I love the pvp of this game but there are some problems with it. The ways you get points get from sPvP are ridiculous.
I was once in a Legacy of the foefire, the enemy rushed to our lord (More than half of their team was there) then some of us went to defend the lord, and other went capping points. After they killed the lord we had all three points captured and we tried to keep them busy there while winning that game through points. We were outnumbered in our castle so we couldn’t really kill them that easily and in the end of that round which we won, me and my friends noticed that they were just farming us. We got about 50 glory from that match which we won and the enemy got over 200 glory from defeat.
Also there are alot more issues in glory gains. Like if you stay on a point defending it, someone comes and tries to get it, but you manage to def it but you can’t get him killed, you don’t get any glory from that.
Also these:
-if you’re capping areas and you leave from that area a second before it finishes, you don’t get any glory,
- If you steal the enemy svanir for example with a killing blow, you don’t get any glory from it because you didn’t deal enough damage to it even though you got those 25 points to your team.
-If you’re playing time at contested point and keeping the enemy from capping it until your team arrives. You don’t get any glory from that either if you don’t kill anybody.
-You’re not rewarded from staying defending your points but you are encouraged to leave it for the enemy to ninja cap it.
-Might be some more but can’t remember at the moment.
I wasn’t talking about tournaments in here. I was only talking about playing normally through the game browser. In tournament play the glory gain isn’t that important because you aim to win.
This game doesn’t reward you enough with glory. even though you might be a lot of help to your team, you’re not rewarded for that at all.
-When you are defending a point which is captured by your team, you should gain glory from standing on that point over time even though there aren’t any enemies attacking it.
-When you are fighting on a point which is contested, you get more glory, the longer you fight on that point.
Thank you for reading and lets hope that Arena.net tries to fix this glory gain system.
Btw. I’m not a native speaker so don’t judge me by my skills in writing English.