITH YOUR GREATSWORD.”

No. It doesn’t happen.
Seriously, it doesn’t.
And that’s why I fear Churning Earth more. It can come out of the blue, out of nowhere and eat your face – and that’s only the beginning, we all know what happens afterwards – the elementalist poses a threat! Unlike our heavy geared friends, who don’t pose a threat anymore, after they’ve burned their HB.
Also, define an “average warrior.” He’s pressing one button. The elementalist is pressing one button. You can’t press one button wrong. Especially not when your enemy is incapable of escaping.

But hey, I can tell you haven’t played Guild Wars 2 yet. I can highly recommend it, compared to whatever korean MMO you’re playing where warriors oneshot people, and elementalists are no threat.

The hyperbole in your post is outstanding mate. The bleed after churning earth gets cleansed 95% of the time, I have actually very rarely observed the bleed tick for full.

Clearly you just like to play Mr. pity me saying that warriors do not pose a threat,look around you how many threads are made crying about 100B and killshot and complaining about warriors?? That’s right a lot of them, in fact I hazard to say you are the one not playing guild wars 2, considering how far far away from reality you seem to be. How many threads are there about you “dangerous” OP eles wrecking everyone with their godly teleporting insta-cast churning earth that has no cool down? None except for the troll thread that just showed up by the thief OP making up false facts.

But instead of attacking me personally let’s keep the topic of this very large thread about warriors and thieves, NOT eles insta gibbing people (clearly they are not dangerous with all of the forum tears and rage of warriors and thieves, clearly).

Like I have said 100B times (lol) I do t have a problem personally with warrior damage at all, I do not think it is good for the casual player base as I personally have seen a lot of rabbit finishers quit mid match because I accidentally (I don’t like slaughtering rabbits) slaughtered them on my warrior a few times.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Look, if it was the warrior misses his 100b and is completely useless this whole 100b issue for the spvp(casual players) would be a non-issue. As it stands you can miss 100b and still easily down someone because the cooldown is so low and you can survive long enough as a good warrior to use it multiple times in one life. Where as other classes might be able to kill you in less than 10 seconds if you are a completly bad warrior, and you can kill them in under 2 seconds. I don’t see any place for a skill like that except for killing bunkers. Thieves in spvp usually suck and sometimes really good people use thieves/warriors to glory boost. It’s a press 2 buttons free kill in spvp and it makes casual players quit. I want casual players so we can have paid tournies pop which take forever now. Too many people are quitting because you want the game balanced on the top 10% which alienates the other 90% which isn’t right. You are the minority and like I said, most of the time a warrior can be the best warrior and I will beat them. Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.

Next time think out the whole scenario, and don’t limit it to simple things. Get better at macro logic.

I’ve seen a lot of players like you.

In SWTOR, you were the guys asking to nerf operatives. In WoW you were the guys asking to nerf mages. In TSW, you were the guys asking to nerf assault rifles.

You put a lot of hours of gametime in and think that should make you automatically win with whatever squishy spec you play (100blades one-shots you as a necro? are you serious), but you lack twitch ability and assume the game is at fault.

It isn’t.

Actually… Operatives are very weak.
here is me showing off my insane healing. Here is me getting 72% dmg reduction?
I rock all operatives, except “Agust” he is the only one I could never beat. stalemate everytime.

""Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.""


Merc Healers were good right up until they nerfed them.

Operative Healers were bad right up until they buffed them (which if I recall is the same time they nerfed the Mercs/Sorcs)

Even before the Nerf though as a Pyro Powertech (probably the equiv of a 100B Warrior in this game) I could absolutely explode a Merc Healer with him not being able to do pretty much anything about it.

Bout he only thing he could do is delay it for 12 seconds with Energy Shield up..But he was still dead soon as I decided he was dead.

Most DPS were like that in that game if they were properly played, You either guarded your healer and defended him….Or any DPS who knew what they were doing was going to squash them like Bugs.

However, at a certain point, not even that mattered, When running 4 Pyro Powertech groups you could pretty much 1 Round every class in the game, even though being Healed/Guarded by tanks (you’d also almost instantly kill the person guarding the target as well)

SWTOR had a very unbalanced Heal vs Damage Ratio.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Lol no other classes auto attacks don’t hit for 4k each of even near that which the warriors seem to think is no big deal, but to other classes that’s insane.

Either you need to play more classes or you’ve never tried going glass cannon yourself. I made a ranger just to mess around in spvp and with the default set up, I or my pet was hitting for 2k regularly on glass cannon thieves, ele’s, mesmers, warriors, etc.

Even on my thief earlier today I went D/D glass and ran into a guardian whose spirit weapon actually dropped me from 14k to downedstate in about 4 seconds. Not his attacks or anything. His “pet” that floats around swinging randomly at things.

Point is, autoattacking someone who is glass and seeing 2-4k damage each is not as amazing as you seem to think it is. If it was on a balanced character, thats different but its not the case here.

Which brings us to the real issue, imo. Frenzy.

If frenzy was the issue, QZ would be too. Frenzy+HB does nothing without bulls. Bulls+HB does pretty good damage without frenzy. If there was even an ‘issue’ here, it would be CC. All these quickness complaints are misdirected, unless you’re talking about time warp.

You honestly don’t think a 100% effective DPS increase isn’t an issue? This isn’t solely about 100 blades, either.

No mate if you read my post I didn’t say anything about 2k auto attacks being a warrior only thing, in fact my post didn’t even have the number 2 in it! Strange huh? I was saying 4k auto attacks I have never seen these by any of my GC toons.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


But instead of attacking me personally

then you must never have played a match in your life against an average level warrior.


Also, according to you, multiple threads on same topic = must be true.

I see where you’re coming from. That’s just not the case at all.

And I will always fear an elementalist more than a warrior. Churning Earth can come out of nowhere.
100b needs to be initiated with something beforehand, or I can literally out-WALK it before it does any reasonable damage. It needs bolas or bulls-charge or something alike to be even considered a threat.
I’m keeping Quickness out of here, because I believe that’s the heart of the problem. Yes, that makes sense.

And it would seem we’re playing the same game, but your perspective is blinded by the amount of threads telling you sob-stories of how that one time, “a wurior chrgd meh n i deded, muz b OP”
And that’s all good and fair.

All you need to realize, is that far too many of these threads are written by people who raged because they played bad, and this needs to be justified by writing a rant on the forum.

And let’s face it. The “easiest” abilities to blame are abilities like Hundred Blades, Kill Shot, Evisc, Heartseeker, Backstab, Grenade Volley, so on. Cuz they feel cheap.
But that’s just because you lack the experience to see it coming.
You know it’s coming. Suck it up.
That’s what seperates 100b from Churning Earth.
It can come out of the blue. You think you’ve gotten out of its AoE. And then NOPE.avi

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


But instead of attacking me personally

then you must never have played a match in your life against an average level warrior.


Also, according to you, multiple threads on same topic = must be true.

I see where you’re coming from. That’s just not the case at all.

And I will always fear an elementalist more than a warrior. Churning Earth can come out of nowhere.
100b needs to be initiated with something beforehand, or I can literally out-WALK it before it does any reasonable damage. It needs bolas or bulls-charge or something alike to be even considered a threat.
I’m keeping Quickness out of here, because I believe that’s the heart of the problem. Yes, that makes sense.

And it would seem we’re playing the same game, but your perspective is blinded by the amount of threads telling you sob-stories of how that one time, “a wurior chrgd meh n i deded, muz b OP”
And that’s all good and fair.

All you need to realize, is that far too many of these threads are written by people who raged because they played bad, and this needs to be justified by writing a rant on the forum.

And let’s face it. The “easiest” abilities to blame are abilities like Hundred Blades, Kill Shot, Evisc, Heartseeker, Backstab, Grenade Volley, so on. Cuz they feel cheap.
But that’s just because you lack the experience to see it coming.
You know it’s coming. Suck it up.
That’s what seperates 100b from Churning Earth.
It can come out of the blue. You think you’ve gotten out of its AoE. And then NOPE.avi

Mate I appreciate us having a level headed conversation now, no name calling available, but without you ever even knowing me how would you say I lack the experience to see it coming? I play TPVP as an ele (no surprise there) and I also play a downer as a high dps warrior so in fact I understand he warrior very well, I have a LOT of games logged in on a warrior, and if you know how to set up 100B on a good bunker target in the middle of a chaotic mid battle (say graveyard) you can easily land the whole combo. Now all this doesn’t matter because read my posts mate I’m not complaining about warriors damage or 100B or frenzy or the combination of those at all! I’m just disputing the fact about churning earth being more frightening, then a bull rush frenzy 100B warrior that knows what he is doing, (can wait for a target to be engaged with someone else, deliberately draw out stun breaks, or dodges, or chooses a target that the team needs out of play that is at half life, by the time they react hey will be dead.) a full blown GC 100b can kill you. From 100-75% to 0 depending in hp (trust me I have done it) A churning earth is not going to kill you unless you are already about dead anyways. Now a churning earth can Definitely help wear a target down no question there if they don’t pay attention to the bleed stack yes, but kill you with 4-6k damage? No definitely not.

Anyways mate good luck out there mate maybe I will see you in some TPVP or SPVP some time.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: banandrew.3604


I think that Hundred Blades is fine.

But speaking of warriors, me and my friends have another problem with them, their Vengeance skill. Hundred blades is a child’s play, compared to what a warrior can do with you after he put most of your health down and lay to relax. 15 seconds (and see “Notes” section on the wiki) is too much in my opinion, Vengeance should be a mini version of mesmer’s Illusion of Life, and be active for around half of the current time at most (7 to 10 seconds).

That said, I don’t think that Illusion of Life must be rebalanced, mesmer might not be around, or he might not be having it on his belt (he probably doesn’t), and IoL has a cd of 130 seconds, which is enough on its own.

Damage output of a warrior with his ability to get up and fight is too dangerous in hands of a skilled player, and must be fixed. Especially considering that playing a warrior is basically face rolling most of the time, but shhh, I didn't say that, I'm alright.

(edited by banandrew.3604)

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Chakuna.6325


I kind of agree with the OP.

Regardless of how easy it is to counter, 100 Blades is not fun to play against.

It’s too binary (you fail = you die).

I think PvP fights should be decided by a series of decisions, not if you have fast enough reflexes to dodge that 1-hit-kill move.

Even a glass-cannon duel should involve the use of 3-5 different skills even under the most extreme circumstances.

Well said. I couldn’t agree more.

I’m trying to go back, but I’m still here.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


But instead of attacking me personally

then you must never have played a match in your life against an average level warrior.


Also, according to you, multiple threads on same topic = must be true.

I see where you’re coming from. That’s just not the case at all.

And I will always fear an elementalist more than a warrior. Churning Earth can come out of nowhere.
100b needs to be initiated with something beforehand, or I can literally out-WALK it before it does any reasonable damage. It needs bolas or bulls-charge or something alike to be even considered a threat.
I’m keeping Quickness out of here, because I believe that’s the heart of the problem. Yes, that makes sense.

And it would seem we’re playing the same game, but your perspective is blinded by the amount of threads telling you sob-stories of how that one time, “a wurior chrgd meh n i deded, muz b OP”
And that’s all good and fair.

All you need to realize, is that far too many of these threads are written by people who raged because they played bad, and this needs to be justified by writing a rant on the forum.

And let’s face it. The “easiest” abilities to blame are abilities like Hundred Blades, Kill Shot, Evisc, Heartseeker, Backstab, Grenade Volley, so on. Cuz they feel cheap.
But that’s just because you lack the experience to see it coming.
You know it’s coming. Suck it up.
That’s what seperates 100b from Churning Earth.
It can come out of the blue. You think you’ve gotten out of its AoE. And then NOPE.avi

Mate I appreciate us having a level headed conversation now, no name calling available, but without you ever even knowing me how would you say I lack the experience to see it coming? I play TPVP as an ele (no surprise there) and I also play a downer as a high dps warrior so in fact I understand he warrior very well, I have a LOT of games logged in on a warrior, and if you know how to set up 100B on a good bunker target in the middle of a chaotic mid battle (say graveyard) you can easily land the whole combo. Now all this doesn’t matter because read my posts mate I’m not complaining about warriors damage or 100B or frenzy or the combination of those at all! I’m just disputing the fact about churning earth being more frightening, then a bull rush frenzy 100B warrior that knows what he is doing, (can wait for a target to be engaged with someone else, deliberately draw out stun breaks, or dodges, or chooses a target that the team needs out of play that is at half life, by the time they react hey will be dead.) a full blown GC 100b can kill you. From 100-75% to 0 depending in hp (trust me I have done it) A churning earth is not going to kill you unless you are already about dead anyways. Now a churning earth can Definitely help wear a target down no question there if they don’t pay attention to the bleed stack yes, but kill you with 4-6k damage? No definitely not.

Anyways mate good luck out there mate maybe I will see you in some TPVP or SPVP some time.

I sure hope so.
No grudges

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in PvP

Posted by: MrQuizzles.6823


And I will always fear an elementalist more than a warrior. Churning Earth can come out of nowhere.
100b needs to be initiated with something beforehand, or I can literally out-WALK it before it does any reasonable damage. It needs bolas or bulls-charge or something alike to be even considered a threat.
I’m keeping Quickness out of here, because I believe that’s the heart of the problem. Yes, that makes sense.

Hold on just a moment, you can’t say that Churning Earth can come out of nowhere while simultaneously explaining that unless some other skill is used with Hundred Blades, you can literally WALK out of it. You can’t say that Churning Earth can come out of nowhere while leaving quickness out of the discussion.

Churning Earth can’t come out of nowhere. Show me in the skill description the part where it comes out of nowhere. It simply can’t, not by itself, anyways. Only when used with Lightning Flash can it suddenly appear. Lightning Flash is to Churning Earth what Bolas or Bulls Charge or Frenzy is to Hundred Blades.

Churning Earth needs to be initiated with some other skill or you can literally WALK out of it before it deals ANY damage. HB at least deals some damage up-front, so you get something out of it when it fails.

If you want to discount the use of other skills with Hundred Blades to make your argument sound better, then you’ve also gotta discount the use of other skills with Churning Earth, which won’t make your argument sound better at all (which is why you didn’t do it and why I’m calling you out on it).

(edited by MrQuizzles.6823)

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in PvP

Posted by: Revelstoke.8924


You guys are basically arguing for the sake of arguing at this point. This topic has been beaten to death in so many other threads but continues to resurface for one basic reason.

It’s not fun.

Let’s call a spade a spade, the 100b combo and the thief mug->cnd->bs combo are what we in the game world called ‘Cheese’. ‘Cheese’ exists in every game going as far back as throwing fireballs in super mario brothers to hit enemies that were off the screen. From console to PC, it’s there and will forever be there.

From UrbanDictionary:

A cheese strategy is simply a high risk/high reward tactic which aims to win a game with little strategic effort, and relies on the failure of the opponent to properly react. A cheese strategy will often leave the cheeser at a significant disadvantage should the cheese fail.

Sound familiar?

- Legit? Absolutely.
- Overpowered? Yes. That’s why everyone uses it. It could absolutely stand to be knocked down a bit.
- Counterable? Yes, but the penalties for not being able to counter it due to low skill level or your CD’s being down are too high. The risk to reward ratio is unbalanced. The ‘omg just dodge roll nub’ argument is for peons who think they’re better than they really are and don’t want their gimmick build touched.

The bottom line is it’s an overly simple combination to pull off that produces exponentially higher damage than a MORE difficult combo while providing mobility, aoe, and get away ability via the #5. This, is cheese.

Cheese sucks, cheese pushes people toward one build, cheese frustrates new and lower skilled players, and cheese imbalances the game in both directions (nerfing the cheese class too much, or buffing everyone else too heavily).

Sadly, cheese has been around forever and thouhg I don’t advocate for it (my main is a warr and i refuse to use a GS for just this reason) cheese isnt going away anytime soon.

Shrubfelty – 80 Ele
Angus the Black – 80 War
Adrich – 80 Thief

(edited by Revelstoke.8924)

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in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

You are probably the only person I talked to on the forums so far that has no idea how under-powered rangers are.

You can add me to that list. Rangers are strong, probably the strongest 1v1 class. Their issue is that they don’t really fill a team role. That stems from several causes, but a lack of damage is definitely not one. Damage compression on the other hand, is an issue for them, mainly because their CC is less reliable than thieves/warriors/mesmers.

I agree that the game needs to be enjoyable for inexperienced players. The problem is that 100b is SO easy to avoid that it’s hard for people to comprehend that anyone is having trouble with it, no matter how new they are. The best thing about it is the huge aoe dps on downed players making regular revives very difficult.

You mis-quoted me.

“Rangers have no place at all right now in team fights period. They are only good for 1 vs 1 and a warrior is better because they have the same 1,200 range yet hit 3 times higher compared to a ranger with the same power/crit/crit damage.” There you go.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Rangers are rangers, yet a rifle warrior can legit deal 3 times their DPS easily.

Well today is the day you learn that Ranger does not mean one who uses range weapons, but it is used to describe someone who roams/watches a large area.

The base word range in ranger is like that really old country song “Home on the Range” that you have probably heard some rendition of at some point in your life if you are from the US.
While range is most commonly used as a word for distance, here are the two definitions which form the base of the Ranger used in MMOs.
7. The geographic region in which a plant or animal normally lives or grows.
8. The act of wandering or roaming over a large area.

I don’t mind arguments about balance, but when people try to justify their position in a fashion like this they deserve to get called out.

Yeah, that’s viable. Make a class that’s range attack does easily 3 times less DPS than a warrior and say rangers are viable. Don’t troll me. I don’t mind arguments about balance, but when people try to justify their position in a fashion like this, they deserve to be called out. Do you ever read the ranger threads? They are severely under-powered.

You need to think in terms of the macro of the game, not the micro. Rangers have no place at all right now in team fights period. They are only good for 1 vs 1 and a warrior is better because they have the same 1,200 range yet hit 3 times higher compared to a ranger with the same power/crit/crit damage.

You are thinking on a very low level that doesn’t look at all the factors, you are latching on to some obscure random definition of a ranger, and proclaiming you are “RIGHT” and I am “WRONG”. You are probably the only person I talked to on the forums so far that has no idea how under-powered rangers are. Do you even play this game still?

You just don’t get it. My post had nothing to do with ranger balance. I am saying that your argument that rangers should do more damage than a warrior because their name is ranger and that somehow implies using range weapons (and being the best at them) is the position to be balancing from is terribly misguided and based on false information.

Also, while Rangers could use some love, they are in nowhere near as bad of a state that many people on the forums make them out to be.

My second most played class is ranger. They have no place in team battles almost at all. This is a team based game for most things. So they are in a really bad state.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Necro can give itself 10 stacks of might with blood is power. And I still don’t hit that high, invalid point.

I guess you didn’t read all of the post? 10 stacks of might is great and all but the point is that isn’t all warriors bring unlike the necro build you seem to be using. Warriors can build over 15. +12% damage from berserker rage, then add the vulnerability inflicted by the greatsword, and you are looking at around 400-500 extra power coming from might and about 15% extra total damage from traits and your debuff(not counting greatsword specialization trait).

And warriors only SEEM to hit super high since it occurs very quickly. They aren’t chunking 20k from people with a single weapon strike. What does your autoattack hit glasscannon fighters for? 2-4k each? So does the warrior, except he can do it faster through 100b. Which brings us to the real issue, imo. Frenzy.

I weapon swap to gain 3 stacks of might, have 60% crit damage, 53% chance to crit, 1900 power, + 10 stacks of might with blood is power + 25 vulnerabilities I cast on an enemy all within a few seconds. Still never hit higher than 7900 is. 25 vulnerability comes from well of suffering + spectral wall is instant 8 or 10 stacks each time you make them walk through it(lasts for 9 seconds).

They are chunking out 18k-30k damage from one attack(8 hits + last hit) called 100 blades buddy. Add frenzy to that(which they don’t even need) and = insta kill.

They can always use bolas and completely forget about frenzy and most classes don’t have a dodge that lets you dodge while immoblized. I don’t have an issue with this, necro has instant fear with deathshroud and you don’t have to be looking at your target. I have 3 teleports(2 away from enemies and 1 to them), a 3 second immobilize, an almost instant blind, and deathshroud can be used to soak up some damage. I don’t have an issue. But when I see other classes getting destroyed because they don’t have all these mechanics to defend themselves it’s really stupid.

In TPVP people who run warriors are godly with them to the point of they are almost complete tanks and can still take you from 24k hp down to 10k easily with 100 blades, yes it doesn’t kill you but it puts you in a bad spot, considering it only took them less than 2 seconds to do that, doesn’t sound like a tank to me but it is because 100b is still overpowered when you are tank specced. Tank spec warriors is a really hard thing to deal with in TPVP even if ur good. I am only complaining it does too much damage, I don’t think anything should one shot someone, and Arenanet does too, they nerfed thieves 5 times now?

Warriors will be nerfed. I don’t think it needs to be a huge nerf to 100 blades damage output, just make it so they cannot down you just by using one skill, no other class has that, why should they?

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Actually… Operatives are very weak.
here is me showing off my insane healing. Here is me getting 72% dmg reduction?
I rock all operatives, except “Agust” he is the only one I could never beat. stalemate everytime.

""Well of darkness, and 3 necromancer teleports + 2 fears can beat almost any warrior and I am at 88% games played as necromancer out of 700 ish games. I am not bad and have a 80% win ratio in free tpvp, saving up tickets for awhile.""


Merc Healers were good right up until they nerfed them.

Operative Healers were bad right up until they buffed them (which if I recall is the same time they nerfed the Mercs/Sorcs)

Even before the Nerf though as a Pyro Powertech (probably the equiv of a 100B Warrior in this game) I could absolutely explode a Merc Healer with him not being able to do pretty much anything about it.

Bout he only thing he could do is delay it for 12 seconds with Energy Shield up..But he was still dead soon as I decided he was dead.

Most DPS were like that in that game if they were properly played, You either guarded your healer and defended him….Or any DPS who knew what they were doing was going to squash them like Bugs.

However, at a certain point, not even that mattered, When running 4 Pyro Powertech groups you could pretty much 1 Round every class in the game, even though being Healed/Guarded by tanks (you’d also almost instantly kill the person guarding the target as well)

SWTOR had a very unbalanced Heal vs Damage Ratio.

I quit when I was rank 80 valor or something?

I never had another merc who ran any guild beat me when I was full heal specced.

I had issues with smugglers sometimes, sith marauders, and only a few spies were actually good enough to understand when not to use their big attacks because I had huge defence up. Like I said, I had 75% ish damage reduction on demand, I knew when to pop it and when to save it. Had all the rakata stuff for defence and healing. I know a skilled marauder/smuggler/spy/assassin can kill me in a fight, usually it didn’t take them longer than a minute or 2, depending on if they caught me off guard. But for other stuff for peopel who ran balanced builds they had no hope of killing me, as I used the amazing powershot combo + armor that gave 15% extra powershot crit chance. I was like 65% chance to crit with powershot, then I popped the healing super charged thing when you get 30 charges, the healing cylinder or something it was called, = 10 free powershots in a row.

Usually I would pop all my heal overtimes + shields, and do that, becoming invincible for about 10 seconds while bursting someone down with 20 powershots in a row(I used vent heat to be able to do that).

I practiced a lot on the veteran npcs so I nailed this down really well. I was unstoppable when i did this and it almost always won a fight popping this combo. I used alacrity gear so I shot faster also, so it was really a fun thing to play.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Soul.5947


This whole… argument of “noobs learning to play” is asinine. If this move was so easy to dodge and only kills noobs… why is it even in the game then? It doesn’t hit good players and it one shots bad players…

So what do you get… a lot of “noobs” being demolished and turned off from PvP and all you “pros” running a pointless spec when playing with “good” players who can always avoid this “easy” move.

after the interview i was asking myself the same thing… what is the purpose of the skill if it’s 2 easy to doge by good players and one shots noobs. Maybe lower it’s damage but make it not root you. I don’t rly understand how skills are invented but the amount of weird skills just baffles me. Ranger long bow auto attack has more damage the further the target is…. how is that even logical ? does the arrow accelerate in mid air or how on earth would something be more damaging after it travels a longer distance then just getting shot point blank.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


after the interview i was asking myself the same thing… what is the purpose of the skill if it’s 2 easy to doge by good players and one shots noobs. Maybe lower it’s damage but make it not root you. I don’t rly understand how skills are invented but the amount of weird skills just baffles me. Ranger long bow auto attack has more damage the further the target is…. how is that even logical ? does the arrow accelerate in mid air or how on earth would something be more damaging after it travels a longer distance then just getting shot point blank.

first of all it is a game. not RL so if they want long bow to do more dmg the further the target is..why not? i don’t see so many elementalists when i go to can it be possible?

2nd: long bow has the same mechanic of mesmer’s GS. what is the problem?

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Nimraphel.7819


Oh, it’s Jasher.

He’s making these threads every few weeks in an incessant crusade against 100b specifically.

When people then present sensible, coherent arguments against it, he resorts to ad hominem attacks, outrageous hyperbolic arguments and eventually scuttles off when he cannot argue against the refutation.

If this continues I’ll keep reposting the numerous refutations to this senseless crusade – while of course reporting Jasher for spam as it’s the same old thread being revived over and over ad nauseum.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Nimraphel.7819


Necro can give itself 10 stacks of might with blood is power. And I still don’t hit that high, invalid point.

I guess you didn’t read all of the post? 10 stacks of might is great and all but the point is that isn’t all warriors bring unlike the necro build you seem to be using. Warriors can build over 15. +12% damage from berserker rage, then add the vulnerability inflicted by the greatsword, and you are looking at around 400-500 extra power coming from might and about 15% extra total damage from traits and your debuff(not counting greatsword specialization trait).

And warriors only SEEM to hit super high since it occurs very quickly. They aren’t chunking 20k from people with a single weapon strike. What does your autoattack hit glasscannon fighters for? 2-4k each? So does the warrior, except he can do it faster through 100b. Which brings us to the real issue, imo. Frenzy.

I weapon swap to gain 3 stacks of might, have 60% crit damage, 53% chance to crit, 1900 power, + 10 stacks of might with blood is power + 25 vulnerabilities I cast on an enemy all within a few seconds. Still never hit higher than 7900 is. 25 vulnerability comes from well of suffering + spectral wall is instant 8 or 10 stacks each time you make them walk through it(lasts for 9 seconds).

They are chunking out 18k-30k damage from one attack(8 hits + last hit) called 100 blades buddy. Add frenzy to that(which they don’t even need) and = insta kill.

They can always use bolas and completely forget about frenzy and most classes don’t have a dodge that lets you dodge while immoblized. I don’t have an issue with this, necro has instant fear with deathshroud and you don’t have to be looking at your target. I have 3 teleports(2 away from enemies and 1 to them), a 3 second immobilize, an almost instant blind, and deathshroud can be used to soak up some damage. I don’t have an issue. But when I see other classes getting destroyed because they don’t have all these mechanics to defend themselves it’s really stupid.

In TPVP people who run warriors are godly with them to the point of they are almost complete tanks and can still take you from 24k hp down to 10k easily with 100 blades, yes it doesn’t kill you but it puts you in a bad spot, considering it only took them less than 2 seconds to do that, doesn’t sound like a tank to me but it is because 100b is still overpowered when you are tank specced. Tank spec warriors is a really hard thing to deal with in TPVP even if ur good. I am only complaining it does too much damage, I don’t think anything should one shot someone, and Arenanet does too, they nerfed thieves 5 times now?

Warriors will be nerfed. I don’t think it needs to be a huge nerf to 100 blades damage output, just make it so they cannot down you just by using one skill, no other class has that, why should they?

Pretty hilarious how not a single high-rated competitive team runs warriors in paids then, eh? All those teams scrimming 8+ hours/day must have really missed the memo, eh?

Damn, it’s funny how everyone hasn’t realized Warriors are the new Mesmer/necro/ele/guardian in the meta. Combined, of course. 100b is nothing less.


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in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196


That’s why LoL always balances for regular level play too, not just for top level play. They understand that certain high damage skills, while not a problem on pro level, destroy regular level fun. Maybe that’s one of the reasons they are the most popular mmo by far.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Nimraphel.7819


That’s why LoL always balances for regular level play too, not just for top level play. They understand that certain high damage skills, while not a problem on pro level, destroy regular level fun. Maybe that’s one of the reasons they are the most popular mmo by far.

LoL is an MMO? You’re kidding? It’s a MOBA.

I’d much rather petition Anet to lock one of the three utility slots and create a separate category for stunbreakers to go into this separate slot. That way baddies can’t skip stunbreakers completely and subsequently come and whine on the forums. All stunbreakers have equal- or lower cooldown than the full Frenzy+bullrush+100b combo, which is the only thing that is even remotely an issue to the überbaddies in 8v8 hotjoin zerg.

All said and done, it’s beyond tragic that there are still people refusing to utilize a minimum of common sense and skill, instead opting to whine incessantly on the official forums for a skill that is completely a non-issue for anyone with a triple-digit IQ.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Necro can give itself 10 stacks of might with blood is power. And I still don’t hit that high, invalid point.

I guess you didn’t read all of the post? 10 stacks of might is great and all but the point is that isn’t all warriors bring unlike the necro build you seem to be using. Warriors can build over 15. +12% damage from berserker rage, then add the vulnerability inflicted by the greatsword, and you are looking at around 400-500 extra power coming from might and about 15% extra total damage from traits and your debuff(not counting greatsword specialization trait).

And warriors only SEEM to hit super high since it occurs very quickly. They aren’t chunking 20k from people with a single weapon strike. What does your autoattack hit glasscannon fighters for? 2-4k each? So does the warrior, except he can do it faster through 100b. Which brings us to the real issue, imo. Frenzy.

I weapon swap to gain 3 stacks of might, have 60% crit damage, 53% chance to crit, 1900 power, + 10 stacks of might with blood is power + 25 vulnerabilities I cast on an enemy all within a few seconds. Still never hit higher than 7900 is. 25 vulnerability comes from well of suffering + spectral wall is instant 8 or 10 stacks each time you make them walk through it(lasts for 9 seconds).

They are chunking out 18k-30k damage from one attack(8 hits + last hit) called 100 blades buddy. Add frenzy to that(which they don’t even need) and = insta kill.

They can always use bolas and completely forget about frenzy and most classes don’t have a dodge that lets you dodge while immoblized. I don’t have an issue with this, necro has instant fear with deathshroud and you don’t have to be looking at your target. I have 3 teleports(2 away from enemies and 1 to them), a 3 second immobilize, an almost instant blind, and deathshroud can be used to soak up some damage. I don’t have an issue. But when I see other classes getting destroyed because they don’t have all these mechanics to defend themselves it’s really stupid.

In TPVP people who run warriors are godly with them to the point of they are almost complete tanks and can still take you from 24k hp down to 10k easily with 100 blades, yes it doesn’t kill you but it puts you in a bad spot, considering it only took them less than 2 seconds to do that, doesn’t sound like a tank to me but it is because 100b is still overpowered when you are tank specced. Tank spec warriors is a really hard thing to deal with in TPVP even if ur good. I am only complaining it does too much damage, I don’t think anything should one shot someone, and Arenanet does too, they nerfed thieves 5 times now?

Warriors will be nerfed. I don’t think it needs to be a huge nerf to 100 blades damage output, just make it so they cannot down you just by using one skill, no other class has that, why should they?

Pretty hilarious how not a single high-rated competitive team runs warriors in paids then, eh? All those teams scrimming 8+ hours/day must have really missed the memo, eh?

Damn, it’s funny how everyone hasn’t realized Warriors are the new Mesmer/necro/ele/guardian in the meta. Combined, of course. 100b is nothing less.


Tank HB warriors do really well. Dunno what you are talking about…

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in PvP

Posted by: Nimraphel.7819


Tank HB warriors do really well. Dunno what you are talking about…

Really well? None of the top teams are even considering using warriors. Onibawan, CN, you name ‘em – not using Warrior. Only team using warrior are/were SuperSquad, and they’re arguably Tier2 by now.

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Tank HB warriors do really well. Dunno what you are talking about…

Really well? None of the top teams are even considering using warriors. Onibawan, CN, you name ‘em – not using Warrior. Only team using warrior are/were SuperSquad, and they’re arguably Tier2 by now.

We are not talking about the top 1% of players. We are talking about the teams who use HB tank warriors and can still one shot you. which is more than naming a few teams. Quit being so arrogant and trying to balance the game around the top 1%-10% of the players. That’s how you lose the other 90%.