Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Tanathos.9230


Hi everyone,
I write just to say that since i’ve been playing free tournaments, today for the first time, I have probably encountered glory farmers: people who join the battle and stay at the entrance without moving or answering (this happened to my guild team for 2 times in a row). There’s no chance to report them, cause any of the options available are about this “new” issue.

I hope that nobody is cheating by submitting a second account in tournaments while playing on main account just to win vs 4 people. If this is what’s happening it would be a true shame for PvP, because a lot of people without a guild (or without 5 guildmates connected to play with) will abandon the idea to play tournaments in the future.

Please, if you have experienced something like i described above, report it in this topic, till the developers will help us by adding a report option or just by removing this serious issue from the game, giving us the chance to replace inactive players (with a “replace” option available only against who isn’t still moving after 30 seconds since the match has started , for example).

Thanks for your help and your attention.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: marco del chiostro.1453

marco del chiostro.1453

Is really bad, it happened to mè

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Ciutti.6720


It happened to me and I hope that after the experience of Guild Wars do something to deal with this scourge

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


Sorry, but your are saying someone has 2 accounts and goes into tournaments with both of them and then they matchup in the same tournament / same first round match?
You get my point? Even if they get in the same tournament which can be difficult in rush houres I suppose then he must also have the luck of being in the right team for the first round.

I dont see this as a problem. I play tournament daily and yes people leave / disconnect but that has nothing to do with what you stated here

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Eduardo.4675


Amazing!! Only now its reported by players! Let me tell you one thing, this has been happening since start, yes start… I havent played in tournys for almost 6 weeks now, and my biggest turn off its not the stomping by premades (as i joined as a pug) but simply being joined by people that just run around capping, ive had enough of seeing 2/3 people joining together at the close node at start, them they go and cap the farthest node,and avoid middle at all costs… they just run around capping for glory, then they dont defend point and leave, to cap another point… 75% of the time i join as pug and there is 2/3 guys of same guild, this happens. Result? im only rank 29, with at least 80% of my games being in tournys, if this ppl played normally, i would have well over my ~ 600/700 games played. I now only do www cause of this, not because being smashed by premades.

Adapt or die. I never die.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Syeria.4812


While I’ve had issues with leavers and AFKers, it’s definitely not the conspiracy you’re making it out to be. As RaZaC pointed out, even if a player could manage to get their “second account” into the same tournament, it’s only a 1 in 7 chance that they’d be matched up against that team.

Most likely these are just players who for some reason went AFK when the match started. Is it obnoxious? Ridiculously so. Is it a problem? Probably. Is it a conspiracy by other teams to win the round 5v4? Not a chance.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Raytek.6193


Glory farmers… in tournaments? What?

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


how could someone be a glory farmer when being afk? i obviously dont see the point :/

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Phira.3970


This problem has been present since GW1 and they didn’t do a very good job of weeding them out there. Doubt they’ll do much here either.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Tanathos.9230


I don’t want ever to think that this is a “conspiracy”, but it’s strange that people who press “Go Now” are immediately afk, don’t you think?

Anyways, there is no reason to waste the time of people who want to enjoy every aspect of the game, free tournaments included.

I can understand if someone wants to play but has to go afk for reasons that we can’t imagine. My request is about the chance to play a fair game 5 vs 5, taking in consideration even those who are alone, waiting for long time to join a game. If an option would be available to make this possible would be a great thing. That’s it.

P.S. Think at the auto-balancing mechanic in battlegrounds, if free tournaments would be “auto-balanced” just by picking up people who are waiting outside, instead of an AFKer, it would be sincerely better for game’s quality.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


If you do not queue up for a tournament with a 5-man premade, do not expect anything. That’s about as much wisdom as I can give you. Don’t feel so privileged to think that PUGs should perform exceptionally well and astonish you with their prowess every time.

Without a 5-man premade, anything goes.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelle.2807


It may be they just go afk because they don’t like the team setup they see once they’ve joined the match. Happened all the time in random arena in GW. Very annoying and not much they will do about it.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Volted.2451


lol, well.. glory farming in tournaments??!!! just rofl, you might be confusing simple AFK with something else.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Syeria.4812


It’s likely what Jelle is saying, they see an unfavorable matchup and go AFK to try make the loss faster.

If you want to go conspiracy theory on it:

[tinfoilhat]Maybe they’re really just the people on this forum who didn’t like the game and allegedly “quit and deleted it.” But they feel ripped off so they take out their vendetta against the game by trying to ruin the experience for other players.[/tinfoilhat]

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: interferenz.8739


Even more worse are servers with 5 players in each team – and they just are standing aroung a node and cap/recap them all the time.
A new player joins the server and is told: “Dont kill anybody, just cap / recap”

Yeah – thats really fun. Oo

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

They’re not glory farming, they’re genuinely AFK due to the 30 minute queue times.

That would be the most inefficient form of glory farming ever.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


A new player joins the server and is told: “Dont kill anybody, just cap / recap”

Ahah happened to me yesterday. Joined a scenario with 2 ppl in cos i was looking for some duels. Lol as i joined one of them told me to cap points without fighting. I killed them over and over till they quit.
Pvp should be about fun, not about glory rank. Ranks are a bad idea in the first place. Imo.

Glory farmers.... a "new" issue?

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


wait wait wait wait, are we talking about sPvP and not tPvp? Who cares… let them .. do whatever they want. it’s hotjoin go to another server if you don’t feel like killing their 0 skill arses.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?