Glory Gain Bug
How much are they giving, anyone know. Back when the Bday booster just came out you could get 20,000+ glory a match easily and I missed out on that. I remember some people farmed into the millions lol.
[oof] Crystal Desert
Ah damm and i wanted to test the new istance first
Tested this ‘bug’, won a match with a glory booster, got 290 glory.
How is that too much?
Please do not nerf the glory gain
Because there’s so much you can do with glory! Unless you want to get carpal tunnel crafting dyes.
Heavens Rage
When you win you get the match bonus of about 130 PLUS your personal score. That can add up to quite a bit.
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)
All that glory seems to be making some people taking winning seriously.
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)
This + 200 glory/rank from the TN win.
This is a lot in one match
Chars : Exa Flare | Exaflare | Aurora Wall | Aurora Sword | Azure Flame God
Feel free to ‘test’ it for the evening.
Hahaha. Grouch for president.
really bad engineer
Please leave it as it is.
You have something good here. Many Hotjoin players are actually getting less points now than before but all SoloQ & TeamQ players are getting more, which is how it should of been a long time ago.
Do not mess this up for us.
If he basically alowes us to exploit this it can only mean two things:
Good: Reward overhaul inc, noone cares about glory anymore as it is going to be replaced.
Bad: Noone cares about PvP so it does not matter how hardcore we exploit and bug ourselves thru the game…
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
Please do not change it, the glory/rank point income feels like it should be now.
Bug? seriously?
Guys. the FIRST TIME since this game is out, the glory gain is divided correctly:
- hot join gives the least
- soloqueue a little more
- team queue the most
This could actually balance the ranks so that the better players have better ranks… plz don’t fix this..
especially don’t hotfix this, while gloryfarm is out there for MONTHS.
It’s just unfair for all the players who really play.
The extra glory bug only happens in certain scenarios. As you can see in the screenshot above, the player picked up 650~ glory from a single tournament queue. That’s a bit high. The changes will ultimately make games feel more rewarding, but within reason.
Alrighty grouch, I guess we will have to “test” what scenarios this happens in
The actual glory is 427, but why is that too high for tournaments? What you fail to mention is that a single tournament like the one in the pic above takes significantly more time (and skill) to complete than just joining hot-join (unless you get in the common 4v5 situations). The queue itself can take the same amount of time that you could finish a hot-join game or even more. Due to these factors, tournaments SHOULD reward much higher. If I can get 250 glory for two ez-mode hot-join games in the time that I finish a tournament, then the difference in glory is actually higher with hot-joins in the end.
I’m starting to have regrets. I never farmed skyhammer thinking this would be punished.
Instead they get to buy r70-r80 armors, and convert x millions of glory into gold.
Chars : Exa Flare | Exaflare | Aurora Wall | Aurora Sword | Azure Flame God
ya wtf?
15 15 15 15 15 chars
Why is thread even still open? It’s about a bug that no longer exists.
Necro much? – Random sPVP/WvW