Getting sick of thiefs

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Cambra.7592


3 in almost every team, good ones nearly impossible to catch and kill and bad ones still put out 4-5k crits with heart seeker and dont even get me started on the skilled dual pistol build.

Class requires almost no effort

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Kurow.6973


3 in almost every team, good ones nearly impossible to catch and kill and bad ones still put out 4-5k crits with heart seeker and dont even get me started on the skilled dual pistol build.

Class requires almost no effort

I don’t think these forums allow for trolling. I’d steer clear if you are trying to troll.

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


I think I will bite. You said thieves are impossible to catch? Well why are chasing? You are talking about tPvP right? That thief could leading you into a trap. Basi venom and burst you.

Bad thieves don’t know how to escape after failing a burst, and of course there is your casual hot-join hero, heartseeker spamming thief. So I guess this was in hot-join?

P.S You can spam dodge rolls and avoid all 1-5 of p/p.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


If your gale is to hold points than why should you have to chase anyone?

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: TakaEagle.9486


This is my face. This is my palm.


S H U N P O [TS]
Sea Of Sorrows Commander

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Someone still ranting bout thieves? Even after quickness, revealed and caltrops nerf?

3 in almost every team

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Someone still ranting bout thieves? Even after quickness, revealed and caltrops nerf?

3 in almost every team

+1 for making me laugh and he has to be talking about hotjoin.

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


Someone still ranting bout thieves? Even after quickness, revealed and caltrops nerf?

3 in almost every team

^^Lol This.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I am sick of wars, 3 in every team. The good ones put their flags all over and start kicking for huge dps, and the bad ones use charge+frenzy for an unblockable 100% kill : O

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Lazarast.6571


He’s clearly talking of hot join, or you see teams with 3 thiefs in tournaments?

Point is that for casual players that hot join, they get kitten by other profesions and the backstab combo is like one shot. So, for new players must be discouraging.

I think meta is bad in this sence, no one shold be inmortal and no one could kill one shoting.


Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: buttski.6135


3 in almost every team, good ones nearly impossible to catch and kill and bad ones still put out 4-5k crits with heart seeker and dont even get me started on the skilled dual pistol build.

Class requires almost no effort

wait what? you’re complaining about p/p thieves?
r u srs?

A day without blood is a day without sunshine.

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

This thread is the reason why I hate hotjoin and its mentality.
Remove hotjoin and these threads etc. won’t pop anymore, because ppl have actually to play for tactics and not for zerging.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


Columba stop posting from your second account baddie.

Yeah don’t start on the dual skill pistol build.

Oh man I am crying in real life.


(edited by Authority.6145)

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Visionary.5681


Lets be fair to the OP. If you play hotjoin, thieves are a massive issue. 3 thieves jump on you and your dead. Its rubbish.

As soon as you join Tpvp, this issue disappears.

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Meanwhile in the thief forum, they complain P/P is their only non-viable weapon set.

Lol, if you can’t take down a P/P thief, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a p/p thief aint one.

RIP in peace Robert

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Hotjoins are different from tpvp because people tend to zerg more.

Doesn’t matter if the team is all ele’s or thieves, they will most likely zerg you.

Just another noob thief…

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Dat quickness nerf is really helping those newbies survive dem backstabs…

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Lukrath.6982


HA…. I have nothing else to say

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Raptured.9307


I am sick of wars, 3 in every team. The good ones put their flags all over and start kicking for huge dps, and the bad ones use charge+frenzy for an unblockable 100% kill : O

- Says the slave driver

Anyway OP this is a l2 kitten ue. If Spvp, yeah thieves and other glasses are good. Just do TPVP and l2p for real.

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

(edited by Raptured.9307)

Getting sick of thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


I am sick of wars, 3 in every team. The good ones put their flags all over and start kicking for huge dps, and the bad ones use charge+frenzy for an unblockable 100% kill : O

- Says the slave driver

Anyway OP this is a l2 kitten ue. If Spvp, yeah thieves and other glasses are good. Just do TPVP and l2p for real.

Right, in general I’ve found builds that worked great in tournaments felt fail-sauce in hotjoins because you can’t count on anything from your allies other than zerg zerg zerg. Conversely, most of the popular hotjoin hero builds get roflstomped in tournaments.
