Glory must go !

Glory must go !

in PvP

Posted by: Mystylaise.4673


Hey guys,

In my opinion, you need to replace glory with something different, as new rewards are lined up for the end of the year. Glory was proved to be nothing but trouble during the last year. First with the birthday booster, and then with the notorious glory farming situation.

In the first case scenario, people could earn incredible amounts of glory. So much that let’s just say that someone could earn 30,000 glory per game while scoring no more than 300 points. That is 200,000 glory per hour! “Normal” players, on the other hand, are able to gain 2,500 glory, while spending the same time in sPvP. That is a huge difference, isn’kitten

In Skyhammer Glory Farmers are earning even more glory, by jumping into the void for 5 minutes… So instead of playing the game the way it’s meant to be played, they reside on exploits like this to earn more glory. All this, at the expense of those players that follow the rules.

Jonathan Sharp had mentioned once in Guru’s SotG that his team is working on a new system, yet to be introduced, that will allow players to convert their glory into gold. I’m all fine with such an option, but as long as people will keep earning more and more gold by playing the game the wrong way or having an advantage over the rest of the players due to various bugs that exist within the game, that does not please me at all.

And let’s assume that you can even buy legendaries, or any other stuff, with a certain amount of glory at some point in the future, if you play the game as intented you’ll have been left far behind when it comes to such personal goals, in comparison with others.

I believe that the revamped PvP rewards system should only allow players to convert glory to gold. Something in the lines of 1 glory for a copper. What I find important though is that this system should prohibit players from earning more than 100 gold out of a single exchange. This way, even if they have an initial amount of 1,000,000 glory for example, they will only gain 100 gold.

Last but not least, I still cannot understand why you don’t disable skyhammer in custom arenas. Even if you are not willing to take such an extreme measure you could at least stop distributing points for leaps of faith.

Best regards,


(edited by Mystylaise.4673)

Glory must go !

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


Remove glory. hotfix it OR glory<gold require 1 laurel per 10k glory converted. So the people with 10billion glory dont destroy the gem/gold system

Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

(edited by Krayiss.4926)

Glory must go !

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Go where?
It’s just a pvp currency. You could rename it “boogaloo” but it wouldn’t change anything.
Glory, Balthazar faction, boogaloo they need to fix their reward structure and they said they were going to do that. What else is there to discuss?

The great forum duppy.

Glory must go !

in PvP

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


then how are you supposed to get new gear/ materials. No1 is going to want to wait to do their dailies/monthlies or do tourneys for stuff. that takes too long. plus, the skyhammer farming is really for players who just want to rank up as fast as possible. It’s hardly any different than following big chain events in Pve for massive xp with buffs.
Plus, skyhammer farming obviously isn’t for serious dedicated tpvp’ers. It kills their win ratio on leaderboard, and yes, though leaderboard has its issues and has had some adjustments to it since its release, it still needs some improvement i think.
I like glory. I think it fits pvp well and on top of that, It just sounds kinda awesome.

Glory must go !

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

In the first case scenario, people could earn incredible amounts of glory. So much that let’s just say that someone could earn 30,000 glory per game while scoring no more than 300 points.

please explain.

Glory must go !

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


@deimos Tel Arin
It was cool everyone did it. billions of glory points lol people are going 2 be rich when they launch conversions

Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

Glory must go !

in PvP

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

lol @ 1 copper for 1 glory. So I make around 5 silver if I win a tourny game?

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Glory must go !

in PvP

Posted by: Jorn of Yesterday.1783

Jorn of Yesterday.1783

If you start awarding gold for tourney wins, do you think the majority of people are going to play balanced team comps? No, they will run as much OP kitten as possible, think what that would do to this “meta”.

*meta is in quotations because meta implies a balance within this game, which there is not

Glory must go !

in PvP

Posted by: boomslang.4357


1-5 silver per game I doubt it gonna create lame teams to farm Pvp games. You can earn gold faster on a lvl 1 in PvE!