Good Times, 5 Necros

Good Times, 5 Necros

in PvP

Posted by: Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Buffalo Bruiser.3567

This seams fair.


Good Times, 5 Necros

in PvP

Posted by: Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Results are amazing, as expected.


Good Times, 5 Necros

in PvP

Posted by: ZolV.4536


As guard you should take anty condi spells like: Conten.. of Purity, Smite Conditions, Renewed Fous to bave double Wings of Resolve
If your team will be anty condi you will win

Good Times, 5 Necros

in PvP

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


I always take condition removal. Always best to turn conditions into boons. Give’s you that chance to survive

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Good Times, 5 Necros

in PvP

Posted by: Shala.8352


pff dont even try to condi cleanse against a necro, is a waste of utility/trait slots and cast time.
And dont expect necro numbers to become lower at higher tier, the more you go up the more you find them. I had more screens, but there’s so much offensive words on those necro that i dont want to share. In particular i havent done a game yet without at least 4 necro.


Good Times, 5 Necros

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Frankly, how is it possible to lose against a comp like that. Take a lot of CC in your team, a shout ele, a thief, target one necro after another and snowball the map.

Hell, the main damage output from a necro comes from chill, and chill does not stack. So really, you lose a lot of dps by bringing two necros into a team fight.

One necro on a team is very strong, if his allies know how to peel for it. Two is harder to manage. Three is a guaranteed loss providing the other team know how to multiclass and plays seriously.

Good Times, 5 Necros

in PvP

Posted by: messiah.1908


when i solo q and see 3 enemies necro i had only wins
when i solo q and on my team had 3 necros i had only wins

atm ppl dont build around counter build. they look at the meta battle and play. but if i see 2 eles on enemy team and no necro is my team it can be hard .. so more i go up in tiers more ppl start to change accourdinly which is nice